/5eg/ - Fifth (5th) Edition General

>Forge Cleric - Xanthar's Guide

>Xanthar's Guide Table of Contents

rpg.rem.uz/Dungeons & Dragons/D&D 5th Edition/


>Resources Pastebin:

>Previous Thread
What is your favorite family of enemies, and what are your favorite ways to use them?

Fix the damned OP if your gonna make a thread.

What would be happening in the rooms of this old snake-cult temple?
It is home to a young green dragon, but his minions may live there too

This is the exterior. That snake head on the terrace is a 'slide' down to the basement.

>What is your favorite family of enemies, and what are your favorite ways to use them?
I don't know about using them, but goddamnit do I love me some oozes. Don't know why, they're just fun.

They make great pit traps.

what is wrong with it?

>What is your favorite family of enemies
The Dinklebergs

i lost


I made a one shot adventure where a crazy wizard named Nicholas Cannon spends the entire dungeon attempting to slime the adventurers for an imaginary audience.

God damn, can't wait to make a samurai.

I'm playing a Kobold Battlemaster for some reason, his backstory involves several years of 'slavery' as a Gladiator under a Human, but was treated relatively well as far as slaves go, and an attempt was made to teach him how to human good.

How well do Kobolds communicate in common usually? I know it's setting based, but just in general. By Kobold's years of forced study have raised his int to a STAGGERING 10.

I once made a haunted temple where all the traps were based on Internet Cat Memes.

You fucking people

R8 H8 and DB8
Galewind Blade ¬ Wiz, War, Sorc
1 Action
5 feet
V, M (one exhaled breath and a weapon)
You exhale a small whirlwind onto your weapon to move a creature against its will. As part of casting this spell you must make a melee weapon attack against one creature within reach. If you hit the creature must make a str save or be moved 5 feet away from you in a direction you choose.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th level the distance you move the creature increases by an additional 5 feet.

Ferrous Strike - Wiz, War, Sorc
One Round
1 Action
V, M (a weapon)
You channel acidic magic onto your weapon to sap a creature’s defenses. As part of casting this spell you must make a weapon attack against one creature within your weapon’s range. If you hit a creature that is wearing armor it suffers a -1 penalty to its AC.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th level the creature also takes an additional -1 penalty to AC.

Venomous Assault – Wiz, War, Sorc
One Round
1 Action
V, M (a weapon)
You channel poisonous magic onto your weapon to weaken a creature. As part of casting this spell you must make a weapon attack against one creature within you’re weapon’s range. If you hit a creature the creature must make a CON save or take 1d8 poison damage on the start of its next turn, half on a successful save.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th level the creature takes an additional 1d8 damage both on a hit and at the start of its turn.

isn't communication based on int/cha?
I'd imagine they're fine at communicating

I can't wait for your DM to say "Sorry, we don't have Japanese analogues in this campaign world, play something else."

part 2

Siphoning Strike - Wiz, War, Cleric
1 Action
5 feet
V, M (a weapon)
You channel necromantic magic into your weapon to drain the life of a creature. As part of casting this spell you must make a weapon attack against one creature within range. If you hit a creature you gain 1 Temp HP.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th level the creature takes an additional 1d4 necrotic damage and you regain an extra Temp HP.

Frost-Armor Smash – Wiz, War, Sorc
One Round
1 Action
V, M (a weapon)
You channel cold magic onto your weapon. As part of casting this spell you must make a weapon attack against one creature within you’re weapon’s range. If you hit a creature your ac increases by 1 as you cover yourself in protective ice. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while you are protected by this ice the creature takes 1d8 cold damage.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th level the creature takes an additional 1d8.

Seeking Strike – Wiz, Cleric
One Round
1 minute
5 feet
V, M (a weapon)
You channel divination magic into your weapon. As part of casting this spell you must make a weapon attack against one creature within you’re weapon’s range. If you hit a creature you have advantage on perception and investigation checks to perceive it; and you always know its direction from you.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th level the creature takes an additional 1d4 radiant damage.

Is the scaling on them too wonky?
Are any too op?
Any better ideas for names?
Any spells that should be other schools?
Any other gish style cantrip ideas?

I'm just praying they made drunken monk actually fun.
What I wouldn't give.

I also pray they made crafting rules a bit more accessible. If I could be a drunken monk that can make fire breathing potions and call them fire water or some shit. I will be happy as fuck.
Alchemist fire and fire breathing potions. All I need.

Kobolds are fucking idiots and don't talk good. Naturally, this means that they teach their Kobold children to be idiots and not talk good. Get a kobold away from the rest early enough and they can speak as well as anyone else.

I've heard that their voices sound a bit like dogs yapping, but otherwise, an intelligent kobold should have no problems speaking Common.

my DM doesn't give a fuck so long as I'm not evil or using broken shit from the UA

It's okay, I'll play a Shadow Monk, which isn't a ninja at all.

