Listen man, we understand that you're a social autist who reeks of piss, has a stuttering problem, and generally suffers from a cornucopia of social issues that were caused by being an autist for most of your life but listen, if you can't even muster the courage to ask for a big mac with cheese, let someone else worry about being the party face and choose a class that plays more to your wallflower traits, like a rogue or something. Believe me, you're cringey enough without pretending to be a Chad.
>inb4 "well, how come the scrawny guy can play the barbarian?"
Because, my retard friend, we're playing a game with detailed mechanics on how physical stats work while mental stats work off of ephemeral shit that basically boils social encounters down to roleplay and freeform shit. So, if you can't roleplay effectively as the face, you're about as useful as a Barbarian with 5 STR and 7 CON.
>inb4 then what's CHA for?
It's for the spellcasters who use CHA moron. It's not rocket science!
PSA: Important advice that every player needs to hear
PSA: OP is, has been, and will continue to be, a tremendous cocksucking faggot boi who projects on to others what he feels about himself.
t. Social Autist
People who throw around the word "cringey" are generally pretty cringey, yes. OP sounds like someone with poor social skills who secretly hopes that if he makes threads like this maybe the world won't lump him in with the guy who smells like piss.
So did you tell the guy who triggered this post that, or are you just venting to us
I really hate fags like you who secretly know that you're a cringe lord and deflect your inadequacies on others who call you out on your bullshit.
>Hurr, rather than accept that I'm a social autist who reeks of urine, I better accuse others of smelling like piss to salvage my ego!
Just take a shower and play a quiet character or something, it's not hard and your group will genuinely thank you for accepting your limitations with grace.
Trips of truth.
I agree that people who can't function in basic social settings shouldn't be the party face.
But it's better to give them a shot and let them find out themselves.
That way it becomes less
>boohoo he is just being mean
and more
>holy shit i fucked up so badly this is going to keep me up when i try and sleep at night
When you're forced to listen to them try to string a basic sentence together knowing that their shitty roleplaying is affecting the reputation of the group, it's easier just to tell them no than to make them go through the anxiety of watching everyone at the table groan and cover their eyes in sympathy shame.
Believe me, it happened to my group, and the sooner people learn to draw within the lines, the sooner we can reach cohesion.
It's even worse when the social autist wants to GM
I'd rather they be the GM than a player, if only because then they can focus their autism towards something productive that won't make us cringe in embarrassment.
>autismo can't order food bc "muh autism"
>OP gets his food for him
idk man, he kind of CHA'd the fuck outta you when you think about it
>social encounters down to roleplay and freeform shit. So, if you can't roleplay effectively as the face, you're about as useful as a Barbarian with 5 STR and 7 CON.
Despite being a shitlord, there is a grain of truth in what OP is saying here. HOWEVER, there are systems that have entirely mechanical social rules like Traveller 5. I wouldn't play them myself, but they exist.
>autismo rolling around naked in Walmart, fingering ass and shouting about fishy vaginas
>OP asks the staff not to call the cops and drags autismo out of there
lol autismo is fukken alpha man, nat 20 dip alpha.
still the one at his beck and call
I was going to be polite and not call you a cock sucking faggot, but please reference pics above
You kind of have a MGTOW vibe, but for autismos.
The reason OP is retarded is that he asserts a double standard while couching it in a little bit of truth- You do require basic social skills to function in a gaming roup.
However, with all other types of action in an RPG, all you're required to do is describe it. There's no reason not to allow the same thing with social actions. As long as they can properly convey what they're attempting to do, there's no reason not to let them roll for it.
When it comes to social rolls, a very effective way of describing it is to roleplay it out, but some people aren't comfortable with this initially. The way to respond to this isn't banning them from doing it forever, but to encourage them to try, and reward them for doing so.
It also helps to view actions through the lens of stats. It doesn't matter how silver tongued you are IRL, your Cha 8 barbarian mangled the delivery and fucked it up. Meanwhile, even if that guy is stuttering and sounds uncertain all the way through, his character is way, way better at it, and therefore I'll interpret their IRL description of the reaction in that light.
Social mechanics are just training wheels for social retards.
>I go to diplomacy the shopkeep
>Give me a roll
>Kek NAT 20!
>LMAO, you diplomacy him so hard that he sucks your dick.
>Oh man, I can't wait to post this on facebook/reddit later :^)
I'm not MGTOW, in fact the opposite, I just think it's time to break up with your big mac bf :/
>However, with all other types of action in an RPG, all you're required to do is describe it. There's no reason not to allow the same thing with social actions. As long as they can properly convey what they're attempting to do, there's no reason not to let them roll for it.
