I haven't had a friend in 10 years. I want social connection really badly. I'm a total fucking sad sack of shit and I want companionship to dull the pain in my life.
Magic the Gathering, 40k, or D&D TT? Which is more welcoming to my kind?
I haven't had a friend in 10 years. I want social connection really badly. I'm a total fucking sad sack of shit and I want companionship to dull the pain in my life.
Magic the Gathering, 40k, or D&D TT? Which is more welcoming to my kind?
>Magic the Gathering
your friends will be retards
your friends will be fascists
your friends will be dorks
It depends on what you can find people for. But for actually making friends perhaps looking for D&D groups or groups for other RPGs would be the best bet.
I use Magic, personally. It's easier to find, locally. D&D and 40k require a bit more.
You'll have more fun with TCG's. While some of them are elitist assholes, they're elitist asshole nerds so that doesn't mean much. On average Magic players are pretty chill and most of them just go for the social experience even if they don't win. Yu-Gi-Oh! is, in my experience, filled with egotistic vape kids and man children that haven't mature out of their Power Rangers phase.
Play 40k Orks.
How do you go a decade with no friends?
I've been 5 years so I can guess how
Depends on how much money you have to burn. I have found that Wargamers tend to be pretty chill, thought in my experience the game of the month shifts a lot. One month it will be Konflikt 42, then WarmaHordes, then Gates of Antares with 40k as a constant.
So if you have a lot of money, miniatures games are a good place to go. They tend to be a lot more chill and friendly and less socially awkward than TCG gamers.
The downside is that it's a very expensive hobby.
I'm 13 years dry and counting, and with no prospects of change on the horizon.
>your friends will be dorks
lurk around the local gameshop and hang out with whoever clicks with you user
go back to tumblr fag
looks like he wasn't wrong
Magic the Gathering, many games stores run casual Commander nights once a week.
>using the word "fag" implies fascism
>accusing somebody of tumblr implies fascism
Go back to tumblr, samefag
Also newfag. Words like "Faggot", "Nigger" and "Retard" don't really mean much here, just another generic insult
This honestly. There's only one store I can play MTG and actually enjoy the people there. Some places are just shitty.
Same. I have a gf but only because I'm not a jerk and take care of my appearance.
Other than that, no friends.
40k ppl terrify me. I'm scared if I go to a game day, someone will knife me in the parking lot (I'm a "minority" and don't know how they may perceive my presence)
On the other hand DnD (AL) is fun, but it feels weird to hang out with them outside of the session. It's also annoying because although some of the people I play with are cool, the other half are unbearable and not having any control on who I play with is exhausting
D&D isn't very good because people don't usually like letting strangers join their games.
40k isn't very good because it's really expensive
MTG is good because you can play for relatively cheap and people are typically willing to play against people they don't know.
Just let your friendly demeanor speak for you my friend and you will do find.
Try a vidya game community while you're at it.
I made some friends from playing Discovery Freelancer (it's a terrible community, but there were some good people there). Hell, I've been friends with one guy on the other side of the world of 7 years after I played with him once in GTA IV online.
>I'm a "minority" and don't know how they may perceive my presence
Is your "minority" xeno scum? Otherwise it doesn't really matter, even racists would probably realize the barrier to entry is so high that it's not random guys off the street coming in.
Graduate and then get stuck in a job that sucks your life away after everyone you know moves away.
>your friends will be fascists
I'm failing to see the problem here.
>Magic the Gathering, 40k, or D&D TT? Which is more welcoming to my kind?
None of the above. Just get a chess set and head out to the park and play chess with old dudes. Best way to pass an afternoon, and you'll get to hear some amazing stories.
Go DnD, you can play over your computer if your nervous about meeting people face-to-face and while playing the game you actually interact with people. Read up on good gamer etiquette first so you don't accidentally do a bunch of jerk stuff. You will make mistakes, but if you stick with it you'll get better.
You also only really need an r20 account and a player handbook to play DnD. 40k has a significantly higher cost of entry (you have to buy and assemble your own army) and even magic needs you to buy a deck or two.
Fuck off back to, /pol/.
I have been down to one friend for five years now. Lately he's very busy doing things that I want no part of. I am starting to understand the loneliness of what OP has gone through. Life seems very pointless without friends, but nobody I meet seems worth the time. Everyone is into sports, or fishing, or some other hobbies I have no interest in. They all seem like vacuous facebook profiles, I don't think there are any real "people" left. Everything is forced and fake. Also having seen all my other friends move away over time makes the task of befriending new people seem pointless.
