Daily /tort/le discussion thread
Firbolgs are shit-tier
Lizardfolk, dragonborn, and yuan-ti are the lesser reptilians
/tort/ - Tortle Discussion
They're pretty cool, but anything reliant on natural armor is going to lose out in a system with an active loot treadmill.
Fuck D&D's advancement scheme.
They'd make good barbarians and monks, no?
Not really, because those class's bonuses replace and not stack. So it would give you an edge in the first few levels but will eventually fall behind in longer term.
>Lizardfolk, dragonborn, and yuan-ti are the lesser reptilians
Very true, because the superior reptile is the kobold.
I mean, you get to choose which you use. So you can take the 17 AC until your class one is better. Having Wis and Str on your monk isn't too bad either.
They have a terrifyingly low age, which just makes me want to play a necromancer Tortle racing against the clock to gain imortality.
what class do you recommend then wise guy
Never understood this. Real life turtles and tortoises live for longer than 50 years, so why'd they make Tortles so short-lived?
Maybe I'm behind in min-maxing but Str doesn't do monks any good.
Could do a class like Cleric or caster Druid who melees in lower levels and tends not to in higher levels.
Though Tortles works for most classes before level 10 really.
What happens after 10? The AC situation can't do tortles that bad, really. Barbarians wear light armor all the time, how much of a difference does no armor make?
I personnally prefer chocolate myself.
Everyones saying they make good druids and idek why pls halp
They don't have good CHA
They don't have any magic related racial buffs
Someone guide me through how you'd build a tortle druid
...can stay.
The world couldn't stand that much cool for longer.
What's the lore on Tortles?
I like most of races mentioned exept dragonborn and yuan-ti.
But I will say I change tortles in my game, give them better max age, give them bite attack and make them look like pic related
Monks can attack just as effectively with Str as Dex, they just tend to focus on dex for AC, Tortles don't have that requirement.
Depends, do you want one in pdf or one I run in my setting?
Both. I have some ideas myself
Well I don't have pdf at hand at the moment, but I can talk about how I run them.
Mine look less like ones in the drawing and more like aligator snapping turtles. In my setting they live in rivers and marshes, alongside lizardfolk. Usually they prefer to lay in ambushes in the water or near it and grab there prey and pull it underwater, where they drown them.
This is why they became common sight in my setting river pirate bands, where they go out and either board the ship or make holes in the bottom and sinks them.
And they have a taste for meat and fish, sometimes eating human sailors they kill.
(I run mostly monster race game you see)
I will argue that they all are equal, except the snake cultists.
And these?