>start New 5e Campaign with friends
>one friend is a Halfling rogue
>one friend is a dragonborn fighter
>Dragonborn relaxing in starting tavern
>halfling walks in goes to inn keeper to purchase room
>Dragonborn decides that since he hates halflings this is the perfect target
>goes up behind halfing and hisses in his ear
>roll intimidation
>Nat 20
>Halfling lets out girly wimper and literally pisses himself
>Innkeeper looks at both of them says "i'm not cleaning that"
>Dragonborn says Halfling will do it
>Halfling is angry goes to leave innkeeper stands infront of him arms crossed asks "Where are you going?"
>halfling about to start shit
>Dragonborn draws sword looks halfling in the eye and says little boys should learn to clean up after themselves
>Halfling grabs rag and cleans up his urine
>make fun of him for the rest of the session
It was a great first day I have 2 more decent stories from that session if anyone is interested
Best First Session
>"You all meet in a tavern"
>arbitrary racism
>nat20 means AUTOMATIC SUCCESS (despite there being no rule in the book)
>waterworks fetish
If this is your "Best" first session, then I'm worried about the other first sessions you've seen.
Did the dragonborn player paw off under the table as he said it? :3
>despite there being no rule in the book
Wew lad, not even OP, but you seem like a gigantic faggot
those dumb racists, don't they realize dragons, kobolds, halflings, and humans were all created equal?
I can be as huge a faggot as I want, as long as we obey the rules in the god damn game.
Well they should at least try to learn that social checks shouldn't work between PCs
>Not treating 20s as "win everything"
You are OP and you are also wrong
This is really, really subtle b8.
he is not I am
you have an extremely high opinion of what you think I can do. Thanks.
I made the halfling roll a save but it wasn't good enough and since the dragonborn got the 20 I figured lets have some fun with this.
are you telling me that if you were 3 ft tall and a 6ft dragon like being hissed into your ear you wouldn't be scared?
Probably not, since halflings have a racial ability literally called brave
like i said he rolled it didn't help getting advantage doesn't matter much when you roll shit
>Interaction SKills working on other PCs
>NAT 20!!!!!!
>Halfling pisses himself in spite of the fact Halflings are meant to be brave
>Party member decides to be racist for no reason
>Dragonborn acts like an unlikable cunt
>Make fun of halfling for the rest of the session because of your watersports fetish
No. I am not interested in the rest of your stories.
guess you had to be there
Or maybe you're just a faggot.
Social Rolls don't work on Player Characters dude.
letting characters roll intimidation checks or any check for that matter on other characters is a recipe for disaster and bad DMing. i would hate to play in this campaign.
OP confirmed for stupid fag.
May as well kill yourself.
There's a lot of bullshit going on in this thread.
I don't personally agree with OPs fun, but I'm not going to call it wrongbadfun just from the one story.
I'm honestly curious to hear more, just to see if it's really subtle bait. Also any stories involving OPs character, or clarification if OP is player or gm would be nice.
it doesn't seem like bait to me as much as a new DM and players. anyone who's played with a cunt knows not to let social checks work on other PCs.
Good for you user! I too started playing when I was 12. But you shouldn't post here, it's a place for grown-ups.