WHY the FUCK did the Emperor want to exterminate this during the great crusade!?
WHY the FUCK did the Emperor want to exterminate this during the great crusade!?
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Because while ugly is evil in Warhammer, evil is not always ugly. Though usually it is.
Not sexy enough
Because the Emperor was a cunt. Just like everyone in 40k. And before anyone asks, yes, the Tau are cunts as well.
>Emperor didn't want other cunts to exist so he killed all the alien women
I thought those freckles looked familiar...
>Implying Eldar is evil
Poor Mon-keigh
The older I get, the more I realize how fucking retarded he was.
Hello Slaanesh ! The party's only getting started !
Because they're the reason mankind is the current state.
Everything would be better if the space elves didn't created a new chaos god
>Using my powers, I predict that your sons will betray you. I believe our mastery over the warp can-
I imagine it was like that.
>B-b-but they created Slaanesh
Ignoring the fact that Big E was about to fuck up the whole galaxy by letting all FOUR gods empowering a demi god.
Plus, they're a bunch of arrogant low IQ retards that think they're better than everyone else for no reason.
That's more than enough reason to murder them
Because that is fanart.
This is how xenos "beauty" actually looks.
There would be no 4 gods if it wasn't for the eldar.
3 gods would have done same amount of damage if not more, heck if there only were 3 gods they might fight LESS between themselves as there is less differences.
Truly the visage of evil.
How have CSM been worse for the galaxy?Eldar kept the Galaxy at peace, the Orks and Necrons in check, etc. The drop from that to Age of Strife was way greater than from Age of Strife to the Horus Heresy.
Basically this
Humans had some insane technologies untill the eldar fucked everything for everyone forever.
Even warp travel was safer. Plus, keep in mind that the Golden Throne itself was built during this age
Because he's a screaming queen who wanted to surround himself with hyperbutch, steroid-munching, eight-foot pretty boys.
The question you need to ask is; do the Astartes use sodomy as punishment.... or reward???
Get your homo fantasies out of this thread
He is onto something you know, was Big E homosexual?
Isn't that also a good reason for mankind to commit suicide? I mean 40K humans are also a bunch of arrogant low IQ retards that think they're better than everyone else for no reason.
Warhammer is fucking retarded and I am baffled by how many people take that shit seriously.
Eh, I still hit it.
The Eldar birthed Slaanesh, but most of the manpower of Chaos in reality are humies.
Both are arrogants retards.
At least humans did actualy created their own technology and actualy managed to build a successful empire
The eldar did nothing like that. They just inherited everything from the old ones
>The Eldar birthed Slaanesh, but most of the manpower of Chaos in reality are humies.
Because humans are the majority.
The eldar are being eaten by Slaanesh
Humans have a reason to be arrogant, the eldar don't.
>The Eldar birthed Slaanesh, but most of the manpower of Chaos in reality are humies
Need source on that.
The setting is humanocentric, but nothing indicates that there aren't a lot of chaotic xenos.
For example we got a single pic of a chaos eldar (getting killed by czevrak) while there is supposed to be a shitton of them.
Probably bisexual, considering the fact that he is such a fucking faggot holy shit AND that the Sensei existed.
Looks Asian.
Because Eldar don't actually look anything like that and filthy, untrustworthy xenos squatting in mankind's galaxy.
This is why you never detail the prequel - don't explain shit that doesn't need explaining, especially in settings that are only held together by aesthetics and dakka.
He's trolling, right? Like, he can't have done this and not be self-aware.
Fuck, given how Twitter normally works, I refuse to believe that nobody immediately tossed his words back at him. (Unless he's one of those 'professionals' who uses a handy block-bot to never actually have to interact with people on Twitter.)
Yeah the Emperor was gonna LET Horus fall. Fucking idiot. The Emperor was poorly written but all the morons saying he totally fucked up are even stupider, like this dumb nigger.
>"Yo Angron I am your dad, nice friends you have there. Would be a shame if anyone left them behind to die."
>"Yo, Curze my son, go spook my enemies into submission for me. *Years later* "YOU ARE TO CRUEL AND MUST BE PUT DOWN"
Porn? Sauce?
Is there sauce please?
That's a male.
Nope, though it looks mannish for a supposedly beautiful species.
i can only see a predator mask
That's a dude.
Which matters exactly how to the anons asking for sauce?
Wel I asked for sauce but I'm not going to fap if its a dude.
Because they tried to exterminate humans before the Great Crusade. Emps decided to show them how to do it properly.
Which would be appropriate if it was a striking scorpion I suppose.
Source on this, never heard of Eldar trying to go full Hitler on mankind pre-crusade
GW alternates between weird cat like alien biped and human with pointy ears when it comes to elder art. Right now we're at humans with pointy ears.
That's gay, stop being gay and just fap.
Guess I /am/ gay.
Those kids on Xbox Live were right!
Eldar are worse. Why? They've been around longer.
Everyone tries to look to the past to proved humans fucked up just as bad as the Eldar but the thing is if you go back to every misyake humans made, you go back a bit further and you'll find Eldar fucking things up not just for them but the entire galaxy.
