>You step into the accelerated evolution machine
Realistically speaking, what would happen?
>You step into the accelerated evolution machine
Realistically speaking, what would happen?
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You die.
you can't accelerate evolution you retard
You get cancer.
There would be no environmental pressures to select for, so nothing. If the machine causes mutations, you'd just accumulate random mutations.
It's not evolution if it's contained to a single individual. It's mutation.
The concept requires way, way, way more definition and explanation of how it actually works.
Does it simulate selection pressure and alter the organism present based on theoretical adaptations to that selection pressure? How does it determine what pressures to apply, and what adaptations are most advantageous?
>There would be no environmental pressures to select for
Every building has it's own distinct evolutionary pressures. I have to imagine machines do too.
If you, your mate, and your descendants were restricted to a particular building, the particulars of that building would shape the path of your evolution.
Being in a rapid evolution machine would kinda be like that, but you'd evolve to be more fit within the context of the machine.
So would the particulars of your mate and the other members of the initial population (you can't populate with just two people). The environment of the building would also include the food and water sources.
Hopefully I die.
It depends on the setting.
So, let's just say it's a mutation machine.
Would you use it?
Mutations are often beneficial right?
that's not how evolution works.
it's not a straight line that programmed into your body, you silly
>There would be no environmental pressures to select for
Nigga you're literally getting into a machine.
>you evolve to get better at evolving
Fuck no. You mutate around 500 million times each second, and every one of those mutations have a small chance of giving you cancer.
Are you saying Star Trek: Voyager's warp 11 episode lied to us?
And your odds of reproducing within the machine alone are 0%, so unless the machine is going to turn you into something that can reproduce asexually, evolution isn't going to happen.
>You step into the accelerated evolution machine
It accelerates evolution by killing the idiot who stepped in the evolution machine, by adding another environmental pressure to the human race.
I think even Voyager's writers were embarrassed by that episode, and that's saying something.
You would be in the "Super Mario Bros." movie.
>your odds of reproducing within the machine alone are 0%
Nigga you don't know what's in the machine, it could be a portal to another dimension that runs on a different timeframe which has evolutionary pressures beyond your imagination and a bunch of people to reproduce with.
Or preloaded DNA which it splices with yours.
>Nigga you don't know what's in the machine
Then I can't very well answer the question, can I nigga?
We tend to not talk of "Threshold" lest we want to have to drink brain bleach again.
That's a selective pressure right there.
Best comment
Best just forget about Voyager all together.
Missing in this picture are their children, which were left in the Delta Quadrant to either be rapidly killed by predators or go up to be an invasive species.
>odds of reproducing within the machine
Your odd of reducing WITH the machine are 100%
So the machine can get pregnant now?
Long, sinuous thumbs.
itty bitty little feet.
Chest is a dice tower, belly is a pit five miles deep from which distant rumbling and the sound of strange beasts can be heard.
My teeth are a doorway, My mouth an atrium with cool, dry floor. Past that is the passage to my throat; a vast spiral staircase down to the first layer of my my stomach/dungeon. Here's begins The Gangplanks of the Gullet, where precarious wooden gangplanks have been arranged and strange simian creatures reside, feeding off of scurrying throat-frogs who form burrows in the vast circular flesh walls that surround it.
Below this layer is the realm of a thousand acid rivers and it's community of bogmen, beneath which the bile-realms lie and the secrecy and paranoia of the host of the bile-lords make difficult the gathering of word of what realms lie beyond.
That said I feel bad about being dry and unimaginative so lets have fun with this
1.This device of unknown origin transports any organism placed into it into a pocket dimension, contents of which are fully controlled by the AI of the machine.
2.Once placed, machine creates a vast environment suitable for living. It also constructs a vast number of organisms, of the same species as the object, but with enough genetic variation as to allow healthy breeding.
3.The exact contents of environment are controlled by the AI interface.
After the setup, the time inside of the pocket dimension is accelerated to be 1 million years a second.
4.The processes stops after a number of generations set by the interface. Then the latest specimen in the generation is extracted back into the original dimension.
5. If the original subject possessed sapience, his conciseness is extracted at the moment of death. At the time of the last generation, it is inserted into the specimen that is going to extracted.
can your machines not get pregnant, man-animal?
I would step out perectly adapted to the room the machine was in, and also probably adapted to killing whoever else was in there for their calories and with the prey/hunger drive to do it. Evolution is scary yo.
I don't know what would come out and I'm not sure I'd want to.
