Okay, we had a lot of threads about how new 40k lore sucks. But are there things that you actually like, fa/tg/uys?

Okay, we had a lot of threads about how new 40k lore sucks. But are there things that you actually like, fa/tg/uys?

No. New lore is like a 15 year old kids fanfiction upon the existing 40k setting.


define "new", because between someone that was here since Titan Legions and someone that joined in 6E, the answers will be very different.

I accept most of it, and have few problems, as I don't take it that seriously to begin with.
The lore has changed radically in tone several times, and every time, you have people bitching about it.
I like how the nature of the lore has changed to more of a creeping, insidious threat from within, rather than the everything is screwed idea that has been pushed for some time.

I obviously mean the latest big events like fall of Cadia and all that followed after, but you are free to express your love/hatred towards earlier fluff.

>not taking it seriously

You see there is the problem.
If you dont take a series seriously you wont get invested in it.
And in turn you wont want to invest on it.
Sure you might get a few box of guys to paint and have small games but i takes a dedication and love for a setting to customise an entire guard regiment to fit into the lore and have a uniqe outlook.
It takes gargantuant amount of money and time which no one who did not take the setting seriously would do.

Most of the people posting , lol i dont take 40k seriously are people who played a few dawn of war games and at most has a small generic space marine force.

And these people should not be in turn taken seriously when making decisions about the future of the game and its lore.
Sadly GW did not realise this.

I HATED the grimdark lore change, because it was more often handled poorly than not, and I don't understand why people fap to it.

I like how Orks have been completely untouched by all the autistic Chaos wank and only got a little bit of the autistic Tyranid wank on them

>you wont get invested in it
Empirically false, user.
I love 40k, I just don't get pissed off when shit happens in the lore. I'm in it to enjoy it, not get mad at it because how dare someone do something I don't agree with.
Until someone's army gets wiped out, I'm not going to get up in arms because GW makes choices I don't agree with, because most of them don't really affect my ability to enjoy the game, and I'm more focused on rooting for my faction, jeering the other guys, and a good handshake after a good game.
It's still about mighty heroes and villains struggling to make their mark on a galaxy that seems determined to undermine them with threats within and without, struggles great and small, sacrifices that will never be known in an fantastical sci fi setting where almost anything is possible.
Why do you like 40k, user, if everything seems to be bad?


>Hey, come up with something new!
>[GW advances the plot]
>Oh wait, no… no I take it back! Don't come up with something new! Wait stop! Stop coming up with things that are new! Stop! Please no!

>fit in the setting
>converts Boku no Pico figure collection into Felenids
Checkm8 Atheists

The reason being most people who fap to it are vidya players who were introduced to the setting with dawn of war series and those who like the garbage memes associated with it.

Granted i got introduced to the setting with dawn of war also but i was fascinated with the deep and gritty universe it took place in.
Not with the indrick boreale memes.

Most shitposters who like the new lore or pretend to do so havent read a single BL classic like the eisenhorn series or the grey knights omnibus.

It is truly a shame that people with such a passing interest in the hobby have the vocal majority.

If this keeps up they will turn the setting into age of warhammer in all but name and when it turns into a husk they will just leave with those who were heavily invested in the setting look at the ashes.

>eisenhorn series
Own that, and a bunch of other novels, including HH ones, and I still like the new lore for previously stated reasons.
I've followed 40k since near the end of RT, and even when the lore changed, I kept playing, kept enjoying it. You can complain that the grimdark tone is dead, but it's replaced by something that has some mystery, suspense, and a new kind of impending doom, mixed with enough hope that the doom will have impact.
No one likes change, but I survived for almost 30 years, you will, too.

>BL classic
>Grey Knights omnibus

The only good part of it (and the only good thing Bean Counter ever wrote) was Hammer of Daemons, just because it was balls-to-the-wall madness

I never wanted GW to advance the plot. It was fine as it is at the end point of the 41st millenium.

I think 40k is not or rather should not be your regular setting where you are watching events unfold.

40k should be a history book. Where you can place your regiments,armies etc. in it. You can carve the story of 56th Victrix Guards campaing on teh moon of asteroth in M.38 and make a huge lore about it. You can create a dynamic campaing centered on the 523th prugation campaing of the Razor Eagles space marine chapter in the far reaches of the galactic east.

You can read the stories that were presented to you knowing that everyone in it probably died at someponit but still have great fun knowing you are reading about the history of the setting.

40k is turning to a setting where individuals are shaping the galaxy . This goes against these wrods that were written at the end of every book.

'' And whatever happens you will not be missed ''

By turning 40k into your regular comic book stroy you will lose the unique aspect of it. And this will in turn throw 40k into the see of yet another generic fantasy universe category.

Orks are amazing, created by the old ones to help fight necrotyr I believe (mentions this in 4th Ed Necron codex). Insane psyhic powers they don't even understand, and yeah no choas problems (cuz orks are tough asf). Orks fighting tyranids is one of my fave scenarios.

Your tears are delicious.

>And whatever happens you will not be missed
Which never applied to the named characters that existed since RT.

Named chars used to die in the past lore.

And that also changed in 3e, like most of the lore.
But Abaddon never died, nor did Macharius or Calgar.

Didnt macharius die and his generals started infighting as it had happaned with the alexander?


He started getting too old and his mind was starting to go. It was decided he should be killed while still a hero.

I like the new lore, been playing since 3rd.
I have given GW more money in the past 3 months than in the past ten years.

Seriously, fuck off haters.

I thought the Newcron change was interesting. I don't know if they ever did anything good with it, but I like the idea of having a bit of personality to go with your implacable Terminator army.

your point is good but your grammer is shit

I am not a native english speaker. If you can point at my mistakes it would be much appreciated.

Primaris marines are still the most retarded concept I have ever heard of. I'm surprised someone got paid to come up with this shit.

Then again, I suppose it is making them money.

According to an user in the 40k general thread it is not making them the amount of money they expected it would bring.

And to be fair i always wanted to have true scale marines but for some reason i just dont feel like buying primaris and converting them.
It feels like by doing so i would approved their lore with my wallet.