Eldar have the advantage of being aroundfar longer than humans. They should learn from their fuckups. Yet for all their wisdom, all their experience, they keep fucking up. Even some of the biggest fuck ups of humanity occur becuase the Eldar royally fuck up-either they scried the future wrong and fucked up setting the wrong events into motion, or their refusal to divulge information leads to disaster because humans go in blind, resulting in a fuck up that could have been avoided if only the Eldar's sense of judgement wasn't all fucked up.
That's why the Amps knew they needed to die. The power to shape the galaxy in the hands of such fuck ups would ruin the galaxy.
Because xenos that are appealing to the eye are the most dangerous xenos.
Why would the Emprah want to destroy a human?
I feel the Dark Eldar are a good example of this.
Even after all their hedonism literally doomed their race to extinction, wiped out all their coreworlds, and created another fucking Chaos God that the entire galaxy now has to deal with, these fuckers still continue on with it.
And it's not like they were stuck like this permanently or something. If they all truly learned from that mistake literally every Eldar would've become a Craftworld Eldar or Exodite.
There's a fucking reason why the Necrons beat these fuckers along with the Orks and Old Ones during the War in Heaven.
Because eldar are jerks, just like 99% of the people in 40k. Grand list of non-jerks incoming.
Wow it's so long.
>There's a fucking reason why the Necrons beat these fuckers
Yeah, this is why they went to sleep.
Nope that was the enslavers. Eldar hid in the webway.
For real or you're just shitposting?
The Great Crusade wasn't made with the express purpose of exterminating xenos. It was designed to reunite humanity.
War with the Eldar specifically is Fulgrim's fault.
Oh wait, Old Ones almost beat the Necrons, Enslavers arrive, Old Ones leave, because of the Enslavers, not the Necrons, and then the Necrons go to sleep and let the Eldar take over the galaxy and wait until they finally shoot themselves into the foot to wake up.
Stellar victory, Necrons.
I keked out loud
Because it would gladly butcher all of humanity to save a single Eldar.
And because the Emperor would gladly butcher every remaining Eldar to save a single human.
Muh dick don't care
Do people actually get off to le cute anime faces?
>scars on the face
I came
Chances are I'm within day's worth of walking distance from this lovely creature. And tanned enough to get away with acting on whatever urges it evocates scot-free as long as I learn to spout few phrases in Arabic beforehand.
Just saying.
'Coz fuck 'em.
>that last pic
Dude, they mind control people to enslave them. They're pretty not cool.
I'm an Eldar player so I'm defending anyone here, but:
a) Dark Eldar and Corsairs have long victimized humans
b) Most humans don't realize that Craftworld Eldar and Exodites aren't into those same things
c) Craftworld Eldar do occasionally slaughter humans for reasons that may make sense, but are never disclosed
d) The Emperor is a genocidal maniac
e) All of humanity are now genocidal maniacs
In M41 there are enough threats that both sides would be better off accepting each other's existence, but that doesn't mean they do.
It's not their fault. It's like getting mad at cocaine for being addictive.
That's the point. Gender diphormism among eldar are less obvious
how about you look it up? ffs its generally within the first two paragraphs on slaanesh in any wiki
Why is ear so red compare to the rest of her body?
Pressure from what?
Pier pressure.
The elf ears
He’s gay
Necrons have the foresight and knowledge to know their enemy is too stupid to look for them after 65million years.
I would call it ex machina bullshit, but all they did was plan for Eldar being incompetent, which is like knowing water is wet.
The emperor's plan was to completely destroy all females everywhere and make legions of gay, immortal men. Thus, the space marines were born.
You know I would agree with you but the sensei exist.
He's probably pansexual.
Eldar didn't bother finishing off the Necrons because the Necrons weren't a threat anymore. The only reason the Necrons became a threat to the Eldar is because the Eldar lost 99.99% of their population overnight.
Necrons = 65 million years of failure
Eldar = 65 million years of success
Suck it rabbit.
>all they did was plan for Eldar being incompetent, which is like knowing water is wet.
>...but..but they weren't a threat anymore and we had too much buttfucking to do to care about them.
You literally fucked the manifestion of your ineptitude into existence while the Necrons just had to wait for you to implode.
>not a threat.
Oh you mean besides the fact that they still have a vast number of troops across the galaxy despite the fact that eldar were hunting for tomb worlds.
Those dinky little tomb wraiths where enough to keep eldar away from the worlds despite the fact that the eldar were so post scarcity that they birthed a chaos god of decadence?
Or the fact that the necrons made it to mars (something the eldar can't do by the way) with one of their smaller ships.
Necrons have literally been less successful than the Orks. They are shit-tier.
They strolled up to mars and stood their ground almost to landfall.
A craft world would have imploded.
Nevermind the fact that the necrons have taken on two species of god and won (c'tan and the old ones).
>Eldar were looking for Necrons
>Eldar were too busy partying to look for Necrons
>Necrons flew a space ship to Mars and got obliterated by humans
There are literally no eldar ships that could have made it past Pluto.
>strolled up to mars and got vaporized
C'tan aren't gods, neither are the Old Ones. Necrons worshipped the C'tan and committed mass spiritual suicide for them. That makes Necrons retarded, not powerful.
Prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.