What's the difference between badass and edgy?
Is a badass someone that does it for enjoyment and the edgelord the tragic brooding guy? The other way around?
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What's the difference between badass and edgy?
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Edgelords try to be edgelords. If you just are good at your job you aren't an edge lord.
Edgelords also never make bonds, if a vampire has a beloved ghoul or something =! Edgelord.
If you're constantly attempting to show other people how badass you are, you're edgy.
If you act like a badass even when nobody is around to see you, you're not edgy.
One is badass, the other is edgy.
If you don't grasp the difference, then you are edgelord supreme.
Badasses care about something, while Edgelords dont care about anything beyond themselves.
Badasses are brutal in their way of life. They can be brutal about caring for their family, like killing anyone that endangers them.
Edgelords are brutal just for the sake of brutality. There is no rhyme or reason aside from "yeah, this'll look brutal/badass."
edgy is tryhard. it's as simple as that. if you're not trying too hard it won't come off as edgy.
Edgelords care the most about the perception of being "badass" or "cool" or whatever. Badasses are just that way, without worrying about how cool they look. Being badass isn't special to them, since they just do what comes naturally while an edgelord tries to force it. Also, while badasses don't necessarily need to be very social, edgelords are almost always anti-social because they think being badass means being superior to others.
In a Veeky Forums setting, a player who designs his character from the start to be "badass" is most likely an edgelord, while someone playing a regular character (regular in the context of the game anyway, which usually isn't all that regular) who just happens to do cool shit in the course of the game might very well become a badass.
I can feel the difference, but can't pinpoint it. I can't phrase the objective quality separating thas-fuckan-metal-breh and shadOWTHEEDGEhog
It's 90% subjective
Depends on who you talk to
Edgelords do things because they think "this is a badass thing to do."
Badasses do things because to them, it makes the most sense to do it. A true badass never thinks "what is the most badass thing to do?" because he's already doing it.
There are many badass characters, and a few edgelords. But there are many, MANY edgelord players, and very few badass ones.
Badasses have purpose and discipline.
Edgelords lack in both.
There is no big difference, other than quality. A badly written badass character will turn out edgy. Works the other way around too, Guts from Berserk could very well be considered edgy but he's nuanced enough to be considered a badass by most.
The difference is quality of writing imo. An "edgy" character written/played well might come across as badass. A shitty "badass" will just be edgy
badass is doing cool shit that we all wish we could do, and everyone around you would go "that's cool" when they see it
Edgy is what you would consider cool if you spent too much time with the goth kids and were 13.
Basicly a badass dose not want to seem like he is cool, he just is, the edgester is trying really really hard to be cool
I don't necessarily think that's always the case. Now and then there are definitely times where a badass can go "This is going to look cool as fuck."
Sorta a "Yes, we could snipe them from a safe distance but we have a shit ton of explosives and in defense of the fun plan these guys kinda deserve to blow up" kinda moment.
An edgelord instead approaches the same situation by going "Bullets are too good for them. They need to be cleansed by fire. Only then will the screams stop."
A badass can be trying to be badass and still be badass. Like now and then you've been taunting the ninja assassin with pro wrestling references to throw him off his game and given the choice between picking up a katana to finish him with or a folding chair you still go for the folding chair because goddamnit ninjas aren't going to kill your fun
yes but a badass will not go for the cool factor, he IS the cool factor, He dose not have to explain why he is doind X aside from the fact that it is fucking awesome, while the edgelord will not accept that the cool thing is cool and will have to add fake "depth" and "brooding darkness" to it to try and make it cool thus killing of the coolnes of said action. A badass will suplex a train because who the fuck would not suplex a train if he could, a edgelord will suplex a train because the train killed his parents and raped his dog
You seem to be mistaking badass with tryhard idiot.
I think this is the best version of this and basically a more succinct version of what I was trying to get at.
The difference in 95% of cases between those two is simply whether or not it worked. If the ninja cuts your arm off before you can swing the chair you're an idiot.
If the chair knocks the ninja against the ropes and sets you up for a clothsline then you're a badass
I don't know why everyone thinks the difference between badass and edgy is simply intent. A character can go out of their way to do something for the sake of it looking good and still be badass, just as something as effortless as shooting an enemy while they're down can be edgy.
