How would you run a dominions style game?

How would you run a dominions style game?

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Most of the game's mechanics technically translate to tabletop.

That said, it'd be best run by just picking a few nations you like and dropping the party on the border between them.

As Bogus and co

Bogus and Friends are actually based on the D&D party of the devs.


Dominions 5 soon, fellow Pretenders.

I'm actually involved in a Dominions 4 based roleplaying game at the moment.

We're basically just a bunch of nobodies running around in the area around Eldregate, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. What's going on is that the setting just transitioned from the Early Age to the Middle Age.

One of the players made a (sporadically updated) blog about the game, in case anyone is interested:

I've heard modern pretenders no longer desire big bless

Are you fuckers still going? Good shit.

Yeah. We had a semi-hiatus when player started dropping due to real-life stuff, but we picked up some new players and now we're back to a weekly schedule.




Do you think the frost giants will continue to be good?

Frost giants were never good.

They are ok if you blitzkreig.

And magic item hard

Is there a way to extract the sprites so I can drop them into roll20?

There's probably an archive somewhere, but I just copy them from the mod inspector.

Protip: if you drop the sprites straight into Roll20 they'll become all stretched and blurry because of Roll20's shitty sprite upscaling. For the best result, enlarge the sprites to make them bigger than you need them to be (because Roll20 is less shitty when downscaling) in Photoshop or GIMP or whatever and put them on a square transparent background to prevent stretching.


There was some hype for that game early on but I haven't heard much since, and what I have heard isn't good.

>The party takes a detour into Mictlan.
>Lush jungles give way to a blasted, frozen hellscape as they push further within.
>A single priest offers a heart up to his accursed god, grinning with blood-drenched teeth.
>As the party looks on in horror, men blessed with divine power stalk out from the woods, blades slick with gore.
>With a howl of rage, a dozen divine warriors hurl themselves into the fray.

I think someone over in /domg/ talked about actually playing a campaign.

>Dominions 5

Yeah Dom5 is looking hype as fuck
>designing your own bless FX
>Bless doesn't bless when you tendy is asleep
>but priests get spells based on your tendy's magic paths
It's going to be amazing. The changes to pretender design appear to open up the design space for pretenders further than just
>sleeping pretender with huge bless
>sleeping pretender with massive scales
>awake expander pretender

I know there was the occasional imprisoned pretender with some paths for a midgame battle buff machine, but really.

Don't forget the always underrated awake diversity pretender, especially on high magic site settings.

going by that pic, all the warriors are malnourished and will probably trip and fall on their own macuahuitls

Due to Mictlan's god being one helluva hungry one, the hellscapes don't spread without blood sacrifice.

Your own lands get trashed, but your warriors are absurdly powerful enough to beat the shit out of anything around you and take their not-shit land.

What would a faction with doomsday scales be like? Something like Sauron's Mordor?

I don't know about that. It could be argued he had some production scales, as well as magic. With death scales, just make all weather awful. Snow chokes everything, freezing small villages, or heatwaves cause settlements to die of thirst and mummify upon the cracked earth. Drain would simply mean the death of hope and whimsy. In Ulm, it manifests as belief in the self and steel, but elsewhere it would be more akin to a lack of imagination and belief in a better tomorrow.

Hey, rainbow was very popular in Dom3

I love the lore behind Ermor even though it's just a couple of sentences. Would love to see a campaign or novel about how it collapsed and turned into a necromantic empire

Pretty much like a standard fantasy setting.
Magic past a certain level requires rare and expensive gems.

You know, besides the fact that Jews, frost giants, and Cthulhu can fight?

Totally normal fantasy setting coming through.

> Jews, frost giants, and Cthulhu can fight?
How is that different from a normal kitchen sink setting?

It's a really interesting setting, with some cool lore, but nothing mechanically out of the ordinary.

>claws of Cocytus

how would you GM this?
retire the characters and give them 1 roll every session to see if they manage to escape?

Something like the old school Maze spell.

Tony Bath's How to Run a Wargames Campaign for setting up a campaign world combined with Chainmail for running the battles.
I'd just add-on special abilities along with units and make the assumption that the war was being fought with civilizations lead by Pretender gods.

I've never touched multiplayer because I know I"m shit, but goddamn I loved playing magic item spamming Ulm. Guys in full plate flying in magical devices and giant axes that can cut down castle gates.

Lost a lot in multiplayer but had lots of fun.
Domg is actually pretty good people. Right mix of roleplay, competitive, and just having fun.

Also sealed ermor in a can.

>raiding blood slave dungeons and freeing the virgins
>evading rampaging skeleton/vine skeleton/ghost/madman hordes
>assassinating evil provincial governors
>preaching away the cancerous dominion of an enemy god
>scouting out a throne for your pretender's glory
>becoming a pretender and joining the ascension war

There's options.

A shame that there won't be many more domg games until dom5 releases.

See though a hearty amount of players being players and chasing a single mouthy bandit for most the campaign happened.

Fuck you, Nyxmantis had to die. Nobody talks that way 'bout my momma.

>Posting an inferior Stone Head
>Not posting ANGRY STONE FACE, bane of Ulm

/domg/ is a very comfy general because Dominions is an obscure game that is difficult to get into and requires a solid schedule and time commitment.

Also some of the best memes I've seen in a vidya general, goddamn.

Oh boy, we're all here.

People interested but not involved can read a relatively brief account of it here: