Previous thread: >Pastebin:
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Favorite setting tropes? Any setting you've, ah, "adapted" from other media? Alternatively, your favorite setting books?
>5th edition cliffnotes
>New Deviant preview
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Luna is my waifu
>OP Art
>Harry Dresden
>Who doesn't like their friendly neighborhood Obrimos?
Is Changeling coming next or Geist?
In theory it's changeling in practice who the fuck knows.
Anyone here play Promethean?
Exalted luna is superior luna. She might actually return your affection, whereas WoD version is tainted by the darkness of everything else in the setting and would probably drive you bonkers with her very presence.
She could always just send down a Royal Avatar to fug. CofD is pretty big on god types doing "This is but one of my watered down forms, not my true self" in their dealings with lesser beings.
>Favorite setting tropes?
Characters waking up with soap-opera-grade amnesia. It creates an instant mystery, forces them to work together and allows a plausible reason for not knowing diddly over the setting.
>what's up with dat?
>you'll cowards don't even drink blood
>soap opera campaign
I need this in my life
So do you just not have the players have backstories or origins or what? Do you have them start with no social merits?
That's more of a plot trope than a setting trope.
Not him, but If I had to do it again, I'd probably hand them a blank character sheet, and tell them the relevant skills and abilities as they came up.
Never more than one player per group though.
Last one was a Russian Bear Shifter in a Shadowrun game.
Only in the 4th session did he find out that she's not a person who can turn into a bear, but a bear who can turn into a person.
Hey /wodg/ I'm new to the game,
A friend of mine is going to be running a WoD Vampires game and I'm going to be playing.
I have never played before but I have a plan to mess with my friends by secretly using pic related as inspiration for my character.
My idea is basically playing a sleezy businessman who became a Vampire just so he could spend more time doing what he loves, screwing people over.
I'v already generated interest in using Philadelphia as the setting of the game, and my GM seems on board with the sleezy businessman idea
So any advice for a new player to help him turn Frank Reynolds into a fun Vampire character.
(I'm not going to go full retard with the concept and I will be playing it mostly straight with just a bit of quirkiness)
The entire concept works better with Mage, just drop vampire and go with Mage.
Why does such a fun concept like Mage play so terribly?
Well I don't know if that's really an option I have.
Can you elaborate why it would be better for me to use this concept as a mage? Maybe I could work something out with my GM.
It doesn't?
Ignore him, he's being a twat. In general you should ignore any unsolicited posts telling you how Mages are better at X.
>shitposters are awake and baiting
See you guys in the morning, I guess.
Meh. The big problem with old Mage is that White Wolf caved to player requests to allow Technos to be a playable faction. Yes yes, I'm sure that being a fascist cyborganic killer/scientist who tortures Orphans and sleepers at the MECHA concentration camp for fun is awesome, but still...
Imho all WW games had huge openings for extreme munchkinization, and storyteller had to be strict but fair.
As for Technocracy. Syndicate and New World Order are corrupt to the core and I cant think anything good to say of them. ItX and Progenitors are insane and dangerous. Really, I can't see anything good at all in them. They are literally the global liberal, climate change pushing, Soros backed order that people on /pol/ rail against. Thankfully Void Engineers and ItX keep most of their insanity off world, but I think that if you want to play a science fiction game, you should play something else.
>They are literally the global liberal, climate change pushing, Soros backed order that people on /pol/ rail against.
Which is hilarious since White Wolf is trying to paint them as the propagators and backers of the WoD's version of the alt-right. Just goes to show how our world has really gone topsy turvy since the 90's. Nowadays, it's not the left who are counter-cultural or talking about global conspiracies of UN backed scientists and government agencies to take power from the little man or kill/mindcontrol everybody. In fact, people who would have backed the Trads in the 90's are probably the side of the establishment nowadays.
Dude these threads are either full dead or else bait hours. Learn to use 4chanx or migrate somewhere else are your only options really
Last thread consisted almost entirely of magefags straw-manning.
I guarantee you the last discussion consisted of two magefags talking to each other.
It has been weird seeing people I thought weren't retarded turn into total cucks to the mainstream establishment over the years.
Did you fucking catamites really think i meant Oldmage? Holy fuck, never fucking mind, just leave this place, disgusting neckbeards, try getting laid, LARPer-chan.
