Post 'em duderinos
Your Party/group
An old ass party of mine from many moons ago
I miss those guys
>tfw group broke up because everyone has to work
I know that feel, friend
posting some good'uns that I saved
The legendary party
I guess I'll give them a quick description.
Born on a ship, he's your typical over the top barbarian with super human strenght and stupidity, except when we're talking about sailing. Also he's 7,5ft tall and his name is a mix of Hercules with Beowulf
The youngest of the the group(I think he was 20) and basically the leader. Strong sense of justice and righteousness and follower of Duodeno(just like Jesus but was executed by being tied to an anchor intead of a cross, so anchor are the holy symbols of his religion now). He grew up as a slave captive for bandits until he managed to escape, turning vowing to become a true vigiliant
A con artist, could always be seen on the streets of a human village playing his scams. Used to be nobility until he was disowned by his father(most of the elves in the human kingdom are black sheep outcasts). Met his end to a early quest cultist(he was OP tho)
>Guan Shu
One day after a night of booze, Guan Shu woke on a foreign land with no memory of how he got there. He's now trying to return home, but he also sees a great opportunity for exploring and tasting brand new things. Except he won't be coming back home because Master Splinter from the TMNT fucking murdered him
A scholar with a thrist for knowledge about the immortals(angels and demons) Ezekiel ended up going to far on his research and promised his soul to a powerful demon lord in exchange for powers. What he didn't know was that his patron only need just 1 more soul and his free to wreck havoc in the mortal world, so naturally Zeke came with a plan, he'll become immortal himself so the devil will never put hands on his soul
Shit forgot to quote
High-fantasy, semi-serious, campy campaign about normal commoners using their wits and tactics to defeat a Lich BBEG and his undead generals.
Abel's younger brother, worked as a grave digger. He can't read, doesn't know much, and doesn't care about manners unless Abel forces him to, but he's strong as an ox and has a heart of gold. Loves drinking beer and making friends with whomever he meets. Has a habit of falling into traps blindly.
Cain's older brother, formerly a farmer until he was slain and raised by a servant of the Lich BBEG as undead. Regained his sentience not long after to return to Cain. Very religious, gruff, and dry-humored. Scolds his brother a lot, but loves him more than anything else in the world. Has had a considerably better education than Cain and considers politeness to strangers and hosts to be highly important.
Baker's daughter. Over-confident, ambitious, and somewhat greedy, she desires to be much more than a simple baker's daughter while also loving to bake and being deathly afraid of physical confrontations. Highly interested in monsters, fae, and other rare and often-dangerous creatures.
This party may die this weekend.
Omega's getting out of his cage.
Their story has concluded, I think.
DMing a one-on-one so the party is only one PC
Love all of these. I used to love these threads
>Bittersweet ending
I'm happy they lived, but I wanted better for them. They deserved better.
One of the groups I GM for. Girl on the right is an NPC, but I included her because she is now traveling with the party.
My other game, with the same group. I guess I should make one for my pathfinder group, too....
Old version of that sheet, which includes ex-party-members who either died or left the group.
I can't.
Those aren't pony paper dolls.
Here's them on an airship, facing down the kingdom's fleet.
Is it bad that I just like making up parties and drawing them in MS paint?
So much has happened since I last made this...
The campaign reached its conclusion. Geev died, Ulfber was turned to stone, Virrasztas was slain, Poe took to creating a magic device, Jiro was disintegrated and reincarnated (as a Dwarf)...Savrah left to more important affairs some time before.
A halfling bard joined and promptly perished. Poe came back. Ulfber's crusader brother joined in the hunt to find his misplaced body. They joined forces with a radical desert-folk noble to regain the mainland. Udestrach's cultist regime fell. Druids gathered, power was drawn, and the Gitanese emperor was kidnapped and slain. His reckoning came forth--a bargain made 150 years before.
They drew on the ancient powers, and struck the ultimate adversary with the ultimate weapon. All the trapped souls went free.
Time passed, and though the party was hailed as heroes they became entrenched in the recovery of their damaged world. Peace has won, but for those who banded together to save the world, life goes on.
I'm gonna miss participating in these threads. It's been fun.
Decided to include the current ridiculously persistent pothook for funsies. I'm not going to make this a thing, just wanted to draw it with the party.
Hey Schwig
I'm a terrible artist, I made this years back for another thread
Your setting has Moa in it?
Is that King Gizzard & the Lizard WIzard?
hi /r/dnd
dumb hell
stupid af
ultimate reddit + gay
2 ppl lol losers. dumb
not good
not good
nice but the way you type is so gay maybe u should go to /r/dnd
Yeah we based our characters on that name and one of their albums, except tori black that's just a pornstar
Feels even worse when you find out they didn't have work.
Why do you like my post apoc group but not my steampunk group? Just curious.
Some time ago I started a habit of drawing our PCs using Paint. For our current game, I have 2 characters out of 4 finished (although one player has made his own drawing, so I'll probably skip on his character).
The bear is not a companion or anything, but is a NPC that has had Awaken cast on her and is the adoptive mother of my character. There's a whole bunch of background for everyone, but nobody reads these here anyway.
> Ragnarock, the Kasathan gunslinger, who wields two rifles and unleashes hell every round. Carries around a bucket he stole from a tavern and named it Galvan. One time a bird shat in his mouth while I was dragging his unconscious body back to camp.