What school(s) would a wizard focus on if they were aiming for the creation of life through arcane means?

>my DM doesn't give a fuck
There are too many DMs like this.

Ok fine, I'll play a european style warrior who lives by his code of honor and will do anything for his daimy-I mean lord. I'll be using the Samurai subclass to represent this.

Transmutation or Necromancy.

I'd agree, but he seems to enjoy doing it enough

Why are so many Xanthar's subclasses ones we already had in SCAG? Wont this be like the 4th iteration of Storm Sorcerer if you count UAs

Perhaps they felt the SCAG versions needed more work, and because they're in officially published material they needed to be fixed sooner rather than later.

My guess is that they want to consolidate the books a bit more. Likely for organized play.
It wouldn't surprise me if they ended up making Xanathar's Guide and PHB both "core" books that can be used.

True Polymorph literally grants you this power.

Well then, as long as you never use the terms "Daimyo", "Katana" or "Samurai" at the table again, I'll allow it.

Probably transmutation.

If nothing else, True Polymorph is a Transmutation Spell, and it lets you literally create sentient life out of anything, even a really old dried up dog turd.

Is Sword Coast and Volo's not considered "core"?

apparently it's because of the new PHB+1 rule, where you can only use the PHB +one additional book to make your character (in AL).

But then they are reprinting SCAG characters so you can use them and have Xanathar's as your +1. Which seems to me to be negating the entire fucking point of the +1 rule.

Yeah as others have said, definitely go with transmutation. Especially if you don't want the evil vibe. Also, I'm pretty certain most necromancy wizards would be aware of the fact that necromancy doesn't restore or create life, just a cruel facsimile of sorts.

>galewind blade
seems fine.
>ferrous strike
there's no AC reduction cantrips so I'd be wary about actually using this one in a game. i personally wouldn't allow it in my own games
>venomous assault
cantrips don't get half on a successful save. otherwise not so bad, but it's kinda clunky how it works at the start of the turn instead of just dealing the damage right away.
>siphoning strike
seems okay
>frost-armor smash
this does way too much for just a cantrip.
>seeking strike
how long does it last? seems rather situational

So, DMs of /5eg/, now that XGE is on its way to make a bunch of UA content "official," what's your policy going to be for bringing the new subclasses and spells to the table?

Are you going to let it all in on a trial basis? Are you going to pick and choose based on what's "appropriate" for your campaign? Is there anything you're not even considering for whatever reason?

I think if thats how they were approaching it they should've included and reworked some of the more underwhelming class options from the SCAG. Like the Purple Worm Knight. The ones they included in Xanthar's are the ones that were already pretty well developed.

Right now its a straight 2 book limit for AL, but like user said, it would make sense if PHB/XGtE become "core" with one "extra" book allowed.

I would love if they reworked the sun soul monk but I doubt they would change it compared the SCAG subclasses for the new book.

They are... sort of. They're options you're allowed to pick from. But iirc in Adventurer's League, you are allowed 1 extra source book outside of the players hand book.
So currently, if you wanted to make, for instance, a tabaxi swashbuckler, you can't.
Why? Because it uses two extra sources instead of one.

I have no source for this of course. But I'd assume they're going to let you play any class options from Xanathars as well as PHB because otherwise you will never see 25 subclasses as any of the volo's races.

so im not allowed to name my blade "The Daimyo Samurai Katana"?

Reprinting the subclass without any changes would be silly.

Good point, but this may just be incompetence.

I didn't allow Paladins, Bards, Sorcerors and demi-human races in my (long running) campaign.

Why do you think I would feel ever feel obligated to incorporate anything?

I like this actually. It's not some huge DPS gimmick like other sword cantrips and provides some nice battlefield control

Don't quite like the minor adjustments to AC like this

Seems fairly strong since it's flat extra damage with no real condition or way to block it. It is poison though, so that might be fine.

Not sure how well this scales up, or if it's very useful at all. It is a lot of free temp HP in the long run, I suppose. Odd

Need to fix the wording to cover the duration on it, but it seems strong. Extra AC plus even more punishing than Booming Blade in some instances. It does lock you into chaining it though, so better on Sorc or Warlock perhaps.

This one seems weird, especially because you probably want to use it on something invisible, but if it's invisible hitting it is a challenge

>Is the scaling on them too wonky?
The scaling seems fine in most cases.

>Are any too op?
Frost armor, Ferrous, and Venomous are the only ones that raise any eyebrows for me

>Any better ideas for names?
Seem fine overall, although Ferrous seems mis-named

>Any spells that should be other schools?
Maybe Gale-wind and Frost armor into Evocation, but that's minor overall

>Any other gish style cantrip ideas?
I was expecting Seeking Strike to be some sort of enhanced-accuracy attack at the expense of damage, personally. That might be an interesting direction to go for another sort of divination attack cantrip compared to this one, which seems more utility focused.

