Chaos Cultists

Why are Chaos Cultists always seen wielding autoguns? Wouldn't lasguns be better for an insurgency force since they don't need to worry about ammunition?

I think the logic goes that its all secondary/surplus trash or that lasguns may be more restricted (despite most of what we know about hive worlds contradicting this)
At the end of the day there weren't a lot of minis with autoguns and they certainly have a more 'evil' and industrial look about them than most lasguns do.

I think it's ease of obtaining.

>At the end of the day there weren't a lot of minis with autoguns and they certainly have a more 'evil' and industrial look about them than most lasguns do.


OP, you should've been smart and acquainted with 40k enough to realize that cultists have autoguns because they look cooler on an evil faction. And you should never bother trying to figure out silly things like logistics in the 40k universe.

The means of production for solid projectile weaponry is vastly simpler and less expensive than the standard las counterpart.

Visually distinguishes them from IG

Why are Isis using trucks and kitchen knives in their attacks?
Wouldn't terrain vehicles and combat knives be better since they would not have to worry about being bogged down in victims?

>I think the logic goes that its all secondary/surplus trash or that lasguns may be more restricted (despite most of what we know about hive worlds contradicting this)
I don't know, aren't autoguns used by the shittier PDF? Lasguns may be cheap and easy to supply, but autoguns are even cheaper and a crate of ammo's easier to manufacture than a reliable power cell.

The only cultists that have lasguns are those that had them before rebelling or from looting.

Lasguns definitely win out on logistics and cost when you're shipping off-world, or even elsewhere on the same world, but for everything else, there's bullet.

this. although las guns make logistics alot simpler system wide they require a high level of industry to manufacture-- autoguns require a simple machine shop.

You can fit silencers on autoguns

Autoguns are easier to build and are usually used by PDF's as they can easily be made even without forgeworld support. Lasguns are a bit more complicated and therefor most of the time the admech handles them on specific forgeworlds.

So logically, when heretics turn traitor, autoguns are a natural choice since the odds of them controlling the means to produce much more than autoguns is low. This is also why they only get flamers and heavy stubbers as special weapons.

Of course now I'm wondering how shit you have to be to be using stub rifles.

autoguns fire caseless ammunition, because back int he 1980s a lot of militaries were experimenting with caseless ammo and GW thought it was going to be the future

stubguns are the 40k equivalent of modern day firearms. The "stubs" are casings. It is implied that stubguns are even cheaper to maintain and manufacture than autoguns

So why aren't cultists using stubguns? They seem to have no qualms about the heavy stubber

Because regular small-arms production is still mostly set up for lasguns and autoguns, I guess. Stubbers are a level below that, and basically have to be homebrewed, or are used by militia/pdf units so shitty they end up manufacturing their own guns without even the facilities needed to build autoguns.

Also GW never really got the memo on "tell the artists when things are caseless" concept.

Lasguns are military grade weapons, they're not easy to get a hold of.

Autoguns are inferior but 40K doesn't have the granularity to represent that.

Mostly this.

In 40k rpg autoguns are only slightly worse than lasguns, not enough to warrant a significant difference in tabletop terms.

in the olden days when lasguns were S3 AP-1 whereas autoguns were S3 AP0, it made a bit more sense

>tfw assembled your Goliath gang with Las weaponry because it was better in Necromunda and rarely ran out of ammo compared to Autoguns
>Goliaths always use Auto weaponry and shotguns in the fluff because it's loud and brash like them
>even clipped metal hands and other cool shit off to do so

Why was I such a dumb kid.

you've just got the gang of goliath hipsters

Only in later games, and even then autoguns with widely available ammo types are easily competitive with lasguns.

The only reason to pick one over the other is style.

Many autopistols/autorifles use cased ammuntion. If that was a thing, it's one of those bits of fluff that totally fell apart later.

That said, it's 40k, so there are a million different models of every weapon.

>At the end of the day there weren't a lot of minis with autoguns and they certainly have a more 'evil' and industrial look about them than most lasguns do.

>The means of production for solid projectile weaponry is vastly simpler and less expensive than the standard las counterpart.


The fluff reason is lasguns are harder to manufacture. I remember a Tanith novel where they regiment got to a planet that had degressed technologically due to constant warfare. Using slug-throwers instead of las-weapons was the first visible sign of how bad things had gotten.

This isn't really applied consistently in the fluff, but then again what really is.

>Only in later games, and even then autoguns with widely available ammo types are easily competitive with lasguns.
>The only reason to pick one over the other is style.
Yes of course, also logistics if you fear to get stranded on a planet far away from any kind of shop.

No idea why I picked Goliath and then ran them as a shooty gang. Didn't even get the cooler miniatures in the range and they're probably like £10 each on ebay now.

Shooty gangs are objectively better in necromunda and autopistols are the most efficient weapons in the game bar none.

Tying to play a melee gang was shit.