D&D/Pathfinder. A Dhampir paladin who's self-flagellant after a fashion, for the radiant energies he channels cause him physical pain.
Pathfinder. A Reaper paladin serving a LG psychopomp who goes around and preaches that death is not the end, and that we should all be merry and experience every mortal sensation and cherish it. Basically a hedonist.
Shadowrun. Physical Adept who lost his hands when fighting a monster. Basically, a guy with cyberweapons he really doesn't want.
Mistborn RPG. A whore Kandra who uses their capabilities to seduce the hell out of everyone, gathering genetic samples to create a Mistborn.
Character concepts you have but haven't been able to play
Other urls found in this thread:
D&D 5e human cleric of the forge with a maul. DM doesn't allow unearthed arcana so I haven't gotten to bust out the bastard, but with it being confirmed to come out with the new book...soon.
A man who loves beauty above all else, the son of a blacksmith who was the son of a blacksmith. Tall, short blonde hair warm Amber eyes. He doesn't worship a specific god per say, instead he " worships" the idea of creation and craft itself. The hammer is his preacher, the anvil his church.
D&D 5e: A "white mage". Basically a healer/support character who's NOT a heavily-armored melee tank or religious-nut like the Cleric. I'm aware this is somewhat possible to do with the Theurge UA, but they're usually banned in my groups.
(Haven't played because it's hard to do meaningful support in 5e without being a bard, due to how Concentration rules work. Plus not having armor proficiency without a form of natural armor is suicide.)
D&D 5e: Skill-Monkey Shadow Monk. Basically a Rogue/Assassin type of character, without actually having to rely on the Rogue's god awful Sneak-Attack mechanics. Would probably spend all my feats on "Skilled".
(Haven't played it yet, because monks are so awful you basically have to roll for stats and get multiple 18s to even halfway keep up with other martials)
D&D (lets be honest, all of these are DnD) 5e: Druid who's not some tree-hugging recluse. My idea for this would be to have him be an emissary from a traditional eleven clan that's started trying to build connections to the outside world, and thus I'd have a reason to care about stuff outside of my own little forest or whatever.
(No real reason I haven't played this one yet, other than that the right game just hasn't come up yet.)
DnD 5e: Charisma-based Eldritch Knight who just does everything completely over the top, Bayonetta style.
(Haven't played because I admit this one is just my own personal rule-of-cool wank, it also requires homebrew (to charisma-cast with the class) and like the Monk it requires a stat-roll game where you get lucky, otherwise it won't have the points to spare for it's casting stat.)
this guy
(pathfinder) ratfolk magus with the hexcrafter archtype and a jewish spin for fun
campaign fell apart after session 0, never got to play him, but I hope I'll be able to someday
I want to go with a full blown werewolf not some control type actual curse every month. The problem is actually thinking of what to do with it the other days of the month so I've never done it.
I'd love to play a wizard or similar arcane spellcaster but as an adventuring archaeologist or paranormal investigator type instead of just a weirdo in a robe. I typically shy away from spellcasters because game design typically assumes they're frail manlets with an allergy to confrontation. People forget you can be smart and tough at the same time.
Pathfinder: cross dressing trap elf who follows the god of vengeance and sex would take jobs to seduce men who were wife beaters and cheaters and then blackmail them after they take the bait
How do I make a ki-less monk/scholar with innate antimagic viable? Basically he's just gonna be a kung-fu monk without the magic.
I've always wanted to play a very good, Pious Necromancer, that only has two skeletons summoned at all times, dressing them up and repairing them, blessing them and washing them. Basically, he wants to free the children of the gods from being used as tools after death by other necromancers, to sum it up.
This! I want to be a weirdo in a hat, not a robe. A wizard that just beats the shit out of other wizards when the situation calls for it. A more extroverted obsessive if I still have to follow that trope for character creation.
Maybe a competent Great White Hunter type, the pulp kind, not the blithering idiot kind that's more common nowadays.
Ive got one, I remember seeing a prestige class for 3.5 if I remember right it was merchant prince
Anyways I wouldnt actually fight, instead I'd hire mercenaries
I'd buy/sell things to make money and eventually buy buissnesses
The endgame would be bribing my way up to either becoming the settings equivilent of pope, or bribing my way to get close to the local king and marry his daughter only for yim to die in a tragic accident
>D&D 5e: Triton Eldritch Knight that uses a trident (if GM allows standard homebrew-errata trident) or spear (if not). Captain of the royal guard and uses spells that increases her accuracy, shields her or grants her increased movement speed. (bonus points if you get the reference)
>Iron Kingdoms: Cygnaran Aristocrat/Military Officer. A high-class prat who bought his commission. Thinks good breeding trumps training and experience.