Nah, fuck it. I'm cool with any of the options.
There's already so much broken shit in the core especially when it comes to spells anyway.
Once my campaigns hit those high tiers I basically throw caution to the wind, turn everything up to 11, and embrace the extremes.

Seriously, no anons want to help me flesh out this dungeon? For shame

No but "The Lord Warrior Longsword" is fine.

Since those terms don't exist in setting, my characters name is Daimyo "Katana" Samurai.

The window I'll be throwing you out of is on the 4th floor, just so you are aware.

My DM's putting our current campaign on hold after a couple more sessions. Then once we get back after a hiatus of sorts he wants to run a whole new campaign, using just the official books including XGE- no additional UA works.

Nigga you didn't even post what the numbers mean.

Maybe some sort of furnace room? I'd imagine a giant stone temple would get pretty cold and drafty. Keeping it warm for reptiles seems like a priority.

No, no one wants to build your campaign for you.
Piss off.

Beholders, being the mysterious leader of organizations every now and then

As far as I'm concerned, none of it's making its way into my games. It's all a bunch of extraneous bloat and it's going in the "banned" section of my Roll20 listings just like Volo's guide and everything that wasn't a Revised Ranger to ever come out of UA.

thankfully i can use my samurai ninja jutsu skills to simply roll out of the fall

preordered my xanathar like 3 months ago. this is gonna be glorious.

just room labels. there's nothing in em yet

So start there.

>Ferrous strike
maybe dial back the scaling?
>venomous assault
I was thinking of it being actual poison, would a con save or poisoned until the end of your next turn be better if I scaled back the damage?
>Frost-armor smash
scale the damage back to casting mod, then 1d4?
>Seeking strike
1 minute, I messed up as I copied my template over. Yeah I wanted cleric's to get it but I didn't want to be a straight upgrade over regular attacks

You have a temple.
That is a Dragon's Lair.
"with some followers maybe".
Sounds like you need to do some of your own work, tbhonest.


I can understand the demi-human races, but what's your reasoning behind banning those classes?

Why would they change the SCAG classes? It would devalue the SCAG because now those classes are out of date, or at the very least we now have two versions of the same subclasses in play which is messy.

So there's a dragon and a snake slide.
Maybe the snake slide was used primarily to throw food/other offerings into the dragon's den. So jumping down into it isn't a good idea.

I don't think they're gonna change em.
As other anons have said, my theory is it's to consolidate them for organized play.
You'd be surprised (or maybe not) how many people at Adventurer's League don't even know those SCAG classes even exist.

some changes
• Frost-Armor Smash – Wiz, War, Sorc
One Round
1 Action
V, M (a weapon)
You channel cold magic onto your weapon. As part of casting this spell you must make a weapon attack against one creature within you’re weapon’s range. If you hit a creature your ac increases by 1 as you cover yourself in protective ice, that melts at the start of your next turn. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while you are protected by this ice the creature takes 1d4 cold damage.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th level the creature takes an additional 1d4.

• Seeking Strike – Wiz, Cleric
One Round
1 minute
5 feet
V, M (a weapon)
You channel divination magic into your weapon. As part of casting this spell you must make a weapon attack against one creature within you’re weapon’s range. You have a bonus to the attack roll equal to your casting modifier. If you hit, you deal half damage on a hit.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th level the creature takes an additional 1d4 radiant damage.

>Cool new book of content coming out
>Our DM has already banned all non-human races, every magical subclass for martial characters, and every class with access to spells besides the Druid and the Ranger out of a desire to make D&D "fit the feel of his world"

I'm sure Mister "You can only be a Fighter, Rogue, Barbarian, Ranger, or Druid in my games" will take one look at 90 percent of the new player options and throw them right out the window, so I guess it'll be fun reading all this neat shit I won't ever get to play as.

• Corrosive Blade - Wiz, War, Sorc Rust
One Round
1 Action
V, M (a weapon)
You channel acidic magic onto your weapon to sap a creature’s defenses. As part of casting this spell you must make a weapon attack against one creature within your weapon’s range. If you hit a creature that is wearing armor it suffers a -1 penalty to its AC.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th level the creature also takes an additional 1d6 acid damage.

• Venomous Assault – Wiz, War, Sorc
One Round
1 Action
V, M (a weapon)
You channel poisonous magic onto your weapon to weaken a creature. As part of casting this spell you must make a weapon attack against one creature within you’re weapon’s range. If you hit a creature the creature must make a CON save or take 1d4 poison damage on the start of its next turn, half on a successful save.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th level the creature takes an additional 1d4 damage both on a hit and at the start of its turn.

>You'd be surprised (or maybe not) how many people at Adventurer's League don't even know those SCAG classes even exist.
considering the amount of people on here who apparently don't know the fucking PHB exists, I don't think I'll be very surprised.