OP, I doubt this means shit to you, but I get it, and I hope you find some people.
>thinking 40k isnt supposed to reignite the cries for authoritarian monarchies
its like you dont even praise the emperor
Literally go back to Tumblr or whatever whole you crawled out of and go back to watching Critical Role you fucking normie piece of shit
Go away you'll never fit in here
If anything 40k portrays Authoritarianism and Facism in a very negative light. The state of the Imperium isn't portrayed as a good thing.
obviously the only factions that are evil for their government type and not just because they are filthy non-humans are obviously the commie mecha ones
silly mon-keigh
Mtg. By a long shot.
Dnd requires social skills you don't have, and 40k is more of something you do by yourself.
40k is less about authoritarianism and more about the lengths people will go to survive.
Yeah, the imperium is a totalitarian theocracy, but there's really not a much better alternative
Yes, but much like SLC Punk and American History X, 40k is beloved by people who like the aesthetic WITHOUT the lesson. There's a reason Trump is referred to as "the god emperor"
MTG. It may be heroin in card form, but it's popular and takes all types. Doesn't break the bank in quite the way 40k does either, unless you want to get competitive. Also takes the least amount of effort of the three if you're just using it as a tool to interact with people rather than a hobby for its own sake.
Problem is that fascists are scum who should be mocked and derided, just like commies.
Join a gaming club, organise games to play with people and show up. Get on Facebook, this is the main way to organise games and meet ups these days, Facebook is a fucking plague but this is one of its best uses.
As long as you're not a complete dickhead or weirdo you should be able to make connections and get some friends to do non gaming related stuff with from time to time.
Bear this is mind if you're young, deep friendships aren't super common as an adult, most of the people you meet in gaming wont be people you see outside of the game, friends you meet as an adult tend to stay contained within the area of your shared interest. This isn't a bad thing though, it just means that interactions have a purpose.
Pick a few different games to play, you'll meet more people and their might even be some overlap between the groups. When you meet someone you enjoy playing games with ask them if they play other games and you can hopefully meet their friends, who will probably be similar.
I know this is basic shit Veeky Forums but I wish someone would have told me this when I finished high school and spent years unsure of how to meet new people in gaming.
>your friends will be fascists
>this is what user actually belives
that aside a few friends is a good deal better than no friends
Get expelled from school in 6th grade, spend essential budding years on internet forums, then a decade at college talking to nobody
Well, except it was decided somewhere around 5th edition that the Imperium is just being silly, and if they were just as open-minded and inclusive as the Tau, all of their self-inflicted problems would go away.
Jesus, I wasn't the most talkative or social kid in high school, but I literally just hung out in my dorm's lobby where there was a couch and just said "Hi" to absolutely everyone who came in the door.
Made some excellent friends out of that, and even those who I didn't know came to enjoy coming back from a long day of classes and work just to have a friendly face welcome them home.
>Played MtG on and off since 1994
>Super bored of it these days
>Played D&D on and off since I was 4
>Super bored of it these days
>Played WH40k/Fantasy on and off since I was 6
>Super bored of it/doesn't exist these days
>Try to go socialize at shops and other places, maybe find someone to play games I'm currently into
>If it's not mainstrean geekery no one has any interest
I hate living in a college town and miss my old group.
Honestly op, All of them though you might have a harder time getting into a d&d game because people are a little wary of strangers there.
Where do you even meet people for dnd? always wanted to play never knew anyone else who did.
You do realize that people don't wand sadsacks for friends because it brings them down too? Getting rid of your negative attitude would be the first thing to do.
D&D is supreme choice
40K implies such an emotional investment in your armies that you're more likely to find people who are deep in the spectrum and those are not social creatures.
D&D is also rather personal, it is the one most likely to get you long time friends off-game, but it's also the one people are less willing to play with strangers,
Magic is popular, casual and spread enough that it's now entirelly socially acceptable and you get a bunch of normal people with normal lives hanging out on friday because they'd rather play cards than get shitfaced.
>Just get a chess set and head out to the park and play chess with old dudes. Best way to pass an afternoon, and you'll get to hear some amazing stories.
If you are in a city, go to game shops or look on google circles or meetup.
If you are in a small town, they may be more stealth, at least they are here in the Bible Belt. Look for fantasy bookstores, book clubs or creative writing circles. Chances are they play the tg in secret.
