The future is... now?
First Giant Robot Duel
The "fight" was ass and the commentary was cringey. Then again, there's no way to make this safe enough to pilot and still interesting to watch.
eh, it was about what I expected for the first actual fight. Hopefully this doesn't turn too many people off of it... Look at the difference between sports when they first started compared to modern day. It will take time for this to really take off.
The most annoying thing for me was that the second american bot was double the weight. Like, of course you can't punch that.
I think it feeling stilted might have just been the editing. And giant robots in real life are slow enough that you do need editing.
It was an alright fight. I think a lot of people had their expectations set way too high, thinking we were going to see explosions or something. Hopefully this will at least be the first step towards illegal underground mech battles.
I think it's nice as proof of concept, hopefully in the future we can have remotely controlled mechs that allow us to have actual fights ala robot wars, but huge.
I enjoyed it. But I'm British, so I went in expecting it to be godawful.
In the end, it was goofy and fun. It was prerecorded and probably at least mostly scripted, but that didn't make the spectacle unique and entertaining. What sold it for me was how entertained the pilots seemed, they were obviously having the time of their lives.
Why is this thread on Veeky Forums?
*make spectacle any less unique and entertaining
Staying up to watch it was probably a bad idea. Staying up two and a half hours past it moreso.
>hopefully in the future we can have remotely controlled mechs that allow us to have actual fights ala robot wars, but huge.
fuck that. robot was is complete ass. I do not want to see the same fucking square tile with sloped edge fight each other that robot wars turned into. It's dull and dumb. I get pilot safety is a concern, but what makes it exciting is how it needs to be able to accomodate a human pilot who is actively controlling it in the action, rather than safely in another building.
jeesus that would suck ass.
>and probably at least mostly scripted
I really dont think it was scripted, but it was definitely heavily edited. Like the commentators panicking and abandoning the booth was probably shot after the fight and edited in. But the robot fight itself I am willing to bet was as-is. If the fight was scripted, it would have been way more awesome than it was. The fact that the fight itself was so flawed leads me to believe it wasnt scripted.
I think that bit was specifically scripted, and I think certain aspects of the fight had been agreed upon beforehand. I do agree that some of it was legit though.
>Why is this thread on Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums has always had a fascination with robots in fiction. this is fuel for RPG or wargaming material
well,,, probably not, but we have had threads about this before, and it will likely not stop.
Plus we still get along with /m/, mostly.
>dat filename
Awesome webum bro. Makes me lol every time watching that kuratas run up, fist out
>Later Americans bring out a literal fucking Chainsword
God this was so stupid and cheesy.
Kinda annoys me that Americans had two bots and Japanese only one
Americans planned ahead and got their mid-season upgrade. Don't worry, Japan will learn.
I do hope their claim of two dozen teams pans out, with at least a few of them making functional bots. Even if it basically just robot pro wrestling, as long as they make it look good I don't care if it's real or not.
I started watching only 30 minutes before the live event and without any prior expectations.
It was really bad.
Honestly, it should have just been a scaled up version of robot wars with more serious weapons. The current version is as exciting as a slow speed pillow fight.
It would also be better if they had a fucking live audience instead of doing it on a set.
Biggest problem was the pilots being in the bots requiring the use of non lethal force. That chainsaw would have fcked shit up if there wasn't a pilot in the seat.
Seeing it tear up the arm was pretty cool though.
I think they could do a lot by improving the ruleset. Actually making the paintball impacts relevant by having a certain number of hits/amount of coverage disable a system, for example, and focusing on limb or system destruction while avoiding the cockpit.
>a scaled up version of robot wars
holy shit no, why does everyone want more of that shit? that is seriously the most dull sport on the face of the planet. i just do not get the appeal behind it. scaling that up wouldnt do anything to make it more exciting.
what makes this exciting is that it has to accommodate a pilot who is operating it in the action, not remotely.
So what, giant robot laser tag? I'd be down.
Imma make my own giant robot and challenge Megabots.
