How would an SCP game work?
What system would you use to run an SCP-themed game otherwise?
How would an SCP game work?
Play a technocrat
>How would an SCP game work?
The only good answer. Just have an endless stream of functionally-identical D-Class personnel instead of Clones
Delta green
D100 system based on call of cthulhu
With a sufficiently good GM most systems could run it. I'd go for an exploration of other dimensions feel.
t. Complete SCP fanboy
>How would an SCP game work?
Like delta green or paranoia I'd playing D-class
>What system would you use to run an SCP-themed game otherwise?
I don't like percentile systems so would use GURPS.
I've considered using Cthulhu Dark with SCP monsters before.
There's already an SCP game and it's F2P. Just Google it. I watched Robbaz play it, then played it later.
Ok nvm ignore me I'm an idiot. You meant as a tabletop.
There are multiple SCP games, including one game that's an SCP.
a field agents game.
the GM has to have a SHITLOAD of smaller hooks across a continent, .
SCP Foundation Field agents investigate rumors of odd phenomena in case of potential SCP objects.
they also search for cells of groups the foundation is after such as Marshall, Carter, and Dark or the Wanderers Library.
when an object is found, agent teams must then do what they can to neutralize it or perform preliminary containment before the science teams and mobile task forces arrive, they then debrief and move on to the next collection of rumors.
if a group of agents finds a small cell of an enemy organization they take them down. if it's a large cell or group then they call in a small strike team or mobile task force.
combine that with a need to provide the saved receipts, fuel tickets, occasionally turn in or exchange weapons, deal with fallout from sloppy ops, and of course regularly needing to leave places and packing at a moments notice.
these teams have to improvise...a LOT
I ran one earlier this year, didn't put a lot of thought into it and pretty much just made it a GURPS dungeon crawl.
Due to the nature of the SCP world, almost every hostile entity you meet is insanely overpowered or an absolute joke. It is a serious slog trying to find SCPs that aren't cack to use in a game.
The way I dealt with the power balance was by making the player characters all SCPs themselves, albeit with amnestics administered beforehand.
Can't remember the numbers but one of the PCs was the jigsaw guy who can lose and reattach limbs with them still functioning.
I didn't plan a lot and it quickly boiled down to me just randomly throwing a load of my favourite SCPs into a randomly generated donjon. Honestly the best ones are the kinda silly ones, but my party was very creative with the abusable ones they found. The real difficulty in GMing is working out how much of the nature of an SCP item/creature you should reveal to the players. Going in blind is boring suicide, going in all-knowing is just boring. You need some way for them to half know items for example
>Katana that makes the wielder believe they know how to use a katana
>ball that, when dropped, bounces twice as high as where you dropped it from
>book that categorically proves the existence of an integer between 4 and 5
>tomato plant whose tomatoes launch themselves at whomever makes a pun nearby
>incredibly powerful shapeshifter/worldscaper whose only goal is to scare humans, but has no idea what humans are scared of
My party pulled shit like slicing up one of the tomatoes very thinly then tricking the bbeg into making a pun, and finding a ruler then using the existence of this new integer and the principle of explosion to make a hole in the adjacent wall.
Mah nigga.
D&D 5e
not D&D, but that puts me to mind another system to try Shadowrun.
players are limited to mundane mortal humans with no 'ware, powers, or special benefits.
combat system is pretty good, investigation too, and most importantly it covers the interactions between the mundane and the super-normal with reasonably clear rules
and it can handle really weird shit.
creatures with adept powers, paracritters, things granting mage powers, technomancers, cyborgs, cyber-zombies, HMHVV carriers, spirits, sprites, possessed entities, etc. etc.
Delta Green would work. "Agents try to deal with paranormal shit and usually end up dying horribly" is kind of the whole theme, just replace or reskin all the Cthulhu mythos stuff and you're golden.
What's the most unsettling set you could make with these signs?
Tangentially related, but if there's a fan of SCP stuff in this thread that hasn't seen Confinement, you really should.
