If you could become a fictional race, which race would you become?
You would have enough knowledge (muscle memory, etc) to use your body, but other than that you are on your own.
If you could become a fictional race, which race would you become?
You would have enough knowledge (muscle memory, etc) to use your body, but other than that you are on your own.
Because why not be a fucking badass?
That's a pretty cool name.
>tfw too smart to move
A posthuman, because I'm a dirty cheater.
A twi'lek, of course
>just humans with tentacles
>no advantages over humans
Pleb choice
Some kinda vampire lord, I guess.
You mean, beyond being super hot?
Warhammer daemons counts?
A cute robot.
In terms of OP bullshit I don't think you can do much better than an elan since that's just an immortal psychic person that can choose to not need food. Warforged is also up there, but they sort of look dumb and I like having a penis
An elf.
Just so I could be a useless piece of shit for more than a single century.
I'll raise you one and go with deep one
Nova. Quantum superpowers, ho.
He remember me of Dante
Sauce pls
fictional race?
going by my experience, I'd like the fictional species "healthy, pain-free human" please.
possibly not fictional, as much mythical.
Culture Mind on a GSV
An Onirim dweller.
If you don't know what it is, basically:
- No physical body (except mental possession of other beings - that's how sleepwalking happens), exists solely in the Dreamscape.
- Conscious inside others' dreams, can interact with people inside their dreams and influence them.
- When the dreamer wakes up, the Onirim dweller is trapped inside of the Dreamscape of that particular person until said person goes asleep, but while the person is awake, the Onirim dweller has complete control over said person's Dreamscape.
Honestly, if I could simply fall asleep and never wake up, that would be pretty nice. Dreams are nice. Reality is okay, but nowhere as nice as dreams are.
Necron post-biotransferrence or an Archlich if that counts as a race and not a class.
Basically something that doesn't need to worry about dying and can respawn if they somehow do anyways.
Thinking about it, I'd probably pick the same thing I'd have picked as a kid, only for different reasons.
Now instead of being a dragon for awe inspiring power and lording over mortals, I'm choosing it for the polymorph self and getting to fuck around with humanity for centuries. Also the wings.
Demon or android. Especially if I get to be a cute girl
>Honestly, if I could simply fall asleep and never wake up, that would be pretty nice. Dreams are nice. Reality is okay, but nowhere as nice as dreams are.
Speak for yourself. Most of my dreams are unpleasant and I'm always glad when I wake up.
>he doesn't enjoy his nightmares
You're doing something wrong, and I'm not sure what exactly it is.
This would truly be the funnest existence
Dragon without a doubt. One that can shapeshift preferably.
Best choice.
Succubus because reasons.
Because who doesn't want to be a posthuman time-traveling penis monster?
Only good choice in this entire thread.
That particular guy is an ugly freak, yes, but it's not the norm, even amongst men.
Q isn't really a race though.
Riker was human, but Q was something else. It seems as though they take members of normal races and put them into the continuum.
Nope, they can just grant Q powers to people.
Also a shapeshifting dragon.
Though I sure wouldn't mind giving people rides or just flying around as a mouth-fire-breathing neck-bearded dragon.
Probably a Bronze Dragon because lightning breath.
Sexy? Check. Long lifespan? Check. Natural magic powers? Essentially limited to telekinesis, but check.
Honestly, the ability to breed with anyone is the cool part. If im just becoming that in our world, I can be the progenitor of an entire new civilization, and live long enough to see that civ flourish. So thats cool.
Nemesis dragon.
Because even though I won't get to know how to use all their space techno-magic bullshit, I am at least immortal and pretty hard to kill. You can do a lot of stuff with immortality and nigh-invulnerability.
I'm sure some people would be down with having an alien race kicking round on earth, but the Asari aren't strong enough to survive the rest.
Humanity would win because we have all the nukes on this planet.
I dont see it coming to that sort of armed conflict. The Asari can easily be a symbiotic partner. They need humans to breed, and it will be a long, loooong time for there to be enough of them kicking around to be a relevant minority.
The fact that they have scifi powers that, if you recall, are the same 'science' as FTL? Makes them waaaay too valuable to kill.
This wont be aliens vs humans. It will be aliens among humans.
Seeing how much things like skin color and sex divide our society, aliens would be a whole other level.
