How the fuck do you make LARPing fun?
How the fuck do you make LARPing fun?
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by organizing the right kind of larp for the right kind of people.
if someone likes only DnD then no matter what you do with 40k they won't like it.
so: choose your target audience carefully and make a game that is enjoyable to them
You don't because as soon as you start to have fake fun you realize you're a tremendous faggot.
By ditching the "role-playing" aspect and using it as an excuse to beat the shit out of people. That would be sparring, granted, but time spent pretending to be an elf is time not spent fighting.
Play oWoD parlor larp.
This. Had a friend ask if I wanted to try larp. Asked him how the fighting works and he said that it was like, you're only allowed to attack with a two handed weapon every five seconds or some dumb bullshit.
me at 0:24 :)
this is what US people actually believe
Loser has to suck dicks. Now every fight is for real
LARPs are a dumping ground for a number of disparate kinds of people. Understand what each finds interesting, and if you don't fit into one of those groups, or the LARP you're looking at doesn't cater to that group, don't go.
1) Melee Aficionados. This is basically in a nutshell. You go because you like to hit people with sticks/spar, but you're probably good enough that your buddies don't want to swing sticks at you in the backyard anymore. You want a combat system that is not 'lightest touch' or you're not going to have a good time. If you're in America, you'll probably be better off joining the SCA or doing HEMA, because damn near everything is lightest touch.
2) Operating Operators. Some LARPs are not medieval. Post-apocalyptic, cyberpunk, or just plain military LARPs exist, and these are the guys who want to run around in their tac vests and shoot each other. They're basically Melee Aficionados for modern LARPs. Find a LARP that lets you use airsoft, because otherwise you may be stuck with Nerf. Lots of lightest touch type games also specify stock Nerf, so you're doublefucked in that case. That said, some stock Nerf guns are actually relatively decent, so if you like that sort of thing, go for it.
3) Actors. You want to pretend to be someone else in a much more in depth way than you can at an actual table, but with much less pressure than would require to actually get on stage in front of people. This can be fun, but don't take yourself too seriously. Also, while you recieve less flak in the moment, and it's less embarrassing on-site, it's not nearly as easy to talk about LARPing out in the world. At some level, basically all LARPs cater to this group. How much the cater to them depends on how the combat system is built, and how much it allows you to bypass physical effort.
4) Power gamers. That munchkin that wants to rule the tabletop with his rule loopholes doesn't just exist in your living room. These guys sometimes join LARPs after scouting the rulebook and spotting flaws, or overpowered combinations. Chances are most flaws have been spotted in mature rulesets, so these guys tend to turn up for new games. If this is your bag, it might be worthwhile just to show the designer how the game is broke, but if you can't do it within a single session for relatively low effort, I wouldn't bother.
5) Power Trippers. That shit GM who crap all over your characters for not loving his GMPC is also out there in the woods. These guys tend to start new games, or try to gain positions of authority in existing games so they can exert some level of power over other people. To a lesser extent, anyone who has an old character at some of these games can be this sort of person ingame instead of meta if they have the skills to back it up. I can't stop you, but if this is your bag, start a LARP. You get power over more people than just those that can fit at your kitchen table, but keep in mind that those people now can hit you with foam bats and shoot you with nerf ammo to take their frustrations out on you. Be a benevolent tyrant or your subjects may just leave your little fiefdom.
LARPing can be fun, in a huge extension of playing pretend. It's also rife with multiple annoyances since it has all these various interests lumped together.
Well, here's how I do it.
>Want to larp
>Don't want to look for/pay for larps with a ton of people I don't know
>Find some place I can use
>Get story ideas and write a prompt
>Ask friends to make characters based on that
>Adapt story to their character and write a scenario accordingly
>Make/acquire props
>Get costumes
>Take a few days during a vacation
>Play with friends with rules that state what you see is what you get and don't be an ass
It's not very combat-oriented, that said. I like making investigation games with puzzles and social aspects. Every PC gets some unique intel so they HAVE to build some bonds to figure out the story.
By being paid to prat around like a fuckwit.
Never done it before but I imagine you get a bunch of people who are into it but don't take themselves too seriously.
Just an opinion, but I'd say by saving things like combat and adventure for the real game. LARPing is the best way of just interacting as a character with other characters, which isn't the easiest thing to do at the table.
Although I'm probably not the one to talk. I went LARPing exactly one time. Me and my stupidly large group actually went to this private camping grounds for a week and made the rule that we'd just stay in character for most of it. Wound up being a fucking blast.
why did i read all of this....great fucking story though
I don't believe this actually happened but I had fun reading it anyway.
I kinda want to LARP a monster now. Maybe smash some autistic nerd PC pussy and beat fatties with a foam bat while pretending to be an ogre and then camping with ogre bros.
Sounds like a fucking blast desu, even minus pussy.
By stopping.
by disposing of all of the fantasy and game aspects like magic, hitpoints, stats, etc and going as rules lite as possible
I used to be part of a group of ~15 people who would fight with dagohir rules, if you get hit in a limb you lose use of the limb, if you get hit in the torso you're dead, lose two limbs you're dead, no headshots with melee weapons, please do not aim for the groin but it still counts
there are rules concerning weapons but it's mostly safety based regarding flexibility, weight, bows have to have special arrows and can't draw above a certain poundage etc, a good solid blow from a dagohir-legal sword hurts pretty good, it won't break a bone (it will break your fingers though, broke 1 pinkie and rotated my thumb ~10 degrees) but it will bruise you up good, fight for an hour or three and it WILL leave you sore the next day.
dagohir is the shit, it looks kind of lame just watching a 1v1 fight but at the bigger events where there's like 200+ people it's rad as fuck.
I was an archer, i carried on the field a bow, eight arrows, and a sword and buckler. still wish the group hadn't broke up due to the autism of one person
By being 12>. Having "sword fights" is a childhood staple.
it happened. Kind of. The writer admitted that he added a few things and colored the story, but the main elements are not that unbelievable.
Why is this so fucking hot?
cuz naked barb tits
Camping and alcohol.
Go to a big Euro LARP like Empire, not the Amerishit ones with pool noodles and excessive legal rules
Because a woman with a fuck it attitude that will maintain the feel of a game up to baring herself is confidence, and confidence is sexy in both genders.
Is it weird that I want to run this? A game where the PCs are people attending a LARP run by an asshole but everyone fully commits to their characters and roles? is already?