What's the most cringe game you've ever been in?
What's the most cringe game you've ever been in?
Probably a freeform game on IRC way back in the day. It had 30+ players and was a "play anything" channel with very little in the way of rules for what you could and couldn't play. Characters included the following:
>an adult gold dragon sorcerer from D&D
>Laharl from Disgaea
>featuring Dante from Devil May Cry
>JC Denton
>Ness from Earthbound
>an original Jedi character
>a World of Warcraft rogue
>the protagonist from Persona 4
There were others, but you get the idea. It was a fucking shitshow and I'm glad I dropped freeform a decade ago.
Serenity/firefly universe where everyone literally rolled characters from the show (crazy redhead who can fix anything). I rolled a gunslinger and everybody accused me of trying to be the captain, then got mad when I voted different from the group saying we'll Malcolm wouldn't do that and I was like that's fine but my opinion is this, it's one vote to five so we're obviously not but I'm not going to change my vote just because you don't think it would be how Malcolm Reynolds would do it.
Pretty sure I then accused them all of just directly ripping characters from the show whereas I was just trying to play my own guy and after the session the dm relayed to me that the players would rather not have me back.
Semi-freeform 'evil' campaign in which the 13yr old player's character went on a rape spree during downtime.
The cringeyiest game I've not been in was the one the dm didn't invite me to because I hadn't sufficiently admirered his props.
Another one I only just remembered. This is from a Star Trek pbem RPG from about 13 years ago.
>Romulan Warbird setting, all Romulan characters
>reading some of the archives
>looks cool, interesting stories of intrigue and Federation bashing
>join up, get paired up with another new guy for the enlistment RP
>I'm a male security guy
>Other guy's a female medical assistant
>Other guy decides on his own that the scene will be a medical examination
>Get an e-mail from the other guy a day later
>Even at first glace I can see it's a virtually finished piece with [insert your reaction] or [insert your dialogue] tags in a few places for me to fill in.
>read the meat of what he wrote
>it's a highly suggestive 'examination' full of blushes, heavy breathing, semi-nudity and medical probes, his character thinking to herself how attractive this big security guard is, etc
>The other guy commented OOC about how writing this is like a dance, with him leading and me being swept along with him
>paste "V'shor stares ahead emotionlessly, not reacting in the slightest" into every [insert] space.
>quit the RPG group
Gee user, why you gotta be such a pussy?
Eat shit, erpfag.
I tried a game of Age of Sigmar.
One time I ended up in a furry play-by-mail D&D game, with one player who was trying to turn it into a yiff fest. I was so naive.
If the thread is still up I'll greentext in a few hours.
Well the names of the units are pretty cringe. The rules too. All in all it feels a 8yo wrote it all and througt it was badass.
>Fucking BATMAN
this sounds like the best buddy cop show ever
And that's
You were a medic, just dose him with a nerve blocker and humiliate him while he'said a passenger in his own body.
When the most socially awkward person in the room tried to play the face in our Shadowrun campaign and lost us over 35% of potential earnings because he couldn't haggle to save his life.
It wasn't even the money that he lost us either, it was just the way he tried to present himself as a socially adjusted individual while stuttering and not paying attention to anything we were saying to help him make a sound decision until the GM was just like "listen man, just roll a CHA+negotiations before you lose more money than you already have."
And this was a GM that hates people rolling to sidestep roleplay as well.
You would think that, but that was sadly not the case.
I had forgotten it, but on MySpace I briefly participated in a free form Teen Titans RP where half the other characters were either related or copied from canon characters, including the biological daughter of Slade Wilson.
It might have been fun if it were not for the disgusting amount of time it took other people to post and move the story forward.
My character was a hydrokineticist that had the physical features of an otter. Soon after I learned about furries and what a huge mistake I had made.
I ended up killing off my own character in a dumb way as a way to gracefully bow out of the "story."