>Shadowrun: A cybernetically enhanced or gene-altered Orangutan hacker that codes in Ook! exclusively. Essentially the Librarian from Discworld shunted into cyberpunk.
>D&D: Evil bard who travels around with a good aligned party, not being a dick or screwing up there adventure in anyway. Just biding my time until I can get into a position of power from my good deeds then start climbing the ladder.
>Iron kingdoms: Noble/Warcaster from a minor house in cygnar with a long military tradition, willing to do almost anything to bring glory to his families name.
>Iron Kingdoms: Iosan Knight/Duelists basically a wandering samurai who has accepted the near extinction of his people and now travels outside of Ios helping small defenseless communities.
I want to make a genasi (or whatever the Pathfinder equivalent is) summoner whose Eidolon is either one of their Djinn ancestors or an envoy thereof.
I want to make a barbarian that acts less like a raging hulk and more like a hockey player with his “game face” on.
I want to make a dwarf with a fear heights who gets woozy above 6 feet.
I want to make a Druid that specializes in fungus, roaches, and slimes. He’s chipper about it because they’re just as much a part of nature as the wolves and trees.
I want to make an Archfey patron warlock who escaped his fey captors through guile, deception, and subterfuge. He’s not sure if he actually escaped or if they let him, so he’s ridiculously paranoid.
I want to make a nearsighted barbarian.
I want to make a Bard that specializes in heavy metal. Or scatting.
I want to make a boy sorcerer who is just now discovering his powers and is absolutely terrified of it.
I want to make a gunslinger who thinks he’s a wizard and that his gun is an arcane focus for just the one blast spell.
I want to make a necromancer/Bard who’s performance is actually “conducting.” He raises spirits that play music or sing for him.
A powerful wizard that turns out to just be a literal magician with a really fucking high bluff stat.
You're in luck: They released the final version of the subclass as part of their Extra Life fundraising stuff.
Warforged monk/vigilante, a successful jeweler of Sharn by day and the scourge of the criminal underworld by night. Originally brought as a bodyguard by a renown gnome jeweler, he quickly became his friend and apprentice until the day his master was murder by criminals after refusing to be extorted. Now he seeks to bring his master’s killers to justice to justice, protect the honest people of Sharn and keep the craftsmanship of his mentor alive.
Tiefling Bard that does duets with her great-great-to-the-umpteenth-degree grandfather, who happens to be the Demon her ancestor shagged and made a pact with. It's not like he summons him, but every time she sings his voice does the bass and she does the soprano. This would also be where a lot of her bardic knowledge comes from: him dumping raw, cold knowledge directly into her mind when he figures she needs it.
Very much inspired by this song
I was set to play this character but the game died before we had out first session.
An middle aged orc Hedgefonds-manager, who got a midlife crisis and because he is a big spy movie fan, decided to do runs. He legitimately trained himself to be James Bond, with all the naivety you could imagine.
I actually played this character a couple years in a one-shot and it was a shitload of fun.
D&D 5e: literally feanor. eldritch knight dex fighter/bladesong wizard, including the monstrous pride in my own craftsmanship and the excessive revenge plots and probably the descent into madness and exploding death fire too.
I really want to play as a Death Knight in D&D 3.5
just rance
>all these people who, when prompted about characters they want to play, just post race/class combos or combat ability themes
better than these fags
who just want to play fucking pre existing characters
Shadowrun: I brushed up my Gaelic accent for a cybered-up uncouth bare knuckle boxing Elf from one of the Tirs. Optimized the heck out of him to make Suplexing Trolls a reality with the restricted gear quality and top tier muscle replacement but the game I made him for died before it started and a play by post I got into was instantly abandoned by 75% of it's "players".
>Shadowrun: I brushed up my Gaelic accent
what the fuck is a gaelic accent
>what the fuck is a gaelic accent
I would imagine it's pretty much the same as a confused American's combination of various accents found in the British Isles.
Know how Irish villages' names can be the most horrible tongue twisters? Its that in reverse.
