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What? My lord.
1d4chan was a mistake
I shall crush you beneath my inquisitorial boot.
I just finished the first Dawn of War, gimme a break.
Also, I greatly regret postponing my playthrough of the Dawn of War series until now. It's oh so fucking good.
I mean, that Ultramarines movie is awful. They should've just copy and pasted this story for the movie.
Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time....a long time.
I still haven't played the original DoW or WA despite putting like 40 hours each into DC and SS.
He's right behind you, sir.
1d4chan only happened because we ended up making so many memes on this board that it became necesary to catalog them all.
I still don't think DoW3 was a bad game,
it's just a bad DoW game
WA is meh. It's got Gorgutz, which is good, but that's all that's really good about it.
The original campaign, however, is fantastic. It's also a significant change of pace because WA overhauled the tier system, so not everything will behave the way you expect. Fully upgraded listening posts, for example, will absolutely massacre infantry, but all the production buildings are hella expensive.
And you can replace all your tactical marine with terminators if you turtle and tech up.
>turtling in DoW
Man it really is different from the other games I guess. The only game I've played in the series where turtling works is the stronghold missions in Dark Crusade.
I do like how 3 turned Diomedes into a perpetually-angry Chaplain
Given what happened to him in 2 and Retribution, wouldn't you be angry?
>Alpha Legion lord
>acts like he's straight out of World Eaters
What did they mean by this?
You were the load your mother should have swallowed.
World Eaters are cool.
Scott Mcneil talking to himself
Is he the greatest voice actor in the history of mankind?
I didn't expect him to go full Angry Marine on the Inquisitor.
At least now he has a helmet that lets everyone know how angry he is.
Inquisitor Mordechai Toth.
The only nigger in the galaxy.
Jonas Orion is black too, and as of DoW3 is now a Librarian.
Chief Librarian*
Its pretty obvious Bhaal was just some retard Sindri got put in charge so he could be the power behind the throne.
Also the whole becoming a demon thing was a ruse to get Skull Splitter in the hands of Gabriel so he could stop Kyras
Jesus, am I back in 2008?
This. In fact all the orks related parts and where pretty good.
If only.
we need Happy niggomedes
Tara go back to /co/
It's an odd duck for me. I enjoyed the campaign just fine, though I wish the final level wasn't just the 3 heroes vs the Bloodthirster. I actually love all the new voices, especially Gorgutz, but none of them feel right because it's not the voice we know and love (it is the first time though that the humans and orks are actually all voiced by Brits like they should be in this setting). All my complaints are with the multiplayer, which is incrementally being fixed.
I just want the necrons already, since the campaign's ending all but screamed NECRONS AND POSSIBLY CHAOS ARE NEXT.
>BROTHER! Have you come to kill Eldar with me?
>I came here to give you your last rites, Apollo. But it seems you don't need them.
"OOOOOOOOY! SPOICE MAHRAIN!" - The best part of Relic's Space Marine
Speaking of which, has anyone ever made a good looking model for this git?
Yeah, we all saw your ragethread.
I gotta say, it was really disappointing to not Hear Diomedes Screaming Like a Madman While ironically calling other people lunatics. I mean, that voice fits perfectly with that of a Chaplain.
mmmmmmmmmh, watchuuu sayyyy
Lol Veeky Forums has no memes
I'm starting to think at this point that Relic just doesn't like the IG.
>Gorgutz smashed General Sturnn into the ground
>Lukas Alexander dies in DC
>Vance Stubbs either died in SS or ran away
>Inquisitor Holt left IG to die again and again
Yeah I guess
Same thing your parents say about when they look at you.
The IG are the punching bags of the Imperium. They exist to lose. I don't know why 1d4chan decided they were the winners of that scenario, Stubbs is pathetic and gaussing his forces was a pleasure.
I gotta admit I am super fucking hype for Newcrons in a DoW game. Nobody has more potential for hammy writing than the Newcrons.
*I move away from the mic to kill heretics*
>Gorgutz smashed General Sturnn into the ground
Either he survived, but failed to capture the Titan complete or got killed by Taldeer, depending on who you ask.
>Lukas Alexander dies in DC
Why Davian Cool, why?
>Vance Stubbs either died in SS or ran away
>Inquisitor Holt left IG to die again and again
He left them alone after Titus let himself be arrested.
