(((space marines)))
(((space marines)))
Other urls found in this thread:
wake me up when there is female marines.
>black space marines aren't allowed
>especially when they're from a chapter thats famous for recruiting from everywhere from terra to necromunda
>necromunda has no black people
>black space marines
so wha-
>Black guy
>Not a celestial lion
u w0t m8.
Remember when Salamanders used to be black
surprised the waifu isn't on the cover, what page does she first show up? I'd say page 3
maybe you can repackage these to images for your memes and further shitposting
Imperial Fists recruit from Terra. Terra has blacks on it. What's the problem?
Is this from the same comic? 10/10 if so
Any good 40k comic besides Redeemer and Deff Skwadron?
I'm not a fan of the eldar at all, but come on, one of that dozen screaming banshees would have seen that coming and found a solution, maybe sonic screaming his head off or something.
I understand that you dislike jews and blacks(who doesn't?) but this is Veeky Forums. If you want to express your displeasure at least make a thread with more than two words or go to /b/.
no I've had these for a while and that cover is new.
I guess its canon that banshees are dumb then.
What is the waifu's pet name for the marine going to be I wonder
Eldar in books, etc are dumb as shit for some reason. Even in their own books they're mostly dumb.
Darkies are ok, they dont screw up the lore.
>when a gurofag tries to pretend he's a normal artist
Can't let any amount of nonsense or plotholes will get in the way of their dead girls
Now they're BLACK.
i'm saddened that not only is that a real shirt, but the stereotype is so painfully reinforced.
>When you attribute a sexual fetish to an artist who is paid to draw a scene written by someone else
you stupid bro?
What kind of story would you like to see in a 40k comic, Veeky Forums?
I'd like some underhive investigation, or mercenaries in non-imperial space, with aliens and freeports.
Intelligent and scheming characters are difficult to write without resorting to "I already anticipated all your actions, muahahah"
>only dismemberment is silhouettes
>no innards
>no blood
This is hardly guro. Just the amount of gore expected of the grimdark future where's there's only war.
What's wrong? Ragnar Blackman has been a beloved character for years
>What kind of story would you like to see in a 40k comic, Veeky Forums?
A space marine, possibly a squad, are mindwiped and orders implanted deep in their mind psychically to assassinate a chaos lord (possibly Huron) by turning traitor and running off to join them. Then their orders are activated at some point and they (attempt) to do their job.
You'd think Eldar would be all like that but no, a great assault on a craftworld by a space marine chapter and imperial guard? Nah don't see that in the future.
I would pay to see/read that
that's a very cool idea, and would make for an awesome Black Crusade campaign.
A squad of red hunters mind wiped of their love of the emperor. Filled with hate and a strange desire to slaughter their way to the maelstrom. Haunted by echoes of loyalty they spit on their oaths and throw in their lot with the accursed red corsairs. Their vicious actions are mirrored by endless innocent imperial blood. Until a fateful raid during the feast of the emperors ascension.
>Silent night
>Holy night
>All is calm
>All is bright
Like a man waking from a dream, the huronian candiates are filled with the emperors holy purpose. Gone is the fog of heresy, now is the time of righteous fury.
>Huronian Candiates
Coming to cinemas in a Hive near you!
renegade marines that haven't fallen to chaos don't get enough love.
there basically aren't any official ones. Even hurons lads are chaos worshippers. No pirate marines allowed.
Soul Drinkers, Relictors, Lord Caustos' Damned Company,...
>A group of Space Marines called the Damned Company of Lord Caustos turned to Chaos after they were declared traitors by an Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus, based on some flimsy and circumstantial evidence. Although they only turned to Chaos to survive in a galaxy hostile to them, they now live their lives as mercenaries
Thats what lexicanum says about them, they are probably chaos fags by now.
Use chaos weaponry. Crushed by the grey knights, survivors live in the eye of terror.
Possibly non chaos but, with such hubris, I expect them to be chaos fags by now.
>Soul drinkers
BL shit.
When you say non chaos renegades, I think of selfish raider bastards. Like some night lords might be. Or some alpha legion without mission anymore. But in general night lords is likely to be a chaos fag. Alpha legion who knows.
GW decided all renegades become slaves to darkness eventually.
>What kind of story would you like to see in a 40k comic, Veeky Forums?
The War In Heaven.
Show me the conflict between the Necrontyr and the Old Ones, the creation of the C'tan, the Biotransferrence and the birth of the Necrons, the advent of the Krorks, the fall of the Realm of Souls. All of that grand and glorious conflict with no puny 'umies to hog all of the spotlight.
This is gay
Actually its kind of cool how they break up his speech like that to show just how fast the Banshees strike.
>Eldar in books, etc are dumb as shit for some reason.
Mostly because they are arrogant as fuck and grossly underestimate the abilities of their foes.
Humans are WAY smarter than Orks are, but Orks still pull all sorts of shenanigans against Humans because Humans don't respect them as adversaries and consistently underestimate them.
>GW decided all renegades become slaves to darkness eventually.
Well, from a logical perspective, it makes sense. When you don't fight with the Imperial war machine backing you up logistically, and you lack the raw power of Chaos worshippers, you tend to get fucked hard by both, and since the Imperium doesn't allow for take-backsies when it comes to defection, they're eventually going to be absorbed by Chaos warbands or become one themselves just to survive.