Blockfolio Thread

Blockfolio / Advice thread.

I started 12 days ago with $5500 and this is where I stand now.

How do I look going into January 2018?

dump 50% of each and buy XLM
dump 10% of each and buy ENG on the dip


nice baller you're going to be able to take your family out to dinner before december 2018


Assuming double you double you three doesn't roll around by then, it will be a feast to remember.

You are playing it too safe. Get some proper shitcoins, bruv.


Which ones? Bought ICX and ENG this weekend


Same size.

OP has great growth though in about the same, time i went from 47k to 58k.

trade LTC and ETH for more lumens and XRB serious. The big three will not shine this month.

way too many picks for that low amount of money.

Go all in on a shitcoin that you research and believe in. If you do the due diligence, you might multiply your money and have a proper base to diversify a little.

As you can see I only have a 15k portfolio and even that is dogshit low.

I just allowed myself a side gamble into a second coin, but I was all in prior.

I would say only diversify a little bit once you build more and more of your base. Otherwise you will grow too slow and youll never make it.

I'm pretty sure we are in the middle or tail end of this crypto phase (Pre-big government regulations).

I'm trying to "make it" in 1-2 years maximum before that happens

what does Bounty even do?

To my understanding its an overshilled pump and dump that mooned recently?

What’re your profits? I’ve put in $17K total

I'm keeping LTC mainly just for the possibility of big news in the next week or so. ETH you don't think a big horde of normies are gonna flock to it after the BTC fiasco?

I think that Charlie guy dumping his coins at around 3.50 is really bad news bro.

He can say its for whatever reason but he literally sold his own coin man

You sell that shit and go into eth/link and HODL until you're a millionaire

Try to sell at a good exit point without getting greedy (use indicators) and get on link up to 55cents

Bounty allows companies to come in and set bounties on things. From what I understand the bounty platform acts like an escrow to hold the funds.

People holding bounty tokens act as judges that can stake their tokens and judge whether bounties ahve been fulfilled.

IF they vote in-line with others they get a small reward (A % of the fee the bounty poster put down).

If a bounty judge guy votes against the majority, then he loses a portion of his stake.

It already has a platform that looks reasonable good, the concept is great, the team is decent, and they apparently posted a 100k bounty on the etherDelta hacker, and word is they found him via it.

Now there's talk of putting up bounties on bounty0x for things like getting pajeets banned from this board, or adding coins to exchanges.

There's still a lot of interface work to do, and the bounty-judge-staking system isn't fully implemented yet, but given Q1/Q2 next year If they get it right this is easily 300M-500M cap.

(10x current value, and priced at $1-$2 per bnty).

Bich lasagna

Yeah, I know. The fact is, I'm at almost 20% loss on it at the moment o I'm waiting to at least break even. Meanwhile, might get lucky and have a moon with it.

XRB is the mega moon of 2018

That does sound pretty neat man thanks for the info

My initial investment was about $550. I really wish I had more to play with so I can get a bigger foundation to make some real fucking money but I’m not gonna risk selling at ATH and buying dips.

Bought over 1000. That’ll be enough to make it.

Not gonna get out of XMR. If crypto collapses, Monero will remain

Got into xrp a month ago when it was at 14 cents

4.5k of fiat not shown in screenshot

Bro this is the gold rush of our time.

You have days/weeks/months/years here to make enough money that you will never have to work again in life.

Its not going to stay this way for long im 100% sure of it.

You HAVE TO make agressive moves to build quickly, and each step could cause you to lose it all.

With that being said, I would move your ripple into one of your other two picks.

Ripple is great and it seems like a stable-growth pick, but I dont see you getting a 10x off of it.

You have to be more agressive

Any advice? I've slowly been adding money to diversify my portfolio

You consider putting everything in Raiblocks?

Yeah but I feel like its pumped too much recently.

I could be an idiot but I can't FOMO in when its grown this quickly this recently

I dont know why people think that xmr wont collapse, well you will see massive collapse moment when they ban every coin that they cant track for taxes

why do you own QSP but no Link?
Makes no fucking sense. It's like buying butter without bread

way too many picks for this small amount of money.

Pick 1 thing or maybe 2

Buy more Ripple before it's too late

XMR has a tax compliance feature. Also, Monero will survive any ban.

It will actually develop network effects through darknet use as well. Most coins will fail.

As much as I want to, I have a tendency to hoard Knowing that I got in XRP at .60 and know that I won’t be able to get it back at that pricepoint. Trying to not make any irrational decisions that can set me back ya know

Im pretty bullish on XRB. Believe it will be a top 5-10 coin.

That being said, I’m too risk averse to put more than my current amount (1030 Raiblocks) in.

I think 1000 will be enough to make it

Thinking about throwing some ETH towards a moon mission. Any recommendations?

Go all in on a shitcoin or XRB

Literally just AutismBlocks


First time I see someone on biz with Sub

Just started out today on binance, wish me luck goys.

Dafuq did Raiblocks just hit $17.55? Holy shit we’re gonna be rich

What do you all think?

No. Delta is just a shitty fucking app and/or Mercatox is the shitties exchange ever.
Give it a day though.