Of all the clusterfuck that was Soulstorm, Stubbs had the most coherent and symphatetic motives of all: Return the System to the Imperium while redeeming the local IG in the process.
And since nobody who was the canon winner (only that the Blood Ravens lost), most fans declared he won Soulstorm.
There is time to be lost!
>he's nice so he should win!
I guess 1d4chan types don't really know much about 40k, huh?
>Why Davian Cool, why?
In fairness unlike SS, in DC the AI can conquer each other's fortresses so it's entirely possible that a different faction (I would guess Eliphas) destroyed the guard and that the SM just won the overall war.
DoW2 unambiguously refers to Blood Ravens' conquest of the Victory Bay and their battle against the Guard.
Well to be fair Diomedes thought the Inquisitor had killed not only their chapter master, which mind you would be enough to massively piss off an Astartes, but also one of the heroes who had redeemed the chapter. No wonder he was mad.
Aye, but i hate how he went from wise old man to full muscular blackface in terms of appereance. Shit, he even looks younger in 3 than he did in chaos rising and retribution for some reason.
Oh, well nevermind then
I was genuinely sad after I killed him for good
I wasn't finished with him :'(
Because in all other faction endings besides Guard and magpies, EVERY SINGLE Blood Raven dies, which would make DoW2 impossible
People honestly thought that even in a two-horse race of the Magpies vs the Guard the Guard had any chance of coming out ahead? Geez.
He did that in the megaman cartoon too. Was pretty great.
well karuava is a forge planet, if i were to guess, gorgutz simply took advantage of it
also could someone please post the pic of those 50 players still playing DoW3 atm?
Goodbye, Old Friend...
Chant is unironically one of my favorite video game soundtracks ever.
I miss the fun we used to have with the Bloody Magpies.
>"Fear not the psyker."
>"Knowledge is power... hide it well."
Could they have been any less subtle?
>fear not the psyker
Man if a playerbase ever comes back with more races added (which is entirely possible), those 50 guys will be unstoppable with how much experience they've gained.
Good thing DoW3 isn't canon for me !
The ultramarines movie may be the absolute worst piece of 40k media ever made, but it still has one of my all time favortie 40k quotes
(said towards a daemon prince)
Everything has a purpose. The Emperor ordains it so. You may corrupt the souls of men. But I am steel! [thunderhammer thwack] I am doom! [thunderhammer thwack] I march for Macragge, and I know no fear [thunderhammer thwack]
The salt and tears of HFY faggots is delicious. Thank you based Relic for putting Stubbs the cuck on blast.
>The IG are the punching bags of the Imperium.
That's a strange way to spell "Sisters of Battle"
The only blackman in all of Warhammer (hopefully).
braun pls
nu-Veeky Forums maybe
How come these guys never because a meme
>WAitIng heRe iS bUt a phaaaAAAAaaase oF OuR ExiSTenCE
Because they speak audibly like that spongebob meme?
Because Eldar are just a fucking awful faction with no appeal, not even ironic memes.
>faAACE yoUR DeStruction FoOls!
You can't tell me this shit is coming from a 1,200 year old warrior and expect me to believe that or fear it. If they were 1,200 years old, they wouldn't speak like nerdy 12 year olds playing call of duty every time they tried to sound intimidating. Their entire society is based around mocking aliens for being too
"dumb" to understand the true meaning and beauty behind their deviantart sonic OCs. There's nothing interesting about the eldar except the actual historical societies and people who inspired the eldar.
They weren't awful, they were the faction you chose when you wanted to be a prick for the next 20+ minutes using the most cheese filled tactics available to an entire faction that ALSO invalidated an entire other faction (Necrons) with ease.
You know, kind of like the table-top game.
Eliphas was way more competent than you bale.
Wasn't it bears a great pain?
They were just a pain in the ass for anyone that didn't have stealth reveal. At least there was an exploit in the game where you'd hear the sounds of the Webways turning buildings invisible even when they were hidden by the fog of war, thus you could scroll across the map and use the Basilisks/Whirlwinds/Exorcists to shoot everything to bits.
I can definitely see why everybody hates psykers so much now, they constantly sound like they're one turned back away from plunging the entire world into the warp for shits and giggles
Those are sanctioned psykers. Exposure to the Emperor often drives them insane.