KDM Art Thread

Kingdom Death Monster is a damn gold mine for Character/NPC art. But its hard to find decent quality images of it all.

Lets compile it all in this thread.

It's only a gold mine for erp character art.

... Your point?




Just saying

Someone post the chick in the dick dress, I'm on mobile and don't have it.

I never saved it. I'm not interested in dick.

>he focuses on the dick, not the delicious tits, hips, and creamy skin

>he focuses on the dick, not the delicious tits, hips, and creamy skin
Son there's PLENTY to go around.

I really prefer the monsters to the survivors, to be honest.
If I want scantily clad women, there's thousands of sites I can visit. Fewer sites have pictures of creepy abominations.



Why is all the women and men in this so healthy and thick? Isn't the world they live in lack food stuff to get that big?

Maybe they're all really short, to compensate?

Seconded, I want to see this.

when the world went to shit dickrays irridated humanity. All women thus became thicc and a leather and thong fashion was burned into their brains

i third that

>when the rum raisin you were hiding between your legs starts melting.gif



Best full image I could find, but I didn't try very hard.


AFAIK they're just deliberate pinups and promotional stuff. Non-canon models and art the creator can sell because he likes thicc women.

Oh man, I've been saving up for this.












And to complete the set requested here
Though I'm pretty sure there's another penis dress around here in this folder too.





Guess which of these images I've masturbated the most to thus far.










why is she wearing an outfit made out of dicks and tongues?

Who on the design team was like, "yes there needs to be official art of this. With like, the logo and everything."


Because several monsters in the game are made out of dicks and toungues. In fact you can even get them as resources and equipment to make stuff with. The game is chockfull of morbid and phallic imagery along side hueg titties and thighs.

Awww, forgot my image.



Lokman Lam fucking knows his craft, and he doesn't even pretend to want or care to appeal to a wide audience. He makes art of hot thicc chicks and that's all we can ask for.

Can we get Kingdom Death art that ISN'T pinups? What about the monsters or the bizarro environments? Any art of them?

Lol, you fucking kissless virgins spurting over this crap. What are you, 14?




I ask space marine fans the same thing everyday.



...what is happening in this pic?

Are those two kids creating some sort of demon hellmouth because of a chaste kiss?


>record scratch
>Now you're probably wondering how I got myself into this mess

Probably two people on a date, about to be devoured.


You misspelled 'dumpster fire'.

>Once there was a boy that made friends with a monster. They often me in secret and played many games. The monster was very important to the boy and he told no one of it.

>"Why do you like to come and play?" The boy asked the monster.
>"Well," said the monster, "my mind is very old. I have forgotten most of my life and soon will remember nothing at all."

>"Does it hurt?" asked the boy.
>"Yes," replied the monster. "You help me remember my life and that brings me comfort."
>"Will you always come and play?"
"I promise...whenever I remember."

Anyone have a decent resolution of the Fade art card?




Best I have seen but would like a nicer one, thank you none the less took it until I find a better one
Took this one too , thanks
Have another one as thanks!

great way to break your fingers there

Why else do you think she looks like she is hurting


Red savior tiddies.

Tiddies falling out tiddies.

That's the Sun. Those two are indeed a consenting and cute young couple, who live in a settlement that worships the Sun. If they do well, the Sun won't come down and eat them all. If they do poorly, goodbye blossoming love story, hello horrific death.

Also the Sun allows its spawn to be nursed by the women of the settlement, and you can link an umbilical from one to a person, granting them ninja powers.

DBK is the real MVP

What the fuck Poots.

>Why is all the women and men in this so healthy and thick? Isn't the world they live in lack food stuff to get that big?
It's mostly unknown, maybe it's because the Scribe pities their short lifespan and makes them beautiful to "compensate" dying constantly

They're literally written into reality by a higher being, apparently one with good taste.

Post pics or gtfo

Do you actually want the Lore answer, user?

The two chicks with tongue garb are Satan. The same being of infinite vanity that split itself into two hermaphroditic bodies so it could enjoy itself in every way conceivable. The tongues are still alive and let it/them experience the world, themselves, and each other with another sense. As for the dickskirt? Satan seems to get off on being lusted after so presumably those belonged to fools who tried to get close and were unfortunate enough to have satan senpai notice them.

Don't be like that. I think some of the lore is interesting but I'm too poor to enjoy it.

Like what? not a shit poster? good effort on that last post though

I think the Symbiosis Humanity seems to have with the various monsters is really fucking cool.

Is this considered art?



But like

the tongues aren't even in the right places

Like "Oh awesome I can taste my shoulders! And the backs of my knees! And sideboob!"

But no pantie tongue. And judging from those panties there's not much room in there for a penis, so "hermaphoditic" might be a misnomer.

If you were going to do something like that, why not have one base with two models on it checking each other out, or one model surrounded by mirror minions? Or one figure with two torsos, arms, heads etc so they can love/experience each other constantly?

I get what they were going for but "two sexy chicks" probs isn't what I'd use to represent it.

>no penis

Do you see what she is wearing? If the tongues are alive what makes you think those dick aren't?

Love the Monster Hunter feel of the armor sets
>Guys, see that horrifying creature over there? Let's fuck it up and wear it's face as a shield to fight something even worse.

Depends who you ask.

I don't care the least about this game and setting, but damn I love the art.

something doesn't seem right with Emil

If i fucking painted that I would say yeah, but seeing as I didn't I am not sure