Woah woah WOAH
Well I'm about 40 minutes into this community and I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but I may have dropped in right in the middle of a race war.
I mean I can play along with the race war if that's what I gotta do to fit in.
>race war
That would imply that disgusting non-mages would have a chance, its more like, herding the untermensch into a gas chamber. Or, as i like to say it, turning their '''goddess''' into a cumslut.
>favorite setting books
I'm a big fan of capeshit, so i've always wanted to set a game in a fictional city like Gotham or Metropolis etc... I was thinking to set a game in Starling City and let the PCs figure things out.(because they don't give care about comics)
It's just like the Technocracy. Most people see that there's a problem, but some want to reform it, others want to tear it down and go back to an earlier time, while the elites in charge want to keep things the way they are. Me myself, I think there's good and bad about our current global order.
You'll join the Mage Supremacist Union if you know what's good for you.
I, for one, welcome our new wizard overlords.
I don't know pal, I came here to be a quirky vampire businessman.
Why vampire
Why not wizard
>y idea is basically playing a sleezy businessman who became a Vampire just so he could spend more time doing what he loves, screwing people over.
You don't choose to become a vampire, you're chosen. Often without anyone telling you vampires exist beforehand.
Come to think of it, I'm not sure there are ANY splats that people can just choose to be.
They have a choice in the sense that they can be turned into a vampire reliably.
No other splat has that.
Thank you, literally the first piece of useful information I'v gotten from this thread. I can tweak that pretty easy.
He embraced becoming a vampire, once he became free willed of course, because it meant he could screw people over forever.
Rich Thomas did nothing wrong
Dammit, today's Monday Meeting Notes, and Signs of Sorcery is *still* in "Development."
That book is never going to be released, and Tome of the Pentacle, no less Fallen Worlds, neither of which is even in the first draft stage, are just pipe dreams.
>Rich Thomas did nothing wrong
Rich Thomas hired Phil Brucato as the Mage 20 czar, and then totally abdicated his responsibilities as "creative director."
Rich Thomas did a whole lot wrong.
Poor Magefag. Nobody cares.
Nope. Did nothing wrong.
Bloodlines 2 when?
After the werewolf game
I can't wait for a 3d version of the ass you ate out in the previous scene being bloody and in the corner.
Rich is working right now on getting CtL kickstarter ready so he will just need to snap his fingers to start it. Will probably take few days after CoM to kickstarter to expire since Artists are going to be busy for bit longer than next Thursday.
Can inter-splat romance work out?
It can work about as well as any inter-species relationship.
Acanthus x Changeling
Moros x Sin-Eater x Vampire
Thyrsus x Werewolf
Mastigos x Himself
Obrimos forever alone
Well, I am definitely shipping Unchained and Lost after all these fan crossover discussions on these threads. Tempted to add a couple into background of some Chronicle for Players to spot.
Perhaps the lonely Obrimos will fall in love with the idea of magic.
>Magic is alive
Masquerade or Requiem?
If the former, Malkavians are very often depicted as deranged pranksters who duck around because they 'know' better; a Ventrue could be played as a power hungry maniac who screws people over for the sake of displaying superiority. For wilder concepts, you could try Setites who literally worship the Egyptian god Set and feel that being a deceptive sack of shit is their greatest goal in life or Lasombra, the Sabbat equivalents of Ventrue. Other than clan tips, it's hard to tell you more without some more specific questions.
I don't think Changelings would like Acanthus guys unless they spend a long time getting to know each other. In general if I were a changeling I'd be nervous about narcissists connected to Arcadia with power over fate and time that were obsessed with trying to find out everything about Changelings.
You could say the same with the others as well. Just don't piss off your Mage girlfriend. Or boyfriend. Whatever.
Exactly. Though I think he is trolling, because from the sound of it he got Mage and Beast mixed up.
Would it be possible to "befriend" a True Fae by playing by their rules for "fun".
As in, "I'm intentionally doing this to myself to interact with this god fairy. for reasons."
You'd need to be powerful or supported by powerful people to avoid getting completely buttfucked in short order by that decision.
Mages can date any supernatural critter they want. They're just *that* invasive.