>orc with torture fetish in character
>player most definitely had one too
>DM enabled him
>seemed legitimately unaware
>DM tailors experiences to things we enjoy
>more torture scenes
>player 2 never speaks
>never unless he's in a tavern
>lemme smash.wav
>DM appeals to him as well
>porks women and children nightly
>player 3 is a furry
>DM is aware enough to say no
>player 4 is me
>too retarded to use a spoiler tag properly[spoiler/]
>Soon after I learned about furries and what a huge mistake I had made.
This happens to everyone who has ever RP'd.
He wasn't the medic, the medic was the other player's character. Literacy numbers are looking bad for Veeky Forums these days.
>PTU game, female GM
>4 players, one decides to play a trap enouraged by GM
>First scene "You all meet at a tavern" shit
>Immediately after NPC "sister" (made up by GM on the spot) of the trap PC shows up. Looks about eight months pregnant. We congratulate her IC.
>"Yes, Infernape and I are very happy."
>Roll20 is left empty within the minute.
Sounds like you won that game.
Warhammer Fantasy was a lot better, I thought. GW was really stupid to nuke that setting right when Total Warhammer was coming out.
Funny thing is, years later I played in a Pathfinder game set in Ravnica as a Watchwolf Ranger. Another player was my elven cleric rider. Is an intelligent animal more or less furry than a anthro?
>romulan comes onto someone hard.
>other romulan is completely emoitionless about it.
10/10 would watch this Star Trek episode.
All of them
I do not talk about this hobby. It's a guilty pleasure, like jerking it.
Neither. A furry is a fuck toy. Anthros and animals are not furry unless they are for fucking.
Deathstroke actually has a canonical daughter: Rose Wilson AKA Ravager. Considering Teen Titans has his canonical son, Jericho, it's not a stretch to have her as a quasi-canonical character in an RP
It was 4e, we had three That Guys. One was a little rape robot. One was obsessed with unnecessary levels of revenge against minor slights from enemies and equally unnecessary levels of cock blocking the rogue. The other one tried to invent guns and on at least one occasion attempted to sell out the party to the bad guy. A doppelganger was fisted to death and we gave Doctor Doom a Green Lantern ring. There is almost too much to regret about that game.
For more despair on this topic, consider /pfg/.
That's some shit bait.
I have plenty of them, the one that made my head hurt was this and i was the gm, i dont remember exactly the name of the characters but i will do what i can:
>We are playing anime school game, we are using d20 system create your character
>Lucifer ,Satan's daughter, she was a slutty school girl with satanic powers
>Generic smart guy with glasses that he always adjust
>Edgy loner guy that could create portals
>Normal guy that could launch nails from his hand and control people with them
>Grease man, a fat bald guy made of grease
>Hyperactive girl with willpower hammer that could transform in lots of shit
>players arrive at school and see naruto, before going with him he vanishes and leaves a log, normal guy gets the log
>The arrive at their classroom and everyone wants to be the one that sits near the window
This shit goes on, want me to continue?
If you can detail a misadventure in horrifying detail- /tg is always up for storytime.
Tell me about Grease man, he intrigues me the most
Curse of Strahd. I was the only girl in our dnd group and the only female pc. DM kept ignoring Ireena for my paladin and it got to the point where he would always mention how strahd would sneak into my room at night to 'do things' without my pc knowing. I didn't really know what to say because strahd is suppose to fuck around with the party, so I just went along at first. The group felt somewhat uncomfortable since the DM started to then take time out of the campaign to go into detail about Strahd's actions to my pc. Our barbarian decided he would start sleeping in my room (also because the guy got creeped out by the DM) and DM got pissed because 'there would be no way he would know'. I called it quits when Strahd somehow managed to charm (DM didn't give my paladin advantage even though she was a half elf, nor did he give me the bonus that paladin's get for ST) and take my paladin away during a random encounter. DM then proceeded to go into detail about how Strahd had raped my paladin in order to lose faith in her god.
Its been a year or so since that campaign and I'm in a new CoS with new people thats been going pretty well but I still get flashbacks to that shit.
>>Grease man, a fat bald guy made of grease
This is definitely gonna be either the best or the worst of them.