Except that the concept of rolling just to say hello to an NPC is so fucking retarded and asinine that it requires anyone with actual intelligence to pinch the bridge of their nose in embarassment, not just for the autists that use it but for the bulk of humanity for having wastes of space who continue to down precious oxygen while being this inept at basic social shit.
Well, of course you wouldn't roll to say hello for an NPC. You only roll dice when there's some degree of uncertainty and tension at play. Do you even know how RPG's work?
>Taking things like "the groups reputation" seriously when the guy doing that representing is new to his job
Nigga give the faggot some time to build confidence and get an idea of what he wants to do or say. Fuck, go easy on him and give him a chance to have fun.
When you're socially ackward in a group full of people who are socially ackward.
To the social autist, every time they interact with anyone there's a degree of uncertainty and tension at play. I mean, what if you offend someone by saying hello with the wrong inflection?
No, if I'm giving the bruiser shit for not remembering his attack rolls, I'm giving the social autist shit for costing us money and reputation because he was either hugged too much as a child or not enough.
Don't sign up to build skyscrapers if you're afraid of heights and expect sympathy from the guy whose paying you to do your job.
Not as cringey as the people who never learned how to spell the word "cringy" but somehow think they're superior to anybody.
Read a book sometime, faggot.
For some reason, I don't think this image is actually about homosexuality. Call it a hunch.
>I literally no meaningful response, so I'm going to correct your spelling
A non-argument warrants a non-response. You think you're more important than you actually are.
Now, THAT'S cringy.
You sound upset, user
you think he'd have the spine to actually confront somebody face to face about it?
No way in hell. Being passive-aggressive in a search for (You)s is his only hope.
>giving the bruiser shit for not remembering his attack rolls
Okay, equal opportunity asshole. I understand. Also glad that I don't have to share a group with you.
Why would I be upset? I got trips.
Grow some empathy, you pathetic piece of subhuman excrement.
Damn i was on OPs side till i read this. you're just a dick.
>costing us money and reputation
>Cha is only for spellcasters
You're a bad DM. Always roll CHA at the beginning of a social encounter to determine how inclined the other characters are to listen and go along with the PC's interaction.
Ah, so this is where all the /b/ posters went.
You sound like a /pol/ak fucked some tumbler bitch and their "son" grew up to be a Fedora teir, muh logic, type.
If you're not going to give us examples of whoever you're bitching about then fuck off
That is true his trips are pretty sick, I think he wins this one OP
If you're too stupid to remember your attack roll, don't be a Fighter. If you're too much of a faggot to make an argument without weeping uncontrollably, don't be the face of the group. It's not rocket science and you don't get a free pass just because you don't give a shit about other people's enjoyment of the game besides your own.
The party face is pretty much the group's lawyer. Their job is to get us jobs, haggle prices, and generally help the party gain influence to get bigger jobs for better prices and potentially ask nobles for favors. When your party face is a social retard, it reflects poorly on the group because it makes them look like a bunch of chumps who will do bitch work for pennies, which also means that their employers might send them to their death because they're "disposable" and shit because "dare I say, those are just filthy peasants, they should be happy to die for my honor for only 5 copper."
Grow some backbone, you pathetic social retard.
>Not just deciding based on the character's personality.
>Not allowing the conversation to flow naturally.
>Calling other people bad
LMAO at your life autist, I bet you need to roll a die to figure out when to go to the bathroom too.
I've given plenty of examples, it's just a shame that you're too lazy to read.
>group face goes to talk to a city guard
>dice rolls are good, he succeeds
>stutters in describing what his PC says to the guard
What kind of pants on head retarded logic is this? What the player verbally says and what the PC says are two different things, you god damn fucktard. The player could have a fucking speech impediment and it wouldn't mean jack shit. All that matters is the dice rolls.
>All that matters is the dice rolls.
Spoken like the fucktarded roll player that you are, thanks for outing yourself autist.
I struggled for years to muster the courage to ask for a big mac with cheese. It's because I was beaten as a child. They called it autism because it let them off the hook.
I'm cool with OP making fun of people like me if it helps him cope with mental issues. I'm told that's part of my recovery process.
>getting this mad
>taking it so personally even though it wasn't directed at you
hmm, interesting
If you as a GM render the charisma stat of your game useless for anything but as a boost for spell mechanics, better fucking make that clear during chargen or reimburse them for wasted XP.
For that matter, homebrew all charisma-tied skills as Wis instead, or maybe an int-wis average and remove Cha entirely.
