Is it possible to create a character or npc who is both Short and yet imposing and formidable?
Is it possible to create a character or npc who is both Short and yet imposing and formidable?
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Taking bets on what OP will use in place of "fat" and "short" for upcoming threads!
Entries in the running so far:
>Is it possible to create a character or npc who is both Female and yet imposing and formidable?
>Is it possible to create a character or npc who is both Pretty and yet imposing and formidable?
>Is it possible to create a character or npc who is both Fat and yet imposing and formidable? (OP will probably use that one a second time)
>Is it possible to create a character or npc who is both Gay and yet imposing and formidable?
Why is he so handsome
what is a dwarf?
A short, miserable pile of secrets.
A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
It's possible to portray a character or npc who is short and yet imposing and formidable, yes.
>walking around the Pentagon without a shave
>fuck that movie
Also, yes
If everyone around the character is lying dead, they remain imposingly tall.
>>fuck that movie
There were a lot of things wrong with that movie.
Tim Roth was pugnacious perfection.
Even a dwarf can stand as a giant.
(Ok, we all know it was British propaganda...)
he refuses to spend the weekend allowance it would take his millionare ass to get his eyes fucking fixed.
>2/10, elbows too pointy
fantasy dwarves.
short but large and muscular.
make it wear extra heavy armor and move like he is not wearing any.
he's trying to charm you so you buy his game
Pretty easy imo
Hey, Todd! Rejoice!
Despite the fact that I pirated all the nu-Fallout games (and Skyrim too), I actually decided to buy one today.
That's right, I bought New Vegas! Aren't you happy, Todd?
Yes, obviously.
Stop trying so hard to be stupid on purpose. Your baseline is stupid enough.
Only if they have that rabid-animal vibe where you don't want to get near them for fear of being bitten.
Like a Nac Mac Feegle.
Yes. Read this.
Formidable yes, imposing no. Wolverine is certainly formidable, but is he imposing (comic version)? No. You can certainly be impressive if you are a ball of muscles though.
You tell me.
Stat me Veeky Forums.
I feel like I should save that image, and reply to your post with an exact copy of it
Holy shit user that's great
what's wrong with his eyes?
Yes. Make the motherfucker five foot three, three feet wide, and 185 pounds of pure muscle.
It's already been done in your own darn game
I'm willing to bet that two out of three people here have had a friend like that. I've personally noticed a clear pattern to the short guys I meet, and it makes me want to pick fights only with people taller than me.
Short, broad-shouldered, buzz-cut, swivel-eyed laser glare, chain-smoking, twitchy, heavy-drinking guys who pick a fight at the drop of a hat aren't rare in my experience, and most of them are fucking scary.
Bigger guys can scare off people just by being there, while short guys either get bullied so hard they disappear into their basements or just compensate. If you're 5'1 in a First World country and still have a successful social life, it's not too far out to assume that you've gotten there by breaking faces.
Short guys get up off the ground really fucking fast, too, and it's hard to knock someone short and beefy off balance in the first place.
Ask yourself, can a character be tall yet not imposing and formidable
I suddenly feel like buying skyrim for the switch
I mean, this whole scene is pretty much case in point.
Of course you can still be imposing and formidable while short you just have to be an absolute mad man, and even better you could also run around in small dark caves like an Australian tunnel rat and stab fantasy gooks
>implying you would fuck with ike the spike
Well internet, I guess you must be proud of yourself/yourselves for turning this once normal and harmless image of a videogame company executive/boss. Into an image that invokes fear, intimidation and other worrisome troubles, eh?
>Implying Obsidian make good games
But I thought you loved New Vegas Todd
I bought Skyrim 3 times. Will probably buy Fallout 4 a second time :^)