Ok will continue the shitfest
>After fighting for the seat near the window,lucifer wins ,but edgy guy touches lucifer leaving a secret portal in her
>Professor enters the classroom, portray him as a big guy that screams a lot
>After talking shit to everyone and asking log boy(the normal guy with nails powers) why he had a log(he said he wanted to give it back) he tells the PC that they have to make two teams and participate in a contest, the losing team will die
>The teams are: Lucifer, Log boy and Grease man VS Edgy Guy, Smart Boy and Hyperactive Hammer girl
>The first test is a very hard exam, smart boy and log boy participate, obviously smart boy wins the first contest
>i was improvising everything so i said "Then two big ass helicopters come from the ceiling"
>"Where are we going?" the PC said
>To the next test
>Basically the next test is a race, they have to jump from the helicopters land in a desert and climb a huge mountain on the top of the mountain there is a cabin where you can chill and a dirigible would take them to the final test
>So the two teams jump, hammer girls made her hammer into a rocket or some shit to land earlier
>she got the advantage but grease man, turns the sand into grease and starts to ski in his grease
>as everything is grease both teams are having trouble moving
>lucifer player says he wants to teleport to the top of the mountain because thats one of his powers, obviously i said no, this bitched a lot in this game, he wanted a lot of powers
>i dont really remember what happened next, i have a vague image of the "normal" players climbing the mountain then having a spa scene in the cabin before the next match, a death match
Imagine a bald guy with a thong with grease all over his body
at this point i was already tired, it was a live game
I think there was something in I6/RM4 about Strahd transferring his attention to any female PCs under certain conditions. Or was that a plot hook from the box set?
first couple of weeks of college, meeting new friends in the dorm and all that shit
>hey you guys want to play D&D or something?
>s-sure okay
It was my first time and he was starting with AD&D
>goes into extreme detail about his old character who ended up being some sort of evil demigod, I don't remember but he was obsessed with that, as he helps us (kinda) roll up new characters
>I pick a bog standard dwarf fighter, one guy rolls half-elf cleric, other rolls human barbarian
>we spend an hour or so learning the rules and putting together a backstory for each of us, we will be starting at level 1
>campaign begins with us all being teleported into the dungeon of his super-evil demigod former PC
>we are hauled in shackles in front of this all-powerful dark demigod, flanked on either side by black dragons
>"you will deliver a package for me to the other side of the continent"
>"..okay b-"
>"or I will instantly kill you"
>we give each other a worried look and just shrug and agree
>"but why have a lowly group of nobodies deliver it when you could just teleport it like you did us?"
>"I have my reasons...perhaps you will learn them with time."
we never did
>"NOW GO! And do not deviate from your task or I will know and I will instantly kill you!"
>I guess we're going then
>emerge into a city of pure evil, with dragons stomping around the corner of every part of the city doing nothing in particular for no particular reason other than to intimidate the fuck out of us
>we get onto the path out of the city and there seems to be some sort of hole-cave on the side of the road
>surely he has presented this to us for us to look at for a reason, I think to myself, and thus announce I will look into the hole
>I am instantly sprayed with mild acid by some sort of disgusting hate leech and I must claw it off
>faroff dragons snicker at me, everyone is flabbergasted
>immediately adjacent to the capital of sin and hate is the level 1 goblin forest
the suffering was only beginning
>she got the advantage but grease man, turns the sand into grease and starts to ski in his grease
That's what I was hoping for
The grease man player is the most creative player i have, he always make this iconic fun characters, when we where playing space marines he made a good impression of the Schwarzenegger terminator
>So they arrive at the place where the tournament is held
>a huge ass coliseum
>Satan, popeye, goku, itachi, superman,naruto and other characters are there
>So they have to chose fighters for 1 v 1
>Hammer girl vs Grease man
>Everyone is screaming as HG and GM enter the arena
>Fight starts, Hammer girls turns her hammer into a cannon and shoots energy beams at Grease guy
>He just dance it off while slapping her ass with his grease hand
>Hammer girl got mad and turned her hammer into a will power blade or some shit like that
>Grease guy used grease control to lift Hammer girl into air
>After some good rolls, Hammer girl stabilizes mid air and prepares her air slash
>Grease guy create grease snakes or some stupid shit like that
