Why the fuck you haven't made a thread yet?
Cyoa thread
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looks like a bunch of weeaboo crap
>no previous
Why would I? I'm more into having a harem of emotionally abused Stockholm-syndrome elven fuccbois.
But then again, /d/ is thataway.
great op
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Elven lincoln CYOA when?
Can you actually buy multiple runes for a single slave like addict+adore, or its a single rune only for each slave?
Someone post a magic-powertrip cyoa, but not something too op. Like no causing Earthquakes, but maybe just different types of balanced spells.
When the elves start being born with innate rights.
will cold war battle mage do?
>dark elf
>submissive, friendly, clever
>no runes
>casual, formal
>guest room
>literature, mathematics, history
>wooden toys, stuffed plushie, picture book, warm cloak, free time, small pet, outings, candy
I'm ready for my comfy life with my daughteru
Can't sleep.
Time for blini.
>The qt russian pyromaniac is in russia
>Napalm is a NATO exclusive
What the fuck.
They give you so many points.
Is Traveller's Tale ever getting a new version, anybody knows?
No. Never.
>half elf
>has twice the ear of normal elves
Post rare CYOA
for what?
>doesn't play by the rules
>lawful evil
Perhaps the law of evil is different from the normal law and they follow a specific set of law that is fair to them but deem evil by the common man
unfortunately published CYOAs are now almost exclusively weeaboo crap. Cancer has won.
Y-y-y-you accept m-me for who I-I-I am? I'm so h-happy! Is t-t-this l-l-love?
Shoo. Get out of here.
Unsatisfied with this, I'm making my own small magic cyoa right now. Will be finished soon.
Because I've been reading greentexts you fucking faggot. Jesus.
We have too many magic/wizard cyoas as is
But not enough OC
OC is boring
Not 'rare' as such, but I certainly haven't seen it in awhile.
gtfo faggot
>We have too many waifus
>We have too many wizards
>We have too many X
People like you only want a stagnant /cyoag/ isn't it?
Well, I'd rather have wizards than waifus.
If anyone wants to post the DLC I won't say shit, but I don't have it because I believe it's a myth and nothing bad happened to Theresa.
Why not both?
No. Not both. Waifus ruin everything they touch.
Finally, I am alone and free to post whatever shitty cyoa's my guilty heart desires.
>Not willing to fight with tooth and claw to save teresa like she did
You are a disappointment.
I'm not going to antagonistically post DLC, but sad/bittersweet endings ate just as important as happy ones.
My first build with this cyoa was a gem paladin and I chose the 'democratically never give up' option. (That is to say ruling policy was democracy, and I chose 'save her'). My choices for saving her weren't anywhere near as good as other people's since basically I picked Spritz and Cinder, then just let the nerds do their jobs while I replaced the guards.
Done with OC
Because I knew you would.
napalm is advanced technology, not everyone can think up something impossibly brilliant like mixing gasoline and styrofoam
Summon shield
I Have a shield to bash people with, people who get too close get fucked, and i have a magic shotgun that scales with fear. I can't lose
>Not using cripple on yourself to scare yourself, then using blast to do insane damage.
Cripple cripples your magic making that combo not only useless but detrimental
waifus a shit.
one of the worst form of escapism imaginable
On some days I can just have my wolf hunt for me. And when I have to face another inquisitor I hide in a close-quarters area, and have my shield protect me whilst my aura whittles them away. For longer range, my wolf can peak in and out of my shield as needed, spamming projectiles.
>Judging people
>While browsing Veeky Forums
Does anyone know a store where they sell self-awareness? I think this site could use a good recommendation.
I browse 4xhan, but however low I fall at least I haven't fallen low enough to have waifus or fantaize about waifus.
that is one small comfort in my life. That it could still get worse
Veeky Forums is THE place to judge people
Also waifu CYOAs are cancer
What are you going to do then? Tell authors to not make wifu CYOAs?
why not make a separate waifucyoa general?
mybe on /trash/, so you can also post lewd waifu cyoas. the thread would e linked in the cyoag on Veeky Forums as well.
>judge people for judging people
>talk about self-awareness
Pretty sure they already did.
Check out the jew crew here, getting all 'holier than thou'. Bet you unironically use the word 'cuck' too.
Stop making waifu cyoas, they are cancer.
Well i guess i have no choice but to make a waifu CYOA just to spite you.
lobby for waifu fags to post their content in Japanese Culture board, not /tg.
