what chapter/legion/warband is the most effective at taking planets?
What chapter/legion/warband is the most effective at taking planets?
Red Talons.
Ultras. They made their own empire, they've gotta be pretty good at taking planets.
Alpha Legion
Alpha legion beats the ultras in terms of casualties and peacefulness in general.
World Eaters.
Killing everything doesn't equal efficiently taking a planet.
They all stand a chance (except meme-tier losers like the Lamenters), it's just what you expect to find afterwards that counts.
Of the original legions pre-heresy:
>Dark Angels: 75% intact, moderately butthurt, moderately spooped, relics mysteriously disappeared
>Emperor's Children: 90% intact, minorly butthurt, at most tsundere fangirling over the kawaii legion
>Iron Warriors: 20% intact, just enough to rebuild, not enough for butthurt to matter
>White Scars: 80% intact, minor butthurt, they're gone before any of that matters anyway
>Space Wolves: 0% intact 0% butthurt 100% REDACTED
>Imperial Fists: 75% intact, not really butthurt, 100% FORTIFIED
>Night Lords: 10% intact, too traumatised to have butthurt, probably no longer possess physical buttholes, 100% SPOOKED
>Blood Angels: 95% intact, no butthurt, everyone loves the CHAD ANGELS
>Iron Hands: Everyone is dead but their toaster is treated like royalty
>World Eaters: It's in the name
>Ultrasmurfs: Look back to me. Your planet is now marble.
>Death Guard: 20% intact, everything is covered in depleted uranium laced with agent orange, corresponding amount of butthurt is high
>Thousand Sons: 80% intact, non-psyker populations moderately to majorly butthurt by being invaded by psykers, formally heretical populations and artifacts likely to be left intact
>Sons of Horus: 80% intact, superficially low levels of butthurt, but more than you'd expect
>Word Bearers: 75% intact, basically every building, artifact, or cultural element of significance destroyed and plastered over by middle-eastern baroque hybrid culture of Colchisian Emperor Worship. If it's a feral world where they read tea leaves shaped in 8 pointed stars, it'll be left totally intact however.
>Salamanders: Somehow despite being the most flamethrower-crazed of legions, they're also the most humanitarian. 85% intact, negligible butthurt.
>Raven Guard: 50% intact, at best 50% butthurt, but generally the "moderate rebels" they used to take the planet will resent the Imperium anyway
>Alpha Legion: 100% intact, 0% butthurt directed against the alpha legion, but 40% intact 100% butthurt from the civil wars and infrastructure collapse completely unrelated to rumoured space marine movements in the sector
It's taking a planet, and eating it. Like stolen cake.
This you said taking the planet. You didn't say anything about the people on it.
>Iron Warriors: 20% intact, just enough to rebuild, all of the butthurt is on the Iron Warriors side for not getting the nice posting the Imperial Fists got
At least the planet is intact. Everything alive is fucked though.
I mean it's not like a planet has blood or a skull...................
> or does it???????????
>use billions of slaves to carve a planet into a skull shape
>have gladiatorial combat until all those billions who didn't work to death become rivers of blood
>cause a warp storm to suck the planet into the Immaterium and into Khrone's realm
And Khorne has a shiny new bauble to hang ominously over the brass citadel.
But could they steal, say, 40 planets? That's as many as four tens, you know.
The Planet Raiders
Iron Warriors, they were so good at it by the end of the heresy the Iron Warriors had the largest percentage of loyalists because of all the garrisons that were forgotten.
They're not Blood Ravens.
Pre Heresy Legion I go for Ultramarines since there ware simply so many of them, and you need numbers in taking planets. Word Bearers second for same reason.
Post Heresy Chapters I still go for Ultramarines, since they are Adeptus Hypocritus and while they preach to ADHERE TO THE CODEX REEEE they just gather their successor chapters to do shit with them, pretty much achieving Legion strenght on a whim.
