What are dragons like in your setting?

What are dragons like in your setting?

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Ancient, long extinct terrors who nearly brought all humanoid races to the brink of extinction millenia ago.
Their return would be grounds for apocalypse, seeing as the powers used to destroy them have been sealed away for centuries, with the memory of how to use them all but erased from history.

Angels. Gods hate humanity and certain dragons for creating humanity. So other dragons will just harass human civilizations when directed to, instead of at random or for loot.

Also means some dragons are SUPER helpful to their progeny/creations, which is why humanity is around in the first place.

Overall, big angry or big nice lizards with wings and sparkly breath.

Depends on the system

Imagine if /pol/ had fire breath and the power of flight, and their containment board was in outer space. They are one of few things that even the self-proclaimed evil gods are on board with fighting.

>bringing up /pol/ with absoulutly no provocation
Get out shitposter

^do not feed

Basically they're a type of relatively normal animals, coming in all shapes and sizes. They all have six limbs, with varying combinations of legs and wings; many are poisonous or breathe fire. Some grow very large, but all known sapient varieties are horse-sized or smaller.
Spartoi are a kind of intelligent, man-shaped and roughly man-sized dragon with four arms that are common to the north and east. They are obligate carnivores and have yet to develop significant agricultural society, but some large tribes to the north have learned to forge bronze and herd goats. The males are larger and more colorful than the females, and devote much time to gaudily decorating themselves and engaging in sportive combat in order to attract wives.

The terror of nature made flesh. They are raging storms. They are drought and flood. They are the untamed fire and the quaking earth. They are famine. They are plague. They cannot be reasoned with. They do not bargain. They will scour the world of life and their Father will rise from his sleep to devour the sun and the Gods.

>Imagine if /pol/ had fire breath and the power of flight, and their containment board was in outer space.
Renegade cosmic paladins?

Lewd oppai lolis


fuck off to /trash/ with that image

>implying you wouldn't

Is it because it's not kawaii uguu~ enough like the anime fetish shit that gets posted in the rest of the threads here?

No you.

Ageless, extra-dimensional manipulators and shape-shifters. They rarely show themselves in in their true shape, it's more of a last resort "combat form" for when they're cornered, since it takes a lot of energy to maintain their dragon shape in our dimension and retreating into their home dimension isn't something they can do on-the-fly. They need to hibernate for an extended time after using their dragon shape, so they mostly go around disguised as humans or other 'normal' races.

They each have a unique and very specific desire/agenda. Some harmless and inconsequential, others terrifying and with massive implications for the rest of the world, but the one thing they all have in common is that they're absolutely relentless and uncompromising when it comes to pursuing that desire.

Please keep your fetish bullshit contained to /pfg/, SwimmingEagle.

I have a setting, but it's also a magical realm, and only I have heard of it.

Anyone interested?

They used to be grand and fearsome, but then they got too friendly with humanoids and got gradually seduced into less impressive roles with the promise of wealth and adulation. Now about half of them are scaly pop idols.

Just post it already, you attention whore.

You knew what kind of thread it was when you clicked on the picture.

Do tell.

Your pic has it about right OP

Pretty please, fine user

You better deliver son.
When we're promised storytime, we expect srorytime.

Tell me more.

Fertile, of course.

Go on.

Tell me more.

Yes about this too.

I don't want to be rude, and what "gets" me could as well be offensive. Also, I lack a single creative inch in my person.

But hell if I dislike some attention for myself. You have been warned.

Anyways, in my "setting" dragons have for "some" reason female form, and own kingdoms. They can also shapeshift to human form, for the most part. They vary in size from human scale, to "you can walk on their finger" scale, though the extremes are rare. They breath fire without exception, but some can also breath other stuff, like ice or purple corrosive poison gas. Besides that, they behave exactly as typical dragons do.

It all started in ancient time, when dragons were enemies of mankind, and humans had medieval castles and stuff. Typical medieval fantasy, but with dragons that look like oversized females with some add-ons. Dragons regularly raided human kingdoms for gold, nobles and food. Human kingdoms raided forests and mountains to deal with them.