How useful is DnD Beyond without paying or paying only basicn subscription fee?

Just DM user. Show your group a good time, so that he can't keep it terrible forever.

The Gods in my game are more like indifferent Crom, and my "cleric" class is more of a White Magician/Druid than someone channeling the power of Zeus. Thus I don't have divine warriors either (my Rangers are a non-spellcasting variant).
I simply don't have magical bards in my game by flavor. Arcane tricksters, yes.

I mean, have you ever seen someone try to play a Mastermind? Ever?

Why do so many people hate fun. I really don't fucking get it. Why don't these DMs go write a novel or some shit.

Fair point

And the reasoning for sorcerers?

No, but I have.
Bonus action help at range is actually pretty groovy.

>Is the scaling on them too wonky?
Ferrous Strike: scaling -1 AC is broken
Siphoning Strike: feels weak, but I might be wrong.
Frost-Armor Smash: scaling 1d8 for one round allows you to kamikaze into AoOs

>Are any too op?
Ferrous Strike: -1 AC is way strong
Frost-Armor Smash: Does it trigger only once? Because wording means otherwise. It has better damage than Armor of Agathys if it doesn't end early.

>Any better ideas for names?
Ferrous Strike: Corroding Strike
Frost-Armor Smash: Frost Armor/Shield?

I think 1d4 works a lot better for the frost armor. It's punishing, but not to a huge degree considering you get the AC boost out of it anyway.

Seeking Strike still lists 1 minute for the duration. I could see a lot of cases where that's basically a guaranteed hit from the combo of two stats, though at lower levels at least it's not going to be much further ahead than an Archer. I'd run some numbers on it to try and strike a good average amount of damage compared to Sacred Flame, since the Cleric doesn't get a lot of good attack cantrips.

Right now? Kind of trash.

If your DM wants to run some sort of Celtic martial campaign, and was up-front about it, your options are:
1. Make a damn interesting character within those constraints (my personal option)
2. Fucking leave.
3. Whine about it on Veeky Forums (your personal choice).

Ironically, I've found that the tighter the constraints, the more actual thought good players put into their characters. Shit players will always make shit characters though.

my bad it should be instant or maybe tie it to prof? so they have !notexpertise in the attack for half damage

is war wizard broken?
int to initiative and bonus to AC and saves while concentrating seems fairly balanced compared to other wiz subclasses.

>And the reasoning for sorcerers?
I find them redundant with Wizards and Warlocks, and of the three I like their mechanics the least.

No reason. There's free services that do the same thing, or do it better.

Also I've got like 6 backups of 5e tools so that shit is not going away.

Red pill me on druid. Thinking lizard folk and shepherd or land.

I don't think the -1 AC mechanic is workable, especially on a cantrip.

Also, the issue with venomous assault was the half damage on a save, not the damage value itself. Just have it be a con save for the amount, have the damage happen immediately, and if they make the save or are immune to poison it'll do nothing. It'll be like Poison Spray, just with an extra point it can fail at.

Also, potential name for Frost-Armor to Rimebound Flourish

That makes sense, thanks for sharing.

I can understand that point of view. DnD doesn't feel like the right system for this though, imo.

>shit players will always make shit characters
True enough

Corrosive Blade seems like a neat concept, but seems easy to exploit given that there is no save and no duration. Perhaps make it so the next attack made against the target is done with advantage, or attacks gain advantage until the start of your next turn with a save?

>There's free services that do the same thing, or do it better.
I know about orcpub2, but i was wondering about other options for when it goes down.
Am i missing something?

From the beyond interview it sounds like it was tweaked a bit more.
To be honest I don't like this kind of "I'm a good evoker and a good abjurer" shit.

Does it make sense for a paladin to attack with a versatile weapon for d10 damage and then still be able to use tavern brawl's free grapple bonus attack?

There's several smartphone apps I've used when I just want to build something really quickly.
My DM uses something that's similar to orcpub but the name escapes me.
But when I am actually character building 5e tools is perfect for me because I like having an actual character sheet.

If they want to consolidate shit for organized play then they should just drop the 1 extra book only rule instead of rehashing shit.

>DnD doesn't feel like the right system for this
I think it's probably easier to play DnD with only 6 classes than learning whole new system.

BTW: What systems would you suggested for DnD but with less magic?

My last character was Pancha, a Lizardman from a distant island of aztec flavored Lizardmen led by a Druid Caste. The entire land was very Jurassic Park.
being a Moon Druid who turned into Dinos was cash, especially at 8th level when I had access to a Huge Flyer (Quezt from Volos) and using the bonus action bite as an Allosaur.

Also, using "redpill" outside of /pol/ says "I am a cretin" on other boards. On /pol/ it's just presumed you are a cretin like everyone else.