Is he our /guy/?
Is he our /guy/?
well idk who is this faggot?
He gives good DMing advice but what small amount of his politics he demonstrates probably puts Veeky Forums off him on the whole.
>he likes 4e
He plays 5e with a splash of 4e combat.
what's this /ourguy/ shit
He's Matthew Colville, and he does some youtube dming advice that is pretty solid.
It's 4chans way of saying he's cool with us
His videos are good and have much great advice. Idk how good of an dm he really would be but Im yet to watch his game sessions. He runs premades and seems to favor combat yet talks about diplomacy often with out giving any good examlpes of how he runs it. None the less the videos are a good for new and vet alike. Sandbox one is the best.
No it isn't. It's a cheeky, satirical way to point out someone previously neutral doing/saying something vile or stupid.
>Hey /b/ is Harbey Weinstein /ourguy/ now? GET IT CAUSE HE RAPED WOMEN! MAYBE THE JEW ISN'T SO BAD AFTER ALL?
Only complete reddity wusses who want a "community" feel would use it unironically. No one here wants to be your "internet friend".
But I want to be your internet friend. Will you be mine?
Sounds like you're /myguy/
>literally teared up talking about Redditcal Role's finale.
Are all D&D players such nu-males?
Someone's jealous :)
He's pretty great.
>Oldfag detected
Get the fuck off my internet lawn!
You don't get to define what a term means. If people use /ourguy/ to denote people who they think are cool, who are you to say they're wrong?
Sure, why not?
If used ironically, it's so we can love him, if not, then it's for us to hate him.
You can normally tell based on the board it's posted on and the subject the meme is directed to. As stands, this thread is to invite scorn upon him for left-leaning political beliefs.
Jeepers you're a cool guy, you sure showed that cuck!
Who the fuck are you to say it's positive?
The fact that the /pol/ shitters that hang out in this board can actually be expected to do this is fucking awful. I see these vermin cackling in the gamefinder discord and this is exactly the kind of lefunytroll baitposters they are.
>Explaning a meme in detail on 4 chan instead of just calling him a faggot
Is no board safe from reddit?
This painted a sadder picture in my mind than I could have imagined.
I've only watched like 3 videos of his content but I think he's pretty good. He introduces new GMs, like me, to resources that are out there to make dungeon building easier.
I wish he wasn't so DnD focused, but there really is no other winning move on youtube.
go away plebbit
Yes. But also he will tell you to fuck off. He hates Veeky Forums.
Just /pol/, but I mean who doesn't hate them?
>Ummmm, well, like, sweetie...? I mean, um, being a leftist, like, IS a thing that happens so um...?
Every post you don't like is /pol/, everyone who dislikes Colville is /pol/. We have this thread ever week and at this point I suspect it's more for publicly freaking out about the possibility someone from /pol/ also comes to Veeky Forums. I wish mods would make /clvl/ already and just ban this shit.
Got me
His politics videos seem to suggest he runs it like the actual diplomacy game.
I thought we hated him because sjw boogeyman
I don't actually like Colville. I find his way of reading his scripts irritating and distracting, and I disagree with a good chunk of his advice. Still doesn't merit making effigies of him to burn. I'm not saying this specific thread is from a /pol/tard, just that it's way too easy to believe, considering what I've seen.
If you'd rather deny, deny, deny, that's your choice to make. I just won't read your posts.
as far as tabletoptubers hes my personal favorite
whos your favorite anons?
>I'm not saying this specific thread is from a /pol/tard, just that it's way too easy to believe, considering what I've seen.
Normal people generally just accept that they don't like some things and move on with their lives, instead of making thread after thread to complain about them. When they do make threads to complain about things, they generally state their criticism outright instead of making these vague, memey OPs that assume we know who these random people are and why we're supposed to hate them.
Probably the kind of youtube video I'd recommend to a very new DM that wants to learn the ropes.
Some of his videos are relevant to more seasoned GMs and it's always interesting to see how someone else runs his game, if only to improve your own GMing skills.
What the fuck does politics have to do with this.