So there was this dragoness, human in size, young, and which from now on I will call Jan, that decided to bother some young lumberjack/carpenter (lets go with "June") for fun. As stereotypical sacharine settings mandate, they become friends, and grow together playing and stuff. He also helps refurbish her "home" (read: Cave in a mountaintop)

Years later, Jan, while exploring a city at night, "accidentally" ends up "kidnapping" a princess, who was to be married with the prince of a nation for a political alliance and to avoid war. But since the prince was a mean person, she didn't want to and grab the first taxy out of dodge.

June gets a bit mad upon finding the new guest, the situation escalates a bit, and now an entire army is advancing towards the kingdom in general and the mountain in particular.

Still with me? Because this is the key part. Anyways, in normal conditions an army this size would be a death sentence for most small kingdoms, and certainly for a dragon so small.

waaaaahh waaaah

But as so happens, the combined and coordinated effort of a dragon, a small army and some common sense turns out to be devastating. The invading army is eliminated, the small nation obtains a somewhat loopsided peace treaty, and the princess is free of her unwanted compromise. More personal convincing from a human-sized bomber might have been involved.

And that's it, the end. I kid of course, for several decades the kingdom saw peace, and prosperity (turns out dragons instinctively know accounting just by looking at a pile of valuables). The seeds of an alliance between humans and dragons are planted in that ancient realm.

But time takes its toll, and like all humans do, June eventually grows old and dies. The princess also grow old, and Jan, falling into a quiet despair, goes to her cave to sleep, never to wake up.

>But user, you promised a setting not a half-baked story!

Shut your f*cking cr*phole you inbr- I mean, patience, I'm getting to it.

So stories spread around, and dragons, slow as they might be, eventually hear of the tale of that tiny Jan. Codicious to the core, superior by nature, they decide that dominating the humans they will get more riches and power over other dragons than just sitting in their caves.

One by one kingdoms fall to the dragon overladies (I warned you, magic realm), those kingdoms without dragons and those dragons without kingdom getting swept aside by the new order. The draconic rulers get amounts of gold they couldn't dream of possessing before, the humans get kingdoms protected by "nuclear" deterrence, and the ruling becomes more of a matter of having your bank be a pile under the sleeping ruler.

Things work out in such fashion for centuries, the dragons remembering the brilliance of the "progenitor", who recognized first the potential of ruling over man (nevermind that she neither ruled nor had any children, poor Jan). Some small client nations even get dragonlings and eggs, to be their future rulers and as token of gratitude. Some dragons demand worship, most demand castles tailored to them, and things don't change that much.

Enters the modern era. There are many dragon kingdoms, but 3 of them are the focus of my, err, ramblings I guess:

The southern kingdom, ruled by Anc (I told you, not a creative bone in me), the biggest, strongest and most traditional of dragons, capable of wiping out armies even before allying with man (that's how she got her kingdom, she choosed the biggest one and actually doesn't even live there). She's so dragony she can't even take a proper human form, wich is no small source of envy for her.

The mountainous kingdom, ruled by Alsk (I'm horrible with names sorry for that), an ice dragon living on a capital build as multiple terraces on a tall mountain. (think Machu Pichu combined with minas tirith, all along one side of a mountain chain). She is the most logical of the bunch, not a huge fan of clothes (read with me: Magical realm), her humanoid form is actually an elf (she doesn't know that), and prides herself of her elite guard.

The coastal kingdom, think skyrim town but bigger. It is "ruled" by Ann, a dragon who sleeps most of the time. In actuallity, she spends most of her time in human form, visiting bars and practicing smithing. Far more cunning that she lets on. Somehow ended up befriending a member of anti-dragon anarcho-communists, and a smith apprendice (hence the smithing hobby). Drinking was involved.

Anyway, the core idea of the setting is that gradually more and more dragons discover the true secret behind the success of Jan, gain human friends and all of that (first was Ann because of hijinks, then Alsk semi-independently [catalyst was she receiving a very nicely crafted sword by Ann], and later Anc first out of jealousy, then because of feelings). There are other pettier dragon kingdoms, a human steppe kingdom whose dragon "obeys" the ruling family, and wild dragons.

