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My character was a Zhentarim Oath of Vengeance Paladin who used a combination of tactics and applied brutality to carry his mostly good-aligned party through the adventure.
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My character was a Zhentarim Oath of Vengeance Paladin who used a combination of tactics and applied brutality to carry his mostly good-aligned party through the adventure.
All he wanted to do was the right thing
What kind of shenanigans did your character get the group out of?
Well for one, near the start of the adventure, like, level 2-3, we were in a town besieged by goblins and wargs. My character was the only one with the presence of mind to use the solid stone church as a defensive location, and the Dragonborn Cleric was knocked out, so he had to literally firemans carry a full-grown dragonborn through a burning town.
The Tabaxi Rogue followed his lead, and perched herself on the belltower, ringing the bell, bringing the attention of the gobbos.
My character then proceeded to hold the door while the Rogue, on the roof, tried to pick off any goblins that attempted to light the church's wood roof on fire. She failed, but managed to escape into the stone part of the church.
After about 12 goblins, 2 wargs, and 1 goblin boss, the goblins decided that it wasn't worth it, and started running off. However, my character didn't want them to get away, so they didn't bring more gobbos, so he decided to break the wooden bridge, which was the only way out of town.
(It was at this point the Tabaxi tried to snipe from a nearby roof, and promptly got brained by a rock.)
So, he uses Thunderous Smite on the bridge supports, and they come tumbling down into the river with him.
Funny thing about being a 6'4" beast of a man, you can hold against a current better than two-foot goblins.
That was a good day for him.
Another time he pretty much carried the party was when he literally intimidated two Ogres into fleeing. 20 Charisma and proficiency in Intimidation is quite useful.
Storm King's Thunder?
Yeah, but a modified version
(apparently it's a drawbridge and a moat in the normal adventure.)
Is this the rogue or the DM?
Neither, just someone that played Curse of Strahd (The first post) and the second campaign our group will play is Storm King's Thunder, albeit I'll be playing my character's niece. They will be a Paladin of Devotion
Oh, cool! I always like to see inter-campaign continuity.
My main concern is that I might've built my Curse of Strahd character too strong. Considering how the end of the campaign went and from what my DM had told me, they are going to be a threat and probably going to push my shit in.
Somehow my current campaign is ending up with me playing a Wizard who's genuinely a good person and only studied magic as a passion and a way to protect the people that mattered to her, with no alterior motives of ultimate power or control or eternal life or anything like that. I still have yet to actually KILL another person being so far, even ones who have been hostile to us.
>Decide to play a merchant/trader type in Edge of the Empire
>DM doesn't insert any opportunities for me to shine
So they finally managed to pick a name for themselves.
... bump?
Pic related but a dragonborn. Same philosophy along with the repeatedly-revived-by-local-priest backstory. Before I even saw the show or red the books. No wonder my GM loved it so much
Ayyy, Stannis the Mannis
That's not Stannis.
It's a man with a far sexier voice.
This looks like a fun time
Well, given the amount of dead marines, the Ship of Theseus became a very relevant analogy.
It is pain, suffering, and horror. You cannot comprehend the agony and fear we have to endure. Have you ever walked into a room, where everyone inside of it was secretly a highly advanced murder-android filled to the brim with meltabombs?
Well, Arkio I recognize, not sure about the rest.
We had a lot of turnover. Arkio was the only character to survive the mission on vanity from beginning to end. We lost a few players due to scheduling conflicts, one due to saying "fuck this" halfway through his first session, and the Good Brother Balthazar had some disagreements with the way he felt things were heading, and was either taken off life support and jettisoned into space, or began a life as a secret Inquisitorial Asset, depending on whether you ask Arkio or not.
But yeah, things are back on track, ass is being kicked, and I can still see the stacked pauldrons of the dishonoured dead when I close my eyes.
>dishonoured dead when I close my eyes.
We both know that nourishes you.
It doesn't.
Dear god.
There were so many slain Astartes. The Rogue Trader we were sent to investigate has been engaging in the sweetmeats trade. If we ask the GM politely, we might just be able to frenzy for the rest of the mission.
Balalaika is 2nd best girl.