I'd recommend picking a race that is at least bullproof.
Best post
Asari have natural biotic shields that, in game at least, we see shruf off multiple bullets or even rockets before deleting, and which regenerate given a chance to catch your breath.
Thats reasonably bulletproof.
Mfw when people are making pleb tier choices.
That's a good answer though.
Slann suck, though. They only thing going for them is memes
>you don't want to be an immortal frog person with the power to alter reality on a vast scale
An ork
Nope lord Kroak is an unkillible super wizard(the best wizard in his prime) that killed thousands of bloodthirsters.
Making a fat immobile frog a better warrior than the finest warriors made by khorne. And when they killed him, he didn't die.
i'll be honest, there are plenty of better choices than Dragon... But I still pick dragon because I want easy mode, not god mode plus console commands
For the love of god, though, when you makew orkz, INCLUDE A FUCKING OFF SWITCH.
Lich, I would have an eternity to learn what I should already know and I should have some innate magical ability due to my advanced form.
Please user....
This is the 3rd time today I've wanked.
I can't go on.
>But I still pick dragon because I want easy mode, not god mode plus console commands
Why not both?
I wasn't one hundred percent sure that was an option. I mean while most people on Veeky Forums, myself included, like dragons as insanely powerful, whether or not they're basically full on deity-levels in power is up for debate.
Certainly powerful, but I doubt the count. The Slann are not a race.
Fictional, yes. But ecactly 4 of them were made by the Old Ones, and thats all of them that have ever been. They cant breed.
Calling the Slaan a race is like putting your race a 'a Voldemort'.
They where coming from the pits for a while, what are you smoking user.
Plus it's heavily implied the old ones are slaan.
No it's not, it's outright stated the Old Ones MADE the Slann (and all lizardmen for that matter)
Fucking what? The slann absolutely are a race, and there are many more than 4 of them....
Is murder-bot a race, can I be a murder-bot?
I was going to say lizardman and be on my way but then I realized that I could be a dragon with no strings attached. Shit, all the dragons in this thread should band together and take over some corp for fun.
Honestly, I'd just want to be a cute elf girl so I could slut it up with all the other races.
No, but we'll make an exception if you can get funky
Except for the like 6 asexual slaan.
That title font is atrocious
The off switch has to be installed. It's a bullet in the head.
Being buttugly is not a norm amongst humans too.
I don't know about funk, but I can do Cool metal
>Vampire lord
That's a medical condition user
LotR Elf probably. First thing I can think of that is practically immortal, and I'll probably look nicer.
Power, lifespans, shapeshifting, gold. It's a good package.
Supes-mode would be pretty fun.
For pure lewd
You get longevity, though inherent racial superiority complexes are a downer.
Power + lasciviousness
I can dig it.
Col Slimenheimer reporting in
>Shapeshift into whatever
>Let kids shapeshift for shits and gigles
>Be a horse guy without a mouth, always a good conversation starter
>Have fun hating Yeerks
10/10, assuming The Elimist isn't an option.
While that might kill the immediate ork, doesn't that then cause the Ork to release spores that terraform a planet to an Ork-based biosphere AND MAKE MORE ORKZ?
That's a shitty off-switch.
They're neat, they're short, which i already am, they're all i'd like to be.
Psychic attacks don't leave spores.
The old ones have no reason to use any different kind of attack.
A fantasy human so I could retain my nonfaggotry while still being capable of magic and shit.
Changeling please.
He did say "a bullet to the head" he didn't say a "mind bullet".
I now want to know what the heck old one guns are like.
Especially because they made the jokero
>with immortality and nigh-invulnerability.
Except fuck.
He's an soul powered artificial intelligence. He is basically the singularity.
If he wants to screw someone, nobody will be able to stop him.
>If he wants to screw someone, nobody will be able to stop him.
Not without a dick, tactile sensory nerves, and pleasure response he won't.
necrons can easily build all of those as they are basically AI built by beings that finished science. Heck we are nearly close to being semi-able to build that stuff.
Except you don't have that, you're just a singular Necron that possesses you're current knowledge and how to move about in your Necrobn bory. You willingly castrated yourself.
I'm the slaan dude. Plus he has infinite time to learn about that, plus his robot mind will help him out with that.