>tfw an ex assassin gorgon pirate will never ask you to a date
>tfw you'll make Vraska a tea cup after a long day

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ixalan limited sucks
>standard is only kind of okay
>story is awesome

is this what Kamigawa felt like?

Not quite, Kami standard had affinity to make you want to kys

Pretty good, wish he didn't get his memories back till the end of the block but this could be cool.

Limited was good till Saviors, Standard was terrible but the story was awesome.

>Pretty good, wish he didn't get his memories back till the end of the block but this could be cool.
It really depends on whether or not he's still the main character in the second set. If someone else ends up taking center stage, this is the perfect time for him to remember.

Angrath is quite reasonable. I hope he gets a card in the next set

jace does not have two dicks he could not possibly hope to satisfy steamy snake puss

If they're still using Ajani, then him as the focus with Angrath as the direct antagonist would be god tier. With Huatli as Ajanis sidekick.

>realize you have a potential ally
>decide to not murder her and extend hand of friendship
>she attacks you and runs away
It's no wonder he wants to leave

Is that dude actually swimming up a waterfall? It's like I'm in Age of Conan all over again.

>Vraska couldn't wait to petrify whoever had stolen his memories.

Did she consider that they were only able to get on such friendly terms due to suck circumstances?

No. The river came from nowhere, the force of it hitting him has thrown him off -a cliff.

Sure, but it's still a dick move.

MtG "lore" is pure shit

You are literally a fucking retard, a worthless mental defective, if you spend any time thinking about the lore besides hating it.

It's the most derivative meaningless anti-art garbage. They are expressing nothing. It means NOTHING. It has no connection to the real world and it's made for people who are disconnected from reality in order to keep them that way.

It's entire point is 'OMFG LOOK HOW FUCKIN TOTALLY AWESOME THIS IS OMFG', which only appeals to infantilized retards with serious development issues.

Before (((Hasbro)))'s takeover, they actually made an effort to give the game the tiniest bit of substance in art direction. Since then it's just this acid trip conglomerate of every fantasy trope.

You're all totally fucking retarded. Kill yourselves.

>can't enjoy a quick read about cute gorgens
Shit dude, to each their own I guess.
If you want hard fantasy there's plenty of sources you can go to, but you're here because you like to complain.
We all like to complain so we're all here.


hows that lib arts degree treating you?

It's a pasta, user, just don't acknowledge it.

I'm not a frequent in these threads.
I just shit up thee EDH ones.

Anyone else actually like Jace? Not actual Jace, but Jace when he's not Jace. Like amnesiac Jace, or insane Jace.

I really hope that Jace still keeps some of his amnesiac personality and doesn't go back to being 100% old Jace.

In Artemis Fowl, the namesake character gains memories back after losing them. They don't *snap* back, so he retains elements of both personalities. I would be pleased if this opportunity was taken by the team to canonize Jace as an engaging figure.

Touch fluffy guildpact.

Goddamnit, when will Jace and Vraska just fuck and get all the tension out of the way?

>Perhaps she'd ask him on a date when all this was over. She hadn't been on one of those in a while.
I approve of this.

More important is the fact that her employer is the one who did it.

>Golden City
>Immortal Sun stolen by some kind of mysterious winged creature
>River Heralds don't even know what the deal is with Oracza, just that bad shit will happen if anyone goes there
>Roaring as if something had been awakened when people do anyway

I swear to fuck, if this is DTK 2.0...

>"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" Huatli yelled back.
Angrath dindu nuffin

>He looked so different without his hood. Vraska had never seen him without it before she rescued him from the island.
>She distantly wondered if his hair was as soft as it looked.

>Dragonskull Summit's flavor text establishes that Ixalan has no dragons

>She hadn't been on one of those in a while.

I would like to imagine that Vraska had a lover at some point.

I don't know but I feel like a tumblr asshole loving all these JacexVraska stories and also loving Vraska as well, she's going up in my waifu chart.

I was impressed by him managing to establish he wanted to talk, not fight, but he probably fucked it up by jumping straight to "let's murder everyone!"

Wonder if it the roaring thing will be Gishath or some other monster.

I'd be fine if it was another monster but I want Gishath to have some relevance in the story.

Have him burst in on the final free-for-all or something, it's all I'm asking for!

>Vraska not being on your waifu chart from the beginning
pfft, casuals.

Relevant to me, and my Vraska loving friends.

I think it'll end with Ajani warping in, Angrath warping out, Jace and Vraska bond over shared dislike of Nicol Bolas, Ajani takes them both to get the band back together. Liliana follows in the shadows, jealous of Vraska

You know, I actually think Ajani might be the face walker for Dominaria. That's where he had suggested they all meet.

