When I'm rich I will get a mail order bride

When I'm rich I will get a mail order bride.

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I hear they're really loyal, plus, they won't poison your food when you kick the shit out of them.

in australia 90% of the time the chinks divorce you and take 3/4 of your assets.

u gon get fleeced and end up paying alimony and living in a box

That's right, but you should still not beat them.

I feel sorry for anyone who wants to get a western girl. They are not loyal, they are not understanding, they are not caring, they are not loving... All they really care about is looks, money and status.

>All they really care about is looks, money and status
This is just Western girls?

real winners alright LOL

Look at that photo lmao, bunch of autistic cucks paying for pussy.

I'm thinking of getting a slav. Talk me out of it.

>when I'm rich, I will get married

Looks like you don't want to stay rich, OP. Hide your crypto assets if you plan on getting married. Otherwise, play the field, my man.

Tuck your roastie back in and head back to Tyrone you thot

>The Virgin Vanilla Milkshake vs The Chad Hot Fudge Sundae

Asian women don't care about looks, money or status. What they want is someone who will love, protect, provide and care for them.

What western women most care about is that you're good looking and also have lots of money. They want a trophy bf.

I unironically looked into sites for these brides. But most of them look like scams.

The choice is either:
>A western female who won't really love you and fucked lots of chads before meeting you
>An asian female who will genuinely love you and didn't fuck anyone because sex before marriage is a sin

People that want western women

Imagine all the ugly kids these people are going to have and the shallow family atmosphere that will define their childhood.

I know it sounds retarded but there are actually people who unironically want that. Maybe they just have never thought about getting an asian bride, who knows.

If you want, you can join my Discord. After we have made it, we can look for ways to meet brides together. discord.gg/nUpv4JR

anyone got more of these?

I concur with the second part

isnt two enough?

My Chinese friend is a kid from a mail order bride from china. His dad is super old school and conservative and his wife is super submissive and cooks/cleans and doesn't have to live in a 3rd world shithole anymore. It's a win/win and everyone is happy.

this, you'll get divorced, in fact the rumor that the divorce rate is lower with asian women, or any other kind of woman different from your race, is not true. Marriage rates have always been highest with someone from the same race and culture as you.

We are just gonna have to deal with the cards we've been dealt. How exactly, I dont know. But a mail order bride sure as hell isnt one of them.

They don't even care if you're a nazi as long as you have an attractive face.

Haha you guys must be the ultimate beta-cucks wanting to marry an Asian chick. Do it just like the winners on this picture, your future children will be greatful (beta-cuck and physically inferior combined). LOL!

My mullato gf is very loyal and understanding and caring. Way more than any soulless slanteye could ever be

and body I'd say. This isn't anything new, but it's still funny to observe.

Literally nothing matters as long as you have an attractive face.Western females will want to fuck you.

>codeword for nigger

Half nigger. She got her brains from her white half.

All the women in the pic are cringeing away from dudes. Seems legit!