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What kind of uncommon mounts have you seen in your game? Do you prefer them or are you just a regular horse guy?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
What kind of uncommon mounts have you seen in your game? Do you prefer them or are you just a regular horse guy?
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Where's the SoM download? This shit sounds cool.
Motorcycles. Numerian barbarians riding haphazardly made dieselpunk/spacetech with a rudimentary AI running them like those of robots with chainsaw lances. Uncommon enough?
Can I get a link to the discord?
>domesticated hippos
It's done. They've won at civilization.
Badass. I wanna play this. I wanna be Mad Max in Numeria.
Is dexfagging any better in SoM?
not really, but QUALITYfagging is better, since two talents nets you a Vigilante's Lethal Grace, based on BAB
I want to play in this game.
Better than nothing, I suppose.
Thinking about this.
A game where everyone had a thing taken from them by a warlord who wields some kind of evil kung fu and lives atop a pyramid made of spaceship parts and stone blocks quarried by orphans.
You can choose to have had your wife taken, one of your hands, your title (in which case he usurped your kung fu throne) or a precious item (like an airship or whatever).
So I'm making a character with the first level being Gunslinger and then from there going full Arcane Archer Magus for magic bullet at touch memes, how do you guys like this stat spread with that in mind?
>2hu finally killed Hell's Rebels
>two months downtime so our characters can take a "brief respite"
>80k gold in my own pocket, with my allies having similar amounts (or often even more)
>I have crafting feats, a ring of sustenance, a shitload of spellcraft, and am one misbrewed cup of coffee from becoming essentially a sleepless mummy
So how are your games going, my dudes?
>It's everything great about Mad Max, Hokuto no Ken, and Dune all in one.
user, stop! My penis can only get so erect!
Using downtime rules, what buildings would your character want to construct/purchase by the end of the campaign?
I'd want a noble villa with exotic shops and an artisan's workshop!
My Friday game is slow-going, the game I run on Saturday nights is on hiatus, my first Sunday game got skipped because the GM slept, and the second Sunday game imploded, which likely frees up my Sundays if I wanna run a game or something, I guess.
Wednesday game is chugging along, though.
you've been claiming this forever
pls halp. I am building my first character (half elf rogue). I have no intention of multi-classing, and all of the alternatives seems strangely story line specific: part drow, aquatic, hates elves, all of which don't fit my story.
Wat do?
I threw a fun encounter against my party today. I had a group of 7 players, most of them very experienced, all level 3. They had just cracked open an ancient and sealed dwarf fortress to go loot the contents and kill whatever monsters were sealed inside. Of course it turns out that they encountered this little sucker.
Colossal Zombie Horde:
> Type: Troop(Undead)
> AC, 11
> HP, 950
> Size: Colossal+++(It occupies an arbitrary amount of squares, but behaves fluidly)(edited)
> Movement, 10 feet. Goes up to 15 feet the turn after it deals damage.
> Attacks: Deals 5d4 slashing/blunt damage to all units within melee range of the horde. Also deals 1d5 damage to worn armour.
> Special: For every 5 points of damage received, remove zombie closest to party, and replace it at the back of the horde, farthest from the party.
> Ignores AOE attacks normally, simplified it to them automatically doing 3x max damage on the dice.
The party was able to dispatch the entirety of the horde in about 6 ingame turns, taking very little damage, mostly through a combination of being tactically competent, and having a damage-monster rogue who thoroughly enjoyed fighting something with a huge healthbar.
I wanted to introduce the concept to the party, and I already knew that they had two characters who were absolute monsters when it comes to dealing damage. The horde filled up an arbitrarily large, fluid-like space that moved as a whole. It filled up multiple rooms in the dungeon, and parted like water in response to party damage. "Tendrils" of the horde even swept around through other rooms and got around the party, forcing them to re-adjustments to their formation to try and fight them on multiple ends.
>So how are your games going, my dudes?
The second session was supposed to be today but three of the five players ghosted. I think I'm done GMing, I put all this work into it and these faggots can't even be bothered to show up.
No, Hell's Rebels really did die.
Both groups.
Group A is still going...just not in Pathfinder.
I've not heard anything positive about it, but I do know B died and it died hard.
Is it somewhere listed how much buildings cost?
One player left of their own accord, another player couldn't keep up because of timezone constraints, and the revolving door party didn't help any consistency. It was for the best
2hu killed both groups.
Downtime rules.
Fuck off Rory.
You were explicitly told not to do this.
