What the best way to run Drow: as a sort of lovecraftian, alien menace? as femdom fap-bait? as jungle elves like Eberron? In space?
Drow Thread
Yes, all of the above
lovecraftian fapbait in space
Dammit, OP, now I'm curious about Draw culture in modern america,
Like would it look like tumblr, or perhaps femdom feminist, or closer to African-American culture.
>or closer to African-American culture
For the sake of morbid curiosity how do you define it?
>inb4 we waz kangs/single parent homes/rap music/chicken and watermeleons
I think it'd be like the worst, most conspiratorial depictions of Hollywood - ritzy and glamerous on the outside, deviant, perverted and corrupt as all hell on the inside. They only wear clothes outside the house.
Culture perpetuated in current media...truthful or not... also I'm probably only getting a thin sliver seeing as how I don't consume much of it...
So rap music, ghettos, madea, churches, BLM, and the like...
So everyone would want to be a drow, until they meet one.
>TFW am a nignog and don't feel any sort of shared culture with other black people
If they are Drow, remember that the whole society is propped up by their insane spider goddess who thrives on conflict. Everything is a web of conspiracies that crumble and reform with every twist, where not being stabbed in the back is a terrible surprise.
Very brash and strong personalities. They are always looking to dominate a situation by either the force of energy in the room or by other means that they can conceivably get away with.
Even though they are matriarchal they see themselves as leagues above any and everyone else, the males in particular who groom themselves and take pride in being the spoiled prince of some Drow matriarch.
While fiercely loyal to each other their squabbles would look more akin to domestic abuse from an outsider's perspective (and more than likely is) mostly centered around power struggles between the daughters and scheming among brothers. Even the poorest Drow families are not immune to this and you wouldn't really think they were among such a class with the way they act and carry themselves
TLDR: even wearing walmart clothes they rock it like it's gucchi and make sure everyone knows they are royalty.
Drow are stupid to begin with, so you run them as the most comically stupid race they can be only surviving thanks to their god literally micromanaging everything.
This is relevant to my interests.
Unless you're very, very into drugs, bondage, and other such depravity, than most likely
This question has already been answered
You play them as if they were from countries who were under the former soviet union
This. Completely inept yet inexplicably smug and haughty despite their failures is my favorite way to portray drow.
And always there to backstab you in the back.
The only drow you can enjoy being around are the ones with drow autism. Good fellows they are.
Drowtales Space Age - it's behind a paywall, but rips for the poor should be somewhere around the interwebs.
I imagine them as the cardassians from Star trek. Totalitarian, haughty and see backstabbing friends and family as a virtue. They have a strong espionage and information point but the rest is literal asspull so they don't get assfucked by everyone else.
Oh and strong family ties, even though they believe one should be ready to kill everyone around them.
That's exactly what black """culture""" is though. If they can proudly song about killing cops and raping women and accuse any black man who wears a suit of "acting white", why can't we point to these things as they culture they choose to uphold?
>from drow to /pol/ in two replies
Not bad
Because I don't acuse all white people of being trailer park living hillbillies who fuck their sisters and wear the confederate flag as undewear?
Why would they be anything like black people except that you associate dark skin with them.
CE lends itself to an insufferable collective combining the worst aspects of hippies and libertarians. Weapon-and-sex obsessed individualists who would rather go to war with a more powerful human empire than give up their right to (sentient) property.
I think Lolth gets a bad rap. She's clearly an old nature goddess, from before this upstart Corellan 'civilized' everything. In my headcanon the spider thing is just a metaphor for the web of life /spoiler and DNA /spoiler
Oh god, now I'm imagining Donald trump secretly being a drow matron with a hastily applied polymorph spell
>Oh god, now I'm imagining Donald trump secretly being a drow matron with a hastily applied polymorph spell
No, he'd be a male that got off the leash and pretended to be a human for some 70 odd years and finally hit it big by selling his snake oil to conservatives. At some point he'll fuck up and get discovered by his family because he's too caught up with the personality cult his voters build around him.