>"It transforms?"
This is some excellent stuff. Thanks for sharing.
Stay in the Darkness and Safe Place to Rest
When you enter, you see Stay in the Light, Get Out Fast, Symbols Have Been Compromised
Depends on what SCPs you're going to have in the game. Some SCPs could have an entire campaign dedicated to them alone.
Fellow princes of Sweden
Stay together, Do not trust them, Do not be taken alive.
All you need is two:
>Don't Give Up
>Symbols Have Been Compromised
I want to strangle you two to death, run you through a shredder, then bury your corpses in cement and use the leftover mix to turn the whole thing into a sandbox for a cat.
DnD 5e is not built for this. Shadowrun's system is overcomplicated and obnoxious. Play better things before you go recommending the only two things you've ever played.
Pretty sure there is already a homebrew with this kinda game. I've seen a Dark Souls one, so I'm sure SCP has one too.
You are being watched, hostile being, do not be taken alive
I think do not be taken alive will win any of them
He's just so comfy. I'm really enjoying his long streams
What's your favorite series of his, past or present?
I really love From the Depths / cooking with the kock
I didn't suggest D&D.
and shadowrun isn't THAT complicated, especially if you intend to use it like I described. stripping out a great deal of the rules, skills, and, systems.
and I didn't want to suggest WoD or a d100 based home-brew
Dungeons the Dragoning and its system wouldn't do
I don't like d20 systems if I can avoid them.
I am using this for druidic.
Larger version.
>How would an SCP game work?
D-classes or Mobile Task Force Operatives have to escape from/recover SCPs.
>What system would you use to run an SCP-themed game otherwise?
Monsters and Other Childish Things. Personnel get statted the same way children do, SCPs get statted as monsters.
How come all the best/iconic SCPs are in the 001-999 series
Because they were made first?
>It Is Not Human
>Do Not Make Physical Contact
>Get Out Fast
"Symbols Have Been Compromised" is a gimmick for intimidation.
That's pretty spooky
I'm trying to imagine the worst combination of any 3 of these. So far the combination:
>You are being watched
>Someone else is here
>Do not be taken alive
Is the most fucked up combo I can think of. Especially if you can't see anyone else.
>Rooms move/Area changes
>Do not make eye contact
>Do not be taken alive
>Guns are no good
>do not follow the little girl
>do not make physical contact
>you are being watched
>Keep true self hidden
>Not who they say they are
>Place is watched
>Many died here
It Is Not Human
Does Not Stay Dead
Do Not Be Taken Alive
here's a relatively interesting read that also will perfectly explain why the early ones are generally much better and why almost all of the really great ones are in the first series
TL;DR- on /x/ and the first, very informal and messy wiki, creative spirit flowed free and people wrote pure shit and pure gold. Soon after, as with everything else niche and creative, it got popular, other people flowed in and the good:shit ratio changed dramatically in shit's favour and those making good stuff got bored and moved on. Soon it all became derivative and meme filled and now we have modern SCP.
>What's your favorite series of his, past or present?
My Summer Car, for sure
>01: Decide what IS canon for *your* site, and for *your* game world.
SCPs are spread across the globe and at a wide multitude of separate locations to be a secure and protective as possible. It may not be in your best interests to blow your load and have numerous big-ticket SCPs all together in one place. Instead, a central "famous" SCP is advisable, and surround it with a number of "Lesser" SCPs. A starting list is good, but you don't need to
>02: Decide what level of play you are working with.
Class D is a thankless, horrible position, as prisoners and convicts who would otherwise be facing the death penalty, they are not the place you want to *start* a campaign. A field team, consisting of Securing and Containment specialists with researchers and adjuncts offers not only a much more diverse character option set, but also a wide variety of potential plot hooks outside of "The armed guards order you to go into the room with the mask on a velvet pillow". At (or near) the top of the pile is the site administrators, who would play more like a strategy game, sending operational teams out and approving or denying research requests. Personally, i'd stick with the "Securing, Containing, and Researching" level of play.