Ever since I read of Hellknights in Pathfinder I found the idea compelling, to contrast with a group of otherwise Good PCs.
Also I like critters, especially big ones, so any kind of beast rider is something I'd like to do but many systems handle it poorly or not at all.
>DM doesn't allow unearthed arcana
Can't stand people like this
I haven't read the rest of the thread yet, but I'm willing to bet no one would still be waiting to play their concepts if their DMs weren't assholes
Street urchin sorcerer in a street urchin campaign.
Chadmeyer Thundercock IV of the house of Rooster
>Ultimate Chad character.
>Kitted him out with 16 str/con. 1 level dip in rogue and barb and then fighter.
>Level 3 he'll have a +8 to both athletics and acrobatics with advantage.
>Gonna remember all the creative ways I've ever seen an enemy get killed and try to one-up it everytime
>Grappling a lizardman chief and dragging him through his own ally's spike growth
>Mounting a centaur and riding it into battle against it's friends
>Grappling a swamp wizard and shoving him prone to drown him in the mud
Pathfinder: A Barbarian/Monk/Bard. essentially, I want to play a dancer who inspires others through their combat style. a combat mage whose flurry of kicks keep the party's morale high by being in the enemy's face even while they can't communicate due to their conflicting rage/inner peace.
I want to do a Tempest Cleric/Sea or Storm Sorcerer. Not sure what race, but was thinking Tiefling or Water genasi
Also, beastmaster ranger/arcane archer Grung or Tabaxi. Really hoping whatever they do with the ranger after Xanathars comes out makes the pet easier to manage and use.
DnD : An Orc who thinks that the ways of grummush are stupid and is on a quest to find a god that suits him
The plan was to have him start off as a barbarian and then take levels in either cleric or paladin when he found his god
have you seen wikipedia/wiki/The_Accountant_(2016_film)?
>Sher, me'n Shazzer'n da bize were down the offy, pocketin some gat, Iano was keepin' sketch, when he sees the feen comin' so we sketch, but yer man nabs Longy'n the shades came round his gaff'n shagged out his auld pair, like.
Playing a necromancer
I got a similar one about how an orc barbarian hears the voice of Gruumsh in his head prattling on and on about how disappointed He is that his wayward son isn't acting like a true orc.
"Son, what in the Hells are you doing talking with that human when you could be raping it by now?"
"Ugh, this is how things work, dad! You talk to the females, buy them some drinks, and then run off to the stables to sire the next generation of Orcish Hordes."
"That's bullshit, I've had sons who've sired twice as many offspring as you and in half the time!"
"And they got run down by a band of mercenaries in the end, didn't they?"
bonus points if Gruumsh and his son have a tender father-son moment before a glorious death
It's apparently a nightmare to have to deal with a necromancer player as a DM and as anyone else in the party. Really bums me out, I'm too nervous to assert the role knowing how it burdens everyone else at the table.
I have three different characters that I want to make for FFG's Star Wars RPG. The first is a down-on-his-luck Neimoidian freighter captain who lost everything when the Trade Federation was dissolved at the end of the Clone Wars, and is desperate to pay looming debts off by looting Separatist assets before the new Galactic Empire does.
The second is a bored human noble who fancies himself a great hunter, even though he has no practical skills for outdoor survival besides shooting things, and has a harsh awakening coming his way.
The third is a force-sensitive bounty hunter from a primitive world that communes with the ancestral spirits to recieve visions of the greater galaxy, and uses them to track his prey. Kinda like those bug guys that see the future in clouds of chlorine, the Gand.
Literally gay.
>but haven't been able to play
>He traded away darkvision for +10 movement speed
Some sort of beastman monk who is training his body to become the best predator of his kind, both humanoid and nonhumanoid. Too many of his kind have forgotten their roots and have become weak. He wants to become an example of what they could accomplish if they stopped following other humanoids and did what they were created to do.
Ork Paragon Rassler for DtD 40K, played like Macho Man Randy Savage.
Zorak from SGC2C, basically. They'll never add Thri-Kreen to 5e, and I can't find a god damned soul playing Dark Sun or whatever else offers them as a race option.
An eight year old sorcerer who raised his parents accidentally after an unfortunate accident, just wants people to not die and to raise those who have died recently not really understanding what's happening around him
A statesman bard like Cicero
A dragon hunter Banker Wizard who believes gold is ACTUALLY magic and therefore he must have all of it
A dwarf who left his home in the mountains to become a master of weapons after his father disowned him for not wanting to make tools all his life.
