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/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Best girl CYOA coming through!
Was this ever updated?
>shy zynthia
then brutalize and murder her with swords
Can I please get a giant milf Zynthia? Dem stockings.
Can someone post RWBY? I don't have the allies or enemies section saved.
I'm not sure if Whoramesh is around.
gotcha, comrade
Oc from last thread
RWBY Volume 5 came out today....Winter got bitch slapped and captured.
Does anyone play games or run quests based on these? I've never seen them outside these threads.
Man I hate these waifu CYOAs. They make me feel even sadder and lonelier.
There have been a few that spawn their own games, but it's mostly just the fun of exploring a new system and discussion.
Well, now it seems to be mostly about masturbating.
I already saw the episode, nice try
da box
If I had more time I'd be happy to do one of these CYOA's as a quest or game on TG...
Been musing on a system and been musing on a pet-project CYOA involving the Transformers either Pre-Civil war (But not far from it) or during the great war that ravaged cybertron...
Maybe even doing an RPG style game where perhaps four players build their own bot and go D&D or Pathfinder style... Or maybe more along the lines of XCOM.
No, it's creator used absolutely none of the things that would have made it easy to update.
>ever not being a futa Echidna
i am
Oh hi
>Upgraded wish (I)
>Purchased wish (K)
Gee, i wonder who could be behind this build...
The true master race, is there anything that is beyond their reach
Fucking damn it. Each time I get an idea for making a CYOA I always try to force user into some kind of role and it always is hated. I can't seem to come up with anything that gives the player freedom to pick whatever he wants. I always end up forcing you into a role. That or I make something shit. I really can't do well.
keep trying, you'll figure it out eventually
>My CYOAs are bad
>Why do I force people into roles?
Show me your CYOAs and Ill give you some advice.
>trenchcoat and sunglasses
>einstein (ancient greece)
Time to become a hero of myth!
I wonder if I would be genderbent in my inevitable Fate appearance?
This section makes me feel useless. You don't get any training at all while your waifu is out learning all this shit, and it's so extensive that it seems like you two aren't going to see each other at all for at least 6 years.
The waifu maker aspect of this is great, shame the other part was rather underwhelming
Hasn't happened yet. I keep doing the same shit. Nowadays I'm smart enough to know my ideas are shit people won't like.
Whatever you do, pay no attention to Tok. At best, he'd be useless - at worst, your CYOAs might get worse.
Is there more of this?
heres the thing tho, for all his shit taste- and it is shit, irredeemably bad- Tok does have some understanding of CYOA and design, his issue is that he assumes everyone likes the same shit he does and the inability to take criticism, well that and the obnoxious shitposting
um you're alone there kiddo. everyone likes Tok's stuff, he just writes it in a cringey way.
>everyone likes Tok's stuff
It is implied that you get some training.
Cause if you choose a mecha option you also get one and they wouldn't give you this if you can't pilot it.
I think the CYOA would be enhanced by it making you go through the training she is. Would solve the problem of what exactly you do, and keep you two from being separated for years.
arnold palmer
time to see how quickly the world implodes with jews AND mages fucking everything up
It really annoys me how much potential Prime wasted.
I still love it but you know it could've been so much better if it weren't for all the shit that happened at the time.
Arnold Palmer seems the best option. I'd pick Green Tea, but not being able to feel any physical pain whatsoever is extremely dangerous.
Only a fag would disagree.
Arnold Palmer. No stipulation on what fantasy world it can be, implying I can make one up where a long-worshipped god looks exactly like me.
>high school second year
Very accurate.
Tok doesn't understand shit about good CYOAs or good storytelling. His CYOAs are pathetically infantile and his understanding of his readers is iffy at best.
Why would you even point out that a character had an ex-boyfriend? I don't see what it adds, and it just takes away from the limited text space you have in a CYOA. Never mind whether you should be bothered at that fact or not, it's just a dumb idea to put it in a CYOA for entirely different reasons.
Verisimilitude is good for its own sake.
cucks love this kind of things.
Not really, a lot of unnecessary data just causes issues with comprehending the important data that 's there. In addition, if you have a limited data space, you want to preserve it for as much important data as possible. Authors often complain about being unable to expand fully on a character's personality, role, or reaction to you.
I understand it if it actually indicates something about the character like if they're supposed to be a fragile delicate waifu because they've been abused or some other sex related detail that would require previous experience. Sex is pretty damn important for normal people.
99% of the time it's badly introduced, meaningless, or actual unironic cuck shit.
Yes, because there isn't a lot of space for paragraphs of data. But three words aren't a lot of data, no matter how necessary or unnecessary you think they are.
Say what you want about Toks personality, but he makes great CYOAs.
samefag is a samefag
Pick 12 skills for yourself as well I guess?
His CYOAs are trash that only an infantile dumbass of tok's own caliber can appreciate.
Fuck off Tok.
It is actually when you consider phrasing and text box size. Remember that you have to fit text into a sentence and into the paragraph itself, which means three words always ends up being more than three words even if they're the one thing you're trying to convey.
but what if it's four words? checkmate atheists
It's not. In fact, if you want to keep text boxes the same size and without empty space, half of the time you need to come up with extra text, so something short and simple fits perfectly.
