If you would allow your players to play characters from a species other than homo sapiens, why not allow them to play a homo sapiens from a gender other than their own?
If you would allow your players to play characters from a species other than homo sapiens...
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It's not disallowed. It just won't be done well. I'm sure.
Most people do. As much as Veeky Forums gets twisted up about guys playing girls or vice versa, I've never been in a group which had a problem with it. It's just not a big deal.
What makes a well roleplayed female character?
>playing female character
>girl in the group playing male character
>she starts hitting on my character
>ignore her and go flirt with hunky pirates
RPGs are kind of gay.
A compelling character with a distinctly female outlook. One of these elements is always missing.
There are two players (one male, one female) in my group who tend towards playing characters of a different gender to them. Both are mature enough to consider the impact gender has on their characters without resorting to stereotypes so it works out fine.
I do allow it; male players just tend to do a shitty job of paying female characters.
Hell, I'd settle for "not a half-naked lesbian slut", which is what you often get when males play females.
What do you mean by 'a distinctly female outlook'?
I'm playing a female character right now and nothing that-guyish has happened at all. I don't try to do a voice, I don't make decisions based on what a woman would do, she's not a slut or a lesbian or both, and her motivations are entirely about murder and revenge. She's basically a regular adventurer with F written next to their gender.
lack of reason and accountablility
I and the vast majority of other GMs do, so what was the point of making this thread?
Something in her personality or behaviour that makes her fundamentally unlike the men that player would usually portray.
Otherwise, what's the point?
Something like what? What constitutes a "female outlook" compared to a male one?
This is probably the dumbest shit I've read so far.
There's nothing "male" about the male characters men play. It's just characters. Saying you have to play a "female" character, whatever the fuck that means, is like saying every dwarf has to be Gimli and every elf has to be Legolas. It's stupid shit that just drags the game down to the level of greentext screenshots on ifunny.
Just play a fucking character. Race, gender, hair color, eye color, alignment, none of this AFFECTS your character. It comes after everything else. A character is a goal, a means to achieve that goal, and some sort of flaw. Most of an RPG focuses on the "means to achieve that goal" part since that's the G in RPG but you have to have the rest if you want to be more than just a statblock.
When was it a problem, girls playing hot guys, specially when playing Vampire stuff, is always a thing.
I basically don't care as long as you aren't being a faggot with it. If you even want to do a female voice thats cool.
If you try to turn a tabletop game into some fucking homo erp session where you pretend to be a horny girl in a room full of nerds you can go piss up a rope.
If I were to disallow it (which I don't) it would be because of how the rest of the table traditionally have started to act completely differently when a female character was around. The last time someone made a female character, all the other players around the table started to ask if she was hot or not, commented on her appearance, and would fight each other to be the ones in her group if the party split up.
>men and women do not behave differently
Whatever you say, user. I'm sure I'm the retard here.
Everyone should be able to pitch any character concept, but everyone should also think about how what they are impacts who they are and if they are using sex/race/class/species as an excuse to play a one-dimensional stereotype.
In my experience dudes ain't great at playing chicks, either white-knighting and playing the "strong independent woman who has suffered at the hands of men her whole life," or as one long, repetitive sex joke. Chicks usually only ever play the same particular gay dude.
thread over, lets go home
Are you genuinely saying characters' stats are more important than their personality?
Found the gamist twat who can't RP his way out of a paper bag.
>RPGs are just tabletop Diablo: the Absolutely plebeian.
Due to some unfortunate past incidents, my group has a strict no gender-bending rule for new players. Once we're reasonably sure the new player isn't going to be weird about it, the restriction are lifted. Generally speaking, placing limitations on chargen for introductory games is a good way to vet new players, irrespective of the sex thing.
I find it really funny in light of this discussion that GRRM is on the OP. All of his female characters - Brienne, Cersei, Catelyn, Arya, Sansa, Asha and more - are not just gender flipped men. Their gender identity is hugely important for their character - some struggle to accept their role in the society, some use and weaponize it, some challenge the norms, some outright ignore them.