I could have sworn that Drow were NE in their initial incarnation in the D-series modules. I generally prefer that depiction, of them as alien and cruel, but civilized as better than the sort of edgy an-clap parody they became. Partially, it might be due to a lack of information and the imagination having to fill in the blanks of the Vault of the Drow; but there is this really interesting fever dream aspect to them which nothing else has ever captured since.
>Why would they be anything like black people except that you associate dark skin with them.
Because user is a retarded
Because /pol/ and leftypol are cancer
>implying leftypol is anything other than a cheap boogeyman
well at least you were half right
we have to be fair and call out both, because otherwise /pol/ will throw a shitfit and claim everyone but them are liberal scum.
To each their own I guess, I only know 'official' drow from the Drizzt books. The whole enslavement thing does suggest a more lawful bent while I'm fairly sure Lolth is considered CE, so NE seems like a logical compromise between the two.
I really like the idea of Drow as magic'd up gene splicers from what elves consider the distant past, certainly lends itself to a fever dream or lovecraftian vibe. But I've never encountered a good setting that had them as credible antagonists, so I tend to imagine them more as trickster antiheros.
You mean "what's the best way to run Drow in ADDITION to being femdom fap-bait".
>I really like the idea of Drow as magic'd up gene splicers from what elves consider the distant past, certainly lends itself to a fever dream or lovecraftian vibe
This is cool, I might steal it
That's the stereotypical Southerner, yes, and more or less what's celebrated in country music
>Oh god, now I'm imagining Donald trump secretly being a drow matron with a hastily applied polymorph spell
Fuck off /pol/
I like to have them around as elves that come from a different place. Like, just like we have caucasian, asian, black, etc., not necessarily with any huge cultural implications beyond what you'd normally expect from people from other places.
I also like to make them in the sims and have them lead normal lives.
The best way is to make them the only elves in the setting, creepy shadow people who live forever and basically only show themselves to ruin someone's day.
Ironically the only reason they're so fucked up is their god literally micromanaging everything.
None of the above. A race of Tsundere/Yandere waifus & husbandos.
Demon worshipping aristocratic assholes whose connections to nature are the things that grow and live in the dark. They're also pretty goth.
>"Hey user, come join in! What's wrong?"
>"Maybe's he's afraid of spiders."
>"We won't bite."
>"Come lick some ice cream. Then we might show you how spiders suck."
Best way to run drow is to not run drow, because being a wicked and depraved asshole that everyone despises is an evolutionary liability. Sure, assholes are everywhere, but most assholes have at least a significant number of standards that most people have. Drow are just murderfuckers that nobody likes.
I don't listen to country music. Is it true that incest is celebrated in country music? Because I figured that country music at its worst would be about being overly religious, bragging about their automobiles, marriage revenge stories, and guns. Which makes me wonder why there is so little overlap between country music and rap music since they have a lot in common, at least when you look at things in a more general light.
What the fuck is Lolth's problem anyway?
From a southerner who's familiar with it through osmosis (shit plays in just about every gas station in Texas and Oklahoma), I don't think I've ever heard a country song celebrate incest.
>being overly religious, bragging about their automobiles, marriage revenge stories, and guns
That is 100% accurate though. Add getting drunk, and that basically sums it up.
I want to fuck Snadhya'runes.
Drow are utterly ruthless, violent, and self-centered. Any expression of weakness to any other Drow would be met with, as they would see, deserved betrayal. They would be nothing like feminists or Tumblr.
I think the closest real-world group to the Drow are Los Zetas. Terrifying, ruthless, and extremely effective and well-trained.
>no, do not kill self, is not freedom, afterlife even more full of spider
Aaaaand my sides enter orbit
>Drowtales Space Age
good shit my dude
>I don't listen to country music. Is it true that incest is celebrated in country music? Because I figured that country music at its worst would be about being overly religious, bragging about their automobiles, marriage revenge stories, and guns. Which makes me wonder why there is so little overlap between country music and rap music since they have a lot in common, at least when you look at things in a more general light.
Incest isn't. user is being a cunt. And there is a certain amount of overlap between "bro" country and rap.
100% full femdom.
Because fetish
Best post in thread.
This is why Drow exist. Be honest with yourself and embrace it.