If there are no pressures in the environment to get the species to change then the species will not change. its why sharks today are very similar to sharks from millions of years ago, there is no reason to change then it will not change.
I'm sorry I didn't make it clear -
The pressures are created by the AI. Different set and combinations and order of pressures can be selected with the interface thus allowing infinite field for experimentation.
>You step into the accelerated society machine
See how both require more than just a single person?
Wow, you sure showed OP that you hate fun.
I also like an idea of The Machine being completely alien, incomprehensible, in a lot of ways not perfect and at times, absolutely terrifying
>While it can definitely copy the subject and create a suitable environment for it, the worlds themselves are not pretty. Bizarre worlds populated by bizarre creatures, and sometimes even artificial structures. All that points to a conclusion that the AI is living, thinking and very creative in the most frightening kind of ways.
>WARNING. Any conditions that are not set by the user are a subject to AIs decisions. Thus it can introduce new environmental pressures on the species, according to it's own "imagination".
>No one can say what happens to the world and all living there when the single final product species is extracted. It is assumed that such world is simply deleted.
Sounds like a cool torture device to be honest.
>Subject is forced to live out an entire life, "resurrected", at the moment of death from their point of view, in increasingly more alien bodies.
Only draw back is that after a round or two, you might not have something capable of speech exit the torture chamber.
this is the only realistic answer
So basicly the Ultimates from Ben 10?
Through the simulation that creates that evolution is designed for the combat an survival of the fittest.
>"works by placing the DNA of the alien in a certain simulation, making it suffer the worst possible scenario in millions of theoretical years in order to "force" evolution in the genetic code in the virtual environment, the evolutionary developments are then modified into the existing DNA."
Great! Now which ones are in this prompt? Can't cover an infinite series of possibilities in one post.
Or maybe I just have a different sense of fun to you?
Technically, ephebophiles could.
>Mutations are often beneficial right?
Imagine you have a program.
A mutation is canging one line of code at random.
Offsprings are the modified versions of the program.
After a while, the tech looks at the files and removes the non-functionning programs, and if he finds modified programs that work better than the original (in a very anrrow field) he keeps them instead.
Rince and repeat ad nauseam
That's evolution.
My sense of fun doesn't involve entering threads I don't like, so you're probably right.
>correcting the OP means you don't like a thread
You make a lot of assumptions.
Nothing. Evolution is always at work but requires many generations for anything to really take hold. Unless the "Accelerated Evolution Machine" bred me with a mate and then did that a few million more times with the offspring while subjecting them to specific pressures, nothing would happen.
Except there's no selection process. You're not surviving or dying based on the suitability of your mutations to your environment, so nothing "breeds out" the bad mutations for the environemtn your in and nothing ensure you keep the good ones.
He was right in the first place, you'd just mutate randomly.
>Realistically speaking, what would happen?
You'd die.
You'd just get accumulate a bunch of mutations with no context and turn into one of those "no-mouth, but I must screams" creatures.
9/10 dungeon would crawl
Actually, it will only be shocking the first few times. After some time they would have long since acknowledged the benefits of endless reincarnation, opting to spend their many lives in deep medetation. After being released from the device, they would have the wisdom of ten thousand generations along eith uspeakable knowledge and undying patience. This machine creates gods.
>This machine creates gods.
Only if final product is still capable of thought.
Only if final product is capable of surviving in reality of it's origin.
After countless generations original species can devolve into monsters and conditions in virtual world can change so exit product could not live on outside.
Lol ok
Necessary shitposting. Nice.
Nothing. "Evolution" on a sample size of one is just cancer and deformity. But more likely, the subject will experience none of those.
Here's a better question:
>a powerful seer gives you a glimpse of future humanity
>what do you see?
My betting is a vaguely brown, mostly hairless, heavily deformed, overweight, disjointed blobs, sitting in floating chairs, using surgically altered eyes to watch an augmented reality around us.
Since sentience is always re-inserted, they'd always be capable of thought.
Not necessarily anything else.
Exactly, intelligence is merely a fluke of evolution because evolution only cares about the ability of passing down your genes and there is always a give an take, bigger and better brains need more energy and make birth and early development more tricky and dangerous, which can actually have a negative impact in the survival of a specie, and devolution is a real thing, look for example bears of the Ice Age compared with bears nowadays, in the Ice Age they were better in nearly all possible stats, but that had drawbacks.
You evolute accerelatedly, of course.