Go all in on something, it's the only way to increase your portfolio significantly. As you gain more capital feel free to spread it around more evenly

Solid safe choices. I’d have some XRB though


I was considering it but it feels like such a bad time to get into XRB. What’s the use case?

I have $1000 to throw into crypto. Thinking either XRP or XRB. Which will show me more gainz?

fak 1000 raiblocks.

At 1k a coin (which is probably realistic by eoy2018, that's 1M).

Instantaneous, feeless peer 2 peer transactions. Literally solves bitcoin’s main problem.

Id forsure have at least 20% of your portfolio allocated to it. I wouldn’t take away the XMR, but maybe take a little money everything else

Got out of BloatCoin three weeks ago, put everything into Rai and some shitcoins. No Ragrets.

What about just dropping my btc for it?

Or I could take out extra student loans and go all in 8^)

mah nigga , were both gonna be rich

I put in maybe $500 in total.

But I did snag Eth 2 years ago at $2-4, and then forgot about it until 2 weeks ago.

Forgetting = best investment strategy.

I actually like $SUB a lot. At first I picked it because it was just another nice project like SIA, REQ and DRGN.. but it's been literally 'silently mooning' for the last 2 weeks.

Either way these are long term holds, selling in 6 months - 1 year minimum

XRB. Ripple’s already a top market cap coin


>Forgetting = best investment strategy.


Anything i should add ? I want a gamble but not too risky. All star team atleast , i was thinking QSP and Link

Not even trying to FUD. GTFO Bitcoin man. Safe bet=Ether.

I can't recommend getting into XRB at an ATH, but people have been saying that for a month so..

>dropping btc

Not a bad idea, considering that XMR is very tethered to Bitcoin’s price, but outperforms it slightly.

>student loans

Risk-reward lol. Obvi a horrible recommendation but I unironically do think it would pay off.

I wish I’d forgotten about my 60 ETH back when they were 3 dollars

Made a couple hundred when I was dead broke and learned not to ever sell. No regrets

Hey it was a good move at the time.

I mined & sold 2 BTC for $200 total in 2013. LOL.
Fuck it.

We wouldn’t be where we are without people like you who provided liquidity. Regret nothing

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Any suggestions are welcome. I'm thinking of selling my BQX and putting that money into a high risk shitcoin

Guessing most of your gains are from ICX

When is QSP gonna moon? It's my turn already goddamit

Well I did have over 300 Eth at some point.

Bought at $2.5, sold at $20. I thought it was a god for 10x'ing.

Luckily I had 60 or so eth I forgot about completely.

*I thought I was a*

Exactly. It was worth it at the time. I give no fucks.

Good shit user. Let's wait till Feb 2018 and we can race lambos?

ZCL bros unite

No sell until $3000

We were probably trading around the same time. I bought at $3 sold around $15. Felt great

I forgot about my LISK ICO coins from the same period don’t remember how many. Currently waiting for my claim to go through. Fingers crossed

Hoping to hit $100k value by February

What's your strats guys?


Hey, someday you will see the opportunity to accumulate and you will have 20 Ark, like me. Then you will have really made it.

Shift some of that BTC around buddy. XMR is a safe place for it

>>What's your strats guys?

Buy at ATH. Freak out when it dips. Sell at a loss. Repeat.

Not with that BTC man. Honestly, enjoy your BTC gainz from the normies FOMOing and put more into your ETH or something.

Bitcoin is in it's death throes. I'm surprised it's taken this long.

Same portfolio....minutes later

Love to see some of my holds on a high profile portfolio. Although I bought sonm too high and it's sitting red right now I am hopeful it will turn out strong in late January or q1. Has dragonchain's ship sailed? I know people will tell me the portfolio is too diversified but I would rather inject more Fiat than to miss out like I did selling xrb for more req when it was 1$ or powr the day before it mooned when I held it for so long just to get some more salt. Regardless, I broke 4k for the first time today and am up well over 100% in under a month for having played so conservatively I am ecstatic with my results.

You’ll hit $100k way faster if you put a bitcoin in XRB

Looking for any advice.


fud me. how I am doing.

What in high hell is B3? Just some random money pit in hopes it gets pumped?

Am I gonna make it

I don't see potential gainers. You have stuff that already had its run.

Also too diversified. Pick 2 coins and go all in on them.

How are LINK, ICX and ZRX nogainers? LINK and ICX mainnet hasn't even been launched, and ZRX is just starting out

pick at least 2. You are not aggressive enough with your choices. 1k is nothing.

Rate please, it wasnt a good night but idk if itll go up.

do you buy only coins that get shilled on here?

You will never make it like that.

Do your own research and leave biz for a month


>too many picks for that low amount of money?
Why not just have a whole bunch of coins and hope ONE of them moons?
I see people say this sometimes, and I am curious as to why that is? Why not just have a bunch, even at a low price?

diversify a bit into NAV and Burst. 2018 is going to be a sweet year for those two

Interested in XLM but shill me ENG a bit better.

Its just dbc that is shilled here mostly isnt it

Started with 0.1 BTC and 1 ETH when BTC was worth $3600 around August. I have no idea what I am doing and yet here I am. Rough initial investment was $600. If I can do this, so can others.