What's the best system to run a game based on pic related? With ninjas, laser guns, robots and supervillains in ridiculous snake costumes, please.
What's the best system to run a game based on pic related? With ninjas, laser guns...
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Feng Shui?
Cartoon Action Hour.
Kiddie Pool
Depends on what you're going for. The cartoon, with goofy plots and everybody shooting red and blue laser all over the place without ever hitting anybody, or the comics, which actually took the concept more seriously and had people shooting real bullets and getting killed.
Something in between? Like, the cartoon but a little more weight to it and the possibility of death, etc.
I've gotten to play an early version of Sean Patrick Fannon's "Freedom Squadron" a few times, and I've really enjoyed it. It uses the Savage Worlds system and is based on the setting from the VENOM Assault board game. It should be hitting Kickstarter in the next few months, and Sean has been running it at conventions for more than a year. As you can tell from the name of the board game, snake themes and costumes are all through it.
Savage Worlds if you like a little crunch and character building
Some variation of Apocalypse World if you like less crunch
Goddamn, every time I start to forget how much I want to play a GI Joe campaign, someone on Veeky Forums reminds me. I used to watch the cartoon every morning before going to school. Had a huge box of the toys. The '87 movie blew my little-kid mind.
Best girl pic related
Oh, neat. That sounds pretty close to what I'm thinking, actually.
I'm not a massive fan of Savage Worlds but it should be fine
Strike! is partly made for shit like this, although I only really recommend it if you like squad based tactical fights (which is in theme with the Joes I think). A more dedicated system if you don't particularly want that type of play works better.
I'd use ACE Agents and add ACE Supers.
There was a covert counter-terrorist strikeforce that was supposed to be created, but the wrong bill got signed and announced, so the force was announced publicly and turned into a joke.
The general put in charge met with a Hollywood marketer and he took it seriously and marketed the hell out of the idea. Built theme parks, toy lines, comics, cartoons, etc. As a result 90% of the team's budget goes to weird tech (which is what prompts the supers supplement).
one of your stats is your marketability as a toy. The better your toys sell, the more money you get for buying equipment.
The bad guys ALSO have a marketing department
Came here to say this.
My African American
Does the system actually run okay? Or is it BESM levels of 'make it up as you go'?
Someone made a G.I.Joe RPG and had a website dedicated to the mechanics and characters on separate sheets.
I am away form home for the next few days so try Google and prayer.
The last part is probably canon. Aside from being an international terrorist organisation, Cobra also has a sort of shady corporate angle going. Their elite guard pretty much all have a law degree and infiltrate governments and businesses to further the goals of Cobra. The whole reason they got their own island base in the comics was that they managed through legislative shenanigans to get the island declared a sovereign nation.
and being the first ones to land on it, after tricking the Joes into blowing up a fault line.
That sounds pretty great. Basically the Fred Van Lente GI Joe comics?
/co/mrades, if I wanted to get into the comics (which, from all I have seen, are way better than they have any right to be) which ones should I start with?
I too would like to know more about the comics.
Man, I had forgotten how much Cobra Commander was one of us. And I also long to see more of Cobra Commando/Destro buddy episode.
warhammer 40k
what happened next?
My Cobra Commander.
ACE Agents is a lot of fun, especially when you start doing a campaign and end up doing shit specifically so it plays well for the audience at home, so people like you better and you get a bigger budget.
omg, thats brilliant!
If you want a really heavy system for it there are a lot of supplements for SpyCraft that leverage all of that.
Ninjas and Superspies
Not OP, but ACE Agents sounds great. Anybody have a download link?
The original Marvel ones are the ones everyone likes. Just read that starting at issue 1.
There's also , Tom Scioli's Transformers vs GI Joe; it's 12 issues of trippy Kirby-inspired weirdness.
IDW's GI Joe continuity is mostly garbage, but Mike Costa's "Cobra: The Last Laugh" is one of the best GI Joe stories ever written.
>IDW's GI Joe continuity is mostly garbage
What, the "Crown Jewel?"
Of course, the crossover potential is important to note, since the GI Joe and Transformers cartoons were in the same universe as Jem, Inhumanoids, and COPS.
IDW has Goe, Transformers, Jem?, Rom, Micronauts, Action Man, and MASK.
And of course in the toyline you had MASK characters inside GI Joe, a Transformer based on Wild Weasel, and of course, the professional wrestler Sgt. Slaughter was part of Joe.
Well, I'm mostly talking about the Chuck Dixon era stuff, which was bland and dull as hell except when it was focusing on Cobra.
I actually like the Sitterson stuff quite a lot, though it's pretty damn flawed. The First Strike two-parter is impeccable, though.
Revolutionaries is god-tier also.
I agree... it's better than it seems, but still... labelling it with that title is just insulting.
Of course, if you're into something a bit different, there's always Osprey's Black Ops - Tactical Espionage Wargaming.
Miniature wargames involving special forces, militia, mercenaries, fanatics, and ninja. And a bunch of future tech, like lasers and other crazy shit.
Hmm! I was thinking of RPGs, but the idea of a Joe-esque wargame is intriguing.
>I agree... it's better than it seems, but still... labelling it with that title is just insulting.
I felt better about it once I realised that it wasn't serious and was just wrestling promo-style hyperbole. I agree that it's kind of grating, though.
>since the GI Joe and Transformers cartoons were in the same universe as Jem, Inhumanoids, and COPS.
>IDW has Goe, Transformers, Jem?, Rom, Micronauts, Action Man, and MASK.
I knew about GI Joe and Transformers, but the other connections are all new to me.
What series is this from, anyway?
Ace from GI Joe was in Inhumanoids as Sabre Jet.
CheckPoint in COPS was the son of Beach Head from GI Joe.
As for Jem, while D'Compose can be spotted on a tv in one episode, the main point of evidence is that Hector Ramirez appeared on it, along with his stints on GI Joe, Inhumanoids, and (unnamed) Transformers.
As for the IDW stuff, they recently retconned their GI Joe and Transformers comics into the same universe (and a weird elseworlds steampunk transformers one was well) and added the other franchises. And they're also soon going to add Visionaries.
IDW's 13 issue Transformers vs GI Joe series.
It's fucking crazy, and despite seeming like a child of the 60s, is set in recent times.
Also the final issue had a third crossover... but we don't talk about that... poor Megatron.