/5eg/ - Fifth (5th) Edition General

>Forge Cleric - Xanthar's Guide

>Xanthar's Guide Table of Contents

rpg.rem.uz/Dungeons & Dragons/D&D 5th Edition/


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what your thoughts on tiefling tail going down their butt and wrapping around their thigh.
>Tail thigh ring.

What kind of modifications/upgrades have you made to your weaponry, Veeky Forums?

i'm retarded and misspelled xanathar. mb

Any ody enjoy running Out of the Abyss? Looks really cool to me but I'm not sure if I should get that or the Princes of the Apocalypse book

What sort of knots do you think we are going to learn in XGE /5eg/?

OotA drops off in quality half way in. It's still good all the way through, but its a noticable drop

My thoughts are I hope someone shoves a tiefling tail down your butt.

Top exterior view of an old snake cult temple in the jungle, what rooms does a snake cult temple have? Im about to make the interior. Its a dragons home though, so all my halls gotta be like 15ft wide

1)Snake room
2)Also Snake room

You fool! That's what he wants!

ToA is great- I'm playing through it right now and its a clear step in quality over the other campaign modules so far. I think I'm going to use ToA as my model for all of my 5e campaigns. Hex grid travel and mapping(SKT could have used this, for example), the use of puzzles, the style of side quests, world building, NPC interactions, real treatment of character death, dungeon, time limits, etc.

Don't forget the serpent slide that leads to the snake room

Obviously you'll need a room for keeping food stores and a snake breeding pit

Probably the DC kind

>Arcane Enhancer: this crystaline attachment for a light crossbow can hold a spell similar to a ring of spell storing. When an arrow is fired from the crossbow, the stored spell is transferred from the attachment to the arrow. A creature struck by the arrow takes damage and is then subjected to the stored spell as if it were cast on them.

I have a transmutation wizard in my game who packs virtually no offensive spells, so they use their LC a lot, and I'd like to throw em a bone with it. How does this sound? The game is pretty off the wall so I'm not too worried if it leans on the strong side. I just worry about unforseen exploits.

>entire temple is just snakes and ladders

All the way though? please

>the ladders are also made of snakes

So, how does a group recover from a /co/ moment? one of our rotating DM's just went full Colville and soured the whole campaign.

Fucking details

What do you mean full Colville?

>Making a completly homebrewed campaign
>decided I wanted some more backstory for the current main city my PCs are in and the area around it
>written 15 pages in a night

man this worldbuilding aspect of DMing is fun as fuck, noone will ever read it, but man I have fun comming up with this shit

anyone else comes up with tons of useless backstory?

I'm assuming went "SJW" like some people accuse him of being

I assume he’s referring to Matthew Colville, but I’m not sure why that’s a negative thing.

This really isn't funny. I don't know why you're trying to force this as a meme

Tell me user, do you also go into mongoloidian fits when someone decides to play a combat medic by going the Thief route and not actually stealing anything, or is this a signature fedora tip that you reserve for the bug zapper that is the Paladin class?

Not casting Snakes to Sticks

Stop asking this every other thread

I came to the realisation the other day that 90% of the information I have written down for the setting I was working,on waa 100% irrelevant to almost any campaign I would run with it, since it's all ancient histort or metaphysics that nobody knows because everyone who was alive back then is either dead or wants it all kept secret.

I always get stuck on the most useless setting aspects to the degree that I just can't focus on making the parts that actually matter

What's the best sentient weapon to have as a hexblade warlock?

>accuse him of being

Colville doesn't even deny this label, he's incredibly progressive.

It my fetish. it is not meant to be funny.
I will ask it differently next time.

You nean how this vipers open mouth on the upper terrace slides down into the snake room?



Twenty-five pages per city or state, fifteen per race. That's my general standard.

It also doesn't matter, him being progressive I mean.


>Everybody automatically assumes It's Colville's political bent
>Not the fact his entire trite is plot twists after plot twists like a retarded shyamalan
Now that's what I call projecting.

>Finally getting some shit on tool proficiency after four fucking years of 5e.

Took them long enough, same with Xanathars in general like holy shit its just been story modules and just now we're getting more class options. Curious what they're gonna do with the kensai monk considering it was a fairly meh monk path even after the rework made it better.

I agree, wish we got more stuff like this or Vollo's instead of 2 adventure books a year. UA is nice but having it all official and on one place is going to be so much nicer.

>TFW you will never bend a naked Colville over your lap and spank him like a disobediant avacado while calling him a Nigger Faggot and drinking his succulent SJW manlet tears.

Why even live?

Send me backstory so I can use your City!

That and its also a pity a lot of stuff from UA isn't gonna be adventures league viable now, so for a lot of folks thats just a lot of options down the gutter, would have been far nicer if they'd just been working on more character options and did like an adventure and a book of stuff for the player each year rather than shoving the sword coast down our throats.

I wonder if they'll keep working on a Seeker Warlock
I get why Celestial and Hexblade had to come along, but that one actually covered shit people care to use warlocks for, like mobility

Yeah, because paladin oaths don't actually matter, despite the fact that they all have them and Oathbreaker is a specific subclass.
I bet you think Vengeance paladins can be evil, too.

I don't know, pal. There not body part being use as accessory or clothing. Was expecting some dragon using their wing as cape or something.

Is Moon Druid the best to be if you rolled really shitty stats?

I imagine wild-shape makes up for them.


Better option, never ask again.