There are a number of specific traits that are inherent to edginess, whereas badasses are often just a placeholder for "cool, action-oriented character", and is far broader in scope. Edgy characters almost always are: brooding, with comically pragmatic views on killing others, clearly exceptional in some way, generally like to associate themselves with dark imagery, prone to gratuitously shocking behaviour, self-serving, quick to look down on others and work alone, antiheroes or often "tragic" in some way.
Most important of all, however, is that an edgy character is usually also a very superficial character: whereas a more rounded character can have any combination of the above traits and still be a strong character, if they are backed by the narrative or their overall personality, an edgy character is skin-deep. The traits of an edgelord only serve to look a very awkward type of "cool", not to create an engaging or fun character.
>But so-called badasses are often just the same!
The chief difference is that classic edgelord traits are often thought to be cool because they feel gritty and, in a way, "adult". However, an edgelord rarely backs this grittiness with the maturity needed to make it look cool, so the end result is equivalent of those skinny, awkward nerds sheathing their katanas. It comes off as awkward and over the top, with no real substance to back it up.
Simple, Raiden from MGS: Revegance is an edgelord. He has every benefit in the world, he only cares about looking cool, and while he can BE badass, its often forced and derivative.
Sam, on the other hand, is badass. Superhuman skill, competes with crazy robot monsters with barely any concern for his own well being, and consistently beats harder foes with lesser equipment. Without his personality and charisma, you couldn't have the same character. His aim is to win, and to win is to be stylish, whereas Raiden is like "here let me sword you with a million kicks then activate super duper death mode because I can, even though I literally have a rocket launcher and a pet robot death dog."
Is it possible to have a character that goes so far in the direction of edgy that it does a lap around the scale like a school gymnasium and ends up not being edgy at all?
Not quite. That character could end up being hilariously awesome, but they're still be absolutely edgy.
This is accurate enough. A badass is a very broad thing. An edgelord less so.
Edgelords do what they do to garner attention, and/or to rationalize being a selfish jerk. S'about it.
No, unless you count unintentionally comedic
It is, 'to act like badass' vs. 'to be badass'
I never wanted to look up the Disturbed mascot before, and now I regret doing so. Share in my suffering.
this is like asking what the difference between cool and lame is, you just know.
That's pretty solidly in edgelord territory.
fuck i knew it was edgy but damn i thought it was just normal angst
Man. I actually kind of liked some of Disturbed's songs but whenever they try and make a point I can't help but realize how retarded they are.
Badass = I like this
Edgy = I don't like this
WH40k does this as a setting. Grimdark is just a Veeky Forums word for edgy and it's often so grimdark and horrific that it loops back to being funny.
Badass and Edgy are completely accidental traits; it's not like edgy is what happens when you aim for badass and miss.
Plenty of badass characters aren't edgy at all; Blondie, James Bond, Sam Vimes, Atticus Finch, etc.
The chief attribute that contributes to being a badass is grit; the ability to get back up after being knocked down.
Most edgy characters don't even get to the 'get knocked down' part, which is why they're thoroughly unlikable self-inserts
I'm not sure if this reads as edge because Disturbed are being edgy, or if the wiki was created by what seems to be a 13-year-old.
I mean, Ragna sorta fits and sorta doesn't.
He's a guy with a giant sword and a red coat and spiky black hair and his name is "the Bloodedge" with a dark past and crazy superpowers, but his actual personality is mostly comical in nature (almost every scene he's in is devoted to making fun of him or him cracking jokes) and he spends nearly the entirety of every game he's in getting his ass beaten into the ground despite his supposedly hardcore reputation.
So he's more like an edgy tryhard guy in-universe and the setting itself beats up on him for it on a regular basis.
It's honestly the saving grace of the character; the writer of BlazBlue seems to recognize how many levels of ridiculous stereotype traditional edgy anime hero Ragna is and then to mitigate this he mostly just makes fun of him and uses him for lots of humor.
Side note; I got that game expecting your usual throwaway fighting game story attached, but holy balls does that franchise have a lot of goddamn talking and a lot of really dense plotting with all the time looping and parallel realities and bizarre jargon and whatnot.
I had an idea for a side character that obsessively hunts werewolves, vampires and wendigoes. The idea was that the party would come across him outright beating a high vampire or an alpha werewolf to death. Think a bloodborne hunter crossed with goblin slayer, is that too edgy?
