>3 different Pathfinder General /pfg/ threads
>all of them under 320 posts
>All made at bump limit
>Two of them were made simultaniously
Anyone else feeling the cancer?
Why? How could this happen? What is going on? Where are the mods? What is wrong with /pfg/? What's next, 4 or 6 threads active at once?
This is unacceptable
This can all be traced back to when quests were banned from Veeky Forums, so blame the faggots who banned them.
At least only one of them has an anime pic.
I think we can all agree faggots like you are to blame for why the quality of Veeky Forums is moving laterally, and can't get any better. You seriously need to shut up and move on with your life, instead of swarming to the only 2-3 shitposting threads active at any given time and complaint about why your Panty Sniffer Loli Quest got banned.
To be fair, Quests weren't a problem until moot said that all them should go here. However, once /a/ started dumping their shit quests here it went to shit
They play PF, you can't expect anything intelligent from them.
There's a couple of anons who feel the need to make new OPs at page 4 or 6. People still get mad at them, but it's been going on for like a year. I'd love for it to stop. We just had a thread hit 850 posts earlier this week, so it's not like we need it.
as long as they are afraid of animu boodeyman OPs, you know they'll never stop
I don't give a fuck what the OP is. It's only one post. What's more annoying is that the OP is one out of 350 posts and not one out of 650. If people didn't complain about the animu, and try to beat it to the punch. we wouldn't have gotten here.
Not a massive deal dude. Relax.
Nobody cares. A thread died for this.
>To be fair, Quests weren't a problem until moot said that all them should go here. However, once /a/ started dumping their shit quests here it went to shit
Part of the problem here is that had about 30 posts pruned from it long after it was autosaging and people had moved onto , allowing it to get bumped again. If it weren't for that prune that thread would be long dead. Early and double posting of OPs is a big problem in /pfg/, but these are some pretty extenuating circumstances.
>Quests out of nowhere again
Bringing up quests is like bringing up /pol/, except its relevant enough to Veeky Forums history to rile up everybody
And you just made a fourth one, so shut the fuck up and delete your thread.
How about we tackle the fact that we regularly have 3-4 /40kg/ because the doll painters can't decide if they want to be "40k general" or "40000 general"
To be fair, since so many people are butthurt whenever anyone mentions quests and shitposting is the only thing the board bothers with anymore, it's only natural that people would falseflag to get a response from morons like you who were too stupid to use the catalog or the filters.
I mean, if I was a troll and I was only interested in (You)'s, I'd take advantage of the vacuum by filling it with as much low quality bait as possible while raking in (You)'s hand over fist.
Nigga, anything on page 11 wasn't going to last long in the first place.
It's the same reason why threads like this with their 'pathfinder and pathfinder general are the worst' conceit happen so often and attract so much attention.
It's also why these threads hit bump limit while most threads that attempt to generate legitimate discussion sink to the bottom of the catalog.
As much as people hate to admit it, they would complain about the shit on their plate than get off their ass to make a sandwich.