The Imperium of Man (along with every other faction that uses humans) discovers how to make Tank Men.
What happens?
Uber 40K
Assuming it isn't deemed heretical, 1/5000 humans is an absolute shit ton - in fact, it's probably more than the numbers of the entire Imperial Guard, and a month is a piddling amount of time to create these soldiers. If only the Administratum (or, let's get real, the Mechanicus) controls the transformation process, the Imperium would get a massive power boost.
The Tau would probably still discover some retarded way to be even better at it, as usual.
Why save a picture for ants, you humongous faggot?
>Tank Men
>Literally just mass producing Space Marine Librarians
>Letting they amputate your arm in order to fool the allies
That's dedication
How would the Space Marines feel about them? Lets say Tank Men cant become Spess Marines and vice versa
A Battleship is probably more powerful on the material plane.
Think is, none of them would have special defense against the Warp.
>none of them would have special defense against the Warp.
Paging Carnac, come in Mr. Carnac! It's another "lolchaoswins" thread!
The Imperium either covers it up and doesn't use them or it collapses because it has no way of handling the sudden social change that such a discovery would entail.
What sudden social change? It would be like they learned how to make more powerful space marines, not much of a change there. But Inquisition/Mechanicus keeping the knowledge to themselves is still more likely result.
If they keep making them, they'll make sure to brainwash them thoroughly before deployment, similar to Astartes, and watch them even more carefully.
Now, "every other faction that uses humans" would be a problem, Chaos would be all over that shit. Tau propably wouldn't, it would make Gue'va too powerful to keep under control.
Space Marines have hypno-conditioning and Inquisitors get to where they're at by having an iron will. Ubers would be your run of the mill IG with powers. Same emotions and what not, but it seems they dont feel pain the same way non-enhanced to. Might be good or bad when tempeted by Salannesh?
How is it a discovery any different than 'some can become space marines'?
the Imperium suppresses the information
Chaos jumps all over it
then the ultra grey marines find some way to restore balance,
because if I've learnt anything about 40K, the plot can not progress. ever.
>What sudden social change?
Hive Worlds get better food?
We get a retcon saying those were the Men of Iron all along.
I haven't kept up with the series since 2014 when the writers took a break. Has anything interesting happened since then?
American frontline
They're corrupted by Chaos and the practice is discontinued in favour of the more reliable and stable Astartes and Primaris.
is it still shit?
First issue they turn the white house into a swastika.
Well, wouldnt you too if a Nazi with alchemy eyes?
Is it worth reading? I loved Uber so far so I'm wondering if Invasion is worth it
Best Girl is still around... might get backstabbed soon :-/
>It would be like they learned how to make more powerful space marines, not much of a change there
I don't know the setting you're talking about, but I would wager space marines are stronger, at least in terms of raw physical ability. What would really stir shit up is the amount of people that can become tankmen. 1 in 5000 is fucking huge compared to how many children can become astartes. There'd quickly be billions of tank-men, within a thousand years, trillions, if it's inheritable. Children who can survive the process of becoming an astartes are rare, but even as rare as they are they tip the scales of power tremendously. Psykers are also incredibly rare, but they, too, tip the scales of power heavily, and many facets of imperial society are just there to make sure no psykers start fucking shit up. 1 in every 5000 men? One or two tankmen for every backwater village? That's an infinite supply of supersoldiers. Everyone, from techpriest, planetary governor, ecclesiarch priests, would strive to get his hands on that information. The imperium would fracture into a dozen warring states, their tankmen giving just the right amount of power to every planet where they think they'd stand a chance against the entire imperium and unending xenos tide, and just too little power to save themselves from the endless xenos who hate their guts.
>I would wager space marines are stronger, at least in terms of raw physical ability.
Eh, an immature Tank Man can lift a Jeep (2000-2500lbs) overhead like its nothing and a mature one can bend a tanks' cannon like its rubber. They are also tough enough you need an anti-tank weapon to kill one (or a bullet to the eye when they use Halo). Heavy Tank Men are even stronger/tougher and it goes up from there with Destroyer, Cruiser, Battleship class.
So, with the advanced weapons of 40k, basic Tank Men might not be that much of a game changer.
>Take Ogryn
>Give them Librarian level psychic ability there any rule that says Ogryn cant be psykers?
I actually have no idea.
I would imagine psyker capable ogryns are murdered whenever possible, because it takes intelligence and willpower to make the Warp do its bidding without the Warp instead meming on you and Ogryns have at best one of those two qualities.
So the only time you'd ever see them is tribal shamans that are probably serving kayoss powers to greater or lesser degrees.
The writing of 40k becomes even shittier, as the tankmen are used in a fashion that the exposition and their very mechanics themselves explicitly state they can't be used in to win engagements they shouldn't be able to win and otherwise are abused for the IoM's benefit.
Not that this doesn't already happen, mind, but it's one more pipe full of shit dumping into the massive common pot of 40k material that's getting contributions from everything from more shit pipes to soda and wine
On the battlefield, the imperials (and tau, and probably kayoss if they don't ignore it on principle) get a warp-free psyker lite hero unit or elite troop that can perform terrain deformation and lightning based attacks and range from "space marine tough and strong" to "Man shaped Monstrous Creature that is capable of throwing carnifaxes and armored vehicles off the game board."
I have no idea what kind of point costs are going to be involved.
Spess mehroons are probably going to hate them for eating their lunch.
Ogryn dont have smarts or imagination and are set in their ways, useless to Tzeentch; can go into a rage i think, but when it wears off they go back into Lennie Small mode (besides, Khorne doesnt do psykers); they are naturally robust, doesnt give Nurgle a food hold; and i dont think they care about pleasure/sex beyond a caveman bare necessities level, sorry Slaanesh
They are just larger pink Orks when you get down to it
>The people that are easy to manipulate are useless to the rusemaster whose entire hat is "CUNNING TRAP!"
>Nurgle rot that fucks up space marines somehow isn't going to have an effect on what is essentially a Dire Human
>Cavemen somehow aren't even more preoccupied with sex than the average modern person is
Buddy, Ogryns are great, but don't oversell them.
They're still essentially just even more ridiculously overbuilt Neanderthals.
That doesn't confer immunity to the chaos powers.
>Your batman gambit isnt much use when the target is too stupid to follow the lure into your cunning trap / theres no sport in tricking them so why bother?
>If everyone is filthy dirty why hasnt Nurgle already won?
>Dont hear much about those with Downs sexing it up
I'm not saying they're immune, but they're less interesting than normal humans to the ruinous powers
>>If everyone is filthy dirty why hasnt Nurgle already won?
Isn't that the whole point of Nurgle? From his point of view he really did won a long time ago. He doesn't need to do anything really to win, he is just a lazy fatass.
>I'm not saying they're immune, but they're less interesting than normal humans to the ruinous powers
From a worship/soul perspective perhaps but they are still dumb muscle which Chaos fucking loves to have around. Chaos cults like having Ogryn around just as much as the Imperial Guard does. After all a giant wall of muscle who can drag around tanks and take gunfire to their unarmoured skulls are pretty useful.
Wait is this still going? I thought it was some old long finished thing.
It's supposed to go for 60 issues, and at the current pace it will finish some time around 2021 or 2022.
If memory serves, the author said it would be in 3 parts. We're in the second one now