>03: Generate a sample anomaly, and let the players be irresponsible with it.
It's the only way they will learn... Give them: say, a section of carpet that has impossibly deep shag pile, like, lose your hand in it, or your whole arm... if you squat down you can actively hide in it...
\And then have something else be in there.
>04: Kill characters swiftly and brutally, but have new characters waiting for them.
Yeah, that thing in the rug, it's the rug itself... it behaves like a sea urchin. When it feels prey, it stings them, and then pulls them in and bites off chunks...
Bumping for later consumption
You're aware we have an archive function now, and merely keeping the page open or saving the thread no. would allow you to consume this it at a later date?
Class D: "Nice of SCP-173 to invite us over for a picnic, Gay Class D."
maybe he wants to keep it alive for further discussion before it dies
I am aware of archive
is the reason why
>Do not be taken alive
>Guns are no good
then fix bayonets?
but then I bet that when they are on a combat and contain operation(or just operating in Texas) they probably carry melee options
idea stolen...
complete with the five sided mouth of the urchin...
For the more tongue in cheek style of scp, maybe make them the researchers just ordering class D personall to go in and try shit with the scp, usually getting that class D killed in strange ways, while trying to figure how to safely contain the scp
I hate being that guy, but by chance are you at all familiar with coldsteel the hedgehog?
You're That Guy. Worse, you know it.
Eh, I try to corral myself more often than not. I just found it a bit funny that he said personall instead of personnel
>then fix bayonets?
You seem to have misunderstood the message. So did the agent who attempted to shoot himself in the head when he was captured.
>Class D is a thankless, horrible position, as prisoners and convicts who would otherwise be facing the death penalty
Part of the horror of the SCP, is that very few D-class are actually murderers. In fact, many are nonviolent offenders, like embezzlers.
thank you based user
Robbaz is a video game streamer on youtube and twitch I think. Swedish, funny accent. One of the good streamers because he is actually funny, never shows his face, and is actually decently good at the games he plays.
Post your own original SCP ideas Veeky Forums
if you're feeling up to it try writing your own and posting it right here.
You've never seen this version I guess.
Its a rock that makes you forget its there.
You can always just leave the SCPs themselves to be BBEG type entities and leave the bulk of the enemies be competing groups of interest, either racing to acquire the anomalous object before you, already controlling it/being controlled by it, or trying to take it from you/destroy it while it's in your custody.
You can even try an UIU campaign if you're a masochist.
But... how would they even come to realize its anomalous properties in the first place?
Seems like a less-interesting version of SCP-055.
Okay so I have some ideas and I'd like to see what you guys think. So going off of , the players are the field agents of an understaffed, underfunded organization. The analysis team combs through radio broadcasts, tv stations, and newspapers for potentional supernatural phenomenon, and each lead is presented to the player. The players will travel across cities/countries, but the organiztion cannot afford them a plane, so they must drive everywhere, which allows them to encounter more paranormal stuff on the way.
I have a weirder idea about this, each player lacks an HP value. If something gets them, then they are automatically dead or insane. However, on each mission they can take along a number of D-class per player, and if a player has a living D-class, then any creature will always kill the D-class first. This removes any ability to survive a hit from the phenomenon, makes them seem more lethal, and shows the investigators the horrible fates that befall people that are caught by the creature, while they can still only make so many mistakes per mission. Obviously I'm going with a more narrative focus here. I want to reward XP or levels or some sort of character progression to make people more attached to characters, but I'm not sure how to incorporate that.
Why is 55 keter?
We don't have a 55
The ratings are more about "How hard is to keep it a secret/contained/hidden ?" than anything else.
They don't, thats the joke.
This thread made me go back there for the first time in 3 years. Why in the fuck are there 5000+ SCPs now? I mean at that rate none is ever gonna read your superspecialsnowflake OC monster yknow.