Played Necromancer that wanted to teach the world that all magic is dope, wanted lichdom to continue teaching, but got betrayed by my party because they wanted fame in the capital and with me being controversial, they couldn't really get it. So I used lichdom and basically became BBEG to exact revenge on party before i was nat 20'd into oblivion by sorceror friend. It still kinda pisses me off that whenever I do a session with them, sometimes that Legend of the Black End comes up, miss that faggot of a character.
How many FPs have you got left unburned
Homura best girl uncontested
I lost 1 FP when we escaped the burgeoning warp storm we accidentally created at a Tau research facility due to an errant grenade. I got it back, along with the Crux Terminatus before this mission.
Unfortunately, our friendly RT's Waifu/Seneschal got caught in a 20d10 damage bomb dropped down the elevator shaft, and I had to interpose myself.
Fortunately, I have a history that gives me +1FP each session, so it's not all that bad. Nobody else has managed to blow one, despite an accidental Bloodthirster last session.
Sweetmeats? Haven't heard that term before.
Slaaneshi "drug", literally roasted loyalist progenoids. Cooked while the loyalist who they extracted it from watches.
WOW. Just... WOW. Which dumbass Archon came up with that?
>"Hey guys you know those really really dangerous human super soldiers? The warriors we try to avoid and escape during our raids because one small ship full of them kicked our entire city's ass? Yeah lets not only seek those guys out, but lets steal their geneseed to cook and eat."
>"Well shit my dark master that sounds like yet another dank plan. You truly are a vicious genius."
Ah just re-read it and realised it was Slaaneshi, not DE. Makes more sense now, but still stupid. Would cooked progenoids even taste that good?
Delicious, delicious suffering. Eating what is essentially part of the soul of a tortured demigod is pretty damn hedonistically delightful.
Sorcerer into a Milfhunter
It's part of their soul???
I kinda figured its just like, their other OTHER liver. Like you go through all that and then actually sit down to eat the damn thing and its just like eating any other human organ. Worse even, because its a space marine organ, and no-one knows how to really cook it because its so rare. Like its tough and kinda rubbery, and even with a tonne of spices on it you can't really hide the catfish-esque taste of the meat.
It's actually kinda funny, imagining these depraved one percenter slaaneshi cultists paying a small fortune for what sounds like the most rare, decadent and forbidden of meats, then getting a third of the way through it and stopping because it's too chewy and it tastes like garbage.
It's not literally their soul, but to them, it is. It's part of their identity, and its purity is of the highest concern.
But I believe that this is 40k, where suffering is a quantifiable thing that can be used to properly prepared meat.
Explosive kamikaze drones are fun.
The GM thought I'd play a off-site rigger with lots of small spydrones.
What i actually played as was a part Face/ part Rigger guy who, when negotiations eventually faltered or we had to go hot, activated his dozen fast and agile drones packed with enough C4 to open up a wall or take out loadbearing pillars. He even had a few build as straight-up ramming drone that would smash in to whatever we needed to breach to lure guards there, then do a double tap with a C4-packed drone to blast and disorient whoever survived as the Street Sam and Adept went to town.
My best memory of him was when i was negotiating the release of a ViP's daughter with a crime boss while holding a deadman's switch for a loitering drone. My description of what would happen should i release the trigger was something like
>You see this Mr. Callhoun? This is a deadman's switch. Want to know what will happen if your suitgorillas with itchy trigger fingers over there open fire on me? If my finger was to as much as slip of off this for a nanosecond, it would send a signal to a drone loitering somewhere within 2 kilometers from here. When that drone picks up the signal, it homes in on the source, activates it's afterburner and arms enough C4 to turn this entire building to fine gravel. From the time my finger slips you will have maybe 30 seconds tops to live. You see, If i die I won't need the money from this job, which means that if i die everyone in this building, including daddy's pretty little princess, is acceptable collateral damage.
Of course that time it was partly a distraction tactic to buy time for the Street Sam and Adept to locate and extract the VIP's daughter.
His motto was "If they plan for you to act logical, act illogical. If they plan for you to act illogical, act logical"
For fucks sake are you people learning impaired?
otherwise you're just being a shitter
>Being uncreative
no you ignorant fuck
If it requires more than one picture you are not showing us an interesting character
>Interesting character
>Explained with only one picture