Why Do People Like Primaris So Much?

Why are so many people excited about Primaris and buying up their models outside from the hoybbist perspective? I can understand the aesthetic attraction to Primaris, the new proportions look great and Intercessors/Hellblasters/Reivers are great models to work with. But their HQ's are monopose shite, and competively Primaris is just hot garbage at complete odds with the 8e meta of high model count armies. They're too expensive, too big, and too vulnerable. And they aren't durable enough for how much they cost. Repulsors come in such few numbers and are such a crucial piece of a Primaris army that they're always getting to get blown up in 1 turn and leave whatever they're carrying completely stranded. Reivers are just a joke as elite units with their complete lack of AP in melee when they're competing with Hamminators, Cataphractii, and Dreadnoughts. Intercessors only survive because they're such a low priority target that few players will go out of their way to kill them until they're finished ripping the important parts of your army. Inceptors and Aggressors will get popped easy despite their increased toughness while lacking any real punch to back up their cost. Sure they can put out a lot of dice, but ultimately they're just mulching infantry and not doing much to those tanks. Hellblasters are good but that's just about the only good thing Primaris only armies have going for them.

IMO Primaris suffer from the problems of fielding an all-aspect army. Aspect Warriors are expensive, some are complete shit, and the enemy can completely annihilate your army's effectiveness by just killing off some of the more important units and then be free to pick off the survivors as-willed. And unless you're fielding them for fluff, what's the point of bringing them save maybe some Primaris Lieutenants or Hellblasters?

The meta changes with every edition - hell, possibly with any new FAQ. It's only a matter of time before elite armies get back in vogue.

I went with the aesthetics and the 'marines, but hardier and shootier' angle. Disfavored by the meta as they are, I've had quite a bit of wins with them, even against a few meta armies.

As someone who doesnt play tabletop I'll give an outside perspective.

Manlet marines are fucking ugly. Mk III is still the best looking armour but the MK VI and VII shit is just disgusting.

Not to say all the new models I've seen look good but the basic Primaris that I've seen looks 100x times better imo.

>It's only a matter of time before elite armies get back in vogue.
Not with horde armies being as strong as they are.

If you think the meta can't swing you are in for a shock.

Bitches love them sum alpha chad dick, beta virgin marinelets can't compete.

Why do weirdos with hipster outlier tastes always question the vast majority instead of themselves or realizing it's their own crappy tastes that are the strange one.

Because compared to the standard marine models, they look fucking awesome.
They're the size and proportions that Space Marine models should have been in the first place.

Sure some of the lore is shit, and the tanks are mediocre, and bar the Dark Imperium box they're over-priced as hell.

But at least they look cool.

If they weren't afraid of liking things that are popular, they wouldn't be hipsters in the first place.

There are people excited about Primaris space marines. There are people excited for Sigmarines and AoS. Answer: Some people will buy anything.

Clearly they need to be more speciul and more snowflakey.

Primarch-Golden Men hybrid clones for Primaris monstrous creatures support when? Its only logical that they should have squads of Guillimans.

As someone never big into marines, ifthe marines looked like Primaris from the get go i'd be huge into them. The models look pretty fucking great.

Hell I'm just happy that GW didn't make the primaris the end all be all army for tabletop

The fact that they're not that outstanding in terms of gameplay shows that the focus was likely to just make truescale marines

Hellblasters and the redemptor look great in my opinion

Because I'm one of the sane ones? Why would you ever buy into a new army of incredibly expensive models that sucks ass? I've got a predator heavy army and I'm having my cake and eating it too when I face Primaris. 3 shrouded Predators with rerolls and healing have been slaughtering Primaris for me and it's just fucking sad to see people still buying into this garbage for anything other than fun painting projects.

I really just wanna run my Primaris Marines as truscaled normal marines, which in turn will let me use all the vehicles and shit. anyone actually do this or seen this at a FLGS? I've got another entire intercessor squad to build I could use those for special weapons units

You don't know what you're talking about. Primaris lists have placed better than normal marine lists at most GTs in 8th edition. Note that I am talking about marine armies, not csm and not imperial soup. The fact that you don't know how to use them doesn't make them bad.

Or I dunno, people can fail to see the appeal of something popular from time to time.
Saying that only hipsters or weirdos can dislike something popular is just as big of a strawman as saying that everything popular is bad.

There are people that disagree with my subjective personal taste. Clearly these people are objectively incorrect.

No, what places higher is flier and infantry gunline spam with reroll abuse.

Primaris are part of the Monkey's Paw of people asking to advance the storyline. Their stats and usability are clear proof of the Monkey's Paw being in effect far more than any lore garbage. And the Monkey's Paw probably has some more fingers to use.

You know how some people want any kind of proper Sisters of Battle update or support? You know how many people fear the ultimate shark jump of female Space Marines? Good news, Sisters update, and no female Space Marines. Primaris Sisters, that are functionally and aesthetically closer to Space Marines but with (very) loose connections to the SoB. No "actual" female Space Marines. Probably with some lore bullshit tying them to Celestine or something something Cawl found Malcador's super ultra secret porn stash. GW gets more Space Marines without having to call them Space Marines, and few are actually happy with the end result.

Yeah GW missed a real opportunity with Primaris Marines, they should've been female. Hopefully they rectify that soon.

Yeah so youre an idiot. Find me a list that placed 15th or above since the boots on the ground rule came out that's got flyer spam. I can wait.
Gunlines happen with shooting armies.
Reroll abuse or just using your rerolls? Fuck off. If you don't know how to use a bubble I don't know what to say.

>Or I dunno, people can fail to see the appeal of something popular from time to time.

Yeah but only a retarded autist would ask why it appeals to others. Saying "why do you like thing" is literal textbook autism so good job failing to realize that.

Because they look sweet as fuck agressors make my dick rock hard

>Cawl found Malcador's super ultra secret porn stash
I wonder why Malcador wanted to do nasty shit with girls

because they aren't manlets and no one wants to play chimpy looking marinlets

> the MK VI and VII shit is just disgusting.

Fuck you and your trash.

>They're the size and proportions that Space Marine models should have been in the first place.

Only redeeming value of the shitters