How can people be fine with torture, murder and gore, but the moment even non-explicit rape comes up, feel a line has been crossed? Is Judeo-Christian morality to be blamed for this?
How can people be fine with torture, murder and gore, but the moment even non-explicit rape comes up...
This is /traditional games/. You seem lost.
We already have a thread for this exact topic.
Non-psychotic people can justify torture or murder under certain circumstances, so unjustifiable torture and murder, while horrible, can be tolerated in fiction rather easily.
Rape has a special significance as being entirely impossible to justify except under fringe statutory cases, which is why we can sympathize with the teenager who loves their teacher in fiction even if we support the law that splits them in real life but find particular discomfort in non-consensual sex.
>under certain circumstances
What about revenge?
>Rape has a special significance as being entirely impossible to justify
Unless it's someone famous.
We have murder for that.
The world of business, politics and media is full of sociopaths.
Would you support raping someone who has grievously wronged you or killing them? Assuming it's a choice between the two.
>>We have murder for that.
You'd rather kill someone rather than leave them living after a rape?
Lop off their cock then
What if you rape someone to death? Is that not as bad as simply raping someone since it is justifiable?
Dude, rape had practically been a part of board culture since forever. Remember "Elf slave wat do"?
But riddle me this.
From the other rape-thread:
>What if you raped to bring your superior seed to a lower people? Heighten their average IQ a bit and help their civilization in the long run? Pretty good, right?
Could be argued as moral in the long run.
OP didn't mention that it has anything to do with traditonal games.
Kill, of course. I don't think anyone sane in reality honestly thinks that rape is worse than murder.
If you can't work out how to spread your seed without rape you have some pretty shitty genes anyway.
I just see it as naturally fitting Veeky Forums. Rape-threads on Veeky Forums is like war-threads on /k/. It's been here since the start.
I don't think a tribe would be that open to seduction after you murder all their husbands and male children.
The only part of "board culture" it was was it being shitposting spam that would get you banned. Are you suggesting the mods ban OP?
Nobody in my larger circle of friends and acquaintances has ever shown to have dealt with torture, murder or gore in any way. However, a couple of female friends have dealt with sexual assault in some degree and I have reason to believe there are more.
It also won't be terribly open to survival
If you can't spread your seed without murdering all the men and male children you have pretty shitty genes.
Shitposting in the past doesn't mean shitposting is okay in the future.
Hunger ayy
They've also probably lost someone close to them, so is people dying banned in your games as well?
>I just see it as naturally fitting Veeky Forums
>shitposting has been around since forever, that makes it ok!
Kill yourself.
Did you also forget that Veeky Forums is the home of The Paladin, the last refuge of the man who strives for good, even if he must strive alone?
Why are you killing the men and male children? Just let them rape your women to mix the blood. That is the same genetic materials that will be combining.
Food and sex can be quite scarse.
"if it happens in real life it should happen in our fun game we play as a past time"
is this truly your argument?
You can spam images of dudes getting decapitated but somebody getting some dick they don't want is verboten
Nobody was banned back when Veeky Forums was at it's best. We'd sit around and discuss the morals of rape with nary a flinch.
Sure it will, after you rape them and the new generation of higher IQ hybrids start to run things.
people like this one lack imagination.
this should be obvious also how about rape as torture?
>illogical extremes
Alright, let me put it this way then.
I play with both men and women, with various degrees of social ability. Now, you know when you play with true male nerds, they tend to sperg when sex and rape comes into the picture. To them it's funny.
To most of the women, it's not. Having some dude describe how he rapes some female elf is creepy as fuck. It's uncomfortable, even for me. And I browse Veeky Forums.
Meanwhile, both men and women are confronted with murder through games and movies. It's not something that hits close to home. Murder is more democratic, rape is targeted to one specific group of people.
Also, quit trying to justify playing out your rape fantasies. As I mentioned before, it's creepy.
You don't seem to grasp the original concept.
The point is to uplift the lower race, not pull down the higher race. Your way would tear both towrds the center, gaining nothing.
we're used to violence in media
And it's obviously rape with extra bit of edge
>torture, murder and gore
Because they can have benevolent ends. Sure, methods are degenerate, but end goal can be good.
while rape cannot be justified and can hardly have any benevolent end reasons
and yes, I think Christian morality plays a big role here.
The solution is simple. Men should play with men and women should do whatever women do and stop shitting up the hobby.
>true male nerds
It seems to be funny to men in general. See that shitstorm over jason momoa
>Having some dude describe how he rapes some female elf is creepy as fuck.
What if it was simply described as, "A rapes B"
And what are these ubermenschen supposed to eat in the little gap between being born and becoming adults? And who's exactly supposed to teach them how to do things? And what stops their mothers from caving the bastards' heads in?
>Meanwhile, both men and women are confronted with murder through games and movies.
Men are raped more than women in the US
>he says, sitting lonely in his basement, angrily wondering why no women has touched his fun parts yet.