It's just going to be a cube of ordinary steel, 2 meters to a side. Over 60 tons of metal. I'll sit on top of it and take potshots with a paintball gun until they give up.
Can't move, gets disqualified.
Giant Robot Fighting is never going to be interesting with human pilots if they are only going to perform as embarrassingly as they did.
It was their first try at it, a bit of a prototype or proof of concept, but I would honestly prefer something that was at least somewhat fair and honestly competitive.
I like this since most of the robots are basically awkwardly shaped weapons platforms that you can slap a bunch of targets to.
They should play up the projectile weapons aspect in the future instead of them just being a useless gimmick.
That would also help prevent the robots from getting locked together or simply tipping each other over.
You could have teams of 2 pilots, a driver and a gunner, so that it'll be unlikely that the "robot" (essentially a glorified tank at this point) will crash into obstacle unless they want to.
I think a robot with a paintball gun might win out in this battle of wits.
There's no reason to believe this won't turn into the same eventually. Perfect shape will accidentally turn out to be a tank
They can make rules to avoid that, though.
Like what? There's no way to say "it should be vaguely humanoid in shape" without it being exploitable
Sure there are. Design and shape restrictions are entirely reasonable, to keep the spirit of the thing intact.
Height minimum for cockpit location alongside maximum weight. Can't just make a tank without it being too short or too heavy.
Alongside that, it isn't like you can make these overnight, and you can have a committee to judge submissions and ban obvious rule exploits.
Great I am so looking forward to seeing a meta full of these, but bigger! SO AWESOME! [/sarcasm]
They should have a committee of designers from each competing team come up with a universal pod that the rest of the bot is designed around.
They built the second one because the first one wasn't good enough. Japan specifically asked them to bring the first one though, because that was the robot they originally agreed to fight. Though they were told about the second one being built.
Having a universal cockpit would help matters, since then you can also ensure people don't cheat by skimping safety requirements
Really good idea user
This, plus the robots should be remotely piloted. Then they could really fuck shit up.
Nothing would take us even further from giant mecha than that. I would have absolutely no interest in watching that.
I'm iffy about this. I need that sense of danger for it to not just feel like battlebots. I think the pilots should just sign wavers, make it illegal to purposely go after a pod, and hope for the best.
Seriously, we have tons of media to pull from, there's a right way to do it already.
It's not about the chance to watch a pilot die, its about knowing the pilot has to have a modicum of skill going in to the fights. Keeping his cool and working under pressure.
Sure we could have all the Nascar and F1 races done remotely, it would be safer, but would it be more exciting?
Removing the pilot from the mech is just robot wars+, and not the mecha fights we all want.
I know it's not about watching the pilots die. But, if someone is going to get sued over death or dismemberment than the sport is never going to be anymore than what we just saw.
Hence the reason for standardized cockpits and weapon regulations
It was fucking rad. You could watch the advancement of the tech and all the crazy shit people would bring into the fight. If the pilots controlled it remotely through cameras or some shit then you can get crazy stuff like chainsaws ripping through torsos.
I got mad hype when the chainsaw started ripping through the arm but realized they couldn't go full brutality and wished there wasn't a puny fleshbag inside that mech.
I do hope they play up the gun aspect. They could easily come up with ways to count shots and do score based on how much each shot is "worth" based on how much paint it contains.
Suing over death and dismemberment hasn't stopped professional racing sports.
I like the idea of paintball guns, but all the guns use a certain florescen paint. The paint is used purely for scoring and tiebreaking.
After a match, if neither pilot tapped out or neither bot got knocked over, a computer scans the amount of paint on each bot, and the one with the most paint takes a minor loss.
Of course I can see that exploitable already. When the 2 bots get into grappling distance, one has a paint claymore that just covers the opposing bot. This could result in all bots having the same feature, lol.
It's interesting to be sure to see if it developes into a professional sport, but removing pilots from the cockpits would be the dull decision that is sure to cause me to lose interest.
This. Fuck the rules don't even need to be that specific. They just say "it's advised you submit the design and measurements before you actually build the thing in hopes of participating."