Cersei is a very interesting case of internalized misogyny - to the point where she calls herself Tywin's true son, because women are weak and dumb, and she obviously isn't. Brienne adapts a persona of a knight - but she doesn't abandon her womanhood, while Asha pretends to do so in her bid to become a viking queen.
All nuance is lost in the show, of course, like it always is.
Because playing a different species isn't that much of a role-playing stretch, while playing a girl is much harder. Practically impossible, truth be told, since nobody understands how their minds work. And since we have nothing to compare your poor RP of a non-human to, and we do have something to compare your poor RP of a girl to, cross playing is essentially impossible to do well.
Also, because it makes you gay, and thus we'd have to stone you.
every single female character that someone has played at my table has been a lesbian/bi, no matter the player.
Really makes ya think
Best post in the thread right here.
I think it's better to say that all those things AFFECT a character, but none of them DETERMINE a character.
> because it makes you gay, and thus we'd have to stone you
To be fair, participation in RPG session is a fairly good reson for stoning anyway
> do it on saturday
guess what
>play a cleric
guess what
> cast spells
guess what
Having done both male and female PCs in heavy story and rp focused games, it never ceased to be a source of amusement that when my female characters would make the sort of decisions my male characters would (best possible choice given the available information) there was literally a running discussion about the character being a man with tits, and only acted female if I made an emotional, suboptimal decision.
This was a group with female players, mind you, basically complaining that in order for a character to be a good female they have to be stupid and think with their ovaries.
I have a personal favorite female PC but I don't know if I will ever play one again.
To be fair most of the people here don't understand how the average male's mind works either.
Is good post
The average male mind runs on the idea that the rewards should be more valued than the risks. Ambition and testosterone run through our blood.
One that gives the impression that she is not being played to be titillating.
Actually, that's necessary but not sufficient. I had a player once who rolled up a female character and actually told me that he did it because he'd just had a kid IRL and wanted to explore themes of parenthood, and that was just cringeworthy as any mouth-breathing neckbeard who did it because it's the closest he'll ever get to being inside a woman.
Sure, do what you have to do.
What? Not every one of us is a triggered little alt-shite snowflake, pal.
Depends. If a player also GMs and I've personally seen him do decent female NPCs in his own game, I'll happily let him play a female PC in mine. Otherwise I need to build a little more trust in the player first.
Must I post the Danny shitting scene?
That depends. What's the Tax policy of this alleged other gender?
Do it, faggot
Have this instead.
>Dunk rode slowly along the fence. The viewing stand was crowded with knights. “M’lords,” he called to them, “do none of you remember Ser Arlan of Pennytree? I was his squire. We served many of you. Ate at your tables and slept in your halls.” He saw Manfred Dondarrion seated in the highest tier. “Ser Arlan took a wound in your lord father’s service.” The knight said something to the lady beside him, paying no heed. Dunk was forced to move on. “Lord Lannister, Ser Arlan unhorsed you once in tourney.” The Grey Lion examined his gloved hands, studiedly refusing to raise his eyes. “He was a good man, and he taught me how to be a knight. Not only sword and lance, but honor. A knight defends the innocent, he said. That’s all I did. I need one more knight to fight beside me. One, that’s all. Lord Caron? Lord Swann?” Lord Swann laughed softly as Lord Caron whispered in his ear. Dunk reined up before Ser Otho Bracken, lowering his voice. “Ser Otho, all know you for a great champion. Join us, I beg you. In the names of the old gods and the new. My cause is just.”
>“That may be,” said the Brute of Bracken, who had at least the grace to reply, “but it is your cause, not mine. I know you not, boy.”
>Heartsick, Dunk wheeled Thunder and raced back and forth before the tiers of pale cold men. Despair made him shout. “ARE THERE NO TRUE KNIGHTS AMONG YOU?”
>Only silence answered.
>Across the field, Prince Aerion laughed. “The dragon is not mocked,” he called out. Then came a voice. “I will take Ser Duncan’s side.”