You play the hobby with whoever you want to play. And women often make fun players.
>Because they can have benevolent ends
So you're okay with using rape to torture someone?
>It seems to be funny to men in general.
Most men have the common sense not to push it until it's get uncomfortable. I'm a man. I like the occasional joke, but I don't enjoy talking about rape in general.
>What if it was simply described as, "A rapes B"
Do what you must, but I'll keep it out of my game. It opens up a window to push it until it's uncomfortable.
Yeah but the US also has a two-party electoral system, laws that allow civilians to carry guns in the open and supersized food. Unless you're from the US, it's a really weird place.
The women will figure something out. And women don't do that, see rape-babies in like every war ever.
I'm married :^)
Your communication must be fascinating
The Romans raped to make enemies submit
Serbians raped to breed more Serbians
Congolese militias would rape to spread AIDS and slowly kill the population of an enemy village or town
Rape is versatile
Lucky her.
>Congolese militias would rape to spread AIDS and slowly kill the population of an enemy village or town
This seems like an ineffective tactic. Your own people have aids as well.
What do you mean with that? Do you mean that my view of "proper imagination" imagination with an amount of edge? I really don't know what you were meaning.
I was under the impression, you saw some justifications for murder and torture, but rape is a somewhat unique category that is done only for it's own sake and never as a tool or part of something else. That is a lack of imagination, when something is so taboo that nope, it can only be addressed vaguely and even exploring it's uses in some half serious way is edgy and dismissable.
top kek
You could have the AID-SS, the designated rape-squadron. Entrance requirements are aids and premature ejaculation (for efficiency).
But what when your soldiers go home? You'll have an epidemic in no time.
Show her what you posted here. I'm sure she'll love it. You've got nothing to hide, right?
Rape babies were usually drowned or left to die. People didn't love kids the way they do now. Infanticide was perfectly normal.
Ok, whatever, but in actual modern wars there are throngs of rape-babies running around after. Look at WW2 and the Vietnam war.
Sounds like circular reasoning to me.
>We can't justify rape in fiction because we can't justify rape in fiction.
Like, WHY does special cruelty have a special status different from both non-sexual cruelty and non-cruel sexuality?
Less than .03% lived to adulthood in Germany
American soldier baby mama =/= Rape
because with murder or torture you are killing or hurting somebody.
With rape you are degrading them to less than humans, to objects to be used for your pleasure.
And you're wrong, because pre christian Romans considered rape one of the worst crimes possible, punisheable with up to the death sentence.
>Soviet soldier => rape
>American soldier => not rape
Rape = rape
>pre christian Romans considered rape one of the worst crimes possible
Unless you're fucking your property, but then it's not rape
If it was so bad then why wasn't it punished by rape? By that reasoning death is still worse.
Reposting this from /5eg/.
I'm DMing a viking game that just started yesterday. The first session started with a village raiding - since it's a viking game, it's obvious that the characters aren't meant to be LG paladins. Some raping and pillaging will happen, that's just how it goes. And it did happen - the players specifically said that while they're short resting in the raided village, they drink all the wine and rape all the women. That was fine with me.
However, what I found interesting was their interaction with a prisoner in the mage tower. Not only they talked to her, they also freed her, took her with them and decided to make her a party mascot. A thought of doing something to that specific woman, who has lines and a name, never even crossed their mind.
Because sexual violence is almost universally considered to be more abhorrent than torture and murder.
Which universe considers rape worse than murder? By your logic we should hunt down and mercy-kill every rape victim.
narrow mind, go read more twisted postmodernist propaganda.
>American soldier baby mama =/= Rape
You know in every war only some of the children conceived by foreign soldiers are rape babies? How many woman do it on their own volition for food, money, safety or because they are just sluts and want fun and stress relief with exotic men they won't see again?
Because people are narrow minded. It is shocking how dogmatic people can be. They grow up hearing Victorian notions of how awful rape is, how it is worse than death and try as you can you can't shake people from these beliefs even when you show them evidence.
So even though rape is simply a brutal assault it is turned into something more by society. And that then is turned into a taboo by people for reasons they can't quite articulate.
I'm not saying that rape is not traumatic or painful, but the discomfort around joking about it or depicting it in fiction or at the hands of a fictional protagonist happens because of the taboo involved.
Get a fresh (You) from me, Dr. Edge and Mr. Bait
Rape was illegal in Rome because you damaged the property of the Paterfamilias. A rape victim could never be married off to a suitor of good breeding. It was a property crime depending on how important her family was.
You got numbers?
I don't necessarily agree with that guy, but to be fair, Veeky Forums is also the home of the dickass thief, the whizzard, and /d/lite. not only those have been here since forever, they make a pretty solid chunk of board structure. Every cultural construct has some shitty or unsavory parts that can be made to fit into civilized society or subverted but not erased.