Lonely and horny

Initially many were horrifically violent and destructive forces who acted like they were Kings and Queens of whatever the fuck they saw, stealing, eating, and raping whatever they could. Naturally a lot of those assholes got wiped out by Adventurers helped out by God, so in the current time of the setting they're by and large rather chill or at the very least just want to be left alone. Most known dragons just hang out with adventurer buddies they've made and often end up making friendships with entire houses that last generations, so long as the progeny are equally adventurous as well, otherwise they just get bored and leave.

All dragons know each other somehow and are generally rather cordial and refuse to fight. As such families with a Dragon companion often interact and marry among each other as opposed to houses of their own kingdom, even though the cultural difference can be quite great. Thus these "dragon speakers" are considered oddballs with many weird customs by their neighbors. Families who lose their dragons due to an unadventurous lifestyle often find themselves outcast and in ruin, unadmired by other Dragon Speakers for their decadence and ostracized by regular nobility for being out of the cultural norm.

Shapeshifting physical embodiments of chaos who can control people and creatures and temporarily manipulate inanimate objects and elements with their words.

Can mate and breed with human males, what else would it mean?

Capable of bearing offpring, or producing life.

The opposite of sterile, or barren.

There are two groups, the sentient humanoid (no miscegenation, fuck off half-breed fags) dragons and naturally occurring traditional dragons. The natural ones are wild, though some eggs and young ones are occasionally protected by forest folk if their numbers fall. They have no allegiance, except for the elemental plane when it is in dire need,
The humanoid are quite insular and constantly work toward self-actualization of themselves and their kin, recording all of history, scouring every race for their magical, technological, and military knowledge. Cultural and religious traditions keep most of their accumulated knowledge from leaking to the lowlanders, but they do on occasion take slaves and teach them the simpler arts. Many act as mercenaries for the other races in their early years of political and physical establishment.

Top tier elementals that are as likely to take the form of giant flying lizards as any number of horrific forms representative of their particular flavor of magic.

What is wrong with liking cute things?

> That link

Gonna have to, uh, examine this more closely later...

"Can mate and breed with opposite-sexed dragons" would be another option.


Spirits of Greed, Pride, and Envy who created physical forms for themselves to have an easier time of surviving the chaos of the real world. The gods accepted this in exchange for them protecting the world, which they agreed to. It's theirs after all, and they are selfish to a fault.

They don't exactly procreate, they instil a part of their soul into an object they shape with magic to create a new dragon. All dragons are more or less unique, as they were generally shaped for a purpose by it's parent (and as it grows, itself). As soon as the dragon spawn doesn't want to obey it's parent any longer, there is a huge row, and if the spawn survives, it tends to move somewhere else, and set up it's own domain.

Dragons can of course have sex with other beings, but they can't procreate with them, being technically sterile. They CAN however impart their essence onto living beings, to make them draconic, to various degrees.

Since the dragons are technically constructs, they need to feed on magical energy, but even so they need to spend time in dormancy. The stronger they are, the more time they need to spend dormant.

Being at their hearts spirits of greed and whatnot, they can also withdraw energy from desired objects, such as money, art, sacred relics, magic items, or even special places. This helps them reduce the time they need to spend dormant, as well as strengthen the time they can be awake. To do this, the dragon imparts a minuscule fraction of their soul into the object (the more valuable and desired, the more can be imparted, and the more energy they get out of it), and it then empowers them. This also helps them notice if anything is missing, and track it down if so.

A dragon will never give away something from it's hoard, but it CAN be convinced to lend out objects in cases of extreme danger (protectors, after all), but woe betide whoever doesn't return the object in time.

There is no end for us Caim.

Primal beings, the greatest and eldest of serpents, which lie in slumber where mortals fear to tread. Newer generations have become smaller, bearing limbs and even wings, but retain more serpentine builds than what the tapestries show. Some have the minds of beasts, others have become more aware over the eons, their minds cold and alien but filled with bits of ancient wisdom no other can remember. Their poisons are so foul that the very air they breathe becomes a deadly mist, burning into flesh and bone with ease, while their bite or blood are even more potent, spelling instant death to any mortal exposed.

>in plate
>in water
must feel pretty good

They're dead. Well, almost.

