Can we get a Veeky Forums greentext thread?
Can we get a Veeky Forums greentext thread?
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ruined by being an asshole shiba and not something cuter like a labrador
This. Though i do like the idea of a travelling tavern, make it (one if the) center(s) of the universe.
It could be called "The Obvious Sigil", its portals are everywhere, its impossible to enter the real tavern without the correct key, without it you enter a typical one room tavern with a few drunks and a large bartender. But with the key, it being the image of being thrown out of a bar, you enter something that would easily be at home in Planescape or any other setting.
Mind Flayers, trolls, awakened bears, Gith, devils, demons and a few rather bewildered Primes. The owner would enforce neutrality and house rules.
I haven't seen any other these and they're pretty good. Have a few from me.
>This. Though i do like the idea of a travelling tavern, make it (one if the) center(s) of the universe.
>It could be called "The Obvious Sigil", its portals are everywhere, its impossible to enter the real tavern without the correct key, without it you enter a typical one room tavern with a few drunks and a large bartender. But with the key, it being the image of being thrown out of a bar, you enter something that would easily be at home in Planescape or any other setting.
>Mind Flayers, trolls, awakened bears, Gith, devils, demons and a few rather bewildered Primes. The owner would enforce neutrality and house rules.
You literally just described the World Serpent Inn from AD&D 1E.
he isn't wrong though
Go to reddit if you want your epic screencaps
Dude relax
Checking it ouy now, thanks user
>Checking it ouy now, thanks user
Here you go
Does anyone have that story of the fisherman paladin who had a shitty DM that was obsessed with getting him to fall, but failed when his DM fiat 'you fall' artifact just turned him into a godly empowered mega serpent instead?
And we never heard from either user ever again
Speaking of
I dont get it, is the guy with bluehaired picture part of the group, implied by his knowledge of the campaign?
This right here is some fun DM work.
Yup. Or at least, that's what it appears to be. They ? both ran off after that
Ah ok, just making sure it isn't a reference to some show or movie that I haven't seen.
If I ever run Planescape, I'm going to have Felyndiira and Imrae send out a distress call. The only thing crazier than Australia is PCs.
So, did anyone ever find that Sex Slave Value Shop thing?
I'd like to think I would have done the same. Here's hoping that he's in a better place, fucking whatever she was.
Imagining I wouldn't be freaking out instead every time she would show up, I'd intentionally do the same thing if given the chance.
Seems like the perfect suicide.
There was a longer Pirates of the Caribbean and The Mummy from that same thread I think. I'll see if I can find them when I get back home.
The world will never know.
That is excellent, and now I want to play Simcity - Chaos edition.
I always assumed the skaven to write on parchment (that reek even worse than papermills), though.
Dumping, I guess.
The goodest boy.
And this one is one of my top favorites.
There's nothing wrong with just doing storytelling or a wargame, if that's what your group is okay with.
It's assuming that storytelling and rules are somehow separate and opposed things and not two different axes that are only tangentially related. It's more like feet and hands.
I love this story every time I read it and yet it makes me angry because it's too contrived to possibly be true.
This reminds me of something that happened in one of my Hunter games. One of the PCs was trying to contact an NPC veterinarian in a dilapidated part of town, ended up pissing on a cat and almost dying in the subsequent fight.
There is however a lot wrong with claiming that your group's way is the only true way and everyone else is having badwrongfun.
got a decent number, ill dump
and that'll do for now
this one's one of my perennial favourites
Maybe in your case, but my group is actually good.
Right in the fucking feels
That user's right. And you know who did it? William of Ockham. As in Ockham (or Occam)'s razor. That bastard. Single handedly fucked philosophy and theology.
I want to believe
I have about half of these. That's a pretty impressive collection you have for it to be that low a fraction.
Did the OP of this one ever come back?
>decide to run Delta Green for my group
>takes a couple weeks for everyone to get their characters & backstories in to me
>in fact everyone finally gets theirs in the day of
>start reading through them
>Marine who's platoon encountered something while on a raid in Afghanistan
>Anthropologist who figured out some monoliths mapped out something in the starry sky that moves
>Doctor who treated a bunch of injured and mentally distressed people after they saw a play
>And an FBI agent
>who's sister disappeared when he was 12
>and he's convinced something paranormal happened
>and he went to Oxford to study psychology
>and he joined the FBI to search for the truth
>at first I just read it and said "ok, that works" but something in the back of my head was bothering me
>this is fucking Fox Mulder
Anyway, we're going to see it anyone else pics up on it.
I've got a fair few, its true.
Thief was That Guy
Never gets old.
The adventure can only end with the PCs becoming honorary Australians on the grounds of being "right good cunts"
Don't read the first post (the red one) it's full of spoilers
God humarntiyitity fuark yeah XDXDXDXD is such a sad power fantasy.
nigga, until we encounter another form of intelligent life, every sci-fi story ever will be HFY.
Even in settings where mankind loses, it's to illustrate the merits of another very human ideology, exemplified by imaginary beings; so it defends human virtues.
Heinlein? HFY
Asimov? (when he has aliens, like in some multivac stories) HFY
Frederik Pohl? Fucking HFY
When a story is shitty masturbatory drivel, it's because the execution is poor, not the concept. and GATE could have been good.
> playing 40k
> opponent rolling to hit
> ok these guys need a 3+
> ok.
> after game, won pretty handily against the guy's tyranids, I'm looking through datasheets on battlescribe
> one of the units he was rolling to hit with at 3+ actually hits on a 4+
casually mention it to him
> yeah, I know, but if you don't know the rules, that's on you.
> umm... what? so you knowingly cheated
> look man, I'm a competitive player, I'm going to push to get any advantage I can, if my opponent doesn't even know the rules, I'm going to use that.
> yeah, that's not what 'competitive' means
> whatever man, good game
> he saunters off
> look at a couple of guys standing at another table with a quizzical look
> hey man, he's a competitive player
> we all chuckle and I hang out and watch the rest of their game
That's not how HFY works, you fuckhead.
Asimov didn't write to jerk off about human superiority over imaginary creatures. Nor did Henlein, nor did Pohl, and all of them would have laughed at how stupid, limited, and mindless the entire concept of HFY is.
Don't try to shove good writers into your shitty half-baked writing prompt. It's an insult.
Then how about you read the capped story?
And if you think neither of those authors wrote stories dedicated to human cleverness, you need to reread them.