Individual warbands are too many and different, but of Traitor Legions I would go for Black Legions first (numbers) and Iron Warriors second (there's supposed to be quite a lot of them out there still, and their doctrine and speciality is obviously an advantage in taking worlds)
Canonical highest records for the Legions in the crusade were Luna Wolves, then Dark Angels. So they're on top. Ultramarines are occasionally said to have the most worlds in compliance, but that isn't the same as taking it. Shit, in the Fulgrim book he claims something like a dozen or more worlds in compliance without even doing anything because they're all empty.
Basically all the first founding do that.
Dark angels have Unforgiven, who take orders directly from the Rock.
Imperial Fists have the Last Wall protocol and the Black Templars "totally not a legion nope" stuff.
Blood Angels pulled all their successors to come and defend Baal from the Tyranids.
I think the ones that don't are Salamanders and Space Wolves, the latter only because they don't have many successors.
World Eaters or Iron Warriors.
Really any of the Chapters could take a single planet with ease.
Just depends how fucked you want the planet to be.
AL, they don't even need to shoot a gun to do it.
True that, still, the Tsaugalsa incident that happened JUST FUCKING AFTER Guilliman convinced everyone that "no man should ever command the awesome power of a Space Marine Legion" pissess me off more than many other things about Ultramarines.
Dark Angels had be best score since they were reunited with their primarch so I believe they're the first in the list
At the same time, characters need flaws and I like that one of Guilliman's biggest is that he views himself exempt from his own laws
>No one can ever have as much power as horus
>Now excuse me as I make myself supreme high Lord of the imperium
Alpha legion
>nothing happens on generic hive world
>then a dude in strange armor comes onto the tv
>thousands of rebellions
>turns out bald Al's tv show "dude where's my xeno", is a hypno-brainwashing program.
>three days later an alpha legion flag hangs over the planet without a single bolt thrown.
Iron Warriors because they had the most tanks.
>ADHERE TO THE CODEX REEEE they just gather their successor chapters to do shit with them
>the Tsaugalsa incident that happened JUST FUCKING AFTER Guilliman convinced everyone that "no man should ever command the awesome power of a Space Marine Legion" pissess me off
Why? What's with retards thinking chapter's can't co-operate? The important difference is they only do so while what they're doing is just and they mutually respect each other.
Canonically Ultramarines.
>Now excuse me as I make myself
You mean after the Heresy, when he was the single highest loyalist military AND civilian power remaining (and abdicated the position of his own choice when the system in place could support itself without him)?
His reawakening, when he was forced into the position by popular acclaim, ESPECIALLY at the demand of the Ecclesiarchy and much of the Adeptus Terra?
>when he was the single highest loyalist military AND civilian power remaining
Yeah, because the other primarchs were not around.
>His reawakening, when he was forced into the position by popular acclaim, ESPECIALLY at the demand of the Ecclesiarchy and much of the Adeptus Terra?
You can always refuse
>the other primarchs were not around.
Vulkan was "dead", Corax was dealing with his homemade monsters, Dorn was moping, Jaghati and Russ were off chasing heretics and the Lion was getting knocked the fuck out by Luther.
And no, none of them had the ability of administration Guilliman did, it is his talent.
But why, if Guilliman can make a positive impact by taking on the mantle of commander again like he did before?
I ain't saying chapters can't cooperate. I am saying it's kinda fishy if a person preaches for years that hundreds of thousands strong Legions have to be divided into one thousand strong chapters, so that no one man will command a power of a legion, and then first thing the same person does is gather ALL the chapters together under HIS OWN command.
Perturabo followed that Japanese punishment method were they stick unwanted workers in basements with menial tasks and hope they quit or kill themselves all on their own
The actual correct answer.
Sons of Horus. This is an objective fact.
He did it because he needed it.
It's fairly common for chapters to band together under a single leader, such as Armageddon under Golden Boy, when the task requires it.
Nearly all printed media in 40k disagrees.
The most victories is attributed to SoH, DA, UM and SW iirc, and UM are specifically, repeatedly noted for taking the most worlds and making something of them in short order.
>then first thing the same person does is gather ALL the chapters together under HIS OWN command.
How is that fishy at all?
They needed to break a Legion, so obviously they needed a lot of Marines, and of course all those Marines would agree to it, because smashing a traitor Legion is a noble endeavor.