I don't think all True Fae desire to buttfuck their victims. They could just demand some "playtime" or their "services". Then let you go after being satisfied.
It's like playing slots machine that at any given time has 20% of going "Instant Agonizing DEATH!" but you do you.
All you'd really need is an iron collar, just like a real girl friend.
They're not that erratic. It also depends on their act/Title.
That just sounds like buttfucking with extra steps.
Just for context this is what nice Other is like:
>Husband, husband. I love my husband
>Eating a meal with my husband.
>Husband, pass me the salt.
>Oh, I guess me widow now. Oh well...
I actually had an idea influenced by previous discussions of an Archmage bringing True Fae into his Chantry and turning them *nice* like some sort of story in itself. Though I'm not sure how I'd do it. Yet. I'm still working on it.
Is that related to an angry spouse in the story specific to the Title, though? True Fae don't just turn retarded. Not unless their title is literally "McDuffiner the Retarded Bandwagon" or some other.
They are extremely fickle and "whimsical" and don't understand why anyone would see problem with death and murder. Those are facts of life.
Well, another thing to main that they have no other personality traits that Desire To Posses, and only by acquiring the one thing they hoard or getting back their run away slaves gives them any permanent satisfaction (Talking about their willpower mechanics, this is 100% universal).
The Archmage would have to sever their connection to the Wyrd and re-connect them to something else, otherwise they're gone. Also tweak with their frame of mind. They don't like normally. If they're even self aware.
They don't think normally* rather
So tired, apologies.
*another thing to mind
You are not alone there...
That will make them stop being True Fae. True Fae who understand humans fall like Angel, but instead of turning solid their superpowers melt away.
Could Mind be used to grant True Fae insight into the human psyche?
Yes but in my scenario the Archmage is trying to turn them into more humane beings. So this isn't a problem.
Again. You'd need to bridge them a new *source* without their access to the Wyrd. Probably a Fate 9 spell. Or maybe even Fate 7 if you're being lenient.
You are arguing about making water gaseous but not steam.
Transfiguration is too crude a method. It can be done using Excisions and Dominions.
An Archmage making a wonderland of Gentry within his/her Golden Road is going to draw the ire or envy of the countless others already warring and feuding over Titles.
Not unless you were in a Feud with them I don't think. Fae can't just go after thinks on a whim like that.
Well they can't do anything about it, now can they?
user brought up Archmage theoretical thought. I answered it. And I'm here to tell you that the infinite scores of Gentry aren't going to be pleased. You don't just grab a dozen fairies and strip them of their flaws without grabbing the Others attention.
The Gentry number in the millions. There's nothing stopping that flooding through your Golden Road door.
Depends whether or not you like Gentry being Old Gods or related to them.
Old Gods may find offensive that mouth breather like Archmage even dares to touch their lesser selves. Only Old Gods can touch their lesser selves!
It's funny seeing Onyx Path trying to whitewash the NWO while demonizing the Syndicate so hard they look like /pol/'s ravings about how jews eat goyim children.
>Old God repeatedly jamming two of its fallen versions against one another making smooching noises.
We got a Changeling fag
>The Gentry number in the millions. There's nothing stopping that flooding through your Golden Road door.
Except their inability to posses powers to do so.
Oh it makes you fag now for trying to veto people making Magical Realm out of your Antagonists by listing canon material that disapproves it?
Fucking Mages.
Could you perhaps re-type that disgusting sentence?
On Veeky Forums "fag" is a suffix meaning "person"
What canon material, you fag?
Get a load of this fag
Dear, Archmages.
Come inside the Hedge and act tough, for once.
-Every Gentry Ever
Don't stay up late like me, kids. Impairs your judgement and makes you look like a total tool on anonymous message boards.
Only new content will save us from this madness
If an archmage can't out story a Gentry I wonder how he made it across the Abyss. FFS Changelings do it all the time.
Suck a dick
Okay, how about something more interesting. Any ideas how you'd subtly include a loophole that would let people who swallowed spider (and Only people who have swallowed a spider) ignore the rule?
What people seem to disregard in favor of personal self-assurance is that Archmages *can* out story any given Gentry.
But why would they want to? Who in their right mind would waste Quintessence to settle a petty score, really.