Tell us what to like so we aren't retarded user. Go ahead. What's right to like to impress you.

this is all to build tension and the next set will have her fears be unfounded and she will officially join the gatewatch with her own Oath of Vraska enchantment.

this is all to set up the romantic love triangle between Jace and the two black mana Bad Bitches fighting over him, one Tsundere and one Yandere.

Jace has offically turned around this shitty story by turning this into one of my japanese animes.

Because they’re all in Orazca.

Don't forget that Liliana will almost assuredly show up in return to Dominiaria. It's her home plane and Lili is one of the more popular planeswalkers.

Did Jace Explore Vraska's unclaimed territory yet?
Stick his dowsing dagger into her lost vale?
Use his prying blade to get her treasure?

Golgari bat demons when?

He sailed his sleek schooner right into her fleet swallower

He charted a course for her sunpetal grove!
Shot his elobrate fire cannon into her new horizons
Raid for six damage?


So many satisfying cliffhangers today! I can't wait for the RIX storyline to begin so these mysteries can be solved!

How did Wizards turn the narrative around so completely?

A bit messy with so much stuff happening, but overall I thought it was fun.
Poor Vraska.

Getting rid of the Jacetice League was arguably the right call.

the story writers seem a lot more focused on a story. I may be that they finally got the hang of things.

1. Rebooting Jace by giving him amnesia. Jace is the market tested most popular planeswalker, but his history and idiosyncrasies were starting to add up and people were starting to resent him. Hopefully as long as he retains part of his new personality (akin to Artemis Fowl as another user has mentioned) then it will probably stick.

2. Pairing him with a character who not only has been very antagonistic to Jace in the past, but still has humanity and a moral code for readers to connect with.

It's best exemplified when Vraska realizes Jace forgot everything- the Guildpact who she hates so much no longer exists, and this man is innocent of those prior actions. Of course, it gets even more difficult when actual camaraderie, friendship, and admiration starts to build not only from him to her, but from her to him.

This of course is thrown completely out of whack when Jace starts to get his memories back. He will remember all the horrible things she's done. But even more so, since Jace is a telepath, Vraska will get to learn all the things Jace has done, both good and bad.

> Jace and Vraska enjoying a date
> Liliana hiding in the bushes and seething with jealousy
I didn't realize how much I wanted this.

He is a lot more fun when he is curious and upbeat instead of pretentious and wishy washy.

Rakdos gonna Rakdos.


She wanted a domesticated Jace who was a-okay with her murdering people.
Jace just wanted her.
Now Jace is gonna want her but with slightly less kill.
Then she'll swoon over how he can see her as something besides a tool for murder and together they'll make Ravnica a fun place for all and have little quad colored half gorgen planeswalker babies.

>We'll have some other Vorthosy goodness over the next couple weeks, but the main line of Magic Story itself will be on hiatus until January. We'll have a few special surprises between now and then, and we're working on some cool things for Magic Story as a whole, but Jace and Vraska needed a break.
Well shit.

It comes out every so often and takes all of 10-15 min to read.

But you rite doe. It's pretty gay. I would like it a bit more if it weren't worded like a supernatural fanfic.

Some points really do hit home.
It's far too focused on the cast and besides some brief "wow it's so pretty" moments we don't get a lot of insight to the setting.
The writing feels very amateurish and as if they're just powering through the story as fast as they can, I've seen some writefags on here produce better work.

I don't think it's getting rid of them. We're fairly solidly in the "team thrown apart onto their own private journey to get stronger", basically a training arc. They'll be back together eventually. Instead, what Wizards is (hopefully) learning is that they can't just stick all five of them into the same set at once. They need to limit themselves down to 2-3, which lets them breathe, lets the story breathe, and allows some reasonable character focus to take place.

That's a weird way to spell "definitely"

Vraska is also better written than the whole "LOOK AT HOW [color] I AM" thing that everyone in the GW has.


...have we ever seen the child of two planeswalkers before? We know the spark isnt genetic. Their kid might be stuck on whatever plane they are born on.

does he get his entire memory back? Even the time on Vryn that he made himself forget after defeating Alhammaret?

We dont know. The story cuts out with him getting back a memory at a time.

Its possible he will get back EVERYTHING. Its possible he will still have large gaps, but just remembers enough to be 'functionally' Jace.


i just want Jace and Vraska together. Liliana is the worst.