Senpai do you know nothing about writing? You don't just insert text. You need to give it context and properly integrated it into the sentence and the surrounding paragraph. That's how writing works. Anything else is actually technically poor as hell. And even just 'three words', if it were possible, takes away space that could be used to integrate other details about her into the text. And you've done all of this for no benefit.
I really don't understand why you're defending the concept so much, unless you're just being contrary.
4 words is longer than most waifus description.
>You don't just insert text.
Welcome to /cyoa/.
>You need to give it context and properly integrated it into the sentence and the surrounding paragraph.
In a paragraph summarizing a person, short sentences like that are integrated perfectly.
>I really don't understand why you're defending the concept so much, unless you're just being contrary.
I have a feeling you're the one trying to be contrary. Against the concept itself mind, not against me, obviously.
What would you have added to the series, or felt was wasted?
Personally I would have loved more Decepticon centered Episodes
>Arnold Palmer
I'd personally Be torn between either Middle-Earth, or the Warhammer 40k universe...
Decisions Decisions...
/cyoag/ reminds me of that screencap of some guy arguing that raising a daughter is cuckoldry.
Sticking the phrase "Has an ex-boyfriend" into a character's description just raises questions about why that phrase is there with no other contact. Does she still flirt with him? Does he stalk her? Will you need to deal with that? Did she bang him, or did they never get that far?
If you're not going to answer those questions, you might as well leave the phrase out, unless your purpose is to confuse the reader and turn him off from that waifu.
>with no other contact
Context. Context, not contact.
How about a universe that doesn't result in widespread death and destruction?
Unrelated to previous discussion: I'm tinkering with a comfy wizard sanctum CYOA. What non-waifu comfy options do people like to see?
>Welcome to /cyoa/.
You're defending bad writing. Encourage people to do their best, not do poorly.
>In a paragraph summarizing a person, short sentences like that are integrated perfectly.
No, no they're not. You don't need a long introduction to give it context, but you do need to make it fit. You don't go from describing how much of a tsundere she is to talking about her ex-boyfriend Jamal without it sounding janky and out of place. You're providing an unrelated data point both to what your paragraph is doing, and to the purpose of describing her in the first place.
>I have a feeling you're the one trying to be contrary. Against the concept itself mind, not against me, obviously.
Contrary against who? I haven't seen anyone disagree fully other than you, the closest being who actually provides a good exception to my central point. And if you'll read my original post I'm not opposing the idea because I have a problem that she has an ex, I'm opposing the idea that it's worthwhile to note that she has one, because it's irrelevant and wastes space.
But I bet you're the guy who posted the original images and hope to try and milk a shitstorm out of me. Am I right? Aint happening senpai. I'm gonna present my points logically and calmly and if you stop trying I'm just gonna stop talking to you.
Exactly. It just takes away from the cohesiveness of the description.
It only raises such questions if you're insecure and paranoid about being a cuck. Having past romantic experience is ubiquitous in reality for anyone who's old enough to be posting on Veeky Forums.
You aren't asking for context for why it matters that a character has grown up with their father, why they have red hair, why they like sweets.
This is why I think you're being contrary.
Read I think this part:
>But I bet you're the guy who posted the original images and hope to try and milk a shitstorm out of me. Am I right? Aint happening senpai. I'm gonna present my points logically and calmly and if you stop trying I'm just gonna stop talking to you.
Is being proven by this post of yours, though. Weak, senpai.
>No, no they're not. You don't need a long introduction to give it context, but you do need to make it fit. You don't go from describing how much of a tsundere she is to talking about her ex-boyfriend Jamal without it sounding janky and out of place. You're providing an unrelated data point both to what your paragraph is doing, and to the purpose of describing her in the first place.
How is it unrelated? Things which influence the personality fit perfectly in a description of the personality.
>Contrary against who?
Can you even read? I mean, you greentexted the answer to this question just one line up...
>to my central point
Your central point is either that a critical piece of information isn't important enough to merit your precious attention, or that you need to have your butt powdered before you are exposed to it.
Either way you're not examining your own stance on this deeply enough.
>>But I bet you're the guy who posted the original images and hope to try and milk a shitstorm out of me. Am I right? Aint happening senpai. I'm gonna present my points logically and calmly and if you stop trying I'm just gonna stop talking to you.
Nope. I don't even know what CYOA we're talking about to be honest. I'm speaking in general.
It was the pacing that got me the most. It should have been 5 seasons instead of 3. Most of the major plot points/twists and arcs felt rushed, some even concluded without any real payoff.
Definitely more Decepticon episodes and some explanations to things. Like the Insecticon nest. I really thought that would be a plot point because even Megatron didn't know they were there.
Indoor Hotsprings
Tiny Ant Civilization with tiny skyscrapers and cars
Indoor gaming center
Huge ass library that extends for miles and miles
A tiny cafe staffed by automatons
Friendly Ghosts
Eastern temples or temple aesthetics
Office Cafeterias frequented by actual salarymen and office ladies from other dimesnions with great japanese food
Russian tundra wilderness
Helping trapped spirits with unresolved issues find peace with their deaths and pass on to the next world by battling against the incarnation of their regrets using christian and shinto themed magical weapons.