Fuck off back to plebbit.
>you get a bunch of normal people with normal lives hanging out on friday because they'd rather play cards
This is a lie.
Judging by the image you chose to post, I can guess at why you're friendless.
Stop living at home with your parents and get a job. Social life builds from there unless you are a turbo loser. Then you're doomed no matter what unless someone attaches themselves to you.
I'm already doing that user. Have been for years
It might help to know why you have no friends. Running a home game of d&d for some dorks who are new to it can be wonderful, but if the reasons you have no friends include odd hours... Good luck scheduling a home game
Okay sorry.
I was talking out my ass anyway. Stay at home Dad with only one close friend.
I talk to the neighbors around my neighborhood but nothing really clicks with anyone beyond being someone to bitch about other neighbors with
Jokes on you I've NEVER had ANY friends
The only old dudes that hand around in parks sit on benches with their dogs on ropes drinking beer and shout at brown people.
Because he's attracted to hot women?
>The only old dudes that hand around in parks sit on benches with their dogs on ropes drinking beer and shout at brown people.
That sounds fun too
If there a good wind to cover up the smell of piss and foot-rot maybe.
>Jaina Proudwhore
Because he’s attracted to exaggerated fantasy cartoons
>I don't think there are any real "people" left
Don't be a prick user
>Cut contact with everyone I knew in highschool
>Never befriend anyone in college
>Work solitary jobs
That's how. 15 years and counting.
i havebeen a sad shit for more then 10 years.
just stop giving a fuck, realize we are all just human and go talk to someone.
if you have no base interest in mtg, d&d or 40k just dont, honestly.
Holy shit does it bother me that i have sunken so low that trashtalking about people who did basically nothing wrong with a person i dont really like has become one of my social highlights every week.
That’s likely his problem right there
I don't see a problem there.
Join a fucking club you losers. Frequenting your LGS counts.
Wondering if a proposition for a Union of Friendless People would be a good idea.
That seems like it could get really awkward in a hurry.
Jaina go back to /wowg/ and stop fucking with dimensional portals
True...maybe just self-governed clubs would be a better idea...yeah.
...and here we all are
This is Veeky Forums, user.
There are people who come here to avoid socializing with actual people. A lot of them. If only they could figure out how to be friends with each other we could ignore them.
>I'm a "minority"
gosh you made it 4 sentences before bringing that up
wow 10 years. at the ~four year mark here, need to turn my life around
>I'm scared if I go to a game day, someone will knife me in the parking lot
>being such a newfag you tow the buzzword line and knock other anons down to try and get accepted in an anonymous vietnamese cartoon board
Go back to the womb and try again.
40k is less about any of that and more about meticulously painting a huge collection of overpriced plastic models just the way you want them, and then moving them around while yelling and rolling dice.
>There are people who come here to avoid socializing with actual people. A lot of them
[Citation needed]
You're a pretty good datapoint, for example.
yes, you have truly fallen. you are in a rut. there is nothing more for you to do than realize that a rut is really just a grave with the sides kicked out.
Don't bother considering suicide, you're already in hell.
it's going to take work for you to climb back out and do something. good luck with that.
Not him, but I know 3 other people who are really into 40K and 2 of them are seriously edging on unironic "hitler did nothing wrong"
My social highlight is shitposting on a weekly stream.
I don't speak to anyone ever because I work from home and my "neighbors" are a barren park, a high school, an abandoned storage place and a parking lot.
40k feels more rewarding to me, but Magic and DnD are more common/acessible tbqh.
Archmages are a proud and noble people! They are not lewd!
>not chilling with the methheads
its like you dont want to get stabbed and robbed
>are seriously edging on unironic "hitler did nothing wrong"
That's not edge, they're just using their brains
It's really hard to make friends as an adult.
Will that get him friends cause everyone will want their free win?
That sounds gay.
When I felt lonely I started a roll20 D&D game with some fa/tg/uys from here and we've been running the same campaign for two years now.
It definitely helps, and even though my social circle has replenished since then, I still enjoy playing with them.
>he doesn't know
The funny thing is that if you unironically think finding anime pictures automatically make you That Guy then you are wrong but it's a good sign for your social life.
There are no metheads.
There's not even dogs, as soon as HS classes are over a 400yd circle around my house becomes a deadzone.
Evil, doesn't count.
16 years? I think?
Good thread with a surprising low amount of ad hominem.
An Hero before it gets any worse.