How would stop children from falling to the affects of chaos in 40k Veeky Forums?

How would stop children from falling to the affects of chaos in 40k Veeky Forums?

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>exposing your children to mentally diseased and confused morons
Gee look at us, aren't we progressive?

>it's literally just a daemonette
i mean i've always said these people were Slaaneshi cultists but they're not even trying to hide it goddamn

dmc was a good anime

Why arent there any important medical figures in 40k? Id expect some Apothecary or IG medic would get something but nothing.

This has to be an edit it looks like a fucking demonette

The solution is eliminating all of mankind.

It's not. Libraries accross america are inviting crossdressers, transgenders, and drag queens to do storytimes so they can appear 'progressive'

I get that, but what is that person then? Is daemonette their preferred gender and they're wearing makeup and horns?

>implying anybody on Veeky Forums cares about kids unless theyre sexy 2d ones

naw really though im outraged, totally totally outraged

That, my dear user, is a fairy.
In multiple senses of that word.

Yeah yeah but the make up? Maybe I could let that pass but the eyes and horns are 100% demonette

Jeez was the 501st not available

It's a confused individual trying to 'break gender norms' and all that bullshit. He genuinely likely believes he's a genius.

I fucking do. I have 2 daughters getting to the age where they listen to stories. Luckily I live in a pretty red state and don't have to worry about this retardation showing up in my schools and the teachers acting like it's the 'new normal'

Las wounds either kill you or they don't. Medics aren't that useful.

but is it a real demonette do we need to start putting purity seals on our cars

The answer is obvious, of course.

You kill the Chaos worshipers before they have a chance to spread their disease disguised as an ideology. If you believe they've infiltrated the local government and are manipulating policy and the media to gain better access to impressionable Imperial children, perhaps it's time to call in the Inquisition.

Stop acting retarded this is not your warhammer 40k bullshit this is a person who wants to infect OUR kids. Stop thinking "oh HERP IS CHAOS WAT DO I DO" your the reason why this bullshit breeds.

user calm down eat a snickers

It's not a real daemonette, it's just a larper. Killing it with fire will suffice.

I'd do this.

On the other hand, there may be some merit to user's idea, though he does not realize it. The ancient Hebrews traditionally kept small fragments of Holy Scripture tied to themselves so that the Law and the Prophets would always be easily accessible. Humans are visual creatures. An ever-present symbol of what is right and good might be a valuable tool against these madmen.

Food for thought.

They try to corrupt our kids. So we should resist their propaganda and fight them like the daemons they are.

Have you considered not being a bigot?

>How would stop children from falling to the affects of chaos in 40k Veeky Forums?
a good stint in the guard

If fighting against a mental disease which has a high suicide rate makes me a bigot, then I happily take the title.

Reciting the "Creed Imperialis" while taking an ice-cold shower after the morning PT session is a good start to the day...

You know the suicide rates are from people who are forbidden by there parents to get hormones or whatever, right?

>Sending children into battle with wet tissue paper and flashlights
Hard Mode: Your choice must offer a chance of survival, at least by 40K standards.

The suicide rate stays high afterwards. The frequency with which gender-confused individuals regret their decision to mutilate themselves is extremely high. Most of them deserve pity. Their minds are afflicted, and progressives actively encourage them to ruin their own lives rather than seek help just to virtue-signal about how "tolerant" they are.

The degenerate filth in OP's imagine, and all those who celebrate such depravity, deserve punishment.

Some are. But you do know gender confusion is classed as a mental disorder by the DSM-5, and on top of this hormonal treatments really fucks with your bodies chemistry and hormones, leading to depression and anxiety, even around supportive climates, which either leads to more suicide or taking additional medication to deal with the symptoms.

Who would have thought fucking with your bodies chemistry unnaturally leads to problems?

Frankly I would just rather people just be gay or have attraction to the same sex. It's much less damaging and complicated. But as soon as you get into gender fluidity and all that bullshit things get dangerous.

>muh degeneracy
>muh made up assertions

go back to /pol/ alt-shit

I have a son, I care.

Have you considered the harm you're causing these people by humoring their delusions?

Saying "go back to /pol/" is also
>not an argument.

Can confirm. Tried HRT, regretted it, and now I'm trying to lose the boobs through dieting and exercise.

You have no arguments, you piece of human garbage. You are a walking, breathing cancer polluting this entire board. Remove yourself from here at once ! Kill yourself ! GO THE FUCK AWAY, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE !

Ooh triggered.

Our work here is done, boys.


>implying all of /pol/ is stormfront
Go home newfag.

eat lots of red meat and do push ups and stuff.