>Hammer girls wins the roll and cuts grease guy arm
>The arena starts flooding with grease
>Lucifer says "Hey i want to teleport Hammer girl to hell" As i dont give a fuck anymore i let him do it
>In this moment log kid returns the log to naruto, naruto says "Hey thanks kid i was looking for this i will give you a gift"
>I take log kid player outside of my house for secret roleplay
>Naruto gives a log of wishing, with three gems, each can cast wish
>So back to the fight lucifer teleports herself with hammer girl to hell
>Edgy guy time to shine is here, he teleports to hell with the portal he left in Lucifer shoulder and takes Hammer girl back to the fight
>Edgy guy player had this keikaku mastermind face
>So the fight continues, after some embarrassing grease clashes Hammer girl defeats Grease Man
>Log boy make two trash wishes and third wish is to go back in time
>So they go back in time and are at the classroom again
>Then a lot of military man come and kill everyone
And thats it, there are some details idr, but i can answer questions
Damn what a pain in the ass, you got a power hungry dm
>we enter the goblin forest and stumble upon a small campfire surrounded by goblins
>we decide to get the drop on them because we know they'd do the same to us
>barbarian climbs up into trees to ready bow
>cleric readies sling
>I run ahead to engage
>barbarian rolls a 1 and the DM gets a 'killer DM' face and rubs his hands together, consults a table, asks barbarian to roll again, and declares that I have been struck in the neck with the arrow and that I'm currently at -7 health before my first turn even rolls around
>"I...wh-" I try to argue a little bit that he gave me dwarvenwork fullplate which would surely have a neckguard but I quickly learn there's no point, so I decide to just pipe down and let the encounter go on
>barbarian and cleric barely manage to eke out a win against goblins, some run off, DM goes "they probably all could've taken you out but I decided to be generous and let you live~"
>we are forced to camp at the campfire we just vacated because I need to heal from my near death state
the session ends there but would continue in a couple of days with the addition of two new friends who we had met outside the game and wanted to play, DM rolled the characters for them between sessions
>both of them are some sort of half-dragon spellsword type that are working for the evil demigod
>have vague unexplained mission alongside us as they watch over us
>have clear advantages and abilities that put their combat acumen well ahead of the rest of us
>much of that next session is figuring out what their role is and us meeting them, it was very strange
>we kill some more goblins with the half-dragons doing most of the heavy lifting, we're just faffing around in the goblin forest trying to get through with no clear direction other than 'get through the forest'
little did I know at this time the DM was recruiting even more people from around the dorm to come join us, 3 new folks who end up rolling a druid ranger, a wizard and a deathknight
Why you didnt leave?
they were roommates/dormmates, it'd be hard to leave.
They were roomies, my brand new friends, it was my first time so I felt like I had to give it some effort and maybe it was just a rocky first start. This didn't go on for more than 3 sessions and I'm getting to the last one.
>new session starts with our three new players waiting in the wings to be introduced
>we merry five are trudging through goblin forest (still)
>"you come upon a chapel"
>I'm tired so my head snaps up and I am instantly afraid that I missed something and had nodded off
>"in the middle of the goblin forest?"
>"yeah, there's an aura of goodness and welcoming here"
this would not ever be explained either
>confused, suspicious and remembering all of the other times I've been burned by such horseshit over the past couple of sessions, we nonetheless step foot in there, thinking we will at least be able to block the door and defend against raiding goblins
>empty pews, nobody seems home, we walk around for a minute
>enter deathknight, druid, wizard who have also taken shelter here, we hesitantly greet each other and after faffing around a little bit in the main hall we go to the back where a cleric emerges and ushers us in for dinner
>alright, finally, some spooky atmosphere, strangeness and plot! this is what I signed up for!
i did not know lord I did not
>you are all ushered in to a banquet, which the cleric sets out for each of you, and he casts cure mass wounds on the party so that you are more or less healed
>we are all very grateful thank you sir
>"I have noticed that some of your party are less than savory sorts...evil in fact"
>i'm not sure I like where this is going, but it could still be-
>"you deathknight, forsake your evil ways and change your alignment to good or I will be forced to kill you"
>this is literally what came out of the dm's mouth
Sweet Pulsating Spider Christ. I truly hope your just making this shit up- nobody deserves this.