If Vraska gets to see all of his memories as is said, she will learn that it was Bolas, her employer that took away Jace's memories (she also wanted to kill the person that did this). So now what will she do? She has the compass and is in Orazca, but now has every reason to hate Bolas - but he can help her rule the Golgari. If she had never met Jace none of this would have happened.

maybe his memories will slowly return because it wasn't just amnesia it was a mental wipe.

Im just hoping that new jace's personality will still be around.

Don't bully the last tittymonster that we have.

Why do I even bother keeping up with this? I get invested and then 3 months until next episode.

>still no Elspeth Returned
>still no idea where Karn is
>still no word from glorious Elesh Norn
>Christ only knows what's happening on Alara


Alright guys, time to cast your bets.

Is the Vampire Queen going to be another in a long line of grannies or we finally get an eternal loli

;-; I don't want Liliana to ntr vraska, cute gorgon assasin is too good for this

>Wonder if Vraska's still going to be cute this week
>She wants to pet Jace's hair
This is a strange timeline, to be sure, but not one I dislike.

He had seen glimpse of alha back when he talked with cutie gorgon about his telephat thingy

Cutie gorgon > mean tittymonster

Vraska has turned into one of my favorite characters so fast. Her softer side has really come to light but its not hindered by her commanding side or vice versa, they almost compliment each other and i love it.

Liliana got ntrd by the cute gorgon assassin so it's all good


From the looks of things yes.

It looks like there are going to be three major components to our new Jace psyche- one part him as a kid on Vryn (which was pretty similar to the one we got to know best), one part the Jacetice League nerd we grew to hate, and one part the ripped tanned puppy that Vraska and the audience has fallen in love with all over again.

So our new and improved Jace will be roughly 2/3rds nerd and 1/3 sexy dog.

That's one of the benefits of not only being two color, but being the best color combination.

Vraska can do Black things the Black way and feel Black about it to doing Green things the Green way and feel Green about it, and any variation in between.


thats good shit

its funny because the only reason gideon was last was because Bolas was flicking him around like a beach ball while dealing with the more powerful planeswalkers.

>more powerful
I bet you like your power levels in numbers like DBZ or some shit

I never disliked guildpact Jace. He was a fun character as a bundle of neurosis and self doubt back in his guildpact time.

That one moment where he thinks that Gideon is condescending to him, and stands up angrily, only to immediately regret it because it makes the size different between them more pronounced made me laugh pretty hard.

That being said, he seems waaaaaay happier now, and I like that he may have actually gone thru an arc and grown.

doggo jace gets more pussy than the average poster here.

Bunny Jace was best Jace

I'd make a less joke about Vraska and peanut butter, but I'm a bit beyond that. I think.

Meant to say lewd, dammit, lewd!

i mean story wise not card wise.

But really, can anyone name a better color combo than green/black?

It makes the best waifus
It's the most powerful in general deck building.
It would govern a city far better than any other color pair- Black's understanding of desire and selfishness combined with Green's understanding of ecosystems and instincts would be best able to provide leadership and success.
In fact, Green/Black is the best identifier for capitalism that Magic has- people are greedy and always have been. The only way to function effictively is to turn that greed to sustain the cycle of life and death, buy and sell, back and forth.

Tl;dr: Golgari is the best color combo and anyone who says differently is either stupid or lying to you.

>Ixalan is just "Jace X Vraska" fanfiction + "Our marketing team said that kids love dinosaurs and pirates, make a set aroud that",which ironicly puts an interesting female minority character (Huatli) and 2 interesting mechanics (Raid and Enrage) in the background

Mono blue does all of that, and copies your waifus.

>green/black is capitalism

user lol

you're talking about the color that the scum, the misbegotten, those who fell through the cracks in Ravnica identify with

aside from that I agree with everything you said, they do have the best legends

The Golgari are also one of the few guilds that actually does it's job, AND has a job that's actually useful to Ravnica. When the alternatives are:
Undead Jews
Police Brutality
Obfuscating Busybody Lawyers
Degenerate Psychopaths
Mad Egomaniac Scientists
Mad Doctors
Assassin Library Spies
Brainwashing Cultists
and Savage Cavemen,

Then the Farmers and Waste Management people are the best of the bunch.

>white/black is capitalism

What do you mean all guilds have a job
Orzhov= Banking + Mafia
Boris= Army/SWAT+ Police Brutality
Azorius=Judges/police/senators+ bureaucracy
Rakdos= entertainment + sex and violence
Izzet= construction + mad science
Simic...other than playing Dr. Moreau Idk what they do?
Dimir= postal service + NSA
Seleysnya...again no clue other than hippie love cult.
Gruul= Parks and Wrexkreation.

shutup user! Don't let the losers know about most glorious Golgari!

Wrexkreation. I'm stealing that