>that glorious feel when my autism specifically makes me awesome at roleplaying and being the party face, but utterly useless in just about every other interaction
Positives and negatives boys, positives and negatives.
Big macs come with cheese.
You don't spend XP for stats you mongoloid. Even then, why would you invest in CHA if you aren't a caster?
>All that matters is the dice rolls.
This really varies from table to table. Some run social encounters purely mechanically; others purely through roleplaying. I tend to take a sort of hybrid approach.
Being a fence sitter isn't nothing to be proud of son.
they player might be an autist, but their character isn't. I wouldn't make a character that's a skilled blacksmith roll to make a knife given the proper amount of materials and time.
>they player might be an autist, but their character isn't.
Even if the character isn't, they're still being piloted by an autist who can't even say his own name in polite company. If the player is inept, even the best character in the world is going to suffer for it since, y'know, they're not autonomous beings in any capacity.
>I wouldn't make a character that's a skilled blacksmith roll to make a knife given the proper amount of materials and time.
At the same time, you wouldn't let a blacksmith make a knife in the middle of a dungeon with no forge, no tools, and no material either. If a player wanted to spend a turn making a sword, you'd look at him sideways just like most people would look at the resident autist trying to convince the guard to let us through a gate while stumbling over every word like a bow-legged centipede in an earthquake.
>when the DM is LARPing
sure, but that's not equivalent to telling a player that their character fails every social encounter due to their own lack of skill. That would be akin to telling the blacksmith that, since he doesn't know exactly how long to leave the ore in the forge and the force required to hammer out the metal, all of his attempts to smith fail and he wasted all those skillpoints.
Maybe this is the first step to him being able to order that Big Mac with cheese? If I'm not mistaken roleplaying is a good way to practice social skills and trying to understand what someone else might be thinking. Both things that people with autism need help with.
>If I'm not mistaken roleplaying is a good way to practice social skills and trying to understand what someone else might be thinking.
True, but that doesn't mean he should be the party face (or are you in one of those groups where the party face is literally the only character who ever says anything?)
>can't cast actual magic
>cannot call upon the divine wrath of a literal god
>cannot manufacture poisons, apply them and kill an armed man in open combat
>cannot befriend a grizzly bear to the point where it obeys you
>can't hold a longsword and shield in the proper stance
Almost nobody can play with OP
Thing is, if there's a thing like a blacksmith class in the game, logic dictates that there are mechanics that determine how one would go about smithing a sword or something.
For social encounters, even the froo-froo shit that tries to write up "social mechanics," the bulk of your success is going to come from how you go about roleplaying out the scene. Plus, if you can roll a die and sidestep the entire social encounter because of your +35 to charisma, that just encourages rollplayers from dumping all their points into CHA and getting away with everything because "my character is that good at talking."
>can't play cleric if you don't have a relevant religion
>doesn't understand tolkein's elvish, therefor you can't play an elf or speak elvish
>poor, can't play someone from the background of a wealth merchant or nobleman
>gets tired to easily, can't trek across wilderness
In the games I run, there isn't a party face. Everyone takes turns being the "face" except the for the more quiet players. I also don't make them roll CHA skills unless it's needed, so that might help.
>Already covered by the game mechanics
>Already covered by the game mechanics
>Nobody uses poison anyway in D&D
>People have befriended and trained wild animals
>Already covered by the game mechanics
Man, it's almost like you never thought this shit through.
>Plus, if you can roll a die and sidestep the entire social encounter because of your +35 to charisma, that just encourages rollplayers from dumping all their points into CHA and getting away with everything because "my character is that good at talking."
Which is where GM arbitration comes in. You know, ruling what is and is not actually a feasible result from the encounter.
also known as the entire point of having a GM, and not a deck of cards you draw from to drive monster tactics and encounters
Maybe he wants to force himself into speaking? I'm sure he's more aware of his ineptitude at speaking than you are.
>You know, ruling what is and is not actually a feasible result from the encounter.
So now it boils down to the GM's mood? Why even roll dice in the first place?
None of those are things that I would have a reasonably expectation of a player being able to do. I DO have a reasonable expectation that a player can form an entire sentence without blowing spaghetti all over the table.
>Maybe he wants to force himself into speaking?
Maybe he can sit his socially retarded ass down and let someone more qualified take the reigns? The fact that you need to *force* yourself into being the party face is already raising a few red flags.