Keep it comin, my Ennui-erection demands it.
I wish it was a lie. I really wish it was. I can never forget it.
>half-elf cleric raises a finger "hey can we talk about this"
>deathknight says fuck it and kicks the table over
>a terrible battle begins, we get a couple of swings in, then the priest teleports ? up to the church organ and begins casting spells down upon us
>druid shoots bow, cleric uses sling, wizard shoots a couple of feeble spells
>we construct a feeble plan to throw me, the small one, up to the balcony and somehow we succeed (keep in mind none of the athletics rolls or any of it involved checked out later upon review, it should be clear the DM was just deciding what we could and couldn't do on the spot)
>we fight some more, most of us are in the negatives, deathknight manages to find a secret stairway up to the balcony, runs up it, strikes final blow
>"well okay guys congratulations on your victory, the priest was level 15 so looking at the experience table, ah....you're all level 10 now"
>I might be completely new but I know this is horseshit
>"he really oughta've killed you but i went easy on ya'll"
>we spend the next hour figuring out everything about our level 10 characters in the aftermath of this nonsense, really only halfway because you can imagine we have no idea how to pick feats and roll health and all the rest
>apparently at level 10 a fighter accrues some sort of standing army but since I have no gold I am told by DM that I cannot afford upkeep and so the army disperses
its almost over but it did get even further into cringe territory when we decide to camp on the road because the deathknight felt like being a 'scamp' and derailing the entire campaign
well it came pre-derailed but you know what I mean, alright let me try to get this out in one or at most two more posts
Vampire: The Requiem game. Dude comes in & asks around for people who want to be in a V:TR game. Played before? Good, ok.
Char creation session, gm flip flops half a dozen times on whether we get to choose our clan or he'll choose, or whether he'll radomly assign based on a die roll or some shit. In the meantime, I'm arguing with him about how that's kind of relevant to char build, not only for assigning scores, but in-universe logic. So...like...settle your shit so we can get on with building characters. He decides to go with random assignment & my dude lands a clan that's at least halfway plausible.
Next session, we sit down & he says "So...what do you guys do?" I ask him where we are, what year, what the fuck is going on & he responds with "Where do you want to be?" I'm like "That's kind of your deal, no? Did you not put any thought into this when you decided you were going to run a game?" Apparently not.
So one of our group decides we're going to be in present day New York. "You wake up in a dark alley. It's just gotten dark" says the gm. "We wake up in a dark alley? How the fuck did we get here? What were we doing before?" No idea. "What do you guys do?" I should have left the table then.
We decide we should grab someone to eat. Apparently the streets are empty. We see a light in a nearby building & climb the fire escape up. Crack the window & apparently there's some middle aged prostitute in a small apartment. Next 15 minutes is the gm hitting on our characters until the others in the group start doing obscene things to each other. Gm asks if I join them. Fuck it, why not? No fucks left to give about this game.
Gm dosn't show up or communicate with anyone for like a month after that & noone gives a shit.
A mecha-based forum RP, with one person who decided that his character was a twitch streamer, and the other playing the most generic "traumatized, flashback prone war veteran" imaginable
luckily it was short
Did the Denton talk about bombs?
A guy called elves "tree-niggers" and did the whole looking around "Yeah, that's right, I'm edgy" look. Or maybe he was looking for approval.
The DM kicked him out and he got butthurt. he might even be one of the /pol/fag that browses Veeky Forums, I wouldn't put him past it.