A barbarian named some girly name that is looking for his father to kill him for naming him that name
Protoman based on Act 1 by Protomen
A ranger who went blind as a child from snake venom.
STR-based rogue who grave robs and such
A doctor Aasimar who has become Fallen without knowing and believes everything his familiar Devil tells him to do
A crossroads Bard
A halfling with a Fey Patron who uses his guise as a child to trick other children into following him into the woods to feed his masters
>A statesman bard like Cicero
This is brilliant. His massive rant against Catiline would deal catastrophic damage coming from a Bard. No survivors.
>Druid who's not some tree-hugging recluse.
I played my Druid as an ecologist. Think more studying and being fascinating/horrified by the savagery of nature, less hugging it.
I just realized, what if he couldn't control his power? He just wants to be a statesman, but he keeps actually killing the opposition. Maybe that's why he's an adventurer, living under a false name. I tend to shit out one liners for ideas and then develop them when I pick out one appropriate for the DM's setting.
Love it!
A construct artificer whos main goal is to create artificial life next year it starts of my buddies will get their shit together
An eldritch knight who took up arms against a necromancer that was too high a level for him and his party. He won, but was the only survivor and trapped in the necromancers lair. What's worse is that he's been cursed with undeath.
By the time he finally breaks out his only family are people born after his death who are now older than him. He takes up adventuring because he has nothing left.
A paladin that doesn't suck. I built my current paladin when I was new to the game and he's so god awful. He's essentially a sack of HP, and I kick myself over my decisions I've made regarding his statistics. Essentially what stings the most is that he's not really the best at anything. Less dmg and HP than the Ranger, not as charismatic or supportive as the Bard, not as much healing as either of the two clerics. Just feels bad because other than the fact that he's a punching bag and he's funny, an adventuring group wouldn't keep him around. He's not useful to others.
It's been a learning experience and I look forward to playing a paladin one day that's more helpful to others.
Shechtman Skeltal - The Crystal Skull
(4E Cunning Bard)
The skeleton of a bard who was accidentally teleported into the Astral Sea via a ritual mishap. Eventually, he collided with a piece of the living gate, which bonded to the skeletal frame, reviving it. Eventually, the trumpet wielding shardmind/skeleton hybrid returned to the mortal plane, wherein he began his new life as trumpeter and adventurer extraordinaire.
A human skeleton encased in a shard of the living gate (looks like blue crystal), wearing a suit of bard's finery, sporting a feathered trilby and brandishing a trumpet, polished to a mirror shine.
May his doots echo across the stars.
A half-dragon half-vampire succubus with lycanthropy that has been killed at birth by her parents who were cultists of a dark god so they killed each other just as she was about to be born, but a demon prince who was actually a long-fallen angel saw that and fell in love with her (her soul), so he revived her, but she became a succubus because dark god and her dad was a dragon and mom was gelatinous cube that was bitten by a vampire. But the other peasants didn't know that, so they think she killed her parents (and she did, she went to hell and killed them there, but that's different), so they hate her, but that's ok cause she hates them too, because she only wants to be loved. She has hair that is four different colors, one for each her racial heritage and one set of genitals for each too. Her eyes are actually tiny portals into hell, except her left eye is a prtal to heaven because of the fallen angel that saved her. She has a magical spirit flamethrower called soulfire, it works like a flamethrower and vacuum cleaner for souls, it sucks the souls of those she kills, then turns them into spiritual flame that kills and purges the souls of those she kills.
>>Monkey themed Summoner with a giant Ape Eidolon and the Leadership feat for a cult of Monkey king worshipers and a Vanara Cleric cohort
>>Got one game using this character concept with a DM that had never seen a competent tier two build
>>OWOD Vampire
>>Toreador poser and former B-Movie actress that was embraced for her looks and is most famous for hosting late night monster movie showings
>>Made for a game that never fucking happened
>>Flamboyant Gay Troll PhysAd
>>Have to try and balance being fun/quirky with "The Troll drag queen went that way officer"
>>D&D 5E
>>I just wanna play a Conan knock-off
>>Dark Horse comic binge left an impression on me
Friend's had a Pathfinder campaign that ended up being cancelled due to them getting a new job.
The setting was his homebrew world which we'd ran a few campaigns in before but at thing point in the timeline it was set in an fantasy world equivalent of the Earth's 1980's.