Badass = I like it.
Edgy = I don't like it.
Goblin Slayer is EXTREMELY edgy tryhard shit, especially how the edgy tryhard rules of his universe seem to apply only to things the Goblin Slayer does but then everything outside of it just runs on stupid two-dimensional JRPG logic.
Bloodbourne isn't because your Hunter (and all other Hunters) aren't total hardcore badasses who always win, but hapless fucks who die a shitload and despite their constant struggle to survive and succeed seem ultimately doomed to failure and death and to some degree it's even questionable if they should even have tried so hard to succeed in the first place.
An edgy guy will succeed because the plot requires him to show off how "cool" he is (and if you're thinking of creating this character along those lines you're taking those same steps sadly), but Bloodbourne's Hunters for all of their struggles and their impressive tenacity to live are arguably failures one and all, perhaps right from the very beginning of their endevour.
Goblin Slayer runs on retarded Otaku logic the likes of
>Aw goddu, why is everyone such retard in this gemu
>Totarry irrogicar, I be much betta a warrior than dumbfucks, everyone so dumb
>And fuck stupid bitch no wanting to fuck me
>but Bloodbourne's Hunters for all of their struggles and their impressive tenacity to live are arguably failures one and all, perhaps right from the very beginning of their endevour.
Well that's not exactly....wait.
>Djura: Quits life after being overwhelmed by all the senseless violence and lives like a homicidal hermit.
>Elieen: Aging woman with the thankless task of putting down her friends, either goes crazy or dies.
>Ghascoine: Goes crazy, kills his wife.
>Ludwig: Mutated into a horrible monster, went insane and got put down.
>Maria: Was unable to come to terms with the things she did and likely was slain by her fellows and the Church for it.
>Gehrman: Fell in love with his apprentice, went insane when she died, made a deal with an entity he didn't understand in an attempt to preserve the old life he lost and ended up trapped, senile, and tormented by his existence.
If you want some badasses OP, look no further
Is that the new tf2 update?
Nah, it's a bunch of new overwatch heroes
It helps that Ranga's nemesis in the series is an entirely transcendent tier of edge. The susanoo may be the edgiest entity ever written. I can't really find anything that's a more edgephoric edgevana.
it's a wiki about Disturbed, it's absolutely written by a 13 year old
And I'm almost certain that Disturbed think their mascot is cool, but they're probably also aware it's pretty edgy and silly.
That's such a poor quality image. Why so much empty space? The cast is big enough to fill it.
For such a busy picture, it's also very empty.
You've basically described Battleborn's visuals to a T. It's all wasted space that still manages to look like crowded ass.
My eyes bleed
They decided to call him The Guy, they can't take him too seriously. I'm pretty sure it's the same with Iron Maiden and Eddie, they know it looks good on the T-shirts and other than that they just go with it.
it's all in the execution, but intent is pretty important
a badass is badass by default, without actively thinking "it'd look wicked cool if I did this and that"
Badasses dont "overdo" their behaviour. A badass might kick a bad dude through a stain glass wondow and flick their sigar after them, but they dont continue this by finding the big bads family and murdering them as well.
Badass dishes out badassitude with restraint, while an edgelord will go above and beyond to demonstrate badassitude in every way.
No, you're still edgy. It's just that you're also badass. See Warhammer 40k and Requiem Vampire Knight for other examples.
The thing is that that kind of edge is very difficult to achieve accidentally, so a standard edgelord won't end up doing it. It'd have to be somebody who's deliberately trying to be over-the-top edgy, on account of it being the one good type of edge.
A badass can sit quietly and read a book, and ask a young servant politely for a cup of warm tea.
An edgelord must draw attention to himself, if given a book, he tears the pages he has finished reading out and flings them to the side. When a servant approaches he DEMANDS they gratify his every whim, they are beneath him and need to be used and forgotten. And his drink? Whatever is the most edgy-sounding thing he can get. "Give me the Ancient Midnight Blood Wine".
I enjoy serving such drinks in tall, ornate glasses with large chunks of colorful fruit and a flower garnish.
It's just the difference between good and bad writing.
I honestly have problems visually grasping this picture. It's more effort than it should just to make out how the characters look for some reason.
BlazBlue is not good