Let's say that abbadon finally asspulls his way to the Sol system.
What then? His forces would be exhausted after the push from the eye of terror and then deal with the entire segmentum shitting their pants and setting every single battleship and vacuum-proof box they can manage on his ass, and that's not including the personal Terran fleet, the IF fleet(and maybe the phalanx) the GK fleet, the Martian fleet, and several hundred personal flotillas from inquisitors and rouge traders(not mentioning the reinforcements from other parts of the imperium.
Thats ignoring Titan and the inquisitorial fortress zone around saturn.
And then if he manages to get through that he still needs to get past Luna and the hundreds of defense satellites orbiting it
What now?
Other urls found in this thread:
IF they somehow asspull their way beyond a storm of laser and flak fire onto the surface they then have to go against the if who are in their element, the GK, hundreds if not thousands of regiments of IG, hordes of ministrorum fanatics and inquisitorial stormtroopers and Titan legions and in the imperial itself the entire legio custodes.
And let's not forget the asasinorum, their personal army, billions of hive gangers, billions more conscripted citizens and the guards of the noble houses.
That's before every single astartes chapter in range comes to their aid(including Bobby G with the chadmarines)
So I ask you Veeky Forums, what do?
lol chaos already won, endless daemons lol, Abadoobadong is aykshully the good guy, gg ez
Find out in Warhammer, s̶e̶a̶s̶o̶n̶ Edition 9!
What you've described is literally a drop in the ocean compared to infinite hordes of Chaos.
This is probably exactly why he hasn't done that yet.
I don't get why people think Horus was more successful than Abaddon. Horus is dead, soul literally erased, that is the perfect definition of loss.
Abaddon hasn't pulled anything quite as major as Istvaan or the siege of Terra, yet at the end of it all, he is still standing, and all of his effort goes into being alive until he wins.
The thing is, the only way he could possibly get that far is if he was riding a massive fucking warp storm/extension of the Great Edition Shift Rift. In that situation, bar maybe Titan, Saturn and Terra with their psychic defences, everything's fucked and reinforcements are unable to get in without getting fucked.
The whole idea of black crusades have no sense. Abaddon does not have the means to keep a steady line of supply, there's simply not enough resources(water, food, etc.) in the Eye of Terror to keep a large scale war going on. The time fluidity of the Eye/warp also would make any possibility of battle coordination impossible. For some it has passed 100 years since the HH, for others it has been only a few days. How organise all of them into a force capable of crippling the Imperium? You can't.
Not even mentioning that due to the time problem, while the Imperium would have centuries to reorganize themselves many traitors would have only a fraction of this time and no means to help each others.
And I'm not even mentioning the constant infighting.
The whole point of the Black Crusades is to advance the plot, because it doesn't really makes much sense.
My best bet if I was Abaddon would be a blitzkrieg-ish tactic. Beeline to Terra and take out the Astronomicon or the Emperor of possible (Emperor will be harder to get). If he takes out the Astronomicon, it will be the Age of strife all over again and imperial worlds will fall to Chaos.
That is of course assuming Abbadons crusade isn't just a geneseed waving contest in which case he's gonna lose. Again.
We don't know what is going on currently with him, but at the start of the 13th Black Crusade, he led a force larger than the forces of the HH in size.
At the start of the 13th BC, he had resolved most of the issues you bring up, and part of the plan was to either expand the Eye so resupply becomes less issue, or take and strip worlds on the way, Horus did this.
>Larger than HH
How much was daemons and worthless mutant rabble though?
Horus had the same, cultists and daemons made up a lot of the forces that landed on Terra.
To add a bit more to the pile.
The Kriegers would collectively cream their pants, strap engines onto their planet and then ram it into abbadon's fleet FOR THE EMPEROR
>I don't get why people think Horus was more successful than Abaddon.
He did in 7 years what Abaddon couldn't in 10,000. He fearlessly faced down and killed a Primarch and the Emperor back to back while Abaddon can't stand before some ordinary humans. He rallied the dregs of Primarch-dom into a coherent and galaxy-shattering force, while Abaddon can't get even one Primarch to help him break out of the exact same system he started in 112 years ago. Horus' model is a neat centerpiece, Abaddon's is a retarded looking manlet.
Horus was powerful, cool, and competent. Abaddon is not of those things.
And the rest of the imperium suffers while the rest of chaos and xenos run amok.
Doesn't matter, we're talking about HOLY TERRA THE SEAT OF THE EMPEROR
Professional Soldiers of the Imperial Army =/= Insane Cultists
Go home, Carnac.
>At the start of the 13th BC, he had resolved most of the issues you bring up, and part of the plan was to either expand the Eye so resupply becomes less issue, or take and strip worlds on the way, Horus did this.
But that's the problem. The 13th BC shouldn't even be possible without a already giant and well maintained supply line
The difference was that Horus commanded decent warriors, while Abaddon command a bunch of warp corrupted astartes and common humans with doubtfull loyalty or full blown insane cultists.
Horus gained command of all forces of the GC from the Emperor, while Abaddon had nothing. Horus had the suprise advantage, while Abaddon doesn't.
Horus was a primarch, Abaddon is just a SM.