Personally wouldn't mind a beastmaster ranger rework to make that a less pointless specialization. some more sorcerer origins and possibly a less broken wizard of war just because I'm a faggot for casters and would like to see the 'experiments with spells' subclass/class exist without it being cancer.

Speaking of other classes we getting artificer or mystic in xanathars with some balance or are they gonna keep sitting in UA?

Nigga what

Now I want a cape made of dragon scales or something for my character

Memes, just ignore it

>character creation takes so long (4 hours) the campaign doesn't start until next week.

A bro tier one.

>4 hours for character creation

>Be God
>Maybe even a benevolent Trickery god
>Be worried about lich incursions into the material world, and the plunging of all life into a state even worse than undeath
>Drop your champion holding that line on account of them overstating the value of his wares anyway

Simplest answer is that you're just terrible

I bet you were the kid that reminded teacher to assign homework

So did you guys, not like Stone Sorcery or are you all just meming?
I liked it...

If I were to guess I'd he's playing with a lot of new players and/or no one knew what they wanted to play...or he's literally herding cats

I think it needed work, and it wasn't very flavorful. It felt more like a trial run for an actual gish sorcerer, rather than something that could become a real class

Groups usually deal with this by holding an introductory "session 0" where players and GM talk about the setting and campaign, determine what kind of PCs are appropriate, and put together their characters' stats. That might be what you're talking about?

>4 hours for character creation
If you have no idea what you're doing, are new, keep hem-hawing about what sort of PC you want, or are building above level 1, it can take that long.

Vengeance pallys can be evil

>engulfing weapons

Members of any paladin subclass can be evil. However, the fluff text says paladins are rarely of evil alignment.

>I bet you think Vengeance paladins can be evil, too.

Why is a scam-artist champion of a trickster god swearing an oath of honesty and fairness? Shouldn't they swear a different oath, or be a Trickery domain cleric?
And yes, that's how it works. Paladins get their powers from their oath. Break your oath, you can lose your powers.

Any good home-brewed spells?

>Paladins who uphold these tenets are willing to sacrifice even their own righteousness to mete out justice upon those who do evil, so the paladins are often neutral or lawful neutral in alignment.
>mete out justice upon those who do evil
>neutral or lawful neutral in alignment

All level 3

>human rogue trickster
>orb barbarian soldier
>human (ex-noble) monk (open hand)
>human bard
>elf rogue urchin

The setting has
>and common races
>pirate setting

How fucked are we?

Honestly? It felt like someone wrote Phoenix Sorcery, looked at it and Storm Sorcery, and realized they had two of four elements down. Sea Sorcery and Stone Sorcery both felt a little too much like they were trying to force a pattern. There are far better ways to do an elemental earth sorcerer.

Steer clear of any Gorgons and you should be fine

>often neutral or lawful neutral in alignment
Not always.

>mete out justice upon those who do evil
Are you telling me that devils are good-aligned? Because I know for a fact that they fight demons a lot.

It was the smite spells,and at-will teleporting that got,me,about earth. Having it focused on being buff and defensive is fine, but they went too hard in just making it a swordmage

>Are you telling me that devils are good-aligned? Because I know for a fact that they fight demons a lot.
Are they doing it out of a sense of justice?

They might be doing it out of a sense of vengeance. Possibly swearing some sort of demonic oath if they're lawful

The smite spells worked for me (Channel innate magical abilities to metal/earth weapons) the teleporting not so much.

Dr. Swordopolis

I don't mind the smites that much since it's supposed to represent control over metal, but why the hell could they teleport again.

What bugs me about the smite spells is that none of them fit well. The Fire ones are obviously fire. Psychic damage and fear is weird for such a physical element. Thundering works in terms of effect, but Earth Elementals are actually weak to that.

Plus Searing Smite especially feels like it scales up too well compared to a Paladin's standard smite feature, since it gains damage with higher level slots.

>barbarian starts dating friendly NPC sorcerer
>now she wants to take the magic initate feat

Gnome sorcerer or gnome Wizard?

Also, wild magic, yay or nay?

"The ends justify the means" is not "good."

>Why would a Trickster God want to subvert an Oath of honesty and fairness?
Why is water wet user?
You should know, with all the time you spend laying about all this bait

rolled some shite stats


what do

Hexblade confirmed for best gish

I'm thinking of making my Tortle into a Barbarian 3/Monk X hybrid to take full advantage of the shell AC. What class os better to take first? Barbarian first gives me early rage, but I'd have to worry about making sure I have 13 Dex to actually make the switch.

Probably moon druid, though people will probably jump in to tell you how badly they scale.

Pick a half Elf, be an entirely serviceable Bard

I still have no idea what gish means, someone enlighten me.

Dwarf Cleric. You can just buff, heal and wear heavy armor with no penalties.

The only downside is that you're a dwarf.

I'd love to but it would take so long to translate. English isnt my 1st language so I didnt type in that.

Huh. You know, if you're allowed to sort those values at will, and picked Vanilla Human you'd have the foundation of a great Jack of All Trades Bard who later picks up Resilient Constituition.

>2 smites per encounter
>can only booming blade after that (or EB if they want to actually be helpful)

Martial/Caster hybrid

>You should know, with all the time you spend laying about all this bait
Apparently thinking that paladins should have to actually uphold their oaths is bait now.

>Set up all our PCs and decide everything before we roll stats
>roll stats by going through the list and rolling a single d20 to decide stat
>we all roll under >10 for cons

You have to worry about that Stat regardless. You need to meet minimum requirements of *both * classes in order to multiclass