A guy who while he is visible on screen viewers will be incapable of realizing any anomalous effects being recorded are real. Queue containment breach with security guards marveling at how realistic that 682 costume is.
I like this idea a lot
Mage: the Ascension. Void Engineer Neutralization Specialist corps. Grab the Bygone Bestiary and go nuts.
Hard mode: They're fucked by budget cuts.
>"Look, I know you guys requested an ionic pulse cannon but disbursements refuses to open her legs. Here's a crate full of AKs that fell off of the back of a CIA van."
>Sundicate manager's face when
A rock that makes you forget to care.
This. SCP is an exercise in vignette-like ideas, not coherent narrative.
It's FANTASTIC as a source of ispiration, seriously, but not everything put on paper is playable.
>that chart
I only fail to recognize the bottom two after the Warden, but Jesus fuck who's seriously bad enough to be put alongside The Factory?
Why not just use Call of Cthulhu rules?
This reminds me of a couple of threads that happened some months ago where the OP was looking for magical items that are 100% completely useless.
Play either GoC, CI, or SH
The Foundation is a fucking hellhole for players.
lol didnt catch the signiture NUB
It's a highly decorated ceremonial looking dagger, in a vaguely Indian style. If you touch it with bare skin, it transports your conscience into a new, powerful body in a mythical, high fantasy world based on and revolving around Indian Mythology. You become Demigod type hero, and spend the remainder of your (now very long) life in this fantasy world, going on high fantasy adventures. When you eventually die, whether something kills you or you simply pass due to old age, your mortal body back in the real world experiences whatever wounds that killed you in the Daggers world. This all happens within an instant, so the Foundation believes that touching the Dagger simply kills you in a bizarre and random way. If I were to write it up as an actual SCP article, I would probably include a series of logs detailing the ways people have died, with each one hinting towards the true properties of the dagger (the presence of supernatural substances and elements, wounds in particular shapes, etc.).
How is MC&D on the neutral tier and Wondertainment on evil? Whoever drew this up was obviously trying to make a cognito-hazard via neural damage.
Seems to be:
LG - Foundation NG - GOC CG - i dunno
LN - MC&D (what the fuck) TN - Serpent's Hand CN - UIU
...Actually fuck this, it can't be an alignment chart. I still don't know who top or bottom right is.
Dimensional anomaly, centered on a run-down shack in the woods. Effectively teleports people to it, especially young women; created somehow by a serial killer who is now dead.
Perfect cube. Oddly mesmerizing; looking at it too long makes people start to perceive the world in cubist artstyle. Over time, they begin to transform into another cube with the same properties.
I don't THINK it was intended as an alignment chart.
Yeah, it's like one of those spongebob charts.
I've actually been the DM for a game set in the SCP universe using the CoC 7e rule set. I feel like it well enough but we are currently postponing games until February for reasons. How you do it really depends on what type of players you get mine were not looking for anything to hardcore so if you just want a casual game try to avoid SCPs like 096 and 173 where it's just an instant kill if you fuck up.
>I've actually been the DM for a game set in the SCP universe using the CoC 7e rule set.
how did it run?
I have no experience with CoC any edition so even small details about this might help me figure if I should pick up CoC and add it to my library...
Well I gave my players the option to start off knowing the foundation or just civs though you may wanna swing one way or the other. I started off with something simple like a containment breach but with a twist, the site contained SCP-882 and was currently being attacked by broken god cultist while dealing with the expected chaos of a site breach. That site was really my test and it went great 2 characters actually died right there one from getting hit by a cultist the other was dragged into 106's pocket dimension. I had alot of fun crafting different levels of the facility and it ended with the party detonating the on-site warheads to destroy the facility then using SCP-106's pocket dimension to escape (long story how that worked).
After the containment breach I've had the party run across the world re containing any SCPs that managed to escape completely from the attack and the party has been employed by the foundation to do just that.
The hardest part is the amount of home brew you have to do for the SCP monster's stats and other unique creatures/items to the universe.