Wizard art thread

wizard art thread





Post more Weird weizards








Barely weird.

Its just your wise master here to give you the quest.





this is currently my desktop



Superb taste, user.
Ultra fancy and elaborate wizards are the illest.






"Hey bros, I'm here to cast some spells"

why do wizards generally look elderly if they are ageless? It seems there are so many 1000 year old men that look like 70 year old men.

Real wizards look young, if you have magic why would you allow yourself to look old?





magic takes a toll on the body


Maybe after a while you just get lazy keeping up the illusion and are all "fuck it"





Is this who i think it is?

Pic is a polish wizard!


Anyone got some high fantasy, southern gentlemen inspired wizardly folk? Sort of like plantation owner meets Merlin.

weird wizards you say?




>no hat
Cover yourself, man!


Maybe for the classic wizard aesthetic?
None if them seem to actually get physically frail like regular old people. Or maybe maintaining certain body ages take exponentially more power the younger you get. (Hence why all the master mages show off their power by maintaining the form of a preteen.

A witch is kind of a wizard, right?




That's no wizard, that's Gurney Halleck.


Well, as much as you can be considered a wizard without a proper beard....


Wizards: no sense of right and wrong





and i think i'm out of wizard stuff

got plenty of witch stuff but idk i feel like this thread is more for pointy hats n beards than pointy hats n warts.

Dumping Slav wizards.










Is that an N.C. Wyeth?



Mine is bigger.


I personally prefer the "wizened sage" aesthetic, his back hunched by the weight of the years and knowledge he bears.





anyone have eastern/middle eastern looking wizards and witches? Especially Egyptian/Babylonian?

In The Witcher setting, the author justify this choice has a "commercial argument".
A men must look experienced and that's why they use illusions to look like old men even if they are young mage.
And a women must be ... well, attractive.


Egyptian lich I guess ...

Otherwise, I have more One Thousand and One Nights wizards.

Wrong pic

So I have a challenge mode for this thread:
1) Wizard must be non-white
2) Magic does not glow

nb4 sjw bitching. fuck you I just want wizard art for when people visit fantasy !Africa or !India or !China or !Aztec

If you're a powerful enough wizard, you stop caring what you look like. You've got more important things to worry about than expending excess magical energy making yourself look young

best i have

(as i said earlier, a witch is kind of a wizard after a fashion)

I feel like this depends on the themes of the story. Wizards are traditionally supposed to be wise and old. In a setting where magic is used liberally, an enchantress who uses magic to look forever young is a statement on vanity. If there is a high magic city full of wizardlords who are immortal and forever young, it can be used to show how fickle and vain that society is.

SJWs are a meme, user. Only lonely virgins think they exist beyond Tumblr or the occasional fat lonely college kid to contrast with the occasional fat lonely wannabe alpha alt-righter.

Anyways, I'll dump for you what I can.




Anybody got an image of a goblin wizard with a staff?