Once upon a time, they were the dominant species civilized species on the planet, with elves coming up a relatively distant second. Then due to a series of wildly improbable interplanar events, four adventurers from an alternate prime material plane were sucked into their reality as horrific multi-dimensional hellgods, and started breaking the world. The dragons rallied the other races of the world and went to fight them, and managed to kill one of them. However, the backlash from killing such a creature hit the entire species, blowing up a continent, killing almost all of the dragons, and neatly bisecting the elven population. What few remained ended up giving their lives to seal the three other hellgods away. As of the modern day, there is one dragon left, a massively ancient Fang Dragon (Who's natural magic resistance and being on the other side of the planet when it happened is why he survived) who is ridiculously old and immense, living under the north pole in the frozen geodesic dome ruins of the dragon capital. He hires out Drow to keep him updated on the sleeping effects of the hellgods and enforce his agenda. He's a grouchy old bastard.

There are also the things people buy and large call dragons, but those are just magically irradiated lizards with hyperadaptative regeneration. Still, they get close to looking like proper dragons, sometimes.

I can't have dragons because I play Pathfinder, meaning my party is full of scalies like you.


Mostly dead; The few left are either in hiding or run a particular country. This is because the self-proclaimed 'dragon king' prefers to give power to his own kind, because they don't need to be replaced every few decades and don't get assassinated.

>leading with furshit
worst way to start a thread.

Dragons are large reptillian and thin reptillian creatures, averaging at 5 meters long and around a meter wide, the wingspan depends on the breed, ranging from a vestigial half a meter for the cavern dwelling dragon to the massive 10 meters of the Plains Dragons, most are herbivorous, eating whole trees daily for sustenance, however, some, like the cavern dwellers or the sea dragons have a tendency to be omnivorous, eating anything from large sharks to cave fungus, all dragons are able to project long reaching jets of fire trough igniting the flammable secretions out of two glands above the uvula.

Due to their solitary lifestyle dragons generally do not interact much with any living creature, preferring to just brood around their nests, be those atop a mountainous peak or deep underground, their unwillingness to communicate is generally a shame since the few who actually welcomed company and sought out to interact with other intelligent beings so as not to expell them, proved to be extremely intelligent, and capable of fully understanding speech, they are, however anatomycally incapable of replicating it. To compensate their communication deficiency, most of the sociable dragons learn how to write, and carry around ink repositories and paper so that they may wrote what they wish to say.

If a dragon manage to successfully integrate himself in society he might be able to attain positions of prestige and power, the cavern dweller named by the dwarves Nuramiur Ironblood, for example, became the chief advisor of high king Urist Stonecrown in the Valesian Depths, and the Sea Dragon named Maifal De Searai who inhabited the coastal city-state of Arviano became one of the most well respected and richest traders in the city and was elected grand mayor for 5 non consecutive terms.

-Urak ar-Srhuab, shaman of the tooth axe clan and professor of zoology in the University of natural and magical sciences of Sharn

Children of Mother Chaos Tiamat, who birthed the world and was usurped, slain, and broken. Enemies of Giants since ancient days for primacy of the world. Now scattered and petty they are relics of an older age. Their legacy is felt primarily in magic, as the most commonly practiced spells are translated from draconic arcane tablets.

This user again, that was a great read my dude, very romantic. Keep it up.

Thanks. I'm trying to write a sequel, but I have no idea when I'll get it finished. Too many other irons in the fire at the moment.

>Human form

Aaaaaand just like that, I'm out

Not the other user, but I agree with them and look forward to a sequel whenever you manage.

Ancient group of species older even than sharks. Used to live on Earth but fucked off a long time ago because of the threat of meteorites, settled on a planet outside our solar system. Live forever unless killed thanks to advanced medicine, smarter than humans on average, have the "four legs + wings" body type, grow to around 30ft to 50ft long depending on race, have interstellar travel and colonize suitable worlds. The second strongest military power in the galaxy, Dragons now have a pact with humans, and live on Earth again in small numbers, with a larger population on Mars.

Dragons never invented guns on their own, utilizing other technologies to wage war. They fucking love guns, though, quicly adopting them and helping humans to improve their designs. They thoroughly enjoy a lot of "primitive" human stuff, especially competitive sports/games/etc. and gambling.

