What beginning party can deal with Goblins on the first try?
What beginning party can deal with Goblins on the first try?
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All barbarians. They'll be too angry to die.
I had a very good time dealing with goblins/hobgoblins using these easy guidelines:
>stay together
>always have an escape route
>always have an emergency weapon
>expect the goblins to be good at stealth
>burn down/smoke out rather than fight
>fight on their turf only as a last resort
Goblins are vermin and should be treated as such. You're not going into honorable combat, you're doing pest control with dangerous wildlife. Never give them the chance to have the advantage.
99% of them if this is dnd/3.pf
How many goblins?
The kind who enjoy goblin cock.
Just post the rape.
That's why we're here.
Any party that isn't made up of idiots who just rush in.
it's harder than you think
Molotov cocktails.
Here you go.
>monk getting gangraped
yyyeeaaah that's what Im talking about!
>What beginning party can deal with Goblins on the first try?
one that has someone who knows how to crank out mustard gas and phosgene gas
>boots on
I want to see pthe other girls there get raped.
good news, the stabbed one gets the D as well.
I love me some good ol rape in non-H mangas. Berserk was great for that.
Any other recommendations?
Why do you keep spamming goblin slayer pages?
Because Veeky Forums is the Goblin
Invaders from /a/ want rape. They can't find any so they come to visit.
Goblin Slayer-fags were making threads the whole day. They are butthurt that some people, supposedly from here, don't think it's the greatest story told since the Iliad.
Because she is trash.
Normally: A bunch of level 1-2s will do
If you are at mercy of edgelord author: abandon all hope, for he shall wank all over it.
Loved how perfectly this show mimics 1st level parties fighting simple monsters like gobbos and kobbos. Loved it.
Good music too
But user, there is rape in the manga. Why won't people here love it?
What? When I was 10 and fought my first goblin it was nothing like that video.
Hell, I've never seen any starting group act so freaked out over a goblin.
Spamming it won't help you, user.
Because human beings don't like rape.
>implying /tg isnt full of goblins
Because Scooby left us and we need someone to replace him
IIRC Übel Blatt has a decent amount of rape, it's also in the same vein as Berserk with a grimdark story and everything.
user, that probably wasn't a goblin.
I thought we were orcs
If we were humans, we'd want rape.
Whats with all of the Goblin Slayer posts today? Did they make an anime about it already?
Snowball effect, probably.
dont tell me what i want, because rape is not it, a 10ft girl riding me cowgirl is what i want, also a cheddar cheese fontain in my living room, and my face laser engraved on the moon scowling at you all
Read the thread.
You must not be human. Humans want rape.
A party made up entirely of Goblins with attitude.
What makes you say that?
Would you fucking quit it already?
literal lie
Iliad didnt have enough rape
No. But zun announced a anime adaption of Touhou
Veeky Forums is a dwarf board
greenskins get out
Muscle Wizard carries his companions literally and figuratively
Back off nerds. This time of year Veeky Forums belongs to spooky races only
Rattle rattle you'd best skedaddle.
screw off bonsey, this is Oni turf
Eat shit, we outnumber both of you 20 to 1. You'd better fold when you mess with the Kobold.
Specifically cute monster girls
Spider chicks is both cute and spooky.
Horse > Monster girl
monster girl horses
In regards to spookiness yes. Black Pegasus can be plenty spooky. Then you get to use the "Night Mare" play on words
Ok I'm gonna need some sauce
What if I get cremated? Do I still to have a rest in peace tombstone? Or would i rather be buried?
Jingai Shunman 1
Oni monster girls are better waifu material
Thanks m8
Minotaur are better
Big brown Dwarf tities.
Doesn't seem very dwarfish mang.
nevertheless, want source
Lohanna is better girl though
Does playing as a Dwarf barbarian virtually guarantee coming back as a Revenant when you die?
>dwarf woman
>not shortstack
Into the trash it goes.
Good old Niku Drill.
>Does playing as a Dwarf barbarian virtually guarantee coming back as a Revenant when you die?
It's impossible to say for certain, as no Dwarven Barbarian has ever died.
So dwarven barbarians are essentially melee liches?
>thinking you can outnumber the dead
>as no Dwarven Barbarian has ever died.
They have. It's just that they didn't notice.
Cerea is objectively best monstergirl
This cannot be disputed
A lucky one.
Basically, the attrition rate for adventurers in Goblin Slayer isn't actually any different from the rate in a standard OSR game. 90% of parties wipe out the first time they go on an adventure. It's the PCs who are part of the lucky 10% (Or 1%.)
I mean, adventuring's a tough profession. Most people die.
>i will never get to fill cereas hors pussy with my human seed
this life is suffering
The male ones look more dwarf-like though they don't seem to be so short.
Horse ruined everything.
Will you let a horse mount you?
Less of the fear, more of insane fucking amount of inexperience and wild swinging just to slay one simple beast.
What's Goblin Slayer Tax policy
I wonder how goblins would go to war. They have to fight on two fronts (surface and underdark).
Breed quickly
Smaller resource footprint
Can evade larger foes with smaller architecture (more in underdark)
Can easily get under longspears
Resource poor
Two front war
Small, easily bullied 1v1 by even peasants
Can't wield very long spears against human and elf cavalry
Tariffs on forced memes
Since this one is just pure shitposting rather than discussion I'm guessing we're near the end of talking about this shitty manga and will soon have some new /a/ bullshit to deal with over like 3 or 4 threads
Well there's clearly not very many guild dues being collected
Thats right! Only the spookiest and fanciest races will dominate!
I was disappointed that the horse didn't get to rape her. Any Manga with horse rape that's not a damn tease?
Thanks, Druchburchmuller-sama!
>I wonder how goblins would go to war
See Skaven
I know one party that would be up for it.