What will a setting of pure wish fulfillment be like?

What will a setting of pure wish fulfillment be like?
Like the Ivalice of FF Tactics Advance, a world that satisfies the deepest desires of all the visitors (Excepting Marche)

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Everyone is young, hot, rich, and smart and has freaky sex all the time.

FFTA looked incredibly good for a GBA game.

>What will a setting of pure wish fulfillment be like? [...] a world that satisfies the deepest desires of all the visitors
An apocalyptic dystopia of hedonism and delusion. You're welcome.

It was what Marche wanted as well, but that's what triggered his "too good to be true instinct" and enabled him to piece together the sinister true nature of the world. It must have taken an enormous amount of maturity and wisdom to see past the illusionary nature of the world, and his decision to leave it was cemented by the fact that it was corrupting and slowly killing his brother and friends. That's not to say he didn't love the good aspects of the world, but when weighed against his responsibilities, he couldn't just abandon everything to live in a fantasy world at the cost of people he loved.

It's abit of a tossup without knowing the visiotrs that'll become the context. If you don't sanitize it for the table, it'll probably be full of sex, and probably weirder sex than people would like to admit (though if you let your table decide factors like this it'd probably be vanilla, if present at all). FFTA hinges on a particular axis of desire, though. Newt wants relevance, so that's what he gets (plus his dead mom. She's important, too).

While the other characters also get something, it likely has nothing to do with their personal desires (unless I'm misremembering and it's stated that it does) but is simply a side-effect of Mewt's world being so "perfect" that disabilities and genetic aberrations don't exist.

A world completely filled with a densely packed lattice of orgasmium/hedonium, that is to say a conscious computational substrate that constantly experiences infinite (or at least the maximum possible amount of) pleasure and happiness. Upload me to that.

This so much

Yes, I'm aware of the fact that the experience will be too individual and my concerns is how could one know tail the world to the visitor
Its complicated but you get my concern
>While the other characters also get something, it likely has nothing to do with their personal desires (unless I'm misremembering and it's stated that it does) but is simply a side-effect of Mewt's world being so "perfect" that disabilities and genetic aberrations don't exist.
Now this is interesting

>(Excepting Marche)
It did fulfill his wishes, the meandering sides quests you do are considered canon because Marche took his time to Fix things because he was enjoying himself too much.

Also a Japanese super-sense of right and wrong cause... Japanese writers?

Shame most of that got lost in translation and all we got was "Mmm, this is neat, but not real, LET'S DESTROY IT!"

well not really

we never really know why he didn't want to stay

story wise he didn't want to be there, then a crystal guardian he found by random chance said the new world would disappear if he destroyed the rest and after he destroyed a few and beat up his friends he found out the book spirit was evil and up to something

Marche Was Right! but only with hindsight

I've heard it's a problem with the translation but have no idea if that's right

So the issue with FFTA was the translation? is there a fan translation that fixes that or some source correcting the original translation?

>So the issue with FFTA was the translation?
Translation was fine. Contrarians were retarded. Business as usual.


Here's a more 1:1 script. Judge for yourself. I personally haven't read all of it.

As far as I knoiw, there is no retranslated version. If you find one let this user know.

Interesting, I'll have to keep this around since FFTA is very close in my backlog

I skimmed through for important parts and I didn't see any huge differents

Marche wants to go home for a reason not said

Marche falls in a hole and crystal guardian says the world isn't real so he goes about bringing back the old one and telling people to not run from their problems

People get beat up and realize he's right even if they don't like it or will help him

queen book goddess whatever says the world isn't real and she'll do whatever to make mewt happy

Old world comes back and people are happy to try and get over their problems even if it's hard

I heard the radio drama gives more details and seems to be on youtube anyone see it?

am doing to start it and find out but it seems long so am hoping for an answer quick

I'm here to fulfill your wish

>parroting this bullshit
You realize the entire script of the game is found on the web and the "crystals are secretly killing everyone" part never happend, right?