>we are camped out on the road and it is night time
>one of the half-dragon players has a pretty huge inferiority complex and compensates loudly, essentially he has a huge 'bully me' target on his back
>we are going through shifts and deathknight player (real big ass) asks if he can awaken in the night
>dm allows this
>"i want to rape the half-dragon"
>everyone is silent for a second, i think the mood is such that the death knight player is doing it just for giggles (lol dnd but rape so funny) but its still mildly uncomfortable
>the half-dragon player protests and I turn to the DM, having no idea what to expect
>"...well, if you use the grapple rules"
>death knight snatches up d20 "I ROLL TO RAPE"
>18, apparently with his strength DM rules he succeeds, hurrah the half-dragon warrior is raped what fun
>the dynamics have been deteriorating and everything has been falling apart since we are now a bloated table of like 10 people trying to play the worst game of dnd ever
>"I want to roll to counter-rape! I turn into my dragon form! let me roll for my dick size"
>table has degenerated into a fucking mess of chatter at this point because everyone knows the jig is up
>game fizzles out that night
>DM arrested by police 2 nights later for possession
I may never cringe this hard at tabletop again. For a long time I didn't try to play tabletop again, though I eventually would.
Player that I usually DM for wanted to run his own campaign, we didn't object.
>new DM tells us we can make any characters we want to, starting at level 3
>three of us pick fighter, rogue, wizard, cover all the bases because we don't know what to expect
>DM tells us that we are part of an adventurer's guild
>we get no choice of missions, they are assigned to us
>guild master tells us that we will be assisting another adventurer
>DM pulls out his own character sheet
>half-angel half-elf
>level 6 paladin
>he goes into vast detail how beautiful this character is
>with enchanted armor and several magical weapons
>our characters received no such equipment
>we roll our eyes and let him enjoy his masturbatory introduction
>she boldly leads us on our first mission
unless you're playing FATAL, is there a quicker way to end a game than "I roll to rape"?
If you're playing FATAL it ends before it starts.
It's true, the game was teetering on the brink before but as soon as he said it I think everybody knew it was all over.
>this first mission takes us to a network of caves conveniently located next to this town
>city guard is standing outside the caves
>we attempt to talk to them
>the city guard instantly take notice of the paladin and talk only to her, laying on praise for her past deeds
>they do not answer any of our questions
>paladin leads us into the cave system
>caves are well-lit with fresh torches because that's how they are in Everquest
>we proceed to first junction
>GM looks at his map
>paladin recommends we go one way while she goes the other
>we find a dead end with a couple orcs guarding a chest with some coins in it
>we head back to the junction, paladin is waiting for us
>"I've found the way through, just follow me."
>we pass through a wide cavern with several high-level enemies all dead
>part is feeling cohort as fuck
>none of the athletics rolls
You mean Jumping or Tumbling? Athletics isn't an NWP in AD&D.
>pick feats
>in AD&D
It happened in a whirlwind and I just assumed there were feats to pick. It's not as if we spent a lot of time with the players guide, of which there was only one ratty copy to share around.
>we reach final boss of caves
>paladin charges forward before initiative is rolled
>we start readying actions
>DM tells us to wait for initiative
>extra minions enter the room from tiny nooks and block our path
>paladin has one-on-one with the boss while we fight a bunch of orc grunts
>DM rolls where we can't see and always reports numbers of 15+ for all of the paladin's rolls
>boss is helpless before her
>we triumph over the orcs
>party feeling bored and useless
>DM senses this and tells us of a treasure chest with some magic items in it
>magic items for a mid-to-high level party
>that the orcs decided not to use
>he rolls it randomly and comes out with some weapons for all of us
>he tells the fighter that he got a vorpal flail
>a vorpal
>vorpal meaning so sharp it can decapitate someone
>we are confused and question the DM
>he tells us that the head of the flail has a bunch of blades on it
That was the end of the first session. That was also the end of the only session as none of us had any interest in playing more.
Like I want to for shits and giggles but am a bit of a dullard that mainly uses simple rule systems.