You're dumb.
Rape is a probable threat in our society, it's a common fear, there is a lot of people who know people who were almost raped, who where raped, or who were assaulted sexually.
It makes rape more relatable. Murder and torture are out of place fantasy. I know women who were assaulted sexually. I never encountered someone who was tortured with hot iron or some shit.
You're just a bunch of dunce who can't understand why rape is treated differently because you lack the empathy to do so.
Around six million.
>The point is to uplift the lower race, not pull down the higher race
You're literally not making any difference genetically. "Superior" males raping "inferior" females and "inferior" males raping "superior" females will result in exactly the same amount of halfbreeds.
The mere thought of that premise is what makes /pol/ and ooga booga the same cesspool.
Yes, I also never met anyone that was murdered, you're right.
No, women are more valuable and they have a limited amount of birts they can do before they are spent. Taking away women from the higher people equals less higher people if we assume thhat each woman is used until 'spent' or that she will just have a low fixed number of babies voluntarily.
The point is also to lessen the potential for more sub-people and increase the potential for them to be uplifted, if we let their males stick around then they'll naturally continue to breed more sub peoples, if we replace their males with higher-IQ halfbreeds then the next generation will have higher IQ than the baseline of the original population as well. They'll have tech firms and wall-street bankers in no time.
Also remember that I'm talking about Orcs here, you awful racists
Sure you are sweetie
>No, women are more valuable and they have a limited amount of birts they can do before they are spent.
I'm pretty sure that's not accurate.
>The point is also to lessen the potential for more sub-people and increase the potential for them to be uplifted, if we let their males stick around then they'll naturally continue to breed more sub peoples, if we replace their males with higher-IQ halfbreeds then the next generation will have higher IQ than the baseline of the original population as well. They'll have tech firms and wall-street bankers in no time.
I'm pretty sure that murdering all of them and replacing them wholly with your own race would be more effective.
Aww, sweetie, it's 2017, I am so not a shitlord racist but it is so obvious that you means that the orcs are africans even though it's never stated. Again, I'm not racist but as soon as you mentioned sub-human I thought African, sweetie-pie snuggums
Because there's a manly way to kill someone.
Women have menopause in their late 40's, and each pregnancy takes about 9 months. How can you say there's not a hard limit?
A single man on the other hand could literally impregnate every single woman on the planet (or at least go until he died, and then we are talking thousands of pregnancies if not tewns of thousands, I won't do the math).
And the original point was if rape could ever be good, this was a thought exercise, replacing them with our own race would go against the point.
>All genetics are Mendelian and all species breed like humans, ignoring even the real world doesn't work this way
You are arguing over a literally indefensible topic
> Is Judeo-Christian morality to be blamed
Get out, you pagan raping scum !
What? IQ is hereditary, there's no argument about that.
Ancient morality was completely alien from ours
Certain things were only good or evil depending on who you did it too
>Murder and torture are out of place
Haha, yea, sure
That's what I just said. American soldiers weren't about that rape life.
There are countless of accounts from both sides in the war that witnessed american GI's raping women and kids.
Or the way you went about it. Norseman killing a norseman over an insult? Totally okay, as long as he's not hiding it. Otherwise it's murder and he's to be lynched.
Oh, an if the killed guy's brother wants a revenge kill? Fair game in both cases
Satan here, let me explain this before I get someone thinking 'because the guy raping is huge, it's somehow still manly'.
Dickless over there couldn't get the bitch wet so he had to force it.
He's being strong? Women like strong men. But despite being swole he failed.
He's using his position of power to get his way? Wow, you're sitting on a pile of money and privilege, which could all be hers by letting you drill her once in a while, and she still rejected you. Now you gotta buy that roofie and pay off anyone who witnesses it.
He's just taking what he wants? Holy shit he knew he wasn't gonna get what he wanted from the start. He just gave up and resorted to plowing the blackout chick because he knows, deep down, no willing woman would want him.
It's not a sex thing, he's proving a point? Holy fucking shit, you mean he had no other way of doing it? How bad is he at talking? How weak is his left hook? He had to use his diseased micropeen to humiliate her. Because while someone could proudly say "dicknugger over there beat on me because he knows he ain't shit", this fucking nothing of a man had to humiliate someone by putting the one thing literally nobody wants in them, because direct dominance was too hard for his flaccid self.
Rape is admitting failure. Rape is what boys in the locker do when none of their better options worked. Rape is what the poor man uses because it's easier to get away with than murder, more insidious and indirect than a man's act like beating on a motherfucker, and allows the illusion of power through repulsion instead of giving respect or command. A man can kill, even contemplate and carry out a cowardly murder, and still be a man because he was motivated by something better. A rape is what an insignificant uses to play at being a man.
>Sheltered gated community cuckboy
My dad killed his first man protecting my aunt from rape when she was a girl
This And there are real rapes and falsely reported rapes during every big war. War is hell.