>A black stallion emerged from out of the river mists, a black knight on his back. Dunk saw the dragon shield, and the red enamel crest upon his helm with its three roaring heads. The Young Prince. Gods be good, it is truly him?
>Lord Ashford made the same mistake. “Prince Valarr?”
>“No.” The black knight lifted the visor of his helm. “I did not think to enter the lists at Ashford, my lord, so I brought no armor. My son was good enough to lend me his.” Prince Baelor smiled almost sadly. The accusers were thrown into confusion, Dunk could see. Prince Maekar spurred his mount forward.
>“Brother, have you taken leave of your senses?” He pointed a mailed finger at Dunk. “This man attacked my son.”
>“This man protected the weak, as every true knight must,” replied Prince Baelor. “Let the gods determine if he was right or wrong.” He gave a tug on his reins, turned Valarr’s huge black destrier, and trotted to the south end of the field.
And a bonus.
>The viewing stand had already begun to fill, the lords and ladies clutching their cloaks tight about them against the morning chill. Smallfolk were drifting toward the field as well, and hundreds of them already stood along the fence. So many come to see me die, thought Dunk bitterly, but he wronged them. A few steps farther on, a woman called out, “Good fortune to you.” An old man stepped up to take his hand and said, “May the gods give you strength, ser.” Then a begging brother in a tattered brown robe said a blessing on his sword, and a maid kissed his cheek. They are for me. “Why?” he asked Pate. “What am I to them?”
>“A knight who remembered his vows,” the smith said.
>Once she was certain which way was south, she counted off her paces. The stream appeared at eight. Dany cupped her hands to drink. The water made her belly cramp, but cramps were easier to bear than thirst.
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water. When she closed her eyes at last, Dany did not know whether she would be strong enough to open them again
>Moon blood, it’s only my moon blood, but she did not remember ever having such a heavy flow. Could it be the water? If it was the water, she was doomed. She had to drink or die of thirst.
Choose one.
> Aboobloobloo! Women are doo-doo heads because they let other guys put their wee-wees in them but no girls will let me put MY wee-wee in them. Stupid whores. Aboobloobloo.
8 out of 10, nearly compelled me to argue the retarded shit you said.
Wow someone sure got triggered by a harmless offhand joke.
>b-but muh females should be distinct from muh males!
Oh yeah?
So Samus should always whine about "muh baby"? Or maybe Ellen Ripley has to constantly remind about her femininity?
Fuck off, mate. What defines a character is his actions and motivations, ideals and flaws, and not a fucking "female" stereotype.
This guy () is completely right. Your character isn't defined by his qualities. Affected by them? Yes, sure. Defined by them? Hell no.
>Wow someone sure got triggered by a harmless offhand joke.
Wow, someone sure is backpedaling (and can't seem to find his way to /r9k/ where he belongs).
>act like an asshole
>someone called me out... uh it was a joke guis!
fuck off
For the sake of promoting tolerance and diversity, players are required to play non-humans of a different sex, age group and social class exclusively.
>user got so mad that he unironically stooped down to this level
Your next line is "I was only pretending to be retarded"
Wow, that is some world-class samefag damage control. Impressive. Most impressive.
>r maybe Ellen Ripley has to constantly remind about her femininity?
She does, though. Dumb bitch should have left Newt on the planet and gotten the hell out of there. But no, 'cause she a WOMAN, she has to go back and save the useless kid. The entire third act of the film is her reminding us that she's a female stereotype.
>Wow, someone sure is backpedaling (and can't seem to find his way to /r9k/ where he belongs).
Wow someone sure is desperate to validate his worldview. Stay mad, son.
>But no, 'cause she a WOMAN, she has to go back and save the useless kid
You are a complete and utter idiot. She saves him because she is HEROIC, not because she is a woman.
>calling out assholes
>on 4chins
>Being so new that he cant identify samefags by their postID
Hello tumblr.
>not Saudi Arabians, ancient Greeks, or Cannanites
You're thinking of Jews and Slavs when it comes to Nazis, not women.