>Player says: I want to accomplish this goal
>GM: Looks at player's stats, context of situation, inclination of other party
>GM tells players that will be (Hard/Easy/Possible/Don't Even Roll)
>Player decides whether or not to go through with the check
The GM has always been a referee between the players and the rules. Everything has always depended on the GM's mood. The entire point of having a GM is to make rulings on the spot when a player wants to do something not explicitly covered by the rules.
If it weren't for the GM, video games would be an objectively superior medium.
I've always thought CHA skills were how well you presented your argument and what you said was the actual argument presented.
If you say "You should help us" And roll a 35, sure your "You should help us" is slathered with crocodile tears, pain in your voice, convincing body language, the absolutely most convincing acting ever. But all you said was "Help us.". You didn't actually give them a reason to.
Then leave the group, talk to him and say you'd like to talk in game sometimes, or help him get some help.
Complaining online isn't solving anything.
You might be better suited for a board game then?
>VERY fast goalposts moving at incredible hihg speed
What qualifies as spaghettiing to you exactly? What's the borderline, and what's the absolute worst possibility?
why would I bother? I clicked the thread, I took your idiot bait and now there's nothing to do but shitpost in your garbage thread
>If it weren't for the GM, video games would be an objectively superior medium.
Not him, but vidya does have a few perks that tabletop will never have, such as consistency, the ability to enjoy the game by yourself, and the fact that your game can end in an instant because someone in the group had a beef with another person in the group and the drama split the group in half so now nobody wants to play with one another anymore.
If there was a way to have a machine run a game for us while being as open-ended as a human could be, I'd much rather deal with that than a human who just regurgitates the latest FotM anime he saw for three weeks before getting bored.
Yes, I have had shitty GM's before,
why do you ask?
That's cool that you have your games worked out, but I'll be damned if I let your alien gaming philosophy into my games where everyone's already having fun doing possibly the opposite of whatever you're doing.
I never got why people make all the social interaction reliant on just Charisma. The Combat game relies on 3 stats, characters acting according to which stat they favor. So why do we treat the Social game the same way?
>I've always thought CHA skills were how well you presented your argument and what you said was the actual argument presented.
CHA was originally there to determine how many followers you could bring with you to a dungeon. Nowadays, it's pretty much just there because nobody wants to get rid of it.
>He says, while complaining about people complaining online
The only one moving the goalposts here is you.
Huh, that's crazy. D&D really is filled with a bunch of old baggage that's just there just because.
Enjoy cringing for 10 minutes while the social autist tries to convince the king to let us handle the demon invasion, only to end in you all being executed for treason instead.
Those perks of videogames you listed can potentially be perks of board games too come to think of it.
I want a ttrpg board-game hybrid now.
Would you be more specific? Just saying autist and synonyms for autist doesn't make it easier to know what you're actually talking about.
Complaining about your faggotry online is our only recourse. We can't sit you down at the dinner table and explain to you over a Big Mac with cheese how you might improve as a poster.
>He complains about me complaining about you complaining about me complaining over the internet while complaining about me complaining about him complaining over me complaining over the internet.
How could I be any more specific?
>I want a ttrpg board-game hybrid now.
this is also why you get so much treasure but nothing to spend it on. D&D was originally a minigame played between wargaming sessions, and the money would be spent on hiring soldiers and such.
That said, Charisma is still useful in older versions of D&D, because characters a much squishier and combats could actually be avoided, since all that mattered was the treasure
Articulate your specific complaints about the player without using ambiguous, loaded language like "social retard", "autistic", "spaghetti" or "cringe". A simple anecdote, maybe.
What ever it is that you're talking about. What example of a player doing a charisma attempt made you want to write this thread?
Are you sure you're not autistic? You haven't impressed anyone with you social skills so far.
>It's for the spellcasters who use CHA moron
D&D pleb detected. I suppose you also call the GM a DM, rrrrright?
You both sound like big babies who can't handle someone saying mean words on the internet. Here's the censored version though.
>Enjoy [being embarassed] for 10 minutes while the [wallflower] tries to convince the king to let us handle the demon invasion, only to end in you all being executed for treason instead.
am I being PC enough for you?
Why would I try to impress social rejects who get caught up over language and tone? I wouldn't want your respect if you paid me fuckboy!
>hugged too much as a child or not enough.
dude, do you not even know how autism works?
Of course you're going to get executed by the king for treason if the DM is impatient, blood-thirsty, and casually ignores the game rules. I think you need a new group.
u s e s p e c i f i c e x a m p l e , n o t s u b j e c t i v e a n d v a g u e t e r m s .
W e c a n ' t r e a d y o u r m i n d o v e r a k o r e a n f i n g e r - p a i n t i n g w e b s i t e