One of the few intelligent races that actually likes humans, and allied with Earth to repel its invasion by the "snake-men".

Global rule 3: You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

kill yourself
no, because its sexualized anthroshit and that's against the rules

>same image and op reposted multiple times
>doing this shit on Veeky Forums when a perfectly good /trash/ exists
Wew lad that is some autism

Dragons mostly died in the war of the world breaker. Forced to pick sides for power, safety, or greed. Others were hunted down and captured or killed to use or deny their use to the enemy.

Now a few few hundred years after the shatter, all that is left of their race is vague memories, some bastard offspring that barely resemble their majesty, and the great Wyrmships. Powerful airships infused with the soul of the last dragons in the final days of the war. With limitless potential for modification, near endless power, the ability to repair itself, and of course the soul and mind of a dragon, they are weapons that can turn the tide of battle and history.

Two things. Drakes have two legs, two wings, a long and powerful tail that let's them maneuver extremely well in air, powerful jaws, is the size of a smaller pony, and can shoot blazing hot smoke out of their mouths. They hunt very rarely but do so by smoking out wildlife from woods. The food they eat and some trees gets turned into smoke in their bellies which they can store for a long time. They can cause fires with the heat of their smoke, but can also control forest fires with the smoke. These creatures border on sapience in a similar way to lower primates, but a little bit more.

A dragon is much like a god. There are three that have lived for all time, although there used to be more. They are much more intelligent than humans, and invented magic. They resemble Chinese dragons, 100 times the size of a drake. Solitary creatures, the dragons keep to themselves in three corners of the Earth. One lives atop the highest mountain, and enjoys the view all the world. One lies on the sands of the Long West, enjoying the heat. The last spends all his days exploring the ocean.

Very cool, dig it my man.

Flying autists and we're the potatoes in their medieval fantasy setting.

>Flying autists and we're the potatoes in their medieval fantasy setting.
We're doomed then.

They take a long time to mature, are Incredibly long lived and can't reproduce very often, This is why they use kobolds and draconic blooded sorcerers and half dragons are a thing. Its not uncommon for dragons to be the rulers of some states.

Depends on the dragon.

Sometimes they form a bond with another creature and become very close.

>that feel when you sleep near the campfire, but wake up to find the dragon has lain down around you and is hugging you against its chest

>come home from work, tired, its been a long day but the weekend is here
>close the door on the vehicle and feel a warm air on my neck
>turn around and am face to face with dragon
>it makes a happy growling noise and shoves its snout against my face, sneaking a lick in there
>it backs off and sita on its hind legs, waiting for me to rub its snout
>do so, go inside and go take a shower
>get out, smell something burning in the kitchen
>dragon has attempted cooking, but wound up making a mess and ruined a good skillet
>wind up ordering pizza, dragon roars at the deliveryman when he asks for a tip
>pizza is ok, i got two slices
>watching tv, feelimg exhausted, dragon moves behind the couch
>suddenly sharp claws pinching my shoulders
>dragon cuts me accidentally, just wanted to give me a massage
>lay down in bed, dragon is downstairs in livingroom
>wake up about midnight, feel something heacy on me
>dragon quietly creeps onto the bed, trying to not wake me
>pretend to be asleep, let it curl up around me
>roll over and press my face against its snout, it looks surprised
>cuddle and gently rub its snout and tail for a while, we fall asleep together
Goodnight, Dragon.

technically all BTFO'd, mankind made artificial dragons called manaketes by using the remains of dragons, and forcibly shoving them into humans, giving them the ability to transform into a dragon, but also just fucking up their sanity by A LOT

Is /pol/ Voldemort all of a sudden? Has it become the board that must not be named?

I think you are an idiot who doesn't how invoking /pol/ works, and are just aggresively parroting things you've read in other threads, in order to try to fit in.

>Is /pol/ Voldemort
Just saying.

Unusually social (for dragons at least) slavers and empire builders.

Generally pricks, but in the same way that powerful humans are generally pricks

Mythic ancestors for a civilization of not!Romaboo lizardmen.