For you user, a fellow man of taste
I wish lewd writing threads were still around, I would write up a bunch of stuff about underground femdom cities
She's a Demon Prince. The Demon Queen of Spiders. She originally was the chief of many demons the Drow worshipped.
By the time Forgotten Realms came around, she became the centerpiece of Drow and was made into a former goddess turned demon.
I personally prefer the Drow just being Demon Worshippers with Lolth being at the head of their pantheon.
Robert Anthony Salvatore agrees
especially with all the frankly unnecessary rape dahlia garbage
If unfucked, Space Age could be a neat setting.
I'd probably change the humans to have a WW1 In SPAAAACE aesthetic. Maybe go full Battletech and have the humans as a bunch of neofeudal empires modeled after the Great European Powers at the end of the 19th Century. Pic related for their spaceship aesthetic (and tactics focus on long range gunnery).
>Space Imperial Germany
>Space France
>Space Brits
>Space Murricans
>Space Tsarist Russia
>Space Japan
>WW1 In SPAAAACE aesthetic
What if the entire universe was exactly ours except Drow serve on WW1 Superdreadnaughts at Jutland.
>What if the entire universe was exactly ours except Drow serve on WW1 Superdreadnaughts at Jutland.
Jellico would still have fucked everything up by running away at the critical moment instead of accepting losses and pressing the attack.
Project's called "Spaceships of the First World War" by Mikedoscher, if you wanna look them up.
Drow use vile magic to keep British warships from exploding. World shocked at the appearance of actual dark-skinned sorcery.
>Jellico would still have fucked everything up by running away at the critical moment instead of accepting losses and pressing the attack.
Jellico didn't lose, and that's what mattered.
He didn't win either, and there was no scenario in which the Germans would have won even if he'd taken an entire squadron's ships as losses.
His cowardice in turning away reduced the naval war back to "waiting for something to happen" and allowed the Kaiser's fleet to exist as a fleet in being until the remainder of the war. Thus, the British fleet was never made available to perform the sorts of offensive naval operations that would have shortened the war (amphibious landings, and the like). Thus, Jellico bears the primary responsibility for at LEAST the last 12 months of the war and all the deaths therein, because by accepting a few thousand losses in his precious fleet, he could have opened the door to preventing all the rest of those 12 months (or more) of deaths.
No admiral can go very wrong by placing his ships alongside of the enemy, and thus, Jellico was a poor admiral. Beatty had the spirit but never had an opportunity like the one the coward Jellico wasted.
>His cowardice in turning away reduced the naval war back to "waiting for something to happen" and allowed the Kaiser's fleet to exist as a fleet in being until the remainder of the war.
Which prevented the Germans from contesting its blockaded SLOCs. The High Seas Fleet literally failed at their one job: effectively wrestling Atlantic SLOCs from the British.
>Thus, the British fleet was never made available to perform the sorts of offensive naval operations that would have shortened the war (amphibious landings, and the like)
Given the Gallipoli debacle, I struggle to see how effective such a flanking attack would be up until the point where Germany was folding anyway.
In contrast, a decisive HSF victory or even further attrition could have allowed them to contest SLOCs and extend the war further.
How would you create a "crossing-the-T" dynamic in space just by virtue of 3-dimensional newtonian motion?
Nazzadi from chtulhutech, then?
Nazzadi were the only good thing about CTech tbqh
As low-life rapefugees practising ficki ficki and taharrush gamea - except the roles of the sexes are reversed
I actually did like the Shadow War with the Tagers and Dhoanoids. That's kinda cool, superhero-ey.
The Earth being under Space Siege by the Mi-Go was also fun.
>They only wear clothes outside the house.
What's weird with that?
>ywn be a lawful hobgoblin samurai captured by the drow
>they expect you to be a wild rutting beast like your orcish brethren
>ywn try your best to follow your stoic bushido code as the drow try to tempt you and break your will
I-it's too early for this
> Mom was a proud bitch
> Raised son to not be a total cuck because she felt it made her look bad
>Son leaves drow City to get stronger and aquire an army
How I drow. Selfish narcissistic cunt raised by a selfish narcissistic cunt. Don't be a dick to people as this makes my goals harder.