> Munkeke, the Vanaran monk, colloquially known as the Monk Monkey (my character). Was the weak link of the party for the first couple fights but quickly began pulling his weight with a couple levels. Is also the skill monkey of the group, with insane levels of perception and athletics. Once jumped a solid 40 feet in the air to punch something hanging from a ceiling, and then missed the punch.
> Xiahu-Tume, a catfolk rogue who recruited us to rob a bank with her. Has only joined us for two sessions.
> Sacriel, a part-vampire cleric to a masochistic God of pain. When we first met he invited us into his basement and we watched him cut off the feet of an old man he had chained up down there. Never found out why he had that guy in his basement.
I have a feeling this guy does have a party to post, at least not anymore
The rest is a story for another time
Download this more recent version for use the next time you start a thread.
is there a place where all of these are put together?
Thanks friend. It's been a while.
I like the bad mama jama with the BAR
Boy I love this, I've been working on some characters
Me too. Just made two from old characters that never got used.
No. Most stories I've told here have been entirely fabricated and I haven't played in a group in three years.
nice, I never had the idea to draw them some bases
That elf has some major meatshields
those are some good tiddies
>tfw everyone else has work except you
Ill describe mine
>(forgot name of elf wizard)
Fresh out of school clumsy elf who cant talk to people. Also uses spatial magic for utility. Hes not very good at it but once in a blue moon it doesnt blow up in his face. Also fried a bug bear alive with lightining magic and stuck its head on his staff
Fighter human who is as debaucherous as humanly possible without getting himself killed. Very good friends with dwarf who hates elves
>the dwarf that hates elves
Dwarven cleric who hates elves more than being sober, and loves drinking almost as much as he loves bashing heads in with his war hammer
>revenant king
Cursed human fighter in possesion of a ring that connected him with olden gods that gave him "immortal blood". Mostly an alestorm reference
>two-handed fighter
Eccentric adventurer who likes being generally quiet and posing at enemies hes about to fight
A nomadic barbarian whos easy to trick and quite stupid. So stupid he thinks his fists are better weapons than an actual sword. Good with animals, bad with people.
I might have to go to work this saturday because some dumb bitch at my job got strep throat and i have to cover her shift. Seriously considering just quitting because I am too old to be working for
Tablet user is a dork
here's our gang of merry venturers, in power ranger tier colours bc i was a lazy artist, we're all stuck being gently spooped by an undead fey hellbeast and a faceless heavily-armoured fellow who looms menacingly. #notallfey
fuck you guys for having friends to play with
No problem. Welcome back.
Life been kicking your ass or just been busy in a more positive sense?
There was also a dragon, but it's dead now
someone posted it back on May 6th of this year.
>100 hours in paint.
>Philippine Army in the 1935
>The scenario is that the Americans did not colonise the Philippines, instead they built trading relations with the First Republic.
>However, as years passed by, the Republic became under political repercussions as the ethnic communities from different provinces calls for self determination and governance - this was due to the rampant corruption inside the government, neglecting a working economy that left the multitude starving. Worse, the Empire of Japan is eyeing to exploit the situation in the archipelago.
>First Guy
>The Rifleman is suited for general combative and non-combative tasks. They are the most effective in numbers; these men are as well trained to build fortifications in a short matter of time. They are armed with the Spanish Mauser or the American Springfield.
>Second Guy
>The Automatic Rifle man suppresses the enemy, unlike an MG emplacement, they are maneuverable.
>Third Guy
>Hand picked and experienced, the Assault storms the enemy up-close and personal. They are suited for clearing buildings and trenches.
>The American FT-17 was sold in the Philippines in a cheap amount. They make up the Armored Corps of the Philippines.
>Once drove a burning cart into a band of mercs
Are you Questioning My Logic?
stories on these guys?
I've seen this before.
This game is still going?
> -Lone (attempted) moral compass of team
I'm guessing this means "tries to be the moral compas but is not very successful"
>: has issues with
what does the samurai have issued with?
no idea what this setting or system are. also no idea who/what omega is.
art style reminds me of power puff girls or total drama island.
game concept sounds fun, though also seems like something you would only want to try with a group you know.
Did you start this for october? Does the group play in person or online?
I really need to work on my paint skills...
Been busy; haven't been on tg in many moons
Love the lego knight shields.
Thank you! We started it back in late August and we've been meeting once a week together in person. Luckily, I know my other two players and our GM very well.
Tell me oh arbiter of what's good and what's not, what makes those groups "reddit?"
Is this a party or just NPCs?
Bump. I'm putting together my current party now and I don't want to lose the thread before I get to post it.
Bumping for great justice and because I just got home and can finally redraw my party.
I don't understand how people do this. Even the act of drawing shitty clothes and hair is beyond me. What is going on?
I admire your skill to develop good back ground for these folks, it is concise and easy to read
Mutants and Masterminds 3ed.
I'm playing Xiong, inspired from Yurikuma.
I tried to draw Stardust. I just kept screwing it up again and again.
And I forgot to add Mosspig's goggles and Misato's beads. Damn it.
I should really get around to finishing this one...
The artist said that the current 30ish pictures are only one third of the story. If only he didn't take as long as order of the stick to update.
My current group is wacky as fuck and I love it.
We're actually going to be merging with another group of three this week, really excited to see how new party members will affect the fun character dynamic we currently have.
Gonna need to update this soon. Apologies for the shitty art.
Nice drawing :)