That would be pretty impressive, since 2hu was only in one right?
is this really Rory shitting things up?
Yeah, but 2hu had the DM wrapped around his finger and was probably fucking with the second game too.
no they didn't
Man, for real. what IS your issue with 2hu? It's been the better part of a fucking decade and you've been following them around that entire time like a stalker ex.
I swear, it's not me this time. I've been on speaking terms with 2hu for a while now.
You know, I still don't get your guys focus on the characters and their backstories. Wouldn't a different system be better for that? Why not focus on the variety of options Pathfinder has or the combat or something?
Rory hates anybody that's getting more attention than him.
Are you saying your characters don't have any backstory, or perhaps just a two-liner "this is his name and this is why he's not dead"? That sounds boring as fuck.
>combat being interesting
>variety of options
we exhausted that.
There's some, but if I wanted to have more of a personal story, I'd play something else.
It looks like you're trying to create a false dichotomy. Why shouldn't you have characters and backstories in a game with good combat and lots of options?
>good combat
You know you can do both, right? Nothing is preventing you to do both, nothing implicit in the number of options prevents backstory generation. What you're saying sounds dangerously close in concept to the Stormwind Fallacy
>[Namefag] hates anybody that's getting more attention than him.
>Stormwind Fallacying this hard
>blindly parroting the "Pathfinder is bad" meme
Name a system with better combat.
Nice false flag Rory. We still know you're a piece of shit.
Nah, its really bad with a few namefags.
mostly Rory and Vult
Only War, D&D 4e, Song Of Swords.
You can do both, but I've found that GMs barely touch on it even if it goes to novel lengths. They all seem more interested in the "main" story or their own thing. I was just wondering why you choose Pathfinder for that kind of backstory. It seems like other systems are more focused on the personal stuff.
An MMO simulator and a game that strips all the tactical depth from 3.5 so that retards can play it. You niggas serious?
Legends of the Wulin.
Which namefags aren't so bad? They all appear to be whiny attention-whores to me.
mmo simulator has solid combat tho
about the only good part of the system sadly.
I'm the Kal'Vortun DM. My campaign just recently adopted the Path of War supplement from DSP, makes the martials pretty interesting. My whole group of 7 players don't even use the core game martials anymore, since you can pretty much emulate any of the original classes with the new 6, and just do them better.
> "Want to make a spellslinger that doesn't completely suck ass?"
> "Play a gunsmoke mystic, run it with the solar wind discipline."
> "Boom, you now have a magic-gunslinger hybrid that can do gun-fu wizardry, and a bunch of cool shit."
It very heavily modifies martial classes so that they go into much greater detail beyond just "I hit it with my sword", or "I shoot my bow". Now you get things like
> Party tank: "Alright, I'm going to enter this stance, and pop this buff that makes monsters take penalties/AOO when attacking party"
> Party's frontline fighter: "Pop my move-and-attack stance, use a power strike that triggers free 5-foot steps on adjacent party members"
> Party's rogue: "I'm going to start off the fight by using this ability to start my Deadly Strike chain." Next round: "I activate this boost that lets me make 2 extra attacks at a -4 penalty to hit... And now here's 5d10s of deadly strike damage to that one single target"
Savage Worlds.
The ones who stay quiet and keep their bullshit drama out of the threads or other public forums are usually better than the ones who actively try to start shit.
It's the ones who actively attempt to troll or whine for attention that you need to worry about. So basically it's the ones who actually namefag that are asshole namefags, and the good namefags are only "namefags" in that others talk about them.
What is "Grease/hold person/sleep/color spray"
What is summon monster
What are combat maneuvers
What is dazing spell
What are PoW damage and counters
This combat isn't good
what the fuck is Kal'vortun and why should I care
Yes, a 3rd party supplement helps improve things, slowclap, you've figured it out
thats not the same thing.
Path of war is shit btw.
This is true, 2hu killed the second game.
Any system.
Since we're talking backstories (I think?), and in an effort to curb shitposting, I've got a question. What do you guys do to get motivated to actually *write* the backstory? I don't mean just get the idea but actually put words to paper.
DC's for those first few spells you listed are going to inevitably be so bad after the first few levels they become irrelevant, and at no point does Summon Monster ever become relevant because most things you can summon have garbage damage output and die in a hit from CR-appropriate encounters.
Combat Maneuvers work fine in the situations where they would make sense to be implemented.
Dazing Spell is a meme and with a +3 metamagic level increase, good luck putting it on anything other than Magic Missile and have it be relevant.
