Here's your female space marine

Here's your female space marine.

Sorry OP, this board is currently oversaturated with low-effort bait threads. You'll probably want ot try again tomorrow when you can get more replies.

Well you replied, so the bait worked apparently

Mary sue warrior that can do all the things? Check.
Taller than normal humans? Check.
Acts completely alien despite looking human? Check.
Lots of sexual tension within the company? Check.
They'll fit right in. Welcome to GW

GOD!!! You fucking heretics...

She's also a heretical traitor to her own kind.

That's a crystal-based Xeno shapeshifter. It's probably some Eldar thing.

Wondering if her magical abilities would be enough to brand her as a heretic.

>sexual tension
The best kind of tension imho

Every episode of this show I force myself to watch I wait for the orks to show up.

I don't know if that was intentional.


>Every episode of this show I force myself to watch

You've watched every episode, haven't you user?

I'm actually quite disgusted with myself.

Thanks for asking.

I understand user. I feel the same way about Warhammer.

>tumblr: the animation

I observe your digits and your crack ship.

>steven tumblrverse

My opinions are dictated by Tumblr's opinions so I hate this.

That's a lesbian hologram.

>your crack ship
Nope, just a play on a scene set to a similar one from GitS

This is my ship; a mighty trimaran!

But she loves cock.

>No Pauldrons.
Someone take this heretic out.

Poorly paced tumblr-y show aside, I think the concept of hard light projection crystal soldiers grown from the 'life' of worlds could be built upon in good ways. As could their whole caste system.

puttin the "tri-" in tribadism

This is the board.