>but since I have no gold I am told by DM that I cannot afford upkeep and so the army disperses
for some reason this is the funniest part to me, just the mental image and the fact he didn't just not give you one
The way you write that sounds like you had a very surface level knowledge of Fantasy, the setting was actually well and truly written into a corner. All the various factions were stuck in their corners of the world and some tabletop battles either required highly specific details on how the two forces even came to clash, or for narrative to be ignored entirely. TW: W ignores a huge chunk of factions and goes into "well what if [faction] just wanted to fuck up the entire world" in order to work.
In short, something needed to happen to shake the setting up. I don't think AoS is the correct thing, I mean they could have had dimensional gates opening in the Old World that allowed travel between previously disconnected places, they didn't need to fucking Squat the whole setting. but like I said at least something needed to happen.
Or, you know, undo the shit writing of 7th and 8th edition, and start after Storm of Chaos with an age of exploration like they started to do in 6th.
Showed up at the DM's room 20 minutes early and caught him jerking off to what turned out to be a drawing of my PC getting fucked by tentacles or something that I presume he made himself. Never looked back.
Imagine how it'd look in universe.
Just a bunch of soldiers sitting around eating, when suddenly
"Hey lad, did'ya feel that? There's a powerful hero to the south we should go serve."
"Alright men, let's get packing!"
>the army suffers heavy deserters on the road south as they're completely out of funds
>finally rout
I don't think you could actually get past chargen.
Well at least he was dedicated to the setting.
I'll give him that, but I can't give a man who masturbates with the door half-open and headphones on much.
DM who would require us to describe everything in excruciating Steven King novel detail combined with a player who decided his character should be a stutterer
Why not? All I've heard are the memes. Should I give the book a read?
I don't think anyone's played it, anywhere.
I find it hard to believe that you walked into a room where another dude was masturbating and took the time to look at what he was masturbating to.
I've tried to play it a couple of times, just to say that I did and also because because my friend didn't believe you could roll to attack and end up accidentally raping someone to death.
I don't have ADHD but that game made me feel like I did. Character generation was such a chore that I think I got a little more than halfway through before I said fuck it.
Give the book a read if for no other reason than to make yourself a little worse as a human being. The main problem with FATAL is that even if you purge the godawful fluff, the crunch is top heavy, hamhanded, counterintuitive, circlejerky and suffers nothing resembling brevity or abstraction. If you follow the rules single combat rounds will take an entire short gaming session.
His widescreen monitor doesn't leave much to the imagination. I saw the picture before I saw his right hand moving over his crotch.
I watched Critical Role once
WOW. That's fucked up user.
Sounds like your DM had a neat little Adveture planned out, just disappointing you were not allowed to partake
>It was 4e
You could have really stopped there and gotten the point across just as well.
Ok, time to tell this story. No greentext though.
This was a bit more than 10 years ago. I used to be pretty active on a local D&D forum, where we also hosted a number of PbP games. In one of these games I met a guy, who I'll call the GM.
GM was a pretty cool guy and made decent drawings to boot, and in general was an enjoyable person, so when he asked for players for a game, I signed up. However, I was also young and naive, and didn't put much weight to his anthro avatar pic, or his deviantart gallery full of anthro characters (nothing explicitly sexual tho).
The game was to be run via e-mail because not all his players were part of the forum. I got the setting and it was anthro all the way down, whith each nation having some form of beastman or anthropomorphic animal race. Again, it started sounding weird but I wasn't yet aware of what I was getting into. Since one of the nations was ruled by werewolves, and I always liked the idea of a shapeshifter, I rolled a human rogue who was infected with licantropy, and started playing.
Game started with the party on a ship for somewhere. At the beginning there were two other players who I learned were playing their fursonas (a wolf and a bat). Bat guy was also something of an aspie and too immersed in his character, so the discomfort levels were ticking up a bit, but still manageable.
This was all by mail, so for the moment we were just exchanging some simple messages of introduction. Then the GM warned us that another of his friends wanted to join, and asked us to be patient. The guy's first post was him describing this kind of cat-centaur with huge boobs who everyone on the ship admired.
I was still trying to engage the game but at this point we were approaching red alert. I made the mistake of referring to the new character as a "she". This prompted a rant about the fact that it was an ermaphrodite, complete with detailed description of its genital apparatus. Later I discovered that these things are called chakats and are somewhat famous in furry circles.
