COLX is mooning

Get in before it gets to cryptopia.

Other urls found in this thread:

Got 500k at 4sats. Feel pretty good.

250K at 17 sats. Let's get that Mazda3, bros.

30mil at sub 1sat because in b4 swap

Sold 2 masternodes for 25k each with 1 left running

Profits reinvested into LINK and Req

Comfy as fuck

click on 7day chart
yep already mooned
fuck off shill

its only on the shittest exchange right now and just went up 5m in the last hour. You're an idiot if you think the ship stops here.

90% of people who want to buy wont touch the current exchange so its still an easy 10x from here

Where do I buy this shit

seriously? no wonder you're a poor faggot


Going to break into top 300 now.
When top 100 coin?

Thanks cpt obvious

yeah, wtf is going on? Lol I'm bought in early
join this group for some decent signals, they've called this one pretty accurately recently

there was huge sell walls (for a small coin multiple BTC walls are huge) that kept it low so people could accumulate. They've been cleared and theres literally no resistance to 50-100 sats

Just wish I fucking bought more

fuck off

I’ve been hesitant with this. What are people project for it to reach by january?

Any wallet users? What does the obfuscation function do? And do I need to keep my wallet unlocked for the staking to actually work?

When i gets on an exchange ive heard of, ill consider it.

That's when you're too late

Or I get in to early and woops, that exchange you never heard of just bough Monero with your ether and vanished from the face of the earth.

Yeah, go fuck your self.


Friendly COLX shill here :)

COLX is a pivx fork. I haven't actually used the anonymous function myself but the obfuscation works via mixing coins. You can a QDR here-

now they are implementing more privacy features with zerocoin coming soon as well.

For staking the coins need to mature 7 days currently. devs are looking at reducing this time but it was originally implemented to incentiveze people to hodl and strengthen the network. to maximize on staking you should break your walllet into a bunch of transactions. You can resend the coins to yourself in 15-25k chunks and your chances for hitting a reward will go up exponentially. I don't know the exact details but you can ask in the slack and one of the friendly team will be more than happy to get you set up or go here for a speed movement descending-

by jan? 100 sats.

by end of jan? 1000 sats?

ittl have hype, momentum and its a privacy coin. It aint any different to PIVX (outside of being better for miners) but fuck man its gonna make some money

stop shilling this so hard raj there is no need

this is a legit coin based of pivx, great team and community -

at 40 sats only as its on a crappy exchange

you're welcome

this shit doesn't even have its own telegram, apart from being listed on a pajeet exchange. Shill me senapai.


it's addded 500 members this week.