Was lined up to play a Half-Orc Bloodrager, with a Forgeborn bloodline.
He was to be a Bloodrider Archetype and the GM had approved having a semi-sentient motorcycle as my feral mount.
Orc's were heavily discriminated against in the setting, so the majority of the time, my character was to wear his motorcycle helmet and remain mostly silent around strangers to mask his race.
He'd ride his motorcycle into buildings and through combat, using his forgeborn powers to alter his weapons mid combat and become a sort of cyborg/robot looking hybrid while bloodraging.
Somewhat of a mesh of Hotline Miami / Robocop / Starhawk / Bad 80's Sci-fi.
>Tabaxi monk who was born with Feline Cerebellar Hyperplasia, discovered legends about a legendary drunken master and adopted those techniques to be able to turn his disability into a unique way to fight and walk.
>High Elf who was found abandoned by Dwarves as an infant, grows up adopting their culture of being blunt and brash, either usual Scottish accent or deep southern
>Halfling Divination Wizard/Wild Magic Sorcerer who just focuses on getting refills, is a washed-up fortune teller.
>Land Druid from a tribe of Kiwi-based Aaracockra. All flightless, sided with the elemental plane of Earth during one of their attacks on the plane of Air. Very Maori-themed and focusing of dirt and earth-based spells
>Inspector Gadget: The Artificer (to be played alongside s friend’s Robocop: The Paladin)
>Dave the Barbarian: The Hexblade
The last two are pretty memey but our group is ok with that
I had an idea for a while about either a mundane sellsword company or a magical legion. It's basically either a guild of sellswords that is contracted by the party to provide manpower, and if I die they just get a new guy from the same guild, so basically a pool of fighters.
Or a legion/hivemind of fighters where everyone is basically a clone and all of them are part of a single consciousness (unbeknownst to the party) and thus share memories etc.
I also have this idea of a NPC/PC character bearing a soulbinding contract where I am actually the contract, possessing the fighter to enact my will.
Would only work on a low magic setting, else it doesn't makes much sense but:
A Knight with a squire, that cares for horses, watch over possessions and carry things. As he levels up and gain leadership, he begins to include others in his retinue. A bard who works as his herald and courier, a ranger that hunts and cooks meals, and even just commoners to serve as Aid the camps. Whenever dungeon crawling, he'd go alone or with squire only, and leave the who party outside the dungeon, but when travelling in the wild or cities, he moves along with his whole company. This people would also tend to party needs and possessions. Mechanically they aren't suppose to serve a great purpose, they are mostly there for fluff reasons and so PEOPLE STOP STEALING MY FUCKING HORSE WHENEVER ITS OUT OF MY SIGHT FOR 3 SECONDS, FUCK YOU DAVE! SERIOUS FUCK YOU! MOUNTED BASED CHARACTER AND YOU KEEP STEALING MY FUCKING HORSES I DONT SEE YOU STEALING THE WIZARDS SPELLBOOK YOU LITTLE SHIT
I played that druid idea. She was a relatively young elf sent out by her druid tribe to gather information and aid the human villages in the area deal with the untamed wilderness. It was fun playing a somewhat unintentionally condescending druid with an earnest drive to correct and guide the lesser races, and she ended up having a romance with a human and slipping into dogmatic anger when something she perceived as evil reared its head.
>A barbarian named some girly name that is looking for his father to kill him for naming him that name
I've always wanted to do a warlock who is thoroughly convinced that he is actually a paladin, and his patron is actually a benevolent god, when it is in fact a Great Old One. Any of the alien manipulation stuff (detect thoughts, Awakened Mind, etc) is "holy magic" and not actually eldritch abomination powers. I can't think of a good reason why he wouldn't use healing spells, though.
One of the best ideas to come out of this thread.
We all got the reference you sperge.
Yeah I wasn't trying to be subtle.
Look up a song called a boy named Sue
Infiltrator Ranger(Rogue5/fighter 1): take an expertise in stealth and acrobatice, and take archery as fighting style.
Fire, Reposition, reload, repeat. Problem is obce I run out of hding spaces I am deeeeaaaaddd
D&D: I want to make a CN necromancer doctor. Not sure if he would be elf or human. Got kicked out of doctor school for experimenting with necromancy in his research. Uses his knowledge of medicine, anatomy, and magic to further his research on his own, all for the sake of science.