Their cultural stereotype is extreme arrogance and dogged loyalty to the Empire; the poetic name they have for themselves is "The First," since they claim to both be the oldest race, and the first non-human civilization to get incorporated into not!Rome as citizens.

tl;dr Big buff lizards in togas who think they're better than all the dirty barbarians.

man that is incredibly Anime sounding, in a good way though

Violent isolationist ancaps

They're giant flying lizards that breathe fire.

Who's the bigger autist? The guy who reposts, or the guy who goes out of his way to investigate for reposts?

I did warn you, several times.

What, do you think magical realm refers to the effects of vilya over rivendel?

Investigating a repost is just a case of searching a filename.
It's not rocket surgery, m8

This illustration is great. I wouldn't mind stealing this for a setting someday.

The guy who reposts in every conceivable way. Exactly what is autistic about pressing a search button after you think that you've seen a particularly shitty post like OP a few times?

They are the first children of the earth, primal manifestations of the elemental forces they represent. Some date back to the dawn of the world. Proud, powerful, and ancient beyond compare. They care as little for us as we might care for an animal. IF it is useful we might keep it around, should it be a nuisance than it is to be exterminated.

It's a name people across cultures give to different big and scary animals, like large snakes, reptiles, birds, and dinosaur-likes. Some deserve the name, others do not.

In their natural state they're typical of what you would think of a dragon and range from 15-40 meters tall. Their size, strength, and power made them the prime big game for humanoid races. However, they have the ability to shapeshift so most of them have taken humanoid forms and even integrated into society. Their shapeshifting is flawless, so in many cases you wouldn't be able to tell if they were a dragon without checking with magic, but some choose to leave features such as scales, horns, and even wings to distinguish themselves now that hunting them is nowhere near as popular as it was thousands of years ago.
They maintain about two-thirds of their power in a humanoid state, but enjoy not needing to eat as much. They usually come across as aloof probably because of their immortality.
They also have to watch out for idiot adventurers who want to try to slay them for "acclaim" or the random genocidal maniac who's buddy got eaten by one of the few still roaming about in the wild.
As a final note: If you did want to kill a dragon for fame or fortune you better find a wild one (Who can be kind of dicks) because the dumbest thing you could do is kill the humanoid dragon who is also the town baker. People would just call you a murderer because that's what you'd be.

Well not like that, that's for sure.

Highly varied, based on element/s, environment, or concept.

>Air drakes are thin with fluffy, cloudy manes and prefer pacifism wherein they can raise their animals.
>Earth drakes are stocky with stony spikes and claws, and they enjoy, and highly value, hard work, and are basically dragon-y, anteater-like dwarves.
>Dust drakes(dual element drakes of earth and air) are thin, almost sickly, with a rattly, croaky voice and fluted spikes, through which they create sandstorms, and they do, typically non-lethal, smash-and-grab raids to get hold of resources.

Just as examples.

Oh, right, forgot to add:
>Desert drakes(environmentally-based drakes of the dust and sand) are shark-like wyverns with stony, plate-like scales that swim through sand, acting as a solo apex predator

You're invoking pol solely to fit in

merchants, scam artists, con men, and grumpy ancient racist philosophers

The suffering is real.

They sure as fuck don't have front legs.
>Waah Waah that's a Wyvern

Well then it's a fucking Wyvern, fine. Dragons that have wings instead of front legs are objectively better looking and make more sense.

Same shit goes for Griffins/Griffons/Gryphons, compare Witcher 3 Griffins with the retarded looking traditional things.

Front legs have no place on winged creatures.

Dragons used to be prideful and fearsome creatures that brought terror into the world, often making fun of inferior races like humans or elves, they were thought to be invincible.

After a huge catastrophe turned the world into a radioactive wasteland dragons went almost extinct, the very few remaining dragons turned into mutant horrors, these cannot fly and their only way of movement is by crawling their severely deformed bodies around, they can't breathe fire anymore, instead, they spit a very corrosive acid, due to their pride they still try to survive and reproduce, however their children (barely recognizable as dragons) are born dead, they become zombies shortly after.

Sounds more like a pet than a waifu


By the Nine Divines! Can we not have a thread were we don't bring said board to the discussion?

Great tastes user

Complete sluts, unfortunately for them they are extremely unattractive to everything, even each other. They are starved for affection and horde gold in desperate attempts to fill the emptiness in there hearts