Horus already started with loyal legion and 8 other legions, Abaddon started with a pocket of astartes and managed to effectively unite the old Sons of Horus and other traitor legions.
Comparing both is unfair because one started with a lot, and the other with nothing.
Basically this. While Abbadon is a great field commander and warrior (hence why he was one of the mournival), that's about all he has going for him.
Horus was more or less the Emperor light. He had it all.
Horus was an apex predator. Abaddon isnt, but tries to be.
So? Horus was still more successful by a massive margin. It's a bad comparison, I agree, but if the comparison is going to be made then its clear Horus remains far superior (tho who knows what will happen as the "plot" keeps advancing)
You get a less damaging Siege of Terra and Abbadon getting his ass handed to him. At best he can hope for his sword to morph into a daemon once more and murder it's way to the Emperor.
Horus was a primarch. He's inherently better than any other being in existence, except the Emperor himself
Horus started with nothing but himself and the slimy worm Lorgar and a Legion riddled with loyalists (around 1/3 died on Istvaan). He won every other Primarch to his side with diplomacy and cunning. Then he had to face down an opposing force of no less than nine enemy Primarchs and the Emperor himself. This he did, and forced his way onto Terra in less than single decade. By contrast Abaddon has a massive chimpout at the prospect of facing down a grand total of one loyalist Primarch and can't break *out* of a system in more than a century. And that's not even getting into how Mortarion used naked extortion to get his grubby little mitts on Abaddon's Defiler designs and got away scott free.
So I agree it's an unfair comparison. For Horus.
Chaos is a joke and is only written as being big and scary as it's needed for the setting, the traitor legions were routed and never had any way to replenish at a meaningful rate. The Imperium would have to be so unbelievably out of scale compared to Chaos in the scope of its military that everything that's left of the traitor legions would be significantly less threat than the Tau, who themselves would be so insignificant most chapter masters would never have heard of them. There are far less chaos marines in the galaxy by far than Eldar, and you wouldn't even believe in Eldar if you lived in the Imperium. Only tyranids and orks would be a consistent threat.
>Horus started with nothing but himself and the slimy worm Lorgar and a Legion riddled with loyalists (around 1/3 died on Istvaan).
That means two legions, which is far more than the token forces Abaddon had.
Parts of two Legions against the entire Imperium. And if Abaddon started with a small force it's his own fault, as First Captain command naturally fell to him and keeping the Legion together was his responsibility.
The only reason chaos does well is they can pull daemons and shit out of their ass
To add yet more stuff to the pile, the full might of Mars would be getting thrown at Chaos. One Ark Mechanicus tanked the Planet Killer and the rest of the Black Crusade battlefleet for hours as Cawl escaped Cadia, Mars has dozens, plus superweapons out the ass, Skitarii Legions who are armed entirely with better plasma guns aren't considered remarkable, Ordinatii, Titans by the hundred, the Ordo Reductor and whatever bullshit they can pull, literally millions of Kataphrons which melt squads of Marines by themselves, the Cybernetica...
Hell, if they have something similar to Torquora's warpline bomb they can smack the Warp Storm with those, which will send it back along the route of Abbadkn's massive fleet (and therefore the Crimson Path) and push Chaos warp support slowly back to the Eye of Terror. It'll splatter lots of the planets that the Crimson Path has covered on the way, but that's why it's a doomsday weapon. Would also intensify the Eye of Terror storms a lot as the entire CPath gets stacked onto the origin point, which would be a pain for even Chaos forces to survive transit through.
Watcher of the Throne has an interesting take on that (as always, Based Wraight comes in and solves 40k lore)
Abby uses pylon remains to block out warp paths in order to isolate Terra. He didn't want to go to Terra right away, rather to nibble at the surroundings, with Terra left virtually in the dark.
However he didn't succeed as the vrry last path out of the Solar system was saved by Valerian and Aleya (best 40k couple, too pure) and Guilmiman was able to start his Crusade.
So who knows?
>as First Captain command naturally fell to him and keeping the Legion together was his responsibility.
The 1st Company was his, not the entire legion.
There isn't really much precedent as to who should be the primarch's successor.
titty fuck a portal open and unleash legions of gay daemons upon mankind
Chaos already reached Terra in nu-lore, tehy got their asses handed to them
>there's simply not enough resources(water, food, etc.) in the Eye of Terror to keep a large scale war going on.
Supply is something 40k (and most military sci-fi in general) ignores because it'd be a logistical nightmare, but it's hand-waived in some books by simply saying that there are so many compliment Beastmen and Mutants within the Eye that they continuously act as suppliers/farmers/etc. As the Eye of Terror is basically the Warp, it's space is infinite and it isn't subjected to the laws of physics so there's as much in there as you need it to be
>Based Wraight
Why didn't he wrote Master of Mankind again? One of the few writers that doesn't push his shit around.
>So? Horus was still more successful by a massive margin.
Lets see Horus do this.
>it's space is infinite and it isn't subjected to the laws of physics so there's as much in there as you need it to be
That's exactly the problem. The warp taint everything.
It's said that the warbands even fight each other for clean water
You mean the ruinstorm?
Considering that wasnt intentional by Abaddon otherwise he would have aimed it at Terra, you may as well blame Magnus and the Eldar for having that happen.