Question: so the Warp is a parallel dimension that presumably exists throughout the whole universe. Yet there are only four chaos gods, each spawned by the collective thought of races in the Milky Way. In the grand scheme of the universe, one galaxy is fucking nothing. So do the chaos gods only exert control over the Milky Way? Is our warp just a little pocket of fucked up space, with the rest being presumably calm like it once was for our galaxy?
Question: so the Warp is a parallel dimension that presumably exists throughout the whole universe...
Well the Tyranids were drawn by the Astronomicon, so presumably the psychic presence extends far past the galaxy.
maybe the mirror is very exact, meaning in the warp there is "dark space" between galaxies and therefore dark gods of different galaxies, or perhaps the state of the warp in the milky way is unique and abnormal and exists in isolation from the rest of the warp
It's mentioned time and time again that the Chaos Gods have destroyed countless realms and universes and mainly treat each like a board game. When they get bored with 40k, they legit go to the fantasy version. The actually destroyed the fantasy version so now the shift focus back to 40k. Eventually they realize that fantasy somehow survived and went back to it to finish what they thought they ended, and then go back to 40k etc etc. Also remember that time is ending and beginning all at the same time in the warp. Slaanesh has just been born but he is also just as old as the rest of the gods because he has always been there but also has gone missing but has been found. It is as it's name implies, Chaos
The entire universe is Tyranids, they are the oldest life form and ultimately adapted to living in this universe. The Milky Way was simply the last galaxy left to devour.
The Warp is formed from the thoughts and emotions of sapient beings. It is Hell because everyone is a shitter, and because it's been in a feedback loop for the past 70 million years where the Warp gets churned by negative emotion, creating demons, creating negative emotions, and so on. The Warp as we know it doesn't really exist outside the galaxy because no sapient minds are there to ceate it. This is also exactly what causes the Shadow In The Warp: The largely unified hive mind and the "radio chatter" of the synapse blots out and overrides all but the strongest Warp phenomena.
>The Warp as we know it doesn't really exist outside the galaxy because no sapient minds are there to ceate it.
The Nids are from outside the galaxy, so presumably there's other life out there. Assuming they didn't all get eaten already as states.
I'm more with take it as part of the inherent paradox of Chaos. they're only from the milky way, and yet they've been/will be/are in every other galaxy
To follow that logic further, would you say that other galaxies have their own warp and gods, but since they all come from the same concepts they're fundamentally indistinguishable?
correction, the entire universe is Orks
Are there such things as "friendly" orks? Like if a human approached one and asked if they wanted to fuck shit up together, could they go on cute buddy-cop adventures?
>Are there such things as "friendly" orks?
no, thats muckin about
At most, orks can get to "You're an enemy who's too fun to really kill, because then I wouldn't get to fight you anymore", "You're an ally who's too useful to krump", or "You're a boss who leads me to RIGHT PROPPA FOIGHTS". That's about as close as they get to the concept of "Friendship".
Fantasy and 40k arent linked.
Blood axes work with humans. You can buy orks off by giving them shit or offering them a good fight. People have done it before. It's a crapshoot whether they'll take the deal or not or backstab you, but it can be done.
>Fantasy and 40k arent linked.
Sure they aren't buddy
maybe. I like the idea of them all being different gods, but all part of the same firmament that is chaos. so everywhere there is tzeentch, korne, etc., but in some places they are not who they are, or they aren't at all, that kind of thing. They're omnipresent and non-existent. That's how I've always seen all of the warp.
If we're talking duality, and chaos comes naturally from order, can't order then come from chaos?
but of course. it is the necessary step between chaos and chaos. Order is simply chaos by other means.
But they always say the light of the Astronomicon only extends part way through our own galaxy. So how's that work?
do the mirrors in your house reflect everything in the world or only what's relatively close to it?
the warp is a mirror with almost infinite sides, not all of them face towards the galaxy.