They're everything bad about the aristocracy.
>"crossing-the-T" dynamic in space
Walls of Battle.
Read the Honor Harrington books. They describe this concept successfully using actual math/orbital mechanics. Book 3 is likely your best choice, IIRC (the one where Honor gets HMS Nike, since Books 1-2 are mostly 1-2 ship actions and this book shows a task force in action).
The books after Book 4 or 5 are *terrible*. But the setting is neat, and the tabletop game (SITS 2.0) was written and mathmatically-vetted by a NASA Flight Engineer.
Left or Right?
Giv drow gf
that was fucking awesome.
A robot cowboy with cowboy boots, poncho and cowboy hat.
> High Elves are like Nazis (muh purity, muh proud warrior history, muh Teutonic demonology)
> This must mean Dark Elves are like the Soviets
So far I've got "expansionist, cold hell-hole" down. Should I have muscular amazonian drow matriarchs telling PCs that they will break them? Should I have magical mutually assured destruction? What about sexy dark-skinned maidens in furs who want to learn about our decadent surfacer ways? Is there a drow Communist Manifesto? Who is drow Lenin? Who's their version of Reagan?
Help me bring the Glorious Underdark to life, Veeky Forums.
>So far I've got "expansionist, cold hell-hole" down. Should I have muscular amazonian drow matriarchs telling PCs that they will break them? Should I have magical mutually assured destruction? What about sexy dark-skinned maidens in furs who want to learn about our decadent surfacer ways?
>Is there a drow Communist Manifesto?
Does this mean they rebelled against Lolth/the Houses?
Good fucking God.
And you know you just caught her unawares, and that adorable look on her face is a rare moment of confusion at being caught relaxed. Normally? Normally her smile, cute as it is, brings fear, and her control over you, gentle as it is for her species, will leave you spent and bruised to try and wipe the memory away. And yet you won't forget...
It is never too early to picture the lewd face the drow woman would make as she pulls a little tighter on the bit of leather leading down to the collar around your neck, licking her lips in anticipation as your head is inched closer to the space between her thighs
It's infinitely better than the BDSM matriarchal mafia society running on the same logic as that one power from Jojo that the ever-so-gifted R.A. Salvatore gave to us.
They were, and they worshipped demons plural, not just Lolth, though she was chief among them.
Certainly not fap-bait, certainly not modern setting, certainly without Lolth and all the bullshit she brought upon this race.
Imo Dunmer do the culture the best.
Cant say i think drow are amazinlgy interresting but due to playing Everquest as a kid Blue/Grey skinned chicks are a fetish of mine.
Please keep this thread on-topic.
...still fail to see the problem.
>male drow are in burkas.
If it is hot or when we come out of the bath we also run half or totally naked through the house.
Also sauna
industrial age fantasy sounds really cool actually. It's a pretty wide time period (early 18th century all the way up to 1945).
Incorporating traditional fantasy tropes but adapting them to the industrial era seems both doable and novel. Has this been done before?
By Veeky Forums? Around a million times.
how could I miss this? Anything substantial I can look up?
communism is based on class struggle between different groups throughout history and Marx argued that society evolved from slave-states to feudalism to capitalism and eventually end up in communism.
What is needed in practice however is a sizeable working class that has it miserable enough to considering overthrowing the old order with something new (for example Russia at the end of WW1).
Traditional D&D drow would be hard to work with since frankly their society is complete nonsense that shouldn't work in the first place, but does anyway because LOLth. So maybe you'll have to remove the parts that assure the status quo.
Some parts of totalitarian soviet structure kind of works for drow, the huge secret police and constant suspicion, deportations and power-struggle fits perfectly.
Another thing is the population, at first you need the working class, then you need enough people for the armed forces. Drow and elves in general isn't exactly known for explosive population growth or industry, so that might be something to add.
Of course you could just copy the aesthetics and play pretty loose with the details, it doesn't need to be a carbon copy. Just have the broad strokes and it would probably work.
As for the pic, just pretend they have dark skin or something