If it looks lame or cheesy they say "nah."
>but would it be more exciting
It would be 100% more exciting. People would be more willing to ram and they can be more lenient of putting weapons and shit on cars since there is no safety fears.
Fuck that. No cockpit and vague rules on weapons. I want to see a chainsaw tear through a mech's torso. If I can't see that then what's the point?
You can have mechs being torn in half or ripped limb from limb.
>Suing over death and dismemberment hasn't stopped professional racing sports.
Oh I'm sorry, does NASCAR allow grenade launchers? Does the Indy 500 allow spikes to be put on the sides of hubcaps? Fuck, when was the last time you saw a firetrap or a fucking spring-loaded platform in a race?
Yeah, suing over death and dismemberment has stopped professional racing sports.
If they are willing to say specifically "paint on the robot" then you open up design room for ablative armor. Which would be super fucking rad.
Then it wouldnt be mecha. It would be remote robot fighting, but bigger. Totally not what people are asking for. Totally not in the spirit of the goal. Completely boring.
If having no pilots in the cockpits was the original design goal, then this would have been done long ago during the popularity of robot wars.
>Yeah, suing over death and dismemberment has stopped professional racing sports.
When drivers intentionally crash into each other and one car rolls and kills the driver, yeah.
>Totally not what people are asking for.
It is exactly what people are asking for. The average person isn't a /m/echa fanboy who cares about the difference between a mecha and a robot. They want to see big shit go fucking berserk on each other.
10/10 ignoring the rest of the argument, kid. Come back when you have the balls respond to the whole post.
> then this would have been done long ago during the popularity of robot wars
> A company making shittons of money on something cheap would love to spend shittons of money on something more expensive
Dude, if I had Robotwars money I would fucking coast until that shit died out on its own. And that's what they did.
Oh I'm sorry, I just chose to ignore the stupid argument that these mechs had grenade launchers, or the flame and spike traps that were totally in this match. Give me a fucking break. I chose not to respond to it because it was completely stupid. Did you watch the same match we did?
No! Actual guns.
No it's not. The people excited about this match are the people going "just like mechwarriors" or "just like my chinese cartoons!", where they want to see gundams fighting, gundams with human pilots. These fans got in on the initial excitement when stuff like robot wars came into being, then saw it turned into shit like this and quickly lost interest because it was nothing like what they wanted.
This is the closest they are getting because it's roughly mecha shaped large metal machines with human pilots battling it out.
I guarantee you the entire sport will bomb and fail to take off if they go remote piloting.
> the stupid argument that these mechs had grenade launchers, or the flame and spike traps that were totally in this match
Unfortunately I don't like the idea of people making actual weapons platforms. That sounds like a horrible shooting incident waiting to happen.
>The people excited about this match are the people going "just like mechwarriors" or "just like my chinese cartoons!"
I know you are excited that nerd content is becoming more visible and with more money behind it, but don't kid yourself for one second.
Nice to see i've been arguing with an 8 year old. I'm out. This will get nowhere.
Of course it'd only work with remote control pilots well away from their machines.
Robot Wars got lame because having a ramp with a launch pad was objectively the best option. The rules and designs didn't support a wide variety of weapons as a legitimate option, this resulted in the same robots showing up every single time.
Robots with sick hammers and flamethrowers were complete garbage, and that was fucking lame.
Uh, dude, I'm not talking about mid match.
I'm talking about before the match. You have people making literal tanks in their backyard. That's a problem.
Later, bitch. Come back when you know how the world works.
I mean, what could go wrong?
Go to bed, kid. It's past your bedtime.
Kid, you first, kid.
Dull, cringy, and blatantly obvious is was scripted.
Though I guess with a little spit and polish a pro-wrestling-esque "sports entertainment" giant robot fighting league could be fun.
Eh, it's the first one so it can be pretty shitty, but hopefully it'll get more designs and teams. The only way to get better is do more.