>the best and most desirable thing
>worst form of escapism
its escapism at its purest
Way to ruin it Lord Fuckwad...
I come on Veeky Forums because it's one of the few places where I can be superior to 90% of the other people there.reddit is another.
the people who unironically use the word cuck are as bad as waifufags.
>all i can fantasize about is human contact with a girl
it's pathetic
Not that guy but
>How dare I have a biologically-ingrained desire
Hmm simple yet provoking.
Since its so simple, I ma gonna make 3 builds at once
1. Summon Shield
2. Heal
3. Aura
Combined with heavy plate equipment and one huge tower shields on each hand, I'd be a solid walking wall, albeit slow, with damaging vampiric aura. Having triple shields, all I have to do is simply take blows and wait.
1. Burst
2. Summon Shield
3. Summon Wolf
Preferably medium plate armor for mobility and a one-handed spear like javelin or brocca. The point is to quickly disposed enemy from medium distance, while having the shield to take up damage.
The flying durable wolf will serve as a bodyguard that cover my back, and will help to retreat when things get too hot.
1. Illusion
2. Heal
3. Blast
A DPSer whose damage get to applied DOT. Illusion will help to confuse the enemy while mounting more the total damage dealt. I get speed boost from Heal, making me a dancing bee. Light armor for ease movement and a magic staff that amplify my magi for equipment.
>a biologically ingrained desire is all I can fantasize about
it's pathetic.
CYOAs are for things that are unreachable in real life. Falling in love with a girl is what the majority of men have done since the dawn of time
>A Kitsune's Tail
>A shoulder to cry on
>Those three words
>What they need to hear
>Would you lie with me
>Cure vices
My IRL career plan is to get a PhD in psychology and become a clinician. This poor girl just gave me a huge push in that direction. I'm going to get stellar letters of recommendation, volunteer at homeless shelters and on crisis lines, and hopefully make it through graduate school without too much trouble. All my professors and the other grad students will really trust and respect me, and they'll be honest about what I need to work on more.
Then I can actually start seeing patients. Which is great, because my abilities let me...
>Help people be vulnerable without feeling weak.
>Let me see when someone has a problem.
>Improve people's lives just by listening to them, Rogerian style.
>Instantly cure insomnia.
>Get the full story from any client I see, because they trust me.
>Annihilate chronic, drug-resistant depression.
>Get people to admit their dysfunctions, KOing avoidant behavior, most personality disorders, psychosis, harmful patterns of thought, OCD with poor insight, any dangerous paraphilia, and addiction.
>Deal with problems like "Having cancer is making me feel hopeless and depressed" by just removing the cancer.
>I can cure harmful behavior in a few sessions and completely wipe out serious addictions given enough time.
Plus I'm probably going to start earning additional tails from gaining all that knowledge. If my hero powers fail, I can start using Kitsune abilities.
>I don't want anyone to feel that way. Never.
Give me seven years to get my degrees and clinical hours. They won't have to ever again.
You have hundreds of biologically ingrained desires.
Nice. I always try to 'brute force' my way through this one with the implicit knowledge that it wouldn't last long.
(Shrinks have the highest suicide rates of almost any profession, so I can only imagine how it would be with pain sponge and no degree to at least understand it all.)
>all i can fantasize about
not at all, i can fantasize about many things, power, adventure and so on
its just that love is more worthwhile than those things, since they are but a means to an end
This guy gets it
>(Shrinks have the highest suicide rates of almost any profession, so I can only imagine how it would be with pain sponge and no degree to at least understand it all.)
It's not clear why though! That's just a correlation, and it could be that people with existing mental problems become psychologists to better understand their own problems. Or that because survivors of abusive childhoods are more likely to become "fixers" of some kind later in life, a lot of clinicians have serious unresolved trauma.
Although I'm a survivor of an abusive childhood and I have existing mental problems, so I'm fucked either way. But I imagine joining the wider magical community would really help me out. And I could use some of these abilities on myself, like "Listen to someone and they'll start to solve their problems." I'm totally prepared to be the weird Kitsune always talking to himself.
>CYOAs are for things that are unreachable in real life
power and adventure *are* reachable in RL
so is romance, you fucking mongoloid
Do i have to say it again? There is nothing healthier than escapism.
>arguing over banal shit instead of actually contributing
CYOA romance usually not end up in despair ending/. Western countries where the divorce rate is over 50%, so it is arguable in that regard.
The cancer of tg why cant you be true to your nature and get cancer so that we all can live without your retarded comments and your shitpile what you call cyoa