Yes, this was my experience as well. I wanted user to judge for himself so it wouldn't be my word against the "translation was bad" people. The only big difference I can see from this and from the japanese game is that Mewt's dad is a drunk in the original.

Everyone gets their own world created specifically to maximize their happiness. Whether or not they're made aware of the fact that the world is tailor made for them depends on if they'd be happier with that knowledge.

So something like Smartphone Isekai.

yeah the real problems are people who have been turned into monster with almost hope of rescue and a child with issues who is basically God

no way would still have issues older Mewt not fuck people over with his power, he already had a day where everyone in the world had to give him a present

yeah I wish it was a bad translation

Marche isn't explained so he comes off as a dick

The Fake World isn't explained so destroying it seems Evil as hell even if we know because of the sequal it's basically a barely remembered dream for the people of Ivalice

by the end of the game the only thing that's really changed is that some troubled kids are happier but the way people tell it Marche is Hitler and got away with everything and now Ivalice is dead and gone and the kids will never be happy again

Mewt is really the crux of the moral turn the game takes, because he's so deluded by Ivalice. If there was no Newt to rescue from his illusions, Marche would be a lot more difficult to defend.

Would you have stayed, anons?

The stronger Remedi (the avatar of the grimoire) became, the weaker Mewt got. It really accelerated around when she split Mewt into two personalities (and Mewt became essentially a whimpering child), and escalated until the final fight, where she absorbs Mewt fully.

Remedi: Mewt, what do you want to do, sweetie? Mama's on your side. I'll
do whatever you ask of me for you.
Voice of Mewt: Mama...I...
Marche: Mewt, where are you!?
((Mewt materializes in the statue's hand.))
Cid: MEWT!!
Remedi: Do you want Mama to go away, Mewt?
Voice of Mewt: No...noooo... I don't wanna leave you, Mamaaaa...I don't
wanna be alone...
((Mewt vanishes.))
Marche: MEWT!
Remedi: Stand down. This is Mewt's wish.
((Remedi goes into battle gear.))

Seems like the radio play is the best way to consume the story, I hope it has a translation
>Would you have stayed, anons?
Fuck no

Now that this becam a FF thread would the world change depending on who goes in or is it always Ivalice with some tweaks for each guest?


it's subtitled

I don't know how good a translation it is but there you go

Yes, but Marche decides to fuck Ivalice in the ass way before this was even hinted at.

Most excellent user

He innately feels something is wrong, but doesn't start destroying the crystals until he basically accidentally destroys the first one after discovering it by chance. The guardian of the first crystal attacked him first, and he destroyed it in self defense. It was at that point where he discovered that there might be a way to return, as well as a clue that the crystals and Mewt were connected on a deep level.

What initially pushes him is the recognition that it's his deepest fantasies being fulfilled, and that is what keeps him sober while the other three get seduced by the world. Ritz fights selfishly and ultimately for a rather trivial reason (though she is also the first to sober up and admit that Marche is right and was she had been harboring similar feelings), but Doned is corrupted by the world and becomes an asshole thief while Mewt becomes a tyrant. Seeing his friends become this way was more than enough to convince Marche that the world was unhealthy, and his subsequent confrontations with the crystal guardians reinforced that the world is twisted and actively trying to seduce him and his friends.

He has to fight against real temptation, almost impossible temptation. The revelation that the book was killing his friend was the capstone and final nail to confirm that Marche was always comfortably and indisputably right, but knowing that before going into the final battle would actually undermine that he was still right in not wanting to see his friends corrupted by their escapism, even if that is a softer and more debatable point.


Christ, the more I hear about the game, the more it sounds like *even worse* pretentious bs than the original Tactics.

>Thinking OG Tactics is pretentious
There's a cure for bad taste, user. It comes in standard bullet sizes. Apply directly to the scrotum using accompanyon revolver.


>What will a setting of pure wish fulfillment be like?

I dunno what a setting like that would be like. But my Pure Wish Fulfillment world would have me be a big, buff, handsomer looking guy who is loved by everyone, has crazy sex at night while during the day being an evil slaying Paladin that becomes everyone's hero.