>evolution only cares about the ability of passing down your genes
Octopuses really believe this.
>Pedophiles are the future of evolution, along with prepubescent fertility
>they were better in nearly all possible stats, but that had drawbacks.
So they were better in every way except for those they weren't.
you cannot devolve, it is not possible. Just like scientifically speaking you cannot deaccelerate. You can accelerate in a different direction. You can evolve differently, but even "reverting" to a less complex state is still evolution. Evolution is a non directed process and as such has no end state, and beginning state
>death in childbirth skyrockets
All the microbes in you evolve really quickly
Well, I'm not gonna advocate kiddie diddling, but rationally, it would make sense for people to grow smaller. We're not relying on raw strength for anything anymore, we're not worried about any natural predators due to the ability to craft tools and weapons. Smaller people would consume less food, require less living space. There's no reason not to downsize. Gradually.
From what I understand, you turn into a salamander and then sexually assault your superior officer.
Haven't there have been studies that found humans have slowly been getting more and more androgynous over the generations?
Actually I'm pretty sure there's been several mock up of "evolved humans"
So it's okay that I want to love Madoka?
Sounds like fake news, CNN.
>Only draw back is that after a round or two, you might not have something capable of speech exit the torture chamber.
I have no mouth and I must scream.
Basically they had a higher requirement of calories and when the megafauna went away, so did they.
Another example of this would be the megalodon
By devolving I mean losing traits that we might consider more desirable like being faster and smarter.
Evolution is selection by the environment through a process of elimination, powered by random mutations in species. Without reproduction evolution cannot occur.
wouldn't parasitism upon anyone else in the room be better?
>you can only die giving birth in a skyrocket
I submit that you understand very little.
Kiddie diddling would be like, the opposite of a good way to do that. Hitting people before they're done with puberty is a gamble on how large they'd actually get!
I evolve to become an advanced being which realizes that OP doesn't understand the process of evolution.
You know shit about sharks.
You're not getting anywhere by thinking that "devolution" is a thing. Evolution is any change in gene frequency across generations, positive or negative. Also, huge components of the vague traits that you mentioned are environmentally determined and might also have pleiotropies involving tradeoffs with other traits.
Or how long they live. We get a lot of cancer and other bad stuff later in life because selection pressures can only really have effects until reproduction happens.
Die of Cancer.
A flesh-eating supervirus is spawned within your entrails.
You misunderstand, it's not that you impregnate the machine.
I think... I feel... I know! Oh, the music, the music! How beautiful it is! It is the music of the stars...
you are placed into a world with some other humans and you live out your life. The world lasts for 100 million years and then the iteration of human with the closest match to your original DNA is cloned and brought back into the world where you stepped into the machine. In the world where you entered the machine, the process only took 5 minutes.
Evolution doesn't favor traits that are the most useful, it favors traits that will increase the chance of procreation.
Even if as a whole humanity would be better off being smaller, the fact that any individual man is considered more attractive the taller he is ensures evolution won't go that way.
Reduced intelligence is a likely one. Our current technological explosion isn't a static state and nature prefers balance, the more technological amenities we have the less intelligence we'll need to survive and the less intelligence we have the less additional technology we'll develop. We'll eventually hit an equilibrium where there's a minimum intelligence required to use our developed technology and the developmen of new technology halts completely. (tens of thousands of years into the future I mean, it's an evolutionary timescale)
>There's no reason not to downsize. Gradually.
t. manlet
On a more serious note though, it's actually the opposite, without a limitation for growth (like say living in a desert or on trees) the evolutionary tendencies push towards bigger individuals, that's why dinosaurs got so big and mammals did the same after them. You can also see this pattern in human evolution as we are almost double the height of our progenitor primates and a good feet taller than the average human in ancient history.
Is modern human getting taller really an evolutionary thing or just a consequence of better living conditions?
I know that women find tall men more attractive but most short people I know still end up having kids so I'm not sure.
I think it's mostly just better nutrition. Native American tribes of the great plains, for example, were some tall motherfuckers. PDF related.
Fucking them would be even better.
The decline in technological development over the last 60 years or so–coupled with Idiocracy existing as a concept and being provably true–says otherwise.
>tall motherfuckers
>average heights below 180cm
Manlet detected.
>Idiocracy existing as a concept and being provably true
The only evidence for that is all the people on the internet who think it's true. Actual science shows that people are getting smarter, not dumber.
What part of "Tallest in the World" did you not understand?
It was all of it, wasn't it?