That was an epiphany for me. That's how I learned what furries were, why all the other players had tons of pictures of anthropomorphic animals, and why you shouldn't get into games with strangers.
The conclusion of the tale is nothing special - I flaked out of the game on the spot and never looked back at any one of the participants. I don't remember anything more cringeworthy than that.
>raped my paladin in order to lose faith in her god
Holy shit did he think that rape actually works along hentai doujin roles?!
Sounds like an average anime so far
But do go on this promises to be interesting
>grease man
I guarantee that, no matter how cringe your game was, you will never top this.
Behold the infamous Furry Rape Planet.
Were you all 14 when you played this?
FATAL is not only bad because of its thematic choices it is also just a legitimately terrible game. Its full of nonsensical, inconsistent rules and die rolls that would make actually playing it a serious chore.
I am 99% certain it was published as self parody and its creator is an Andy Kaufman tier troll.
>30+ players
How does that even work?
It's a toss-up between
>DM tries to force a romance with an NPC onto the party's face to the point where everyone at the table apart from the DM is uncomfortable
>DM spends a whole session trying to make the paladin fall through leaps of logic and pedantry to the point where all the other players tell him to fuck off
Same DM, by the way.
Typical PbP, everyone just does their own thing.
>Public session at a library
>Everyone is in middle school except the DM, whos 20's
>I decide to make a monk named John Cena who uses a ladder as a polearm
>DM loves it and gives me a chair weapon, d12 damage.
>While im gone this one ginger kills John Cena and steals the chair
I never fuckin forgave him, even to this day he literally killed the funniest character in that session just cause his bland power-gaming berzerker wasn't the strongest in the party. I wasn't even abusing the chair for every fight, only for special attacks.
>Batman420: Im in the Batcave and use the computer to look up the demon samle I got from Dante
>TheRealJC: I use my augmented vision to spot Cloud and sneak up on him and ask him "what the hell are you doing in New York?"
>DDDante: waits for batmans computer
>Kam_DuLo: Kam uses his force senses to warn Cloud that JC Denton is approaching him
TheRealJC: . o O (OOC: WTF i already snuck up on him??)
>AmnesiacCloud: turns around and swings at JC!
>AmnesiacCloud: connects
>AmnesiacCloud: seals
>Morlic_Gold_Scales: wakes from my torpor, smelling blood in the air and rousing my own bloodlust
Probably something like that.
Typing that actually made me miss that stuff too.
Wah wah someone killed your childish meme character.
No surprise that you can't get over it.
>party climbs up the mountain trying to discover the source of the strange lights occasionally spooking the villagers down in the settlement at the base of the mountain
>they find a blue dragon sleeping atop a pile of gold
>paladin announces his presence, wakes the dragon
>dragon is described as being fat and lazy, disinterested in the party, dismissive of them as a threat to it
>cleric starts making this long ass compelling speech about how the dragon has been startling the villagers and wants him to stop doing whatever it is he's doing
>fair enough, get ready to reply
>cleric continues talking, goes on into how the dragon should join the party and go help them do heroic things, the dragon would get a lot of wealth and he can sink his current gold pile into the village below as an investment to improve their lives while simultaneously having free ownership and reign over it, making them effectively into a business for him
>okay cool, thats actually not a bad idea, "Human, you-"
>cleric cuts me off, starts talking about how after all the adventures are over how the dragon and he can settle down and get to grow old together, learning eachothers scent and taste and relaxing somewhere in the desert, getting high and petting eachother, "and maybe more" he says with a wink
jesus fucking christ
Best party coming through!
>Laguna from Final Fantasy 8
>JC Denton from Deus Ex
>Dante from Devil May Cry (Not DMC fuck that cockgobbler)
>Kirby from Kirby Superstar Deluxe
Objective best cast, four dudes with charm, wit, intelligence, personality, and they are all fucking anime as fuck
Prove me wrong. Protip: you probably can.
SHIT proving myself wrong right now: add steven universe to that.