Not him, but you really devalued your entire argument with the stupid 'loooool'. You might want to refrain from that next time.
Of course, I wasn't impressed from the get-go.
A 'mech without legs is just a tank with arms at best.
It was a given that it was going to be a pillowfight, but at the very least, some live ammo against unmanned targets in a timed obstacle course would have been good.
The melee combat was like watching declawed sloths fighting. I skipped ahead through most of it, but stopped watching when the Kuratas was firing a six-barrel paintball gun at the american machine, and the american one used a support structure and tried to do some fucking bleach sword-spin bullshit to block the paintballs, though I'm pretty sure that each and every one landed on target.
>you devalued your internet argument
He devalued his argument by saying stupid shit.
It was bad, but the only way to go for this is up.
The melee combat was hype. It was held back only by the fack they couldn't go full ham since there was a human in the cockpit. Those claws could probably tear apart armor and shit like crazy. Fuck how sick would it have been if the AMERIFAT mech picked up and slammed the other one?
>A 'mech without legs is just a tank with arms at best.
Arms are where you get all the cool shit. Legs are the lamest part of a mech.
Nah man, you both were having an interesting conversation i was following, then you started acting like a retard. Just chiming in what I was observing, man. You're getting pretty defensive right now. You even failed to address his entire post, the same thing you accused him of doing earlier. It's a sure sign of you not having any counter arguments and resulting to shitposting in an attempt to come out on top. I'm just critiquing your internet debate skills. They need work.
>you both were having an interesting conversation i was following
Ah, so you are a lazy fuck who was upset the show didn't go where he wanted.
Fuck off, bitch.
>afraid of inanimate objects
It's already legal to own a tank if you can afford one. It's not a big deal.
>It's already legal to own a tank if you can afford one. It's not a big deal.
Source? Because I know some crazy billionaires who would be all over that like flies on shit.
Wow, you really are defensive. The guy had the right idea to back out of the conversation. There really is no reasoning with you.
And you really are a bitch. It's apparent that there is no reasoning with you if that simple fact can't get through your skull.
You can buy supersonic fighter jets if you can afford them.
Well duh, the question is legality.
I'm trying to find what you want, but the problem is things like tanks don't need to be made legal, they need to specifically be made illegal. The 2nd amendment automatically protects the rights of the people to keep and bear arms. It mentions no restrictions on what those are for a law abiding citizen, so logically, since arms means weapons, a civilian has the same rights to arms as the military does. They usually just lack the finances. As such, no law exists prohibiting tanks, and one would be unconstitutional anyway.
So instead, here's a link to where you can buy a tank. Not even that expensive really. And the guns are regulated (albeit unconstitutionally), but with enough money you can get them properly licensed.
Quick, bid before it sells.
Same thing for fighter jets too. Perfectly legal. Flying an unregistered plane in protected airspace. Well, prepare to be escorted to the nearest airport, or to be shot down.
Does it got guns on it?
Nah, way too much paperwork and taxation. It would put more limits on what kind of robots we can see duke it out and make the show even more expensive to make. And that's not even getting into losing a live audience.
What about G-Gundam Rules? Every robot has to have a "Head" unit, possibly where they're required to place the main camera like Kuratas did.
If that piece is destroyed, or the machine is rendered inoperable, then that team looses. Strategies develop around keeping the head up and away from danger while still being able to see the opponent, while also incentivising pilots to focus on locations other than the cockpit.
Huh, crazy
>Robot Pro Wrestling
Ohh muh dong. Make this a thing. Someone get Ellon Musk on the phone,he seems like the kind of billionaire that would throw money at something so awesomely stupid.
I can see this. It makes paintball weaponry more valid due to being able to mess with opponent visuals. Also slap on a rule that says you can have other cameras/sensors, the head one is just the priority target.
Either remove the pilots or loose the gay ass "sanctity of life" bullshit.
Yes I am an edgelord
This. I'd keep the sanctity of life tho.
Might be hilarious if they put literal meat puppets in there for some gore.
I'm just sad this thing will never show up to a match.