PoW isn't strictly relevant since the system wasn't created with it in mind.
I listen to depressing, mopey music, then write depressing, mopey backstories. It works.
i like writing
>So basically it's the ones who actually namefag that are asshole namefags, and the good namefags are only "namefags" in that others talk about them.
But didn't you know, user? Nobody would ever talk about celebs except themselves. That means anybody talking about them in the thread has to be the namefag themself trying to self shill.
You obviously aren't here every sunday then. I'm posting up things for my setting and trying to get new ideas for it every week.
If your combat is shit, you need a new DM who can competently challenge the players. But it's also important to let your characters know that it's a two-way street, and challenging a party of 3 tier 1s, and 3 Tier 6s is outright impossible.
> DO NOT ALLOW your players to run extremely low-tier character builds. No monks, no gimmick builds, no joke characters that will last a single session before they get bored of it.
> Use monsters that have attacks going beyond just "I hit the biggest party member"
> Threaten players with monsters using stat damage
> Magic attacks, throw save or suck, but not save or lose.
> Multiple different monster types in the same room.
> Surpise your party with unusual things unique to pathfinder, like troops.
> Surprise them with monsters that don't exist in the bestiary, take a note from mythologies like that of the slavs. It's all fun and games when your players are expecting a fight with feral orcs, only to find out the orcs got eaten by an Ekkimara.
> Don't feel bad about DOWNING players, always keep track of their health and how much damage they can take. It's okay to have a monster hit players hard enough to bring them just 3 points shy of death, that makes the situation super tense, but also fair.
Nobody cares dude.
55891837 (you)
Try writing.
Get bored and get up.
Try again.
Go listen to music.
Try a third time.
Go find art.
Write the entire thing in 30 minutes based off a piece of art I like.
Proofread it.
Cry because it's shit, and I'm shit, and now everyone will know it.
Post it.
Get into games.
Sometimes an idea just hits me and I have the urge to see it through. Being drunk also helps at times.
Honestly, once I talk with the GM to make sure the concept is okay, I'm pretty motivated.
Hi Count
Natural Attacks and Chill touch...
Say you're this 5th level Wizard, you cast monstrous physique to turn yourself into a charda. You have 5 natural attacks, 4 of them claws.
Can you use the 4 claws to deliver 4 touch attacks with chill touch?
Similarly, as you make a natural attack, the damage of chill touch would be added, correct?
No, delivering a touch attack is different than using a natural attack
actually. Also, cheesy, upbeat music is more my jam.
So you can't use your 4 claw attacks that round to deliver 4 touches?
No, thats not how delivering touches work.
Wouldn't a touch spell fire off when you touch an enemy...with an attack.
Considering that hitting with a Natural attack is actually HARDER than hitting with a Touch attack and beating the AC of the former inherently means beating the latter, I'm not sure if I believe you.
i googled shit until i understood, basically if you specifically hold the cahrge of the spell
Holding the Charge: If you dont discharge the spell in the round when you cast the spell, you can hold the charge indefinitely. You can continue to make touch attacks round after round. If you touch anything or anyone while holding a charge, even unintentionally, the spell discharges. If you cast another spell, the touch spell dissipates. You can touch one friend as a standard action or up to six friends as a full-round action. Alternatively, you may make a normal unarmed attack (or an attack with a natural weapon) while holding a charge. In this case, you arent considered armed and you provoke attacks of opportunity as normal for the attack. If your unarmed attack or natural weapon attack normally doesnt provoke attacks of opportunity, neither does this attack. If the attack hits, you deal normal damage for your unarmed attack or natural weapon and the spell discharges. If the attack misses, you are still holding the charge.
then it works
kind of
Its still pretty garbage, but i guess it could work with chill touch?
I get super drunk
hi plat
I resent that! I am not a caricature!
That's right, you're a cuck. A bamboozling cuck :^)
are too
drinky drinkboi
How is it garbage? As a polymorph you are proficient with your natural attacks and don't provoke AoO.
No one?
you have to cast the spell, hold the charge, then use them the next turn.
You can't just cast and nat attack to deliver normally
Not really, you cast the spell, move up to an enemy use one touch attack as the spell permits. Next round you're in range and just unload all your five attacks.
Still speaking about the charda monstrous physique polymorph and chill touch, right?
Some of those hit, and whenever you do add a d6 and possibly some strength damage.
its pretty janky is all i'm saying
Play a vivisectionist alchemist or investigator instead. Call yourself a rogue. You do all the things a rogue does AND you have spells.