This character will never see the light of day because the only tabletop game I've ever played is one campaign of Unknown Armies that never went anywhere. All my knowledge of D&D comes from here and watching Krunkidile's streams.
I'm also not sure if this character can be good or not. Any advice?
I wanted to play a druid like this:
A druid that sees himself as the guardian of civilization. Wanders the land helping people afflicted by plague and natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as protecting people from dangerous magical beasts.
Considers the idea that nature would need a guardian completely ridiculous, believes people are ultimately at the mercy of nature.
The Crimson Chameleon
(4E Artful Dodger Rogue)
Formerly the captain of a small dungeon raiding party of kobolds under the command of a chief who was a bit to ambitious, CeeCee spends his days mourning the loss of his squad by skulking in cave tunnels and dungeon halls, surprise attacking monsters of all sorts and beating the piss out of them.
A squat and stringy kobold wearing a homemade suit of leather armor trussed up to look like a red three horned chameleon. The suit is patchy and slip shod, feature many different shades of red from many different sources. His main weapons are a pair of spiked gauntlets from his raiding days.
Carries himself like a super serious batman type, but makes shitty puns in the middle of combat. Never takes his costume off except to bathe, which is a rarity. Speaks in what he thinks is a gruff, heroic voice, which comes out as a gravelly, hissing squeak. Works well with others due to pack mentality.
I actually have about 60 fucking unused characters for Fourth Edition since I'm a recovering Forever DM. Will share some some.
A very confused Half-Orc Half-Hobgoblin who's parents constantly bicker about who's eyes he has etc.
>1 level dip in rogue and barb
New to 5e, why would anyone do that?
Presumably so they can punchpocket people
can he be a smart ass?
If so he has to be called dresden
>Maori Aaracockra
Top notch
Explain. I’ve played a necromancer before and no one had an issue.
Played this exact character. Neutral Evil though
It wat a lot of fun. Stealing body parts for my experiments and then eventually became a lich. Became the BBEG of our next campaign.
Every time I bring up that I'm interested in playing one around here, I get replies saying no one at the table wants to deal with me having to manage and roll for an army of skeletons.
Say fuck it. Army of zombies instead or just use rarely and to great effect.
D&D: Dragonborn paladin with triceratops mount
Savage Worlds: Cyborg technopath whose body manufactures and stores robot insects
Don't know, some horror game: Guy turned into modern-day mummy mage by an ancient curse
>A "white mage"
Would the Celestial Pact warlock fit the bill for you? Mage-styled, light armor, with healing options, although not a ton of support. Or the Divine Soul sorcerer?
I want to start playing d&d with my gf so we came up with some characters and I’d love some feedback
Mine is name Cpt. Oh-neeon, former captain of a kings royal guard from a kindom he doesn’t remember. Average heigh, has battle experience and is a great battle strategist, he wield a mace and has a full knights armor with some wrapping with symbols of his former banner. He has amnesia and isn’t sure why he’s alive or where he is. He’s also a skeleton inside the suit of armor with a large fracture on the top right of his skull
My gfs character is a short, white scaled gorgon of average height in search of her sister who ran away from her home land. She wears a blindfold to pass off as blind and a headscarf to hide her “hair” quiet but determined
What do you guys think?
These concepts are 10/10 but you'll probably have trouble finding a DM willing to work with you on these custom races. D&D doesn't really encouage or reward creativity when it comes to player races, but the right DM will work with you to make anything work as long as it can be balanced for gameplay.
Sneak attack is nice, and you get expertise. Honestly he should probably go two in rogue for cunning action.
And for barb, rage I guess.
Undyne from Undertale
I've always wanted to try playing as a monster race, but the DM doesn't allow it. I've got literally dozens of character concepts for monster races gathering dust in a notepad document.
Pthfinder: a tengu oracle using the shinjiro racial archtype, take the claw attack racial feature and weapon finesse, start with a tengu drinking jug. Id play him as a drunkpunching spellcaster who is a priest of caden caylan
why not?
makes sense for a melee centric character
Post 'em
A hexblade warlock who believes in "power at any cost." Willingly walks around with an evil sword stabbing people if he can get something out of it 'cause he was gonna do that anyway. He teleports all over the place during fights, since it's flashy and he's cocky as sin.
ONLY for an evil campaign, obviously.